- Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups


Jan 3, 2005
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- Afterwards -
A Half-Life Role-Playing Game

May 1, 2011
9:43 PM
Somewhere in Western Ireland

The Combine didn't even bother to put a Citadel in the English Isles. Buggers. They hit London with a shockwave from orbit, the same weapons they used on New York, Tokyo, and other metropolis. One moment it was thriving with peaceful citizens. People getting taking a morning jog or getting ready for school. Then a noise so loud it shattered glass and deafened people in their basements. Next, a solid wall of air, smashing the city to the ground.

Nothing but rubble. You couldn't even call it a junkyard.

Once London was out, the Combine didn't see the place as much of a threat. They moved on to other human cities. After the Seven Hour War, when any metropolitan area with more than 15 million citizens had been reduced to crumbling buildings and shattered roads, the English Isles became the hub for the new rebellion. The Combine responded with bioweaponry to weed out their elusive enemies and nuked the place with headcrabs. Soon after, the English Rebellion didn't have time to deal with the Combine, the headcrabs tore them down just as the shockwave tore down their beloved city of London.

Ireland stood, seperated by a thin channel of water from the infestation. Despite the Bullsquid Invasion, in which these aquatic vermin stole the Emerald Coasts from the humans, it has stood untouched. The Irish still had to deal with the daily portal storms that brought more xenofauna and xenoflora to torment the survivors, but as of late the portal storms come rarely. Dublin was sacked in 2007, burnt to the ground, but native plague drove the Combine from creating an outpost there. The plague, Xenian in origin, wreaked havoc on Combine and native Terran fauna and flora. The Irish were the lucky ones, they hid low and out of sight, always in the midst of rumors of rebellion, to take back the Isles.

But, they were seperated from each other, and the Irish have fell to the hazards of the Xenofauna and the xeniplague. However, its still the safest place in Europe.

Its your best location to revolt against the Combine.

Lately, the Combine has begun construction/reconstruction on a new outpost close to the fallen town of Roscommon, titled Post-201, alias Newvigil. Their first building, an immense multi-leveled warehouse converted into a prison, has taken the first phase of Combine occupation: take all humanity as prisoners. Combine patrols now search amongst the Irish countryside for pockets of human life, executing half on the spot and taking the rest for hard labor in Post-201. The declaration that any human volunteer will be able to gain citizenry in Post-201 is attractive, and the Irish refugees have begun streaming in. But in reality, it is a cruel deal. Families are broken as children are taken by the Combine for 'adaptation trials'. Anyone carrying a small symptom of the Irish Xeniplague is thrown into the ovens for cremation. Those left behind are given poor, delapidated apartments and oppressive, 16-hour jobs in the fence-farms to produce food. Those that grow too tired or refuse to show up for work are given hard labor in construction until they die because of exhaustion.

And still propaganda proposes that it is an up-and-coming city to live in.

This new Combine outpost has drawn the Irish vagabonds closer together, and those that have stayed in the wilds have begun to take action, to free Ireland from their enemies.


This is an Role-Playing Game.

If you want to play, write up a character to join a small force of adventurers who will begin in Ireland to free the Emerald Isles from Combine tyranny, and then from there, who knows? This is set exactly one year before the arrival of Gordan Freemen. Things are cooling down, the portal storms have nearly stopped, but the Combine is still more powerful than ever. Some have been able to survive, more have been herded into the Combine cities for long-term execution, waiting out their lifespans till death.

You may choose to play a Vortigaunt, who have also come to live in Half-Life Ireland or a human-Combine who has somehow been able to free himself from the bonds of the Combine to fight for the humans. However, I assume that most of the characters will be human (whether you wish to be Irish, American, English, or some other nationality).

You may be a former soldier, or a villager who has been forced to learn martial skills to survive. You don't have to have any martial skill, but try to include abilities that can benefit the team. A scientist will be just as applicable as a soldier. You are given a lot of leeway on what character you can have, but try not to make them too weak or too strong. A little less strong than Gordon Freeman, but stronger than a typical Rebel that you fight with in Half-Life 2.

Please write up a character, with a physical description, a paragraph or two of your history, what your abilities are (what weapons can you use? Are you good with a sniper rifle? Can you create home-made bombs? Are you very good at problem-solving? Can you hack into Combine networks?). Also, try to include your motivations, so I know what your characters wants to do, both short-term and long-term, and why.

Your character sheet should look like this:

Occupation (former/current):
Physical Description:

Other than name, race, age, and occupation, each category should have at least one paragraph. If you want to include a paragraph about your occupation, please do so as well.

