A Serious Discussion About Drugs And Alcohol

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Originally posted by N0N1337H41
It depends on what you're looking for. If you just want to chill and relax, then no. But If you're wanting to have a totally unique experience, where you can completely seperate from this world and see things in your own mind that might change your view on life forever, then yes. In TOOL's song Third Eye, MJK has a quote that i think explains it all perfectly.... "PRYING OPEN MY THIRD EYE!" He screams it over and over and over. Very moving if you've ever tried a very psycoactive drug. What are you looking for?
Ohhhh man!I got to try this shit.It's sounds bad ass.Where can I get some?
Agent I smoked for five years, and I found it very easy to drop the habit but I still insist that it's an addictive drug. Most people like, RoyalEF pointed out, will say that they can quit whenever they want or that they don't want to quit: but the fact remains that it's an addiction, and one of the very first symptom is denial.
Originally posted by Bass
never knew we had so many junkies on here
yay for junkies! ;)
Damn't Bass I thought you retired!!!
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Agent I smoked for five years, and I found it very easy to drop the habit but I still insist that it's an addictive drug. Most people like, RoyalEF pointed out, will say that they can quit whenever they want or that they don't want to quit: but the fact remains that it's an addiction, and one of the very first symptom is denial.

But the thing is, it's proven that its not addictive by way to many clinical studies. Now, it may be psychologically addictive, but defintely not physically.

I'm not stupid when it comes down to actual activities while smoking pot. Alot, or rather most, people go out and drive which can lead to accidents or run-ins with the law, I always stay at home where it does the least damage. Parties are another bad place to smoke cuz then, without realizing it, you try other drugs because your self-awareness is at an all time low. Staying at home watching a movie or palying a game, while smoking a joint every once in awhile will cause no harm. I think of it as an occasional leisure activity.
The fact you feel you can comment without doing any research is somewhat disturbing too, pat_thetic. :)

Cannabis being allowed by GPs / Doctors to help stop pain someone might have from an accident? That's sick?

How about taking Anadin when you have a headache? That's sick?

Quite :)
Ah well there we have it: the different type of addictions: mental and/or physical. Well pot is addictive, the mind will crave it! At least most people fall in this category but some are immune : /

Edit: D33 don't forget glucoma!
Did I say anything about weed? Did I say anything about research? I have done plenty of research. The only way to make you happy would for me to be an addict like you.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
The fact that you guys are trying to make drugs look good is sick.
Yea well the fact that guys like you trying to make drugs look bad makes me want to punch you in the face.
Originally posted by Tr0n
Yea well the fact that guys like you trying to make drugs look bad makes me want to punch you in the face.

Well put.

Well I hate drugs, but weed is pretty much a less harmful alchohal so I don't consider it a drug.

And it's not chemically addicting like cigarettes, and it has no side effects, but it is somewhat emotionally addicitng
Drugs have ruined the image of my generation.
On T.V., you see kids my age on Fox(Fox is a big meanie) doing drugs smoking this, smoking that.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
The fact that you guys are trying to make drugs look good is sick.

I'm only trying to make weed "look good". Not the other hardcore drugs. I agree with you about those. They ARE bad and you shouldn't mess with them. Not even a simple "one try and thats it" deal. Nada, zero, zilch.
Originally posted by Agent4054
I'm only trying to make weed "look good". Not the other hardcore drugs. I agree with you about those. They ARE bad and you shouldn't mess with them. Not even a simple "one try and thats it" deal. Nada, zero, zilch.

Agree'd... I hate drugs. Weed is a plant.

