Adrian Shepard(spoilers)

Jack Thomas

Feb 24, 2005
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Everyone who has played Opposing Force through, you might notice that the G-man tells to Adrian that he might be able to get a chance for Adrian to work for his employers also. And after that, Adrian is detained and his further evaluation is pending, cause they ofcourse dont want anyone to go and tell about the incident there. Also, at the beginning of the sequel ''We are not alone'' Gordon runs to the teleporter and you have a chance to follow him. If you follow him, you will notice the effort as a failure, cause the course of the teleports exit goes on empty space and if you wait for a few seconds, you'll see the screen go black and some text coming in, that ''Attempted to create a time paradox or something like that'' So that tells, that Adrian has something to do with Freeman at the future, cause he simply has no chance of killing him at Black Mesa. Besides, I whould like to find out what happens to Adrian. Valve just cant leave a good character like him back on the corner to rot. I think he whould be a good character for Half Life 2 add-on or Half Life 3. What do you guys think whould happen to him?
Yeah... I hope that Valve will release that kind of expansion pack while we wait for the arrival of HL3.
I also add, that you will get a chance to leave Black Mesa with your fellow marine comrades, but just before you get to the osprey-helicopter ,the door goes shut, blocking your way to freedom and the G-man appears through the glass. So that tells that Adrian was destined to go kill the humangous alien which came through the tunnels.
the Valve Expansion has been confirmed by PC gamer (its Alyx)
It has been said many times that Adrian Shepherd belongs to Gearbox. And by the sounds of it, Gearbox have no intention of making HL2 mods. So sadly, I doubt we'll ever see him again. Still, I think there is alot of things that could be done with that character. Like fight in the 7 hour war. :cheese:
*ahem, Blue Shift was also made by Gearbox. How whould have Barney than been in Half Life 2?
1st: Shephard sucks.
2nd: He is Gearbox's creation so VALVe may not be too excited about using him, granted Barney Calhoun is also Gearbox but extremely based on VALVe's character in Half-life
3rd: The reason for the time paradox thing I think is just a big joke from Gearbox, seeing as Gordon (you) had already done certain things in Half-life, how could Adrian (you) change those things now. VALVe certainly did not bring Adrian into the storyline and had no intention of doing so back then, and probably not now.
Jack dont overanalyse the game ok, it was a fantastic and what i believe a better game than half life, due to its playability, characters and objectives.

To that extent, i do hope that a second opposing force makes its way to the local EB shelves, that said, i dont think that it can replicate the success of the first as people have grown to enjoy shepards adventures through black mesa as a grunt and obviously if the game was called opposing force 2 then you would have to make shepard a combine and for me that would ruin the whole franchise.

currently, a mod called shepards tale is in the works and i think they are building some alpha maps and weapon models possibly based on those seen in opfor1. I look forward to it as the closest thing to opfor we are very likely going to get.

anyways jack, keep reaching for that rainbow.
Thanks bboymatty. It seems like that will be the only ''More Adrian Shepard''. Atleast something, hope it will be good.
AJ Rimmer said:
1st: Shephard sucks.
2nd: He is Gearbox's creation so VALVe may not be too excited about using him, granted Barney Calhoun is also Gearbox but extremely based on VALVe's character in Half-life
3rd: The reason for the time paradox thing I think is just a big joke from Gearbox, seeing as Gordon (you) had already done certain things in Half-life, how could Adrian (you) change those things now. VALVe certainly did not bring Adrian into the storyline and had no intention of doing so back then, and probably not now.

im really sick of these threads. Its the same every time.

"Hey, how cool is adrian shephard. I want to have his babies. I hope he's in an expansion"

"no, cos he's property of gearbox, you muppet"

"oh. sorry."

As much as I could care less about Shepherd, and I also don't think we'll see him again anyway, the "Gearbox owns the rights to Shepherd" issue doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Opposing Force was a mod for someone elses game, authorised to use the liscence for that game. Surely, the ownership of any characters and story elements would revert back to the owner of the Story liscence, i.e. Valve?

I suppose this is just a little bit of legal theory that Valve isn't willing to test. Like a number of the Anti-Shepherd crew around here, the benefits of bringing such a "transparent" character back are far outweighed by even the smallest possibility that Gearbox can sue them for it.
what makes freeman's character development better than shephards? they are the exact same. they never talk, and people in the game world refer to them both by name. thats the extent of both of their character development. so you can see gordeon freeman's face on the box, but shephards is covered by a helmet. omg freeman has so much more character! the "shephard suck's" arguments are dumb.
How is Sheperd cool, he's a Gordon clone that can climb ropes and f**ked everthing up in OP4
Defpotec22 said:
the "shephard suck's" arguments are dumb.
Only if the people making them don't adknowledge that freeman also "sucks". There was little point in bringing Gordon Freeman back (I think that's changed in HL2 though - characters are shaped by having proper characters around them), but there is even less reason to bring Shepherd back.
Blakeb155 said:
It has been said many times that Adrian Shepherd belongs to Gearbox. And by the sounds of it, Gearbox have no intention of making HL2 mods. So sadly, I doubt we'll ever see him again. Still, I think there is alot of things that could be done with that character. Like fight in the 7 hour war. :cheese:
Well, I guess its up to Valve to make a Adrian Shepard expansion pack or not. :rolleyes:
kupoartist said:
Only if the people making them don't adknowledge that freeman also "sucks". There was little point in bringing Gordon Freeman back (I think that's changed in HL2 though - characters are shaped by having proper characters around them), but there is even less reason to bring Shepherd back.

so if you have a good cast of chracters around shephard, then everything should be good
Defpotec22 said:
what makes freeman's character development better than shephards? they are the exact same. they never talk, and people in the game world refer to them both by name. thats the extent of both of their character development. so you can see gordeon freeman's face on the box, but shephards is covered by a helmet. omg freeman has so much more character! the "shephard suck's" arguments are dumb.

