7 hours war & America

I agree with everything everyone has said on this thread.
Oh god, you had this long discussion about it, it was a seven our war because a ****ing load of citadels appeared over night within all of the major cities. If you actually looked around when you taken up the Citadel in City 17, you will come to realize that the Citadels can create an UNLIMITED amount of gunships, striders and soldiers. The portal storms created by the Black Mesa Incident also gave the Combine the suprise advantage to send millions of Combine forces down to earth into these Citadels. The worlds armies were already completely outnumbered by the time they started the fight against them, end of.
Oh god, you had this long discussion about it, it was a seven our war because a ****ing load of citadels appeared over night within all of the major cities. If you actually looked around when you taken up the Citadel in City 17, you will come to realize that the Citadels can create an UNLIMITED amount of gunships, striders and soldiers. The portal storms created by the Black Mesa Incident also gave the Combine the suprise advantage to send millions of Combine forces down to earth into these Citadels. The worlds armies were already completely outnumbered by the time they started the fight against them, end of.

IMO this topic is Irrelevant. We all know what happens, 'we lose'. We surrendered because we could have been explunged, but Dr. Breen did the saintly thing for a great cause. I dont know why the rebels consider him such a dastardly enemy, His goals were for the good of all people.

Humanity was very close to Immortality, it was just within' our reach. This simple fact has far reached implications, it requires radical re-thinking & re-vision of our genetic imperitives. Its also requires planing & forethought that went into direct opposition of our neural precepts. I find it times like these to remind myself that our true enemy is instinct.
Mate, he stopped people having children, he turned people who resisted and just any random people into Stalkers, he ruled the city through propaganda, used force to implement his rule, got rid of every resource and activity for the people to use and had people drink water tainted with all sorts of chemical crap and eat 'food' also tainted with all sorts of chemical crap.

So you are saying you could live with all that? Because i dont know you, but that first point alone would make me wanna rebel quicker than a cheater can run with a dart up its arse!
He's american, half the shit on that list is already being done to him.

Damn, arguing politics again...

Anyways, let's compare an MBT and a Strider.

A strider is a three-legged biologically engineered war machine, towering over the battlefield, being over five stories high at it's peak. It is heavily armored, as it can take up to five DIRECT guided RPG hits to the main body to disable it. Further more, it is equipped with an extremely precise rapid fire pulse cannon, as well as a disintegration ray. While the first is well suited for combating infantry and light armor, the secondary weapon, as witnessed by doctor Freeman, was capable of punching through thickest cave ins, in order to allow the Strider to pass through. Another feat of the Strider are it's legs. Not only are they constructed to give the Strider all-terrain mobility, they can be used as impalement devices.

In addition, the Strider's agile body can easily be compacted, making it no larger than a train carriage, so that it can be transported by Dropships, giving it mobility unmatched by any modern human tank.

The representative of the MBTs will be the loved and praised M1A2 Abrams. An American Main Battle Tank, Abrams have been known to dominate the battlefield thanks to their armour, weapons and speed. More info here.

But while the Abrams proves to be effective against other human weapons, the Strider is an entirely different brand of Brahmin.

Standing towering tall, but also able to fast change their height by 'ducking', the Strider is given an unique advantage over the tank - it clearly sees the top of the tank, where the armor is light, and the tank's gun is located, along with the commander. It is safe to assume, that the pulse-gun would suffice to disable the tank permanently, and if not, there's always the secondary cannon or simple impalement.

It was said, that the Abrams can outmaneuver the strider. Well, it is impossible, as the tank, being a tank is just slow offroad, has to turn in order to make a turn and has to accelerate. The Strider, as it is essentaille a walker is free from these limits, and at any time it's walking pace proves to be faster than the tank. And if it isn't, well, there are always Gunships supporting the Strider, which will easily take out the tanks with their "belly cannon", firing projectiles similiar to the suppression devices.

And if any else fails, the Dropships can be used as improvised weapons - taking an Abrams and using it as a large projectile against emplacements, infantry and other fortifications is a terrifying, if not effective, weapon.

