A preview of things to come


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Cliffe has kindly
a new concept image for Valve's upcoming "surprise".[br]
[br]Yes, it's deathmatch.
what doe barreled mean?

it seems they goona patch ti so you can play form many diff point of views.
no, this is HL2DM.

Cliffe confirmed it.
maybe its some type of Multi that involves you playing as the citizens against combine ?
Looks like HL2DM to me... Huzzah.

Oh and just because i've been meaning to ask, who would win in a fight: Cliffe or Cliffy B ?
Yup, looks like DM. Combine VS. Rebel Citizens.


My only question would be, when are we getting this? At the end of the week? Tomorrow? Later today (doubtful)?
This looks like its team-based... Oh man, if this is like RTCW/ ET that would be AWESOME....
It clearly is Deathmatch. Not only was this the most likely option for the surprise, but some guys at steampowered.com have found some file in Steam that says "Half Life 2: Deathmatch". Now, with this picture, we know that it's DM. It's rebel citizens fighting against combine. What else could it be except for HL2 DM? It's highly unlikely that it's an additional chapter where you play as one of the rebels. It just wouldn't make a lot of sense. Besides, if you look closely it takes place in a place that very closely resembles Nova Proskept. In other words, it's a multiplayer map modded for the Nova Prospekt level.
gegam said:
what doe barreled mean?

it seems they goona patch ti so you can play form many diff point of views.
Barrel'ed as in 'just got hit by a barrel'.

Presumably because it sounds much better than toilet'ed.
Just when you thought things couldn't get any better.

I just got very excited. And it seems to be some sort of team deathmatch going on in that specific pic, if you look at who's shooting who. So regular deatchmatch + team deatchmatch + some sort of ctf (it's mandatory these days) are what we can expect?
The HL2DM_2 filename might have a clue in it.

Anyway, enough sarcasm. Woo! For manipulator deathmatch!
For those of you who still doubt this is HL2DM for sure, not only does it look like it, not only has Jess confirmed it, but, go to the Steam news site, and look at the properties of the pic. See the filename?

(Thanks for pointing out my ineptitudes, kenman. I know you're here... somewhere.)
If you right click on the image in the steam news section and go to properties it says "HLDM.jpg". Pretty sure it's half life deathmatch now.
kupoartist said:
Looks like HL2DM to me... Huzzah.

Oh and just because i've been meaning to ask, who would win in a fight: Cliffe or Cliffy B ?

I thought the same thing since I'm a Unreal fan boy :imu:
the thing that is making me believe that it is DM (other than really hoping it is), would be the citizen holding the gravity gun. I dont think that any AI can really use a gravity gun as well as a human can. That makes me think that we are controlling citizens, and making an option to be a citizen in the story seems kinda off the story line. Unless they have tons of stuff we dont have, i dont think it would be any kind of expansion. Do i make any sense? Cant wait to see :p

EDIT: man this thread is quick, the pic name says it all woot!
ARRRGGHHH ffs why do I have to wait till xmas to play ;(

I touched the box today in Game, and had to explain to my friend why it's better than Goldeneye: Rouge Agent (or whatever it's called)
woo hooo.

looks to be death match, but i wouldn't be suprised if its just a hoax, and the real suprise is a little level based in a room, with a toilet in it.
the file name is hl2dm.jpg...it's definitly deathmatch
oh and another thought, if it is dm, then surely all the main review sites would need to change their reviews to take this into account?

One might wonder what they mean by soon though. Is it the publicly accepted term aka somewhere withint the near future, or is it the valve soon - a bleak distant future where mankind is long since enslaved by a robotic race? This week could get awfully long.
Pippinator said:
woo hooo.

looks to be death match, but i wouldn't be suprised if its just a hoax, and the real suprise is a little level based in a room, with a toilet in it.
Yes that would suck, but would they do that? I hope not :D :sniper:

But now that we are 99% sure we are getting it, i dont mind waiting a valve week, better later then never :D

Im just curious why they would release it now, wouldnt it boost sales big time if they advertised it on the release?
AWESOME! :) Yay for HL2 DM

Went to steampowered.com to see if there was any news on the SDK and that image come up, I was like "huzzah"

Poor mod teams that thought that HL2 would have no deathmatch, so they started a mod... well let's hope they can create kick-ass levels because their rivals, if they decide to continue, is VALVe themselves.... Well that is unless the mod teams decide to recreate HL1 deathmatch instead.
Hah that guy who sold his copy of HL2 (and wouldnt shut up about it) is going down the shops tommorow methinks :D
Risiko said:
It just wouldn't make a lot of sense. Besides, if you look closely it takes place in a place that very closely resembles Nova Proskept. In other words, it's a multiplayer map modded for the Nova Prospekt level.

Name of the place is NOVA PROSPECT and that is where Valve is gonna send all of you non belivers. :D

Valve have maybe created the best game ever and they get 98% in almost all game reviews I have seen. And all you non belivers are still vining about noe MP, who gives a shit if it does not have MP in my mind MP is something I don't like at all.

MP to run around like a idiot where u have no chance to win the game that is what u want go figure.

But guess Valve finaly maybe said: hell we'll give em it.
Lol, name of the attached image in his post is HL2DM_2.jpg :cheers:
alphadec said:
Name of the place is NOVA PROSPECT and that is where Valve is gonna send all of you non belivers. :D

Valve have maybe created the best game ever and they get 98% in almost all game reviews I have seen. And all you non belivers are still vining about noe MP, who gives a shit if it does not have MP in my mind MP is something I don't like at all.

MP to run around like a idiot where u have no chance to win the game that is what u want go figure.

But guess Valve finaly maybe said: hell we'll give em it.

Actually it is Nova Prospekt with a K. :)

CLiffe is a Valve employee, the thread is over in the general section.
I remember being told so smugly and authoritatively by certain people on this board how CS:S was the only MP and how wrong I was for thinking that it would be released.

Where are you all now, huh?
haha, imagine Gamespot and IGN...

Half-Life 2: We Were Wrong :p