This is going to be an awesome Role-Playing Game, and I encourage anyone who likes roleplaying or creative writing to join up. We'll have a lot of fun.

- Darkest90

P.S. If anyone has questions, please respond below.
Name: Kent Austin
Age: 35
Occupation (former/current): Former Australian soldier
Physical Description: Fit, wornout, battle hardened

History: Used to be a reporter for a small town newspaper then he joined the army and went to war, saw some action, and during a desperate counterattack (after the 7 hour war they didnt really know that they'd already lost) his platoon was captured and sent to several prisons in several diffrent countries after being sent to ireland...

Abilities/Skills: Can use all weapons, has great aim, can see longer distances than usual standards, an expert in identifing then killing things
Motivations: Hates Combine, hates hostile aliens, hates the cold, hated the nazis, hated the kkk, hates racism, hates prisons, hates repeating himself and hates shocksticks.

Hope its good enough.
Name: Max aka: Butter Toast
Race: dumass!/USA
Occupation (former/current):game maker
Physical Description: not active, has stealth and does wierd matrix craperdoo!
History: The birdie dropped me when I was born!!!
Abilities/Skills: STealth, silent but deadly!
Motivations: BUTTER TOAST!!!!
Name: Sam
Race: Irish
Age: 15
Occupation: n/a
Physical description: slim, avergae height
History: fled Dublin with family when the Combine attacked Ireland, saw family captured and has heard no news on what happened to them
Abilities / skills: close combat inside buildings etc, can drive / pilot APCs / hunter helicopters.
Motivation: revenge for family (given up hope of finding them)
Name: Richard.
Race: British, white.
Age: 20.
Occupation: University student, going 2 year course on Engineering.
Physical Description: Slim, short.

History: After leaving Nottingham Central High School with good grades, Richard went on to a short course in Electrics and Development in College. Once left College he applyied at a local University for a course on, or something related, to manufacture and design. A course was set for a Engineering level. Half way through his second year a mass panic began and Richard was evacuated his Univeristy due to unknown reasons. He was taken by several men to a helicopter several miles out of town where he was told to not worry and that his family were safe. As the helicopter left the sky grew rough and several strange 'storms' were seen across England. The storms affected the helicopters radio and navigating devices and the craft went down someplace over Sutton Coldfeild. Nothing was said about Richard until 2 weeks later when someone with his name and identity checked on to a small cruiser set for Ireland, hosting a ride for hundreds of familys whose houses and familys lives had been lost during the chaos that followed the storms. Richards position is currently unavailable but suspected hiding somewhere in Ireland.

Abilities/Skills: Running, is familuar with plenty of tools and machinary and was once known to hot-wire a car for a College prank involvoing a river.
Motivation: Fear. *Shrugs.*

I got a bit distracted. Meh.
Name: Stefan Najdecki

Race: Australian / Polish

Age: 20

Occupation (former/current): Student / Scavenger
Physical Description: On the border of fitness, 5 foot 11, blue eyes, blonde hair tied back into a pig-tail, burn mark of right hand and a trademark shirt with a polar bear on front.

History: After finishing his University Studies, in biology, Stefan started to travel the world he had ended up in Ireland when the portal storms started. He stayed In Ireland, not moving to the protection of London, and started to study the habits and weaknesses of the Xenian life forms.

Abilities/Skills: As mentioned above, Stefan is a biologist and knows some of the weaknesses of the Xenian life forms. He has during the conflict become confident in the finding of scrap metal and of the blacksmithery (spelling?) needed to convert the metal into knives, bullet shells and other assorted things.

Motivations: Studying of the Xenian lieforms, Helping of the rebel forces, Need to get home to see his family.
Great, we got four applicants, not including specialmax cause his character was... ugh... well if anyone posts crap like that again they aren't getting in the RPG period.

We could go right now or wait for two more characters. Good job at those characters, by the way, just what I was hoping for. Do you guys want to go now or wait?

- The characters will start in Ireland, but the adventure could go anywhere. We will probably start with protecting Ireland, but from there it could go anywhere from helping citizens escape from prisons, to helping manage a new city of free citizens, hidden below the earth, or even blowing up a Citadel.
Name:Shaun Bisley
Occupation (former/current): transport pilot for RAF/ hunter
Physical Description:eyes:blue
hair: brown
height: 1.7m
weight: 65kg
History: After graduating from Newcastle university shaun joined the RAF and trained to transport goods. When the combine attacked he fought for 6 of the 7 hours but ran home to see his phiancee(u know what i mean) just to see her slaughtered, he engaged the said attacker in close-quarters fighting earning him a scar paralel to his left eye. Learning of the resistance in Ireland he fled the country.
Abilities/Skills: good at close-quarters combat, scavenging for food/supplies e.t.c, can handle a gun when needed.
Motivations: to purge the earth of the combine scum
You guys haven't ever done forum RPGs before?

