A Serious Discussion About Drugs And Alcohol

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"Serious" in this thread is long dead , It is unnecessary for me to attempt to post my opinions.
drugs are bad!!!!!!requium(SP?) FOR A DREAM IS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! YET SCARY ... VERY SCARY

oh and dont take the pill .. i hope im not 2 late
Originally posted by sayam
drugs are bad!!!!!!requium(SP?) FOR A DREAM IS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! YET SCARY ... VERY SCARY

oh and dont take the pill .. i hope im not 2 late
I think you are too late.
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
Don't half ass it, give me a break... Theres a difference between getting wasted and getting buzzed... I usually drink 5 coronas and thats enough to get me feeling nice.

[*edit- And I like to eat bunny rabbits.

*pukes* Coronas are Mexican piss
Personally I think it's a matter of self control. I know alot of people onto alcohol and drugs, on one hand theres my parents circle of friends who handle it very well, and are the nicest people you'll ever meet. They take the occasional bud to stay calm and drink lightly at social occasions. On the other hand there's my younger mates who're having a few problems and (I think) have reverted to drinking and stuff to 'solve' their probs. Not pretty :/

Personally I vowed to stay clean when I was like 10 because I still had a brain back then :D good thing I kept to it too, as I've been through a bit and going down that path would have been extremely self-destructive. But yeah I'm not too sure about in future but I'll definitely wait until I'm old enough and mature enough to trust myself :p Then maybe.

Only thing I truly object to is cigarettes. Absolutely bloody useless products of greed used to rake in cash while they ruin peoples bodies and lives. I don't have a problem with smokers, mostly, but I can't stand the fact that someone ever concieved of even thinking of making such an awful thing, it's disturbing...
Originally posted by FictiousWill
You freaking idiot. You're a fool to even consider taking drugs as an option. Anyone who takes drugs (or considers taking them) should be psychologically examined, because something is not right upstairs. I am completely unsympathetic towards your 'dilemma,' and I hope you endure to the fullest extent every consequence of your decision - be it beneficial or detrimental.
"The guy has a problem... I know! Let's insult him!"
Seriously, you seem to have been successfully brain-washed by anti-drugs propaganda. I'm going to guess that you're American because they have a much stronger witch-hunt mentality to their campaigns than many other countries.

Bass - Corona is great. With a slice of lime. Same goes for Sol.
Tr0n - Weed IS a drug. Alcohol IS a drug. Tobacco IS a drug. Caffeine IS a drug. It's all just about levels of effect, etc. Although I understand why you'd say it's not a big deal.

EDIT: Bad^Hat - good point about cig's. There's really not a great deal of point to them. Need to de-stress? Have a nice cup of tea:)
No I didn't take it yet, I was planning on tommorow.

Altough after I read all the posts, I don't think I will.

I seriously don't know what to do.
Dude, seriously with all due respect to your maturity you are NOT old enough to take ecstasy. I'm not saying that there's an age where one SHOULD take it, but when you're a little older your body and mentality are more formed to be able to handle the effects (both during and after). When a friend of mine did it for the first time, she was 16/17 (bear in mind girls mature faster than boys) and she only took half a tab. She said the effects were fantastic whilst she was on it but for the next TWO DAYS she felt dehydrated, and very very tired like somereally weird hangover. From half a tab in an older body than yours.
I can understand that there'd be a lot of appeal in doing it and if you want to then that's totally your choice and that's cool. All I'm saying is wait. Wait till you're a little older. If you're really not sure then DEFINITELY don't do it - many drugs' effects are drastically dependant on the frame of mind you're in when you do it. If you're apprehensive, there's a much larger chance of it having bad effects.
Seriously man - wait until you're older and feel more certain. Then make your decisions. Till then hold back. It's all good.
Well its pretty f---ing obvious that if you are addicted, you are a stupid screw-up. anyone has common sense knows to stay away from drugs.
Originally posted by lammmbda
Well its pretty f---ing obvious that if you are addicted, you are a stupid screw-up. anyone has common sense knows to stay away from drugs.

well according to your logic, many great and important people througout history are stupid screw ups.
Originally posted by Bass
well according to your logic, many great and important people througout history are stupid screw ups.