It's been proven that weed has the same "addicitng" effects of alcohol (which arent very strong) and have more fun, and less harmful effects - I've never seen a stoner beat down his wife, but an alcoholic yeah

EDIT - If you want to hear something funny, yet very true you should download: The Streets - The Irony of it All
Yo that whiney DARE kid pat needs to shut his ****ing face, hes some bitch who just got done with Police Officers slamming propaganda up his ass for the past 2 weeks at school and he thinks that drinking alcohol and being sociable is a god damn sin against humanity. I got news for pat, everyone does drugs. Even pat, he just doesnt realize it, hes probobly sitting back drinking a soda (non-caffeine free) saying ohh golly i love my life. The only problem is that caffeine is a drug. I do not consider it a moral problem for people to drink, to smoke pot, to take prescribed painkillers and like the feeling they get when they take them. I feel the moral implications of drug use begin when it is disabling someone, when it gets in the way of their goals, when it prohibits them from being sucessful. At the end of a hard day of work, people should be going to a hot party at night with loads of hot girls dancing, some bud going around, and everyone with a drink in their hand, screw the neighbors crank that stereo, everything sounds better loud. God damn, if you ever go to Southington, CT that place has some blazin parties. Dont drink and operate machinery, including a car.
Oh and most popele who mess up thier lives with marajuana are simply because of the laws set, not the drug itself ;)
Originally posted by richpull
Yo that whiney DARE kid pat needs to shut his ****ing face, hes some bitch who just got done with Police Officers slamming propaganda up his ass for the past 2 weeks at school and he thinks that drinking alcohol and being sociable is a god damn sin against humanity. I got news for pat, everyone does drugs. Even pat, he just doesnt realize it, hes probobly sitting back drinking a soda (non-caffeine free) saying ohh golly i love my life. The only problem is that caffeine is a drug. I do not consider it a moral problem for people to drink, to smoke pot, to take prescribed painkillers and like the feeling they get when they take them. I feel the moral implications of drug use begin when it is disabling someone, when it gets in the way of their goals, when it prohibits them from being sucessful. At the end of a hard day of work, people should be going to a hot party at night with loads of hot girls dancing, some bud going around, and everyone with a drink in their hand, screw the neighbors crank that stereo, everything sounds better loud. God damn, if you ever go to Southington, CT that place has some blazin parties. Dont drink and operate machinery, including a car.

Yeah but perscription pills are chemically addicting and simply harmful, even with "the buzz"
Thankyou for bringing up the point about caffeine. That is an addictive substance. And yet almost everyone drinks soda. Actually soda is pretty bad for you. The carbonation eats away at your teeth enamel (i'm walking proof of that, unfortunatly) and the caffiene is pretty addictive. Don't even say that "well, drinking coke lowers the risk of getting cancer" crap. Yeah it lowers the risk by .0000000000001%. Big whoop.

Thnx MrWhite for clarifying that point :) maybe they'll listen to you. (about the law)
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Did I say anything about weed? Did I say anything about research? I have done plenty of research. The only way to make you happy would for me to be an addict like you.

Well I've done pot a few times and taken speed twice with giant monthly gaps. Plus the last time I touched anything was a mates birthday six months ago so yeah, I'm a real addict.

Starting to shake.. need my regular 6 mmontthh hiiiiit... quiicckkkkk..
Originally posted by D33
Well I've done pot a few times and taken speed twice with giant monthly gaps. Plus the last time I touched anything was a mates birthday six months ago so yeah, I'm a real addict.

Starting to shake.. need my regular 6 mmontthh hiiiiit... quiicckkkkk..
*passes D33 a blunt*
Originally posted by Agent4054
Thankyou for bringing up the point about caffeine. That is an addictive substance. And yet almost everyone drinks soda. Actually soda is pretty bad for you. The carbonation eats away at your teeth enamel (i'm walking proof of that, unfortunatly) and the caffiene is pretty addictive. Don't even say that "well, drinking coke lowers the risk of getting cancer" crap. Yeah it lowers the risk by .0000000000001%. Big whoop.

Thnx MrWhite for clarifying that point :) maybe they'll listen to you. (about the law)

haha, yeah... people always seem to mess that up or leave that out when its an important fact...

legalize weed, and you'll stop seeing how some guy got poor and lost everything from marajuana on the news or at drug interventions

Also, the fact that marajuana is a gateway drug is also pure bullshit, the group mentality of most pot smokers that "doing something illegal is cool" the harder the drug the more "cool"

Idiots, marajuana is about feeling good -- the feeling of being high.. its peaceful, and nice
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Did I say anything about weed? Did I say anything about research? I have done plenty of research. The only way to make you happy would for me to be an addict like you.

