2009 - no EP3 info!

I doubt that Combine Assassins will make an appearance, simply because the gameplay mechanic has already been done in HL1 and new challenges are preferable to rehashed old ones.

That has not stopped Valve before. See object #12: antlions.

Wielding the cremator's weapon would be... heavenly...
Jetski? Ice pick? Then i want those!

Jetski became the boat in water hazard in HL2(something about not being enough visual references when driving it made people sick, so it was switched to the boat.) and the ice pick was scrapped as we already have a crowbar and having 2 similar melee weapons is pointless.
I think the cremator could be a distinct possibility despite was its original role was intended to be. I mean if cremators were in C17 (but we just didnt see any) then eli would probably have known what this was: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/en/images/0/0b/Hl2_cremator_head.jpg
since the cremator was never referenced in game besides this one time and it really wasnt even a clear reference, the role of the cremator could be different from what it was in the concept stages
Originally Posted by G(ordon)-man
Actually now i am wondering that if cremator has the acid/flame gun, could Gordon get and use it?

It was an acid gun and it was the original plan for Gordon to be able to use it after killing the cremator. The acid was supposed to be effective on organic enemies, such as headcrabs and antlions. The idea for an acid shooting enemy turned into the antlion worker; though the cremator's head can be found in eli's lab, so obviously it is still in the HL universe.

Originally Posted by PimpinPenguin
The Combine Assassin became the Fast Zombie. The AI was slightly modified but they are pretty much the same.

There were two different types of assassins, the combine assassin (the female combine soldier), and the alien assassin. The alien assassin was actually the one that became the fast zombie, not the combine assassin.

Originally Posted by leib10
I doubt that Combine Assassins will make an appearance, simply because the gameplay mechanic has already been done in HL1 and new challenges are preferable to rehashed old ones.

I've heard quite the opposite. In this article, Valve says that they might use old ideas from their "laundry list" (which would include the combine assassin).
I find it worrying that the juiciest stuff PCG might have access to are 'whiteboards full of info'. I can scribble cool stuff all over a whiteboard myself, but I would be some way off having anything I could call a game.
It could be that they (and by extension the rest of the gaming media) have some sort of non-disclosure agreement (either legal or informal), or Valve are simply playing their cards very close to their collective chest.
There were two different types of assassins, the combine assassin (the female combine soldier), and the alien assassin. The alien assassin was actually the one that became the fast zombie, not the combine assassin.

Wait, what?
so a month has passed by and all waiting for the trailer or something of EP3, is this is the wait for the trailer I gotta see how much we will wait for the actual game.
No L4D DLC too, they seem to be taken vacations and sending promises to keep everyone connected, how low will they go this time.
Let's play the Guess the Right Month Valve Will Release Any Content About Ep3 game.

Um November 2009... well at least that what theyll tell us... "oh ya...thanksgiving... definitely"...
but itll end up being delayed even more... probably until christmas or new years.... or the 4th of july...
ya. july 2010 final answer
Summer 2009 for a preview. Maybe a handful of teaser shots before then. Xmas 2009 for the release. Valve are going to take there time with this one like no other! We're going to experience a new kind of Valve time with this one! The only way we're likely to get it sooner ........................ is if we "move the island".
AGHHHH. I'm starting to get impatient! I've done so well for so long and now I'm losing it!
When does BMS come out btw... i wasnt aware of any sort of official release date announcement besides sometime this year
Why the hell has a name like "G-Man" not taken until now???