A democratized forum idea

Sieg Raziaar! Sieg Raziaar! Sieg Raziaar!
It's interesting, but even amongst the voting it'd need some form of moderation.

If, say, you had a automated system that banned once voting had reached a certain point, you'd just see members gone every two seconds for not being quite liked as much as the rest of us. I don't know about you, but when I see a vote for anything online I just click the nay button.

Also, with the knowledge that everyone is free to vote, the power gets so thinly distributed that no one would really care anyway.

We need moderation like [noun] needs [secondary noun that really needs former noun].
Fish needs a underwater jet-scooter.
Sounds like a mad grab for power, Raz. You think I wouldn't notice? I SEE PATTERNS. Your populist message is only a smokescreen for your own lusty authoritarian desires.

Ohhh... perhaps! But I'd never get power. I'd clash too much with the current forum administration! I wouldn't be able to fight crime externally, I would be too busy kicking ass internally!

Sieg Raziaar! Sieg Raziaar! Sieg Raziaar!

Just once before I die... just once.