That last statement right there tells me that you haven't done any research. Or you would have told us why and given facts to uphold your argument. If this entire thread was nothing but what you have been spewing, there would be no reason to argue.

EDIT: Alot of topics like religious topics, and ones like this, are neverending debates. No one will come to a mutual agreement (that of opposite sides of the debate). Why debate then? To piss the other people off I guess. :dozey: But so far, this has been a very good debate.
Originally posted by Tr0n
Ohhhh man!I got to try this shit.It's sounds bad ass.Where can I get some?

Try reading this, and this. Those are poetic interpretations of what it's like when you're under the influence of salvia divinorum. If that sounds like something that you would like PM and I'll set you up with a way to get the best stuff that I've found. Remember that this stuff is legal in the US, for all of you children out there. BTW, how old are you, tr0n?
Originally posted by N0N1337H41
Try reading this, and this. Those are poetic interpretations of what it's like when you're under the influence of salvia divinorum. If that sounds like something that you would like PM and I'll set you up with a way to get the best stuff that I've found. Remember that this stuff is legal in the US, for all of you children out there. BTW, how old are you, tr0n?
Salvia sounds incredible, but intense. I'd be weary to enter into an experience so far removed from normality. My cousin and I had a contest, who can smoke the most pot. We were talking to each other, without much cohesion at all and we were together totally on a different plane of reality, very interesting experience. If you use marijuana and are thinking about ever trying acid, i strongly suggest reading some literature from the Greatful Dead. They had a societal movement that was just unlike anything since. Those were the most exciting times to be alive in the history of humankind, except September 30th, 2003.
Originally posted by Tr0n

i'm sorry....but you're stupid. you've said nothing good to say except things like:

weed is awesome, dude!

where can i get some of that stuff!

really...you could do a lot better things with your lungs, time, and money than smoke and post your worthless comments here
yes. I smoke(very rarely) and drink(hell, I'm drinking now).

my opinion on drugs is as follows:

Most drugs **** you up to bad to justify using em, even shrooms can cause one HELL of a bad trip if you think even 1 unpleasant thought. I once had to catch a guy who was shrooming and rolling down a big flight of stairs onto a hardwood floor roughly 30 times before I just said "**** it" and walked out of the party(only reason I stayed that long was because I was WAY to drunk to drive... I wound up walking home and having someone else drive my car).

But weed is different. its problem with weed(atleast with the stuff you get here in america, that white widow shit is a ton stronger) is that people who are on it tend to waste their time like nobody on earth. no functional person over the age of 18 has 7 or 8 hours to waste smoking weed. It really will not do that much to you physically, but it will **** your life up. You will begin missing appointments, get fired from work, and so on. stay away from it, just because it doesnt make your heart explode doesnt mean it wont **** your life up. I know more than a few people who dont do anything but smoke and work(new jobs every 2 months of course), its not how I would want to live.

Boose are different entirely:

The big diffenece between weed and boose is that a person may drink without the intent of getting drunk. Nobody smokes weed without the intent of getting high. its as simple as that.

On a side note, Boose does NOT kill brain cells. thats a misnomer. there is no evidence whatsoever supporting a such a connection.

well, thats how I feel about boose and drugs. I hope you found it enlightening.
Salvia is a very weird kind of high. It get you high for about 30mins (very different from the 4-5 hours weed gets you). but its a good legal substitute to weed. Legal being 18+. It's listed here
I had a dream *cough* where I would drink alcohol and smoke marijuana in moderation.

A few of my friends are into drinking heavily and partying. I, however, personally don't like alcohol that much. It's fun, but getting drunk, dizzy, and feeling like you're going to vomit isn't.

As for marijuana, I'm all for it. I could talk for an hour about why America is so full of it for keeping drinking and smoking tobacco legal. I've smoked tobacco, and I do enjoy a cigar on rare occasions, but other than that I see absolutely no worthy positive benefits to it that outweigh the negative.