I wouldnt doubt it.
Originally posted by :>~
Well ok I didn't get it anyway so yeah :D
Cool - good for you :) Let your body grow before you start experimenting a-proper. Make informed decisions. It's all good.

Oh, and lammmbda? Drug addicts are people (let me press all emphasis on that word) with genuine problems - not something to be looked on as dirty and spat at. It's not that they're "stupid screw-ups" with no common sense, it's that they have a weaker resolve than other people and there's not much to help that. It's your kind of mentality that spreads fear and disdain of these people when really what they need is help.
Think about it - if a crack addict steals to pay for their next hit, that's not right but it's not because they want to be stealing necessarily. It's because they NEED it. Need to look at cause and not so much effect here.
I'm not saying: "It's not a problem for people to be drug addicts" Of course it is. But we have to be willing to help them rather than piss on them (metaphorically speaking).
Bass is right though... some of the best music, poetry and art has been done under the influence.
Originally posted by :>~
Well ok I didn't get it anyway so yeah :D

That's probably a good thing. I took my first tab at 21, and although it was an amazing experience, I wouldn't suggest it to anyone who's still growing/developing. X messes with your seratonin(sp?) levels, and after taking enough tabs your body will eventually start producing lower amounts of it. When that happens, you can become very moody, even depressed. The recepticles that transfer the seratonin throughout your body can become damaged by excessive use. One suggestion if you decided to try it, is to pick up some seratonin supplements from your local drug store. Before going to sleep the night you take the tab, take one of the supplements. The 'hangover' effect people are feeling is a combination of being dehydrated and having extremely low levels of seratonin in their body. By taking the supplement, it helps replinish the levels without working the recepticles. You should wake up feeling pretty much as normal.

Someone mentioned earlier that taking in too much water can be dangerous. He's exactly right. You should only drink about 2 glasses of water every hour to two hours. If you don't drink any at all, you'll feel like ass the next day and possibly set yourself up for serious problems. Most cases in which death occurs from taking X, is due to dehydration and overexhasution. Raves are prime places for deaths to occur if water isn't readily available. It's croweded, hot, and you're pretty active.

For your first time, definitely do it somewhere quiet with a few close friends. The experience is truely unique and something I miss from time to time. Just make sure you don't get into a habit of doing it every week or two. Try to spread your intake out dramatically, or stop doing it all together. I stopped after about a year of taking X once every 2-3 months. It finally got to the point that I could feel the changes and effects of the drug. Something that's not a good feeling.

However, at your age I would suggest waiting. You're still young and growing. Taking X now could seriously effect your mental and physical health. I know several people who started out taking X at your age, and now at 18-20 years old they have some medical problems with their mood, personality, and in some cases depression. Be smart if you decide to take drugs (oxymoron there I suppose). Do your homework on what effects you could have on you, short and long term. But above all you need to feel comfortable in your surroundings and with your desicion.
I remember when me and my mates got split up cos we said 'Extasy' in class :p

Timmay got moved for saying it, and then we all said," if we say 'EXTASY', do we get moved?" and the teacher moved us to the four corners of the room.

Back on topic. I wouldn't take anything that I couldn't trust.
Re: Re: A Serious Discussion About Drugs And Alcohol

Originally posted by Bass
Not liking beer is blasphemy!
Anyways Ive drank every weekend for about 4 years now, hey, everyone needs to have a good time sometimes.
As for drugs never been my thing. Smoked some pot, took some shrooms, my verdict: Id rather drink anyday of the week over doing drugs.

Completely agree; I used to be addicted to pot, started smoking at 15 up until January 2003, it's been 9 months (soon 10) that I've kept clean hehe. It seems though I've compensated by smoking more cigarettes, I'm at 1 1/2 pack a day, this addiction is costing me a lot, camels cost 4€ here. I have nothing against weed, it's not really harmful like coke or anything but if you smoke 10 joints a day like some people I know you become immune to it, and you start smoking more and more until you get a buzz. I'd rather drink now, at least I don't end up laughing madly at everything, besides I meet more women drinking at pubs rather than staying in and smoking until you become comatose like.

And one last thing: mushrooms are evil, especially the mexican shrooms lol : )
I don't think drugs contribute to depression. Most likely it's the other way around.

