7 hours war & America

What ever, Just watch the Damn video.

I just said it could partially imply to the 7 hours war or maybe the Rebellion because the resistence science team IS American I guess.
"Americans have never lost and will never lose a war" - I guess it all depends on the definition of 'losing'.

Anyways, what the hell does this have to do with anything? How does this relate to the 7 hours war?
He's an idiot, ignore him.

I'd love to see Patton take on a strider though. You never know, maybe if the strider stomps enough people, the sheer number of corpses stuck on its legs might make it trip.

BTW, people like Crowbar are the reason the rest of the world can't stand Americans.
You know we love to fight, We love the sting of battle, thats wh ythe world hates us. I like when people hate me, It gives me fuel.

Anyways lets get back on topic shall we?
You know we love to fight, We love the sting of battle, thats wh ythe world hates us. I like when people hate me, It gives me fuel.

Anyways lets get back on topic shall we?

just because hate fuels you does not mean you must give fellow americans a bad name with your smug "everything sucks except america" attitude.
Ok, Well anyways Ignore the America part ok I just put it there because of Patton....his character. I think this implys to the 7 hours war because of Dr. Breen surrendering earth, imo if Patton saw that he would not allow it on his watch we'd fight to the bitter end to every last man, every single last drop of Blood. We'd Fight to the bitter end.
Ok, Well anyways Ignore the America part ok I just put it there because of Patton....his character. I think this implys to the 7 hours war because of Dr. Breen surrendering earth, imo if Patton saw that he would not allow it on his watch we'd fight to the bitter end to every last man, every single last drop of Blood. We'd Fight to the bitter end.

if america or any other nation had never surrendered, it would have been crushed easily by the combine. outnumbered and outgunned, no nation would have been able to stop the combine invasion. so surrendering was the only thing that saved earth. dr. breen did the right thing for the wrong reasons, if you will.
You know we love to fight, We love the sting of battle, thats wh ythe world hates us. I like when people hate me, It gives me fuel.

Anyways lets get back on topic shall we?

Except most Americans oppose the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and were manipulated into supporting said wars in the first place.

If you'll notice, HL2 quite heavily implies that there are no countries or nations left anymore. Breen surrendered, but by then, 99% of the world's military, American or not, was probably already gone.
Okay, a boring video of G-man talking like Patton... and? Huh?

If America hadn't surrendered the war might've lasted an hour extra. What relevance this has to Patton I have no idea, as it goes exactly against what he said about dying for your country.

Oh yeah, most of all the world's forces were probably already wiped out by hour 4. Good point.
if america or any other nation had never surrendered, it would have been crushed easily by the combine. outnumbered and outgunned, no nation would have been able to stop the combine invasion. so surrendering was the only thing that saved earth. dr. breen did the right thing for the wrong reasons, if you will.

That sounds just like when the French surrendered to Adolf Hitler & the Nazi's. Also if you dont know a Strider is equal match to modern main battle tanks like the German Leopard 2, the British Challenger 2, the Russian T-90, the Chinese Type-98, & the American Abrams M1A2 SEP. Also Jet fighters like the F-14 Tomcat, the F-15 Eagle, the F-16 Falcon, the F-18, F-22 Raptor, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, & dont forget the AH-64D Apache long bow, the AH-1z Super Cobra, & the A-10 Thunderbolt II "tank buster" for ground support. If we united against them we could defeat them. Alos Patton is'nt the only guy that did'nt believe in giving in to the enemy.....Winston Churchill anyone?

Oh & by the way, this is'nt War of the Worlds w/ Tom Cruise where the aliens have forcefields on the tripods.

If you guys hate Americans so much, I guess you hate Valve to right? Heh thats what I thought.
That sounds just like when the French surrendered to Adolf Hitler & the Nazi's. Also if you dont know a Strider is equal match to modern main battle tanks like the German Leopard 2, the British Challenger 2, the Russian T-90, the Chinese Type-98, & the American Abrams M1A2 SEP. Also Jet fighters like the F-14 Tomcat, the F-15 Eagle, the F-16 Falcon, the F-18, F-22 Raptor, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, & dont forget the AH-64D Apache long bow, the AH-1z Super Cobra, & the A-10 Thunderbolt II "tank buster" for ground support. If we united against them we could defeat them. Alos Patton is'nt the only guy that did'nt believe in giving in to the enemy.....Winston Churchill anyone?

