Aftermath preview in the German pc action

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Blue Shift was cool, though it annoyed me how everyone called you 'Calhoun'.

Hey Calhoun, how you doing?
I'd be a hell of a lot better if you stopped calling me Calhoun!
33% is not enough in my book. just because something is an expansion doesn't give it an excuse for it to be short
33% sounds just a bit too short. If it costs like 40$, I don't want to pay that for a 6 hour game. Then again, it might actually be 7-8 hours, who knows at this point.

My biggest concern is also story related. At the moment, I do absolutely fail to see any way to bring Gordon back to the Citadel right after the end of HL2, given what the G-Man said. I really hope they will have something that makes sense for an explanation.
Gordon was going to die; ergo the Gman had to save him for whatever reason the Gman keeps him around in the first place. The Gman could have just plucked him out of there and dropped him away from the blast right away, but since the he had Freeman pulled out of time, the Gman used the opportunity to gloat his contro.

Seems simple enough to me.
Most REAL games are 10 hours long.

Half-Life 2 was avg 23-26 hours long. Thats if you searched and found everything
Doom 3 was about 18-21 hours long.
Doom 3 ROE was about 6-9 hours long.

1/3 of Half-Life 2 is very good for a expansion.

and it wont be 40.

A avg expansion pack costs 30$. Im thinking this will cost 25$. I really dont care, buying it no matter the cost.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Half-Life 2 was avg 23-26 hours long. Thats if you searched and found everything
lol, yeah right. Perhaps if you crouch-walked everywhere, left the buggy and airboat behind and noclipped for half an hour on each map to see what was out of the limits of the world. 15 hours are barely needed to see everything without getting stupid (like... I dunno. Climbing in the enclosed area near the petrol station on Highway 17, or running down the closed off side of the train on the bridge). Or are we talking about a special playthrough time for the terminally crap at FPS games? Even if that was a moderately realistic estimate of a "see everything worth seeing" playthrough, Valve wouldn't use that number as an estimate.

33% of 12 hours is more reasonable. A 4 hour game is... not really that impressive. All depends on the pricing... the $14.99 they just lowered Condition Zero to sounds reasonable to me...
Half life 2 was about 15 hours average, no more than that. About 8 if you zoom through.
Well i only died about 6 times the whole game. Went and read all the pics on the walls fould a shit load of hidden items, was pretty much never under 90 health 90 armore. Checked everything, i didnt noclip i didnt do any of that. Maybe experiment sometimes but thats it. I did do some weird stuff tho, like be very careful, explore the maps, check for some tricks etc. Took me give or take about 20 hours to beat. I could easily take more tho. Like perfect health, gather as many items together. Find weird ways to kill enemies, stuff like that. Makes the game a lot more interesting. Like setting up traps for the combine to run into etc. Trust me if you do it whenever you can your gameplay time will reach 25+ hours. Going through the game blazing with the rocket launcher is fun ya but i prefer my way.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Well i only died about 6 times the whole game. Went and read all the pics on the walls fould a shit load of hidden items, was pretty much never under 90 health 90 armore. Checked everything, i didnt noclip i didnt do any of that. Maybe experiment sometimes but thats it. I did do some weird stuff tho, like be very careful, explore the maps, check for some tricks etc. Took me give or take about 20 hours to beat. I could easily take more tho. Like perfect health, gather as many items together. Find weird ways to kill enemies, stuff like that. Makes the game a lot more interesting. Like setting up traps for the combine to run into etc. Trust me if you do it whenever you can your gameplay time will reach 25+ hours. Going through the game blazing with the rocket launcher is fun ya but i prefer my way.

I enjoy playing like that if i can but unravelling the storyline is usually my priority and pushes me into going faster.
Samon said:
I enjoy playing like that if i can but unravelling the storyline is usually my priority and pushes me into going faster.
Indeed, and it's not like there isn't time for some experimentation in that time, doing much of the combat style that Raziel suggests... it's just some of the exploration you can do is a little pointless, like stacking crates to get onto a ledge with nothing on it. With the issue being the length of Aftermath though, it seems to me talking about making everything last for as long as possible will be rather redundant: it'll probably take place exclusively within City 17, which was the place with less scope to waste time in...
They could make Aftermath last longer by putting stuff in for the hardcore explorers.
ie, actually put something on the ledge that only few would bother to investigate.
Noobulon said:
They could make Aftermath last longer by putting stuff in for the hardcore explorers.
ie, actually put something on the ledge that only few would bother to investigate.
Exactly... I kept seeing missed opportunities when I did bother to explore: like on the bridge, you can run on the outside of the pillars, but there isn't anything there...
Curse you Valve! Stop sending out messages that Gordon is the main character!

*tears at hair, falls over*
w00t? 33% of halflife2? hl2 was already short 33% is nothing :flame:

and don`t tell me its an expansion cause opposing force was an expansion too and it was long enough

I won`t pay more than 20$ for this thing :frown:
Valve are going to shovel us s**t about playing as Gordon and steam only, then release it by shelf not as Gordon. I'm telling you!
kupoartist said:
Indeed, and it's not like there isn't time for some experimentation in that time, doing much of the combat style that Raziel suggests... it's just some of the exploration you can do is a little pointless, like stacking crates to get onto a ledge with nothing on it. With the issue being the length of Aftermath though, it seems to me talking about making everything last for as long as possible will be rather redundant: it'll probably take place exclusively within City 17, which was the place with less scope to waste time in...