Conclusion: Strider owns MBTs at any time, anywhere.

Addendum: Also, the pulse cannons would be effective against aircraft, if the gunships are absent. Which I doubt, as gunships also prove an able anti-air weapon, as they don't have to complete attack runs like fighters have to, or ren't sitting ducks like modern military helicopters are (by comparison to the versatile gunship).

-- Mikael Grizzly, Resistance military analyst ;)
The strider and the gunships can take up to 7 hits on hard mode ;)
I'm pretty sure the cannon on an Abrams is a tad more powerful than an RPG. Also, the plasma cannon on the Strider is not that powerful. The disintigration ray is though, true. I wonder what the effective range of a Strider or Gunship is...

Abrams can shoot, accurately, from pretty far away. I'd also wager that an Apache would be more than a match for a Gunship.

I don't think the Combine beat us just because their tech was so much better, I think it was mostly their tactics.

When they appeared in the cities they basically cut off the chain of command in one blow.

The military never had a chance because it could not act in any coherent way.
I'm pretty sure the cannon on an Abrams is a tad more powerful than an RPG. Also, the plasma cannon on the Strider is not that powerful. The disintigration ray is though, true. I wonder what the effective range of a Strider or Gunship is...

Abrams can shoot, accurately, from pretty far away. I'd also wager that an Apache would be more than a match for a Gunship.

I don't think the Combine beat us just because their tech was so much better, I think it was mostly their tactics.

When they appeared in the cities they basically cut off the chain of command in one blow.

The military never had a chance because it could not act in any coherent way.

So true.

The Abrams has a 120mm Smoothbore main cannon that uses uranian tipped 120mm round & cuts through the hardest & the thickest metal like a hot knife through butter. Its cannon has a effective range of 2000 meters. There's a difference between 120mm uranium tipped round & a some regular 80mm guided RPG's. Abrams & other MBTs' has the "On the move" capability.

But they came into the citys & we were surrounded, we had no chance against those type of odds.
Examine how a gunship acts, and how pilots act. The gunship is essentially a large creature, and it controls every aspect of it's flight, can quickly ascend or descend, can extremely precisely aim it's pulse cannon and fire it, as it is directly jacked into it's brain. Add to this the fact, that they maneuver so rapidly, and you get a jelicopter killer. A chopper takes little to be disabled, and the gunships could pretty much shoot off their rotors. Plus, it is designed for long-range engagement, and a gunship could very fast cut the distance straight to the combat helicopter. I doubt an Apache would be able to take on a gunship. Three, maybe. But one on one... no.

And I still keep my point, that Striders are of higher quality than even the Abrami. I'll post a small comic why they are.
Seven hours war!!!
What can a modern army do in 7 hours, launch some missiles, wake up the generals, decide what to do, prepare a tactic, send the orders, prepare the troops and get out from the barracks. And... to late it's over!!!
In fact you need 24 to 48 hours to set an army in order to fight a war.
If you have ennemies spreading everywhere in the country in a few hours, the war wont even happen. You can't launch nuclear missiles on your own land killing everybody. You won't have time to engage classical weapons, all you can do is fuel your tank, find the key of the armory, load all the ammunition you can find and run out trying to find an ennemy.
So if the combine were able to cut all communications, no battle will ever happen. We would be just like ants running in all direction when you kick their nest.
Seven hours war!!!
What can a modern army do in 7 hours, launch some missiles, wake up the generals, decide what to do, prepare a tactic, send the orders, prepare the troops and get out from the barracks. And... to late it's over!!!
In fact you need 24 to 48 hours to set an army in order to fight a war.
If you have ennemies spreading everywhere in the country in a few hours, the war wont even happen. You can't launch nuclear missiles on your own land killing everybody. You won't have time to engage classical weapons, all you can do is fuel your tank, find the key of the armory, load all the ammunition you can find and run out trying to find an ennemy.
So if the combine were able to cut all communications, no battle will ever happen. We would be just like ants running in all direction when you kick their nest.
The portal storms probably had all the world's army pretty much at the ready when the war started.
With the amount of Combine who actually teleported down? I would say the worlds armies were outnumbered 10/1 if you count all of the other waves coming in, they would have just kept sending them in to the citadels and marching them out, the citadels would have been making countless amounts of weapons, gunships, striders and the like.