Oh & by the way, this is'nt War of the Worlds w/ Tom Cruise where the aliens have forcefields on the tripods.

If you guys hate Americans so much, I guess you hate Valve to right? Heh thats what I thought.

in my opinion, other armies such as israel are probably better than the usa's army. and they were apparently easily crushed by the invasion. and we TRIED uniting against them. for 7 hours. then we along with everyone else's military was shattered by the combine army. the reason that the rebels were able to cause a successful uprising in city 17 is because in most of the urban areas the only force that was there was civil protection. face it, the combine could and did defeat the U.S. military in a matter of hours. oh and for the record: i live in america and i LOVE my country. i just respect other nations and do not act like we are better than them.
The 7 hour war may have very well contained technologies that we have yet to see in HL2, which is post-war.

It stands to reason that the combine wouldn't need to keep their best weaponary on Earth to flesh out the small groups of rebells in what is already a destroyed and conquered world.

The combine didn't expect such an uprising, because there was no hope until Freeman suddenly appeared and everyone started rebelling. That is why in HL2 they were defeated... because they weren't prepared for Freeman and everyone rebelling.
Lol at the G-Man speaking like Patton (sorry if this offends anyone, but this was really funny)
Political stuff aside...

Striders and the like are not what was used in the 7 hour war. A strider probably indeed is not much more powerful than a modern main battle tank. Let's say slightly more powerful. Gunships aren't much more powerful than fighter jets.

During the 7-hour war, though, the Combine likely used much more powerful technology. Orbital bombardment, energy disintegration stuff bombs (like the pulse gun's alt-fire), etc. What they left afterwards was a small containment force. Imagine a war where one side moves in with hundreds of tanks, F-18s, Apaches and tens of thousands of infantry with M4 and other powerful weapons. They totally annihilate the enemy, and leave behind a small force. A couple dozen Humvees, a few APCs and 2000 infantrymen with MP5 guns. That's equivalent to what the Combine did. They used their state-of-the-art weaponry to eliminate all meaningful military forces on Earth, subjugated the population, and left behind a comparatively weak and small containment force.
What ever, The topic says 7 hours war does it not.

Also if we had no chance during the 7 hours war, but then after the rebellion that would mean we still had no chance because no support of fighting vehicles, if they destroyed our forces during then, we would have no chance now when the Combine return.
What ever, The topic says 7 hours war does it not.

Also if we had no chance during the 7 hours war, but then after the rebellion that would mean we still had no chance because no support of fighting vehicles, if they destroyed our forces during then, we would have no chance now when the Combine return.

thats where freeman comes in... he is going to have to somehow destroy the combine for good so they will not return to earth in great numbers
thats where freeman comes in... he is going to have to somehow destroy the combine for good so they will not return to earth in great numbers

or there wouldnt be a game... duh! some one close this... its point less, the combine basically kick ass and im scared shit-less of what the hunters might do in E2 !? end of story.
or there wouldnt be a game... duh! some one close this... its point less, the combine basically kick ass and im scared shit-less of what the hunters might do in E2 !? end of story.

Actually there is going to be another full HL game, Gabe knows it. Even though the Episode's count as HL3 it does'nt really eman its the end of the HL world. its not a conclusion to the HL(Freeman adventures) saga.

Valve said it themselves even though the episodes count as HL3 but who ever said about ending it?

Gabe & company knows that allot of HL fans are expecting another full HL game.
That sounds just like when the French surrendered to Adolf Hitler & the Nazi's. Also if you dont know a Strider is equal match to modern main battle tanks like the German Leopard 2, the British Challenger 2, the Russian T-90, the Chinese Type-98, & the American Abrams M1A2 SEP. Also Jet fighters like the F-14 Tomcat, the F-15 Eagle, the F-16 Falcon, the F-18, F-22 Raptor, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, & dont forget the AH-64D Apache long bow, the AH-1z Super Cobra, & the A-10 Thunderbolt II "tank buster" for ground support. If we united against them we could defeat them. Alos Patton is'nt the only guy that did'nt believe in giving in to the enemy.....Winston Churchill anyone?