Im not only talking about that. What im also saying is. Lets say you think there will be a battle soon. So you set up a barricade with traps for the enemies to run into. 1 thing i wanted to try but never got to was making a maze with random things and seeing how the combine react to it. Stuff like that, takes a lot of time, sometimes it was a wast but sometimes you get this really cool scene.
Do you know what Im pissed about? Im pissed that movies only last and average of 2 hours long. Thats way too short. They need to make them atleast like 6 hours. Who cares if it would take them forever to make and by the time comes came out, everyone has forgot about it?

Get my point?
MikeL15 said:
Do you know what Im pissed about? Im pissed that movies only last and average of 2 hours long. Thats way too short. They need to make them atleast like 6 hours. Who cares if it would take them forever to make and by the time comes came out, everyone has forgot about it?

Get my point?

It doesnt cost 50 dollars, a internet connection and steam to go see a 2 hour movie :P
ZeeM said:
w00t? 33% of halflife2? hl2 was already short 33% is nothing :flame:

and don`t tell me its an expansion cause opposing force was an expansion too and it was long enough

I won`t pay more than 20$ for this thing :frown:
From after the Resonance Cascade to the last battle of the game, Half-Life 1 was 83 .bsps, (Plus 6 .bsps for the tram ride, 6 .bsps for before the cascade, 7 .bsps for the Hazard Course and the last .bsp with the Gman for a total of 103 maps total)

Op4, from when you wake up to the fight with the Geneworm, is 36 .bsps, (Plus 1 for the Osprey ride/crash, 5 for bootcamp and 1 for the final meeting, for a total of 43)


Op4 also initially retailed for 40 bucks. (Most expensive expansion EVER. :P)
UndeadScottsman said:
From after the Resonance Cascade to the last battle of the game, Half-Life 1 was 83 .bsps, (Plus 6 .bsps for the tram ride, 6 .bsps for before the cascade, 7 .bsps for the Hazard Course and the last .bsp with the Gman for a total of 103 maps total)

Op4, from when you wake up to the fight with the Geneworm, is 36 .bsps, (Plus 1 for the Osprey ride/crash, 5 for bootcamp and 1 for the final meeting, for a total of 43)


Op4 also initially retailed for 40 bucks. (Most expensive expansion EVER. :P)

It doesn`t have to do with how many bsps there were ;)
Maps are broken into several pieces to make the game less memory demanding.
I believe op4 was at least 65% of hl1
while blueshit was like 30% (or less?) :hmph:

MikeL15 said:
Do you know what Im pissed about? Im pissed that movies only last and average of 2 hours long. Thats way too short. They need to make them atleast like 6 hours. Who cares if it would take them forever to make and by the time comes came out, everyone has forgot about it?

Get my point?

Its normal for a movie to last around 2 hours :hmph:
When was the last time you saw a game that lasts 3-4 hours? (except of blue shift of course)
MikeL15 said:
Do you know what Im pissed about? Im pissed that movies only last and average of 2 hours long. Thats way too short. They need to make them atleast like 6 hours. Who cares if it would take them forever to make and by the time comes came out, everyone has forgot about it?

Get my point?
Are you serious? Christ, if movies were that long it could get so tedious - it'd have to be an incredibly enthralling film to justify that length.
Besides, by the end of the film you'd have bed sores or your arse would've taken root to your chair or something hideous like that.
ZeeM said:
It doesn`t have to do with how many bsps there were ;)
Maps are broken into several pieces to make the game less memory demanding.
I believe op4 was at least 65% of hl1
# of .bsp's doesn't neccassarily coorespond to lenght, true, however it does give a rough estimate; and Op4 wasn't anywhere near 65% as long as Half-Life. 40-45% as long sounds about right to me, MAYBE 50%. It was a 40 dollar expansion though.

while blueshiFt was like 30% (or less?) :hmph:
Blue-Shift doesn't count since A. It was never intended to be a full expansion and B. The powers that be included Op4 and the high def pack in order to balance out the price.

Its normal for a movie to last around 2 hours :hmph:
When was the last time you saw a game that lasts 3-4 hours? (except of blue shift of course)
Katamari Damacy; which coincidently retailed for 20 bucks. The Doom3 expansion wasn't much longer and it costed 15 bucks more.
Half-Life 2 was about 15-17 hours long, which is decent. Ninja Gaiden was only 14 the first time through, and RE 4 was just on 17. We dont know what exactly a 3rd of Half-Life 2 is to Valve, maybe 6, maybe 8, maybe 4. No idea. Lets wait and see
Valve is worried about Vivendi taking 70% out of the money... This is why they don't want Aftermath to be boxed. They want all the arrecadations from the sellings for themselves, sharing with no one, this is why they are aiming a Steam-only release. (Am I wrong?). On the other hand, pirating is gonna be huge if a Steam only release happens.
I thought the 33% indicated the time that would pass in the game. HL2 was supposed to be 3 days playing (with a week instantaneously passing by) so I think that means that Aftermath all takes place in one day. The actual amount of playing hours isn't really certain in this sense.
Thanks for the info, but they better not charge it as a full price game or i won't buy till it drops down in price...or i might do something...illegal...
i dont actualy think it is fair for them to put it on steam as many people dont have a credit card
Just saw this thread, and it says the lost coast is coming in may.. Uhuh... Well what a you know, it's already the 24th!
When I bought HL2 on steam a while ago it was £26 (GBP) so the expansion which is shorter should be what? £10 if its anymore than £15 ill fob it and get it from torrent. I dont give a crap, My pirated version of HL2 doesnt lag but if I use the real one on my steam account it lags like a pig so if Im just playing singleplayer I use that one. Seeing as I have bought the game I dont feel bad about that...seeing as its much faster without steam....