The real problem with 'drugs' is primarily the media, as well as the social downplay of them. Children grow up knowing 'smoking pot' is bad, but because of the media, they're only fed lies and not the truth. Their parents and\or peers are only fed the same information, and therefore they're surrounded, socially, by a negative view of these substances. Meanwhile, they watch Television and see advertisements for hard liquor, and parties, and sex. They grow up and abuse themselves, and others, while still maintaining an incorrect moral view on substances like marijuana.

The most important thing with any substance is moderation. Anyone can abuse legal substances, and do so daily, such as caffeine and sugar. I am completely capable of keeping my use of mind or body altering substances to a minimum, and I do not abuse them.

I remember reading a similar thread on another forum not too long ago, and someone stated that using drugs for recreational purposes was wrong. I don't remember the exact quote, but they stated this in the context that recreational drug use was a 'new' thing. It seems as though just because there are laws formed against something, that it was always 'bad'. That's such a close-minded statement. For thousands of years, tribes, communities, cities and villages have used different substances for recreation or to ease pain. You think back before we had manufactured aspirin, it was 'wrong' to smoke something to ease pain? The reasons for most substances today being illegal is simply because we've found a way to manufacture active ingredients in natural substances. This means allowing continual production\harvesting of natural, and therefore cheaper, substances means less money to corporations and factories. This is detrimental to communities where their sustaining cash crop has been outlawed. Just look at the Middle East, after the whole U.N. plan failed, many countries were forced to return to producing hashish.

B.S. harmful effects aside, most problems with street drugs is simply because of what they are: street drugs. If marijuana could be produced and controlled by the government, we wouldn’t have to worry about buying it laced with pcp or dipped in formaldehyde. Not to mention all the economical benefits of hemp, pulp, and marijuana seed oil.

The thing that bugs me the most about it all is how a lot of drug users are looked down upon. Some of your hardest workers may use illegal substances, but thanks to b.s. drug tests you’re losing them. With some of the legislation going on in places like Canada, and the rest of the world, I may just be lucky enough to see the end of all the nonsense in my lifetime.
I'd actually like to try Salvia sometime. Probably in the liquid (take 2 dropper fulls under the tongue form) extract form. This method results in a slower coming on of the effects than smoking it, or so I've heard.

If anyone else has done Salvia and only experienced a slight 'high' it's because you didn't smoke enough. To get full-on open-eye visuals you need to take at least 4 rapid hits in succession (if it's normal, non-concentrated salvia) and hold it in for at least 30 seconds. If it's an extract, you may only need 1 or 2 hits, but make sure to hold it in at least 30s.

Regarding LSD (acid) by the way. I'm going to personally stay as far away from it as I can. I've personally experienced first hand how it can **** you up just by looking at a couple members of my family. A lot of people that smoked pot and say it's 'bad' did LSD as well and are attributing memory and thought problems to the wrong drug.
Originally posted by bUsh[ES]
I had a dream *cough* where I would drink alcohol and smoke marijuana in moderation.

A few of my friends are into drinking heavily and partying. I, however, personally don't like alcohol that much. It's fun, but getting drunk, dizzy, and feeling like you're going to vomit isn't.

As for marijuana, I'm all for it. I could talk for an hour about why America is so full of it for keeping drinking and smoking tobacco legal. I've smoked tobacco, and I do enjoy a cigar on rare occasions, but other than that I see absolutely no worthy positive benefits to it that outweigh the negative.

The real problem with 'drugs' is primarily the media, as well as the social downplay of them. Children grow up knowing 'smoking pot' is bad, but because of the media, they're only fed lies and not the truth. Their parents and\or peers are only fed the same information, and therefore they're surrounded, socially, by a negative view of these substances. Meanwhile, they watch Television and see advertisements for hard liquor, and parties, and sex. They grow up and abuse themselves, and others, while still maintaining an incorrect moral view on substances like marijuana.

The most important thing with any substance is moderation. Anyone can abuse legal substances, and do so daily, such as caffeine and sugar. I am completely capable of keeping my use of mind or body altering substances to a minimum, and I do not abuse them.