Oh & by the way, this is'nt War of the Worlds w/ Tom Cruise where the aliens have forcefields on the tripods.

If you guys hate Americans so much, I guess you hate Valve to right? Heh thats what I thought.

The French didn't just "surrender", they were invaded and crushed by Germany. France's military was armed with WW1 era armour, and outdated weapons. Also, the blitzkrieg tactics used by the germans were unprecedented, and brutally effective. It's not like they just said "AY HITLAR, CUM HAVE OUR COUNRY LOLZ!". If you don't have any idea what you're talking about, please stfu.

As other people have mentioned, the Combine forces you're fighting now likely a pale shadow of what they're capable of. Also, keep in mind that most military hardware was probably disused and out of order by this point. Countries were in disorder and chaos during the portal storms, when aliens randomly appeared on the earth. It is doubtful that our militaries were capable of repelling any major attack, as we were struggling with headcrabs and gargantuas (understandable, imo).

It's a fictional story. In the story, we get raped by the Combine. End.

And we don't hate Americans, we hate idiots (that's you, buddy). It's just that American idiots have more access to technology than other countries, and you have to hear them more.
That sounds just like when the French surrendered to Adolf Hitler & the Nazi's. Also if you dont know a Strider is equal match to modern main battle tanks like the German Leopard 2, the British Challenger 2, the Russian T-90, the Chinese Type-98, & the American Abrams M1A2 SEP. Also Jet fighters like the F-14 Tomcat, the F-15 Eagle, the F-16 Falcon, the F-18, F-22 Raptor, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, & dont forget the AH-64D Apache long bow, the AH-1z Super Cobra, & the A-10 Thunderbolt II "tank buster" for ground support. If we united against them we could defeat them. Alos Patton is'nt the only guy that did'nt believe in giving in to the enemy.....Winston Churchill anyone?

Oh & by the way, this is'nt War of the Worlds w/ Tom Cruise where the aliens have forcefields on the tripods.

If you guys hate Americans so much, I guess you hate Valve to right? Heh thats what I thought.

Lawl rofl, your such a tard, its not we dont like america, we dont like people who think america is sooooo god damned superior to other countries and are able to crush anything.
If you guys hate Americans so much, I guess you hate Valve to right? Heh thats what I thought.

Dude, **** off.
As Skeletor said :
leave your nationalistic penis waving at the door please

And I didn't know that this was the new politics forum. Go back to the REAL Politics forum where you Oh My Country Is The Best In The World people came from. God I hate those type of people. And frankly, I hate all Bush supporters.
EDITed for truth:
Lawl rofl, your such a tard, its not we dont like america, we dont like people who think america is sooooo god damned superior to other countries and are able to crush anything.

Yea. That's what I'm trying to get at, summed up nicely. Thanks Ktimekiller.
Due to the portal storms everyone was forced into cities. Most of the militaries where probably posted on the perimiter of the cities. The Combine teleport citadels into the middle of the cites and units pour out. Humanity wouldn't stand a chance.
Go awai, I was F**kin' talking about the F**kin' 7 hours war. If you dont know GORDON FREEMAN IS A NATIONALISTIC ****. Why dont you worship Shepard.

P.S lets stop with the politicalness, on this topic, This is about 7 hours war.

Ok we did'nt stand a chance during the 7 hours war, but during the the rebellion even with Freeman with us we will be exterminated then, Am I right?

I can predict the ending of HL, The combine invade earth, every body dies, but just in that split second G-man rescue's Freeman just in the nic of time. mean while......Alyx, Barney, Mossman, Eli, & Kliener are all dead & exterminated, alos every one on earth is Exterminated aka apocalypse.
Crowbar is a funny guy :D Nothing he says makes any sense.
Sorry mate, but you dont half talk some bollocks.
Dear Crowbar,

You're an idiot and your photoshop skills suck.

Ok we did'nt stand a chance during the 7 hours war, but during the the rebellion even with Freeman with us we will be exterminated then, Am I right?

If this was a realistic story Freeman should have died back in Black Mesa and yeah in the rebellion with or without him they would've all died. But this is a game and anything goes I guess.

P.S. We beat those pesky aliens in "Independence Day" so why couldn't we beat the Combine.:p
....What the **** is this guy even talking about? I can't understand a single thing he says.