2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

DreadLord1337 said:
Lol, soccer.


'Soccer' is the only sport that deserves being called football. F*ck American Football, cause A) there's no ball, just an egg B) the foot is hardly used. Call it handegg, not football.
C) American Football sucks.

EDIT: Hmm, hit 4000 posts 2 posts ago. Hurray for me :).
D) Soccer sucks.
E) Footballs do not look like eggs, they look like footballs.
PvtRyan said:

'Soccer' is the only sport that deserves being called football. F*ck American Football, cause A) there's no ball, just an egg B) the foot is hardly used. Call it handegg, not football.

haha, very well said :smoking:
DeusExMachina said:
C) American Football sucks.

Aye, Rugby > American Handegg any day. They don't dress up like they're about to disarm a bomb, just shorts and a shirt and pwn some people in the dirt.
The ignorance in this thread is so thick..

I'm choking to death..
Wahh wahh lets argue over football vs. soccer in an internet forum maybe my friends will see how much of a die hard fan I am man! Ronaldo is so sexy I bet his calfs weigh like ten pounds.
Who said I cared about football ('soccer' to the mentally disabled)?

I don't, outside of my own country playing on big tournaments.
PvtRyan said:
Who said I cared about football ('soccer' to the mentally disabled)?

I don't, outside of my own country playing on big tournaments.
Why does my calling a sport by its right name make me mentally disabled?

EDIT! That's a football in the picture, to the right of the egg.
Lol, Bestiality is better than soccer!


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willho said:
Why does my calling a sport by its right name make me mentally disabled?

Because the word sounds that way? Soccer sounds a whole lot less cool than football. Because calling the sport that has the most similarities with actual 'football', anything other than football doesn't make any sense?

Baseball is called baseball because there's bases and a ball.

Volleyball is called volleyball because you hit the ball in the volley.

Basketball is called basketball because there's a ball and a basket.

Football is called football because there's a ball that you kick with your foot.

American football is called football because there's an egg that you throw... DURRRRR?
PvtRyan said:
Because the word sounds that way? Soccer sounds a whole lot less cool than football. Because calling the sport that has the most similarities with actual 'football', anything other than football doesn't make any sense?
I don't follow...

Maybe because I'm right? Yeah.
Right right, that logic works well. All sports should relate to their names.

Second most popular stupid European sport:


The name cricket isn't contradictional to the game itself. A game that you call football where you don't kick (well about as much kicking as there is throwing in 'soccer') nor is there a ball, is contradictive, or just doesn't make sense.

And according to dictionary, the name cricket is based off an old french word for piece of wood. See, makes sense.
PvtRyan said:
The name cricket isn't contradictional to the game itself.
I never said it was.

PvtRyan said:
The name cricket isn't contradictional to the game itself. A game that you call football where you don't kick (well about as much kicking as there is throwing in 'soccer')
Someone's never seen a football game. On average, there's a kick (of far more importance than any kick in soccer) every several minutes.

PvtRyan said:
nor is there a ball, is contradictive, or just doesn't make sense.
You're bleeding ignorance. A football is just as much a ball as any other.
---- Any of various rounded, movable objects used in various athletic activities and games.

Piss off.

PvtRyan said:
And according to dictionary, the name cricket is based off an old french word for piece of wood. See, makes sense.
Congrats, so does football.
PvtRyan said:
Soccer is called soccer because no one care's about it. It also sucks as much as gay sex, gay porn, and incest.

Football is called football because there is a ball that is kicked multiple times throughout the game.
DreadLord1337 said:
I never said it was.

Good. Never said you did.

Someone's never seen a football game. On average, there's a kick (of far more importance than any kick in soccer) every several minutes.

Read my post again. As much kicking in handegg as there's throwing in football. Still, football isn't called throwball yet.

You're bleeding ignorance. A football is just as much a ball as any other.
---- Any of various rounded, movable objects used in various athletic activities and games.