In fact, it wasn't even a war from the looks of it. More like the 7 hour slaughter.
You know we love to fight, We love the sting of battle, thats wh ythe world hates us. I like when people hate me, It gives me fuel.

Anyways lets get back on topic shall we?

Only a moron would be so inadequate to believe that 'the world hates' America.

Most people in the world don't care. If you want to believe your self-made myths about America being powerful and feared, go right ahead. Nobody is listening.
lol im from Manchester too hehe


agree with you completely
You know we love to fight, We love the sting of battle, thats wh ythe world hates us. I like when people hate me, It gives me fuel.

Anyways lets get back on topic shall we?

Ewww, patriotism, but I guess it's just because I'm not used to it. I and everybody I know hate our country (UK) mainly because of chavs and the crappy government, stupid Tony Blair, the only reason he keeps getting back into parliament is because the majority of this country are chavs , criminals, paedos, rapists, illegal immigrants and terrorists and they are the ones benefitting from his stupidity and they keep voting him in. Fortunately I'm buggaring off to Australia with my family in a year or so =D...............this thread has nothing to do with half life =0
Let me say upfront, We had no chance in winning such a battle we we're surrounded, outnumbered, & outguned.

So therefore I say Dr. Breen did the right thing, & when the resistence "resisted" was probably the worst mistake from that point on.

We should all have all "Collaborated" along side Dr. Breen. Also All those stupid enough to resist found themselve's in a wrong position.

If I was a citizen of City-17 I would personally thank Dr. Breen for helping us get rid of the demon inside us.....Instinct.

Instinct is inistrictably bound to unreasoning impulses & today we clearly see its true nature. Instinct has just become aware of its Irrelevance & like a cornered beast it will not go down with out a bloody fight.

Instinct tells us the unknown is a threat, rather than a opportunity.

Instinct would inflict a fatal injury on our species.

Instinct creates its own oppressors & bids us rise up against them.

-Dr. Wallace Breen
Im sorry, but you are talking out of your arse as far as I am concerned. I cannot believe for one second that you would be happy living under his rule and the rule of the Combine. Yes the guy did stop the human race from being exterminated but when he joined them, and supported them, well he became just as much an enemy as they did. He was quite happy to send people systemically to Nova Prospect to be turned into Stalkers, if anyone even whispered one critizism, then its curtains for. They had inadequate food and drink riddled with all sorts mind controlling chemicals, they had crap living conditions, were forced to wear prison like gear and hell they weren't even alloud to have sex and were stopped from creating any offspring, that alone means the destruction of the human race, not whatever he rambles on about. Every citizen you see is completely broken and despressed, and you think that wouldn't be in those sort of conditions? My god you should step back into reality and actually realize what crap you are coming out with.
Yes that is true,

Don't you think the "humanoid" or just plain "Humans" is a disgusting race of earthlings, look at what we do.

Also Only those who rebelled against him were turned into such things like stalkers. People like Alyx where turned into stalkers.
Breen has very good intentions(however does look for his own personal benefiet aswell).

However as it was said, "One side is wrong, the other is very wrong".
Breen has very good intentions(however does look for his own personal benefiet aswell).

However as it was said, "One side is wrong, the other is very wrong".

Oh yeah, real good intentions.

Turn one portion of humanity into mindless drones, which arguably robs of them of their humanity anyway.

Completely erradicate all the rest.

He's such a misunderstood saint...
Oh yeah, real good intentions.

Turn one portion of humanity into mindless drones, which arguably robs of them of their humanity anyway.

Completely erradicate all the rest.

He's such a misunderstood saint...

My point exactly