True, so very true.
Defpotec22 said:
what makes freeman's character development better than shephards? they are the exact same. they never talk, and people in the game world refer to them both by name. thats the extent of both of their character development. so you can see gordeon freeman's face on the box, but shephards is covered by a helmet. omg freeman has so much more character! the "shephard suck's" arguments are dumb.

Well that actually implies to those who say Shepard is way cooler....the character who hasn't got a jot of info about him.

Gordon is better because of the way characters interact with him and so on.

I just do not see the need for bloody Shepard.
niether is better, the way they are presented is the same. and far as info about the character, so we know gordons educational background? okay, we know shephards training background. and as far as "gordon is better because of the way the character's interact with him" thats a matter of preference, and isn't basis for one being better than the other. i don't argue that shephard is better than freeman, just that he is his equal
stf all of u that say gordon is teh suck.....Shepard crashed Gordon would've got the G-man and he woulda been like YO G MAN GET ME THE F*CK OUTA THIS MESS NYUCKA!!!!! and Gman woulda pulled up in hi pink Cadi and said GORDON GET IN THE F**KING CAR WHERE THE HELLS MY MONEY!!! HOW CAN I BE TEH PIMP IF YOU DONT GET THE MONEY UP FRONT YO!!!!! and then shepard would be like hey guys can i come and Gordon woulda said Naw I already did ALL OVER YOPUR FACE. and the Gman would be like That outa teach the B*tch not to mess with my g baby.

yep thats how it would go down
You are Gordon

You are Shepard

The characters are the same

End of story

And to the previous poster, cut down on the space-crack.
sry its so addictive......speaking of addictive.....hold on im going to start a new thread!!!!
It's ironic.
VALVe is a company that makes what the fans want, they listen to the fans and the mod creators and then they create based on what they hear from them.

Now they are (AFAIK) working on this mod where you play as Alyx and Dog, but everyone seems to wanna play as Adrian Shepard and don't give a rats ass about any Alyx or Dog expantion.
Defpotec22 said:
so if you have a good cast of chracters around shephard, then everything should be good
Yes, but as of yet he has had even less interaction than the HL1 Freeman, so it doesn't really matter if he comes back. Though of course, people do seem to be making a fair bit of noise wanting him back...
Well, I whould just love to know what happened to him after Opposing Force, nothing else....
I think that they should great "new" Shepard, meaning: Take random guy from combine soldiers, and tell the story :D..

yeah yea.. Shepard.. Well we dont know what relly hapens to him, but i think that all navy seal soldiers in HL are dead, so.. he is dead? Maybe.. or maybe not. We might see him, but if we see him, we see him very quickly.
Somehow I've got a feeling that we WILL see Adrian atleast in an expansion or Half Life 3. We WILL see him. I'm sure of it.
Shepard is the coolest dude in all mods HL1, as well as in the original first game, Gordon Freeman is not that cool, i hate his stupid nerd glases, and i agree that we probebly wont see Adrian again. I think that in some future expansion to Half Life 2 u will play as a Combine, (since the Opposing Force were among the bad guys in HL2,trying to kill "the Hero" freeman) and as combine there would be wery cool fights like when the combine moves in to take Black Mesa East when Gordon gets out through the ravenholm tunnel, you could also be playing during the "revolutionary week" when Gordon and Alyx were in the Slow TIme teleport.

This is only what i hope of a future expansion, even if i bet it wont come true.
My take is that i frankly dont get Gearbox. They could a crap load of money, make an awesome game, boost their credintials (sp?), and give the fans what they want all in the same time. I believe its a very stupid move by Gearbox.

The one thing thought, about an Alyx mod, they would most likely have a Freeman model, and that would be pretty kickass to see.
me too

i think so too.
it would be great if an expansion pack for alyx barney and sheperd.
were u folow there story throught their eyes during the events of hl2.
it would be cool if u played as sheperd and he was fighting in the 7 hour war thing
alexius said:
i think so too.
it would be great if an expansion pack for alyx barney and sheperd.
were u folow there story throught their eyes during the events of hl2.
it would be cool if u played as sheperd and he was fighting in the 7 hour war thing

It woudlnt work if you played as alyx during half life it wil most likley be before it.

Why do people even bother to care about shepard :|
Samon said:
Why do people even bother to care about shepard :|
Look, what's the problem if people also like Shepard? If you cant stand it, not my problem.
Jack Thomas said:
But I want Adrian! I want to know what happens to him! (sob,sob)

My name is Adrian (for real), and that sentence just cracks me up.
Gearbox made de_train for css recently so they are obviously getting to grips with source.
Mess said:
Gearbox made de_train for css recently so they are obviously getting to grips with source.
Nope, that was Turtle Rock Studios
See frontpage / last week's Steam Update said:
Turtle Rock Studios has also been working on getting de_train converted over to Counter-Strike: Source.