And I'm surprised nobody mentioned drug tests. Unless you plan on working in a local grocery store, you do realize that you'll have to pee in a cup, don't you?
I have done almost all the widley known drugs out there but here are the ones that i have done ALOT of

probably a couple others im not thinking of right now..

They make it sound like if you try a drug your going to die the first time doing it. If you have done any of the drugs except weed then you can handle all the other drugs out there,
Originally posted by Shockwave
I have done almost all the widley known drugs out there but here are the ones that i have done ALOT of

probably a couple others im not thinking of right now..

They make it sound like if you try a drug your going to die the first time doing it. If you have done any of the drugs except weed then you can handle all the other drugs out there,

You sir are an idiot , but this has already been proven by your other posts. Anyone who goes further than Weed is a friggin moron. Congratulations youre prepared to be a huge loser in life , enjoy!

PS- BTW I know you didnt get the X but ill say it anyway. My bestfriends friend died when he took X for the first time , not good shit and definetly not worth the 'benefits'
Originally posted by Shockwave
I have done almost all the widley known drugs out there but here are the ones that i have done ALOT of

probably a couple others im not thinking of right now..

They make it sound like if you try a drug your going to die the first time doing it. If you have done any of the drugs except weed then you can handle all the other drugs out there,

you should mix different drugs at the same time for that extra kick
my comment is if your gunna "experiment" dont take shit that can kill you... i have yet to hear about people dying from one "doobie" :) god damn i love that name! or 1 bottle of beer but i have heard of people dying from 1 line of coke and 1 e tab and heroin and odly enough acid... so i would definately not touch that stuff.

but pot and beer you cant go wrong... (alcohol and pot are very similar when you have had to much everything starts spinning...very dehydrated...and jsut wanna sleep)


Originally posted by Shockwave
I have done almost all the widley known drugs out there but here are the ones that i have done ALOT of

probably a couple others im not thinking of right now..

They make it sound like if you try a drug your going to die the first time doing it. If you have done any of the drugs except weed then you can handle all the other drugs out there,

i have 3 letter for you...


Absolute F**king Moron!

Jesus if you havent died yet i would class you as bloody lucky... and as you have done A LOT of those drugs you stated im pretty sure ur bound to be addicted to at least 1 of them!

f**king moron...

:)~ you dont want to end up like this guy... TRUST ME!

if you must only stick to stuff that CANT kill you and know when to stop...

Drugs are bad m'kay.

About the only thing I can say is this: if you NEED drugs or alcohol to "have fun" then something is lacking in your world. And to do it just to "fit in" is incredibly stupid.

Then there are the costs of drugs and booze, $$ and health-wise. But that's another tale.
Anyone heard something called The Suns? I've heard that if you take that and live thru it, you can do anything (in terms of drugs). Supposedly, its LSD x10. Now, i've only ever done weed. Best thing thats ever happened to me. Will not do anything thats addicting. I drink wine, but only about once a month (and the occasional Cognac). Will attempt a bit of shrooms, but thats the farthest i'd ever go. But some of this shit can really f**k you up for good.

I know some dude who drops acid every day, and he's almost a walking vegetable. That's scary.
I took Ridilin for 5 years....and thats just low doses of speed. Other than that.....drank a little smoked a little....dont do any now.

go to this web site for ALL drug information

www.erowid.com and check out the art sectoin...it kick ass!!

I have been thinking about making some Mescal. I would like to have at least one phycoactive drug in my life. And it mite as well be mescal, it has not long term affects on your body. Only thing is that it might make you throw up. But hey...so does beer.
In reply to what Agent4054 said... I knew this guy in high school that was 17, and almost exactly like Ozzy Ozborn. EVERYTHING about him....is walk was a slow shuffle...his slured his speach constantly...couldnt remember things...ever. He was a cool guy though..

and i swear to god...his name was Chris Fry
umm you think im the only one in the world that has done this or soemthing?. probably half the kids in your school do the same thing. What do you think kids do when they go out on friday and saturday nights?, have lan partys?.