Depends on your definition. I wouldn't call something incapable of rolling a ball, it bounces. And I also wouldn't say oval is a form of round, oval is elliptical, not round. There's no radius.

So it's arguable, but I wouldn't call my sport that involves an eggshaped object that's being thrown around, football. That's the point, not whether or not there's actually a 'ball'.

Piss off.

Not as long as I'm pissing you off. <3

Congrats, so does football.

I'd wager 'football' is based off kicking a ball with a foot as the prime force behind the game. Can't say either is convincingly the case in handegg, so why call it football?
PvtRyan said:
blah blah blah, I'm wrong.

blah blah blah, I'm wrong.

blah blah blah, I'm wrong.

blah blah blah, I'm wrong.

blah blah blah, I'm wrong.

blah blah blah, I'm wrong.
OK, so are you done yet?
PvtRyan said:
I'd wager 'football' is based off kicking a ball with a foot as the prime force behind the game. Can't say either is convincingly the case in handegg, so why call it football?

Because it's a more interesting sport, and though my ancestors may not have been right on in naming the sport, I still need to defend it against the masses of soccer fans.
willho said:

No one cares about it? Guess that's why literally half the world will be watching the World Cup eh? And it's obvious you're a smallminded individual by involving 'gay sex' in it.

Guess who cares about American Football? It starts with an A and ends in Mericans.

And yeah, in American football, the ball is being kicked multiple times. I'm fully aware of that. Are you also aware that in 'soccer' the ball is being thrown constantly by both players and the goalie? Is 'soccer' called throwball/handball though?

willho said:
OK, so are you done yet?

Great comeback there. I'm impressed. Must have been tough to write such a complicated sentence.
PvtRyan said:
Oh, look at me, I've never read a signature in my life. :'(
Yeah, I can see that.

P.S. Three billion will not be watching the World Cup.
PvtRyan said:
Guess who cares about American Football? It starts with an A and ends in Mericans.

The NFL still makes more money than international soccer leagues. :-D
Can we stick on topic stop flaming please this has gotten a wee bit out of hand.
PvtRyan said:
Great comeback there. I'm impressed. Must have been tough to write such a complicated sentence.
My sentences are structured better than the human body. Shut up.
nofx said:
Can we stick on topic stop flaming please this has gotten a wee bit out of hand.

Indeed. It was fun but we're ruining the thread :D
Seriously, everyone shut the **** up. If you don't like Football (or soccer, goddammit), then get the hell out. Go start a thread about Football if you like it so much. Hell, start a thread about your dislike for Soccer. This isn't where you should do it :|
I find it funny you people are arguing on why it's called football or soccer. Don't you have anything better to do with your time? I could not care less as to whether someone says football or soccer. If they mean the same thing, I don't see a problem. But then again I do have the problem of being rational most of the time.

In anycase, since Canada sucks at football/soccer the only team I can root for is Japan. And we all know where that's going...if they win I'd laugh but I don't really care if they lose since I'm not expecting much from them anyway. :)

So to re-cap:

To all those arguing about whether soccer is correct, or football is correct I have some words of wisdom for you. Lighten the hell up...please. You have to remember...it doesn't matter which word someone uses, because you have the satisfaction of knowing that everyone other than yourself is wrong.

You don't see me running around here trying to convince people that anime is not all pokemon and DBZ do you? That's because I don't care...and neither should you.

That is all.


Go Japan!
Kiva128 said:
You don't see me running around here trying to convince people that anime is not all pokemon and DBZ do you? That's because I don't care...and neither should you.

Anime? Trust us, we don't care.
Kiva128 said:
You don't see me running around here trying to convince people that anime is not all pokemon and DBZ do you? That's because I don't care...and neither should you.

Anime is gay.
Ok, well if this thread has anything to do with the world cup anymore, I want to all let you know in advance that Portugal is going to win.:E