I remember reading a similar thread on another forum not too long ago, and someone stated that using drugs for recreational purposes was wrong. I don't remember the exact quote, but they stated this in the context that recreational drug use was a 'new' thing. It seems as though just because there are laws formed against something, that it was always 'bad'. That's such a close-minded statement. For thousands of years, tribes, communities, cities and villages have used different substances for recreation or to ease pain. You think back before we had manufactured aspirin, it was 'wrong' to smoke something to ease pain? The reasons for most substances today being illegal is simply because we've found a way to manufacture active ingredients in natural substances. This means allowing continual production\harvesting of natural, and therefore cheaper, substances means less money to corporations and factories. This is detrimental to communities where their sustaining cash crop has been outlawed. Just look at the Middle East, after the whole U.N. plan failed, many countries were forced to return to producing hashish.

B.S. harmful effects aside, most problems with street drugs is simply because of what they are: street drugs. If marijuana could be produced and controlled by the government, we wouldn’t have to worry about buying it laced with pcp or dipped in formaldehyde. Not to mention all the economical benefits of hemp, pulp, and marijuana seed oil.

The thing that bugs me the most about it all is how a lot of drug users are looked down upon. Some of your hardest workers may use illegal substances, but thanks to b.s. drug tests you’re losing them. With some of the legislation going on in places like Canada, and the rest of the world, I may just be lucky enough to see the end of all the nonsense in my lifetime.

the consept of making a substance illigal didnt come around till the 20th century(the 1910s to be exact), and its a GOOD thing that many drugs are controlled.
If you know anyone who has ever been hooked on anything hard(heroin, crack, etc) then you know that powerful drugs are illigal for a reason.

Hell, just look what happend to china with opium.
Oooooh nice post. Yes, weed would most definitely help the economy up to wazoo. The selling of weed just like cigarettes in convenience stores right next to the munchies would be a gold mine. The reason for that is the current gov't officials. Old people who were before the time of the hippsters. I expect to see some changes down the road. None too major, but still changes nonetheless as newer generations go into office.

Bush, you also made a good point about the jobs and such. Something I'd like to add, If a pot head goes to work stoned off his ass, you'll see that he won't complain about his job, and might even find it fun. and of course, lets not forget a stoner's favorite game? Act normal (perma-grin doesn't help)
Originally posted by Maskirovka
i'm sorry....but you're stupid. you've said nothing good to say except things like:

weed is awesome, dude!

where can i get some of that stuff!

really...you could do a lot better things with your lungs, time, and money than smoke and post your worthless comments here
You broke my heart :(.I'm going to kill myself now.
Originally posted by Agent4054
Oooooh nice post. Yes, weed would most definitely help the economy up to wazoo. The selling of weed just like cigarettes in convenience stores right next to the munchies would be a gold mine. The reason for that is the current gov't officials. Old people who were before the time of the hippsters. I expect to see some changes down the road. None too major, but still changes nonetheless as newer generations go into office.

Bush, you also made a good point about the jobs and such. Something I'd like to add, If a pot head goes to work stoned off his ass, you'll see that he won't complain about his job, and might even find it fun. and of course, lets not forget a stoner's favorite game? Act normal (perma-grin doesn't help)

I think the legalisation of weed would be horrible for the economy.
It would give organised crime legitimacy, and dont think that would stop them from being violent. essentually what would happen is a few very bad men would make a fortune and anyone who tried to enter the market would get gone really fast. Just look what happend with gambling in vegas. Furthermore, people forget that if it was legal people would USE it more. that would be VERY bad for society, back in the days when I used to smoke a lot I didnt do SHIT other than hang around with friends and eat brownies. imagine if everyone over 21 just did that?
I saw someone posted the erowid site, but I haven't read over the whole thread so I don't know if this one has been posted:


This is the best site IMO for any drug. It proves very extensive information on both plants and chemicals.

Edit: (Off topic) I just realized this post made me a Zombie! :bounce: :bounce:
I've done just about every drug under the sun and the only one I'm hooked on is nicotine, the legal drug.
Originally posted by mosquave
I've done just about every drug under the sun and the only one I'm hooked on is nicotine, the legal drug.

ha...tell that to phillip morris
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