Yes I am a loser that makes 50k a year and im 25, oohh wow i suck..gg
I have deppression, so basically if I take drugs I'll probably end up killing my self. It made me really sad as I read this thread. The thread starter wanted to know if he should take extasy or not. Will that really help your life if you do? You'll get a high for what? A few minutes? You'll probably die 20 years young, and end up taking many more drugs. I don't understand why you guys wanna screw your lives up. Why did you start taking drugs? To get high for a few minutes? O well, your life not mine. I guess it's natural selection, survival of the fittest.
I'm fifteen.
I smoke weed and similiar stuff once a while, (maybe a joint every two weeks on weekends) but I never pass the limit. I like the relaxing feeling it gives you, but I can live very well without smoking that stuff. other than weed, i hate smoking.

I dont like alk that much, so i never really was drunk.

Personally, I'd say smoking a small joint every two weeks is healthier than getting drunk each weekend like a lot of my schoolmates do. And i haven't noticed the drugs making any bad influence on my school work. I'm a good scholar, i have good marks.
At the moment I'm thinking about taking mushrooms, but I'm sceptical. I probably wont.

btw, anyone ever heard of some drug called angeldust?
A friend of mine told me he new a guy who had a friend that took that. That person then thought his arms were orange fruit so he started to peel them and tearing out his veins. He died of blood loss. Sounds like an urban myth to me, but who knows.
Originally posted by freddythefrog
Personally, I'd say smoking a small joint every two weeks is healthier than getting drunk each weekend

Both are as bad as each other :(
Originally posted by freddythefrog
I'm fifteen.
I smoke weed and similiar stuff once a while, (maybe a joint every two weeks on weekends) but I never pass the limit. I like the relaxing feeling it gives you, but I can live very well without smoking that stuff. other than weed, i hate smoking.

I dont like alk that much, so i never really was drunk.

Personally, I'd say smoking a small joint every two weeks is healthier than getting drunk each weekend like a lot of my schoolmates do. And i haven't noticed the drugs making any bad influence on my school work. I'm a good scholar, i have good marks.
At the moment I'm thinking about taking mushrooms, but I'm sceptical. I probably wont.

btw, anyone ever heard of some drug called angeldust?
A friend of mine told me he new a guy who had a friend that took that. That person then thought his arms were orange fruit so he started to peel them and tearing out his veins. He died of blood loss. Sounds like an urban myth to me, but who knows.

And they say weed doesn't lead to other drugs....
actually, i got confronted with mushrooms before I ever took weed. They told me I could try one of them if i wanted to. I decided, after some thinking of course, to take try some weed. Since then i ask myself how it would have been with mushrooms. But since I only take weed to relax a bit, I wont probalby take mushrooms, since they also have halucinating effects, and I'm not that hot on those.

I want to relax, not see pink flying elephants with eyeglasses playing the piano.
I'm 21. I've never taken any kind of drugs or stimulatia higher than Jolt Cola (which I almost never drink anyway), and have never even tried to smoke anything. The heaviest alcohol drinking I have ever done was a tiny glass of some kind of stronger liquor once, which of course didn't have any effect on me.

I have sworn to myself to never get drunk or spend money on alcohol in my entire life, and I will follow that through. I also never go to any kind of parties since I feel extremely incomfortable when I notice that people are in "altered states" or how you say it. Drugs and alcohol are truly pure evil, and the world would be much better without them.

Pondering whether to take drugs is like thinking about running atop some railing near a huge abyss, just for a thrill. Don't do it.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
You need drugs to relax?

Is another kind of relaxing feeling. I can relax perfectly by reading a book or by simply laying down a bit. The weed relaxes you somehow in another way, cant explain it. I dont get high by that stuff, I'm just a bit more quiet then I'm usually and I... well, i relax. I'm less excited about things etc.
Ah, the kind of relaxation where you look at your burning feet and say "look at those pretty flames".
Hmmm, somehow like that, but not nearly that extreme of course. I simply dont care that much about things.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
And they say weed doesn't lead to other drugs....
There's a reason weed supposedly leads onto harder drugs. It's because it's the first drug people take, usually. I doubt many people's first experimentation with drugs is cocaine. Marijuana is a relatively harmless, weak drug that helps people relax.
Therefore, it's very easy to say: "People smoke dope and then go onto other things" because, yeah sure they do but that's not necessarily the REASON they go onto other drugs. It's not cause and effect as such. Yet people say it's a "gateway"...
Everyone should start with Adrenochrome.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a documentary.
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