Basically, you learn much quicker as you play. I post an 'update' to all the players, sort of describing your setting. I also control the NPCs (characters that you don't control) and the environment.

In response to the Game Master's 'update', the player character (PC) posts a personal update. This is your character's actions. You cannot force any other PC or NPC to do anything when you write your personal update, and you cannot assume you succeed at what you set out to do.

For example.

GM Update

Joe Somebody
You are locked in the Combine cell, it is dark, dank, and you can definitely hear rats. After five weeks, you have given up trying to find a way out. But this day is different. "I am here to help you out! We're breaking out of here!" shouts someone through the small window in the door.

Mr. Smith
You have been thrown into the Combine prison only three days ago. You still pound against the iron doors, trying to break free, and run around the room to avoid the rats. Its your lucky day. Through the bars of the door you hear someone running through the halls.

"We can only take five! Hurry up! We have to get out of here before the Combine figure out we jacked their system!" someone yells. Your chance may be here, but can you become on of the five?


Now the player's respond. Put your name in bold, and under it, your personal update.

Joe Somebody
"At last!" Joe cries. Before running out, he remembers the sharp rock he had been sharpening for days, in case the Combine opened the door. He would have eagerly stabbed one of them before they executed him. Now, the rock would be his only weapon if they encountered enemies on their way out of the prison.

Mr. Smith
"Let me out! I've been in here three days! I am stronger than the others! Take me!" Mr. Smith yells.


The GM then updates again, revealing the outcome of your actions.


Joe Somebody
"Right! Let's get a move on!" The Brit yells, pulling you out of the cell. He laughs slightly, "A rock? I'm obliged, but take this, I can't use it." He points to his left arm, which is reportedly handless. His hand was cut off. With his other hand, however, he unsheathes an assault rifle. He can only use a handgun, but you, with two hands, can use a larger weapon. "I hope you know how to use it."

You quickly move down the dark hallway, and meet up with two other escapees, unlocking the door to a cell.

Mr. Smith
"You better know how to fight!" A man whispers as he unlocks your cell with a ring of keys. He frees you, and you taste the freedom you thought you'd never feel again. Through the blinding light, you see some people carrying guns. More firepower than you thought.


Mr. Smith
Mr. Smith feels his mouth water as he sees the gun.
"Where's mine?! Give me a weapon." he asks, eager to get something to fight with.

Joe Somebody
"I dunno, do we have more guns? What's our plan of action? We need to get out of here fast!"


And so it goes, back and forth. You are creating a story between the Game Master and the Player Characters.

You cannot control other people's characters. If Mr. Smith said:

Mr. Smith asks for the rifle a man is carrying it. He eagerly gives it away. "I don't even know how to use a gun! I think I might wet myself!" the man says.

Then this would be an attack on Joe Somebody. Don't do that. If Joe Somebody wants to give the gun away, he'll do it in his post.

Also, if Mr. Smith said:

"I want a rocket launcher! Gimme one!" Mr. Smith says. The rebel says, "You're in luck, we have a Super XG-1000 'Laserdeathblast' Mechacyborg Megarocket Launcher right here!"

Then that would be an attack on the GM. No controlling the NPCs. Only your own character. If the GM wants to give you a rocket launcher, he will do it in his post.

Mr. Smith, might also say such:

"Don't worry guys, my dad's the G-Man, so I know how to break us out of here." Mr. Smith says. He then punches the wall and the entire prison breaks down. Then, with a twinkle in his eye, he spits a glob of saliva at supersonic speeds. It hits a vital area of Citadel-17, and the Citadel collapses, and all the Combine on Earth dies.

No way! You are assuming that all of these actions will succeed! The GM determines if an action, from jumping over a river to shooting a gun, succeeds in what you want it to do. Minor things like brushing a fly, drinking some water, or sneezing you can do without my consent. But typically, if it affects the plot, don't assume your action will work. You might shoot a rocket at a gunship, but it is up to me to decide whether that works or not. And don't think that I have too much power, if it is realistic, then I will make it work. It is up to my fair judment to determine so.

Anyway, that's how you play, basically.

I guess I will start the RPG tomorrow! Woohoo!
Good luck,
specialmax said:
Name: Max aka: Butter Toast
Race: dumass!/USA
Occupation (former/current):game maker
Physical Description: not active, has stealth and does wierd matrix craperdoo!
History: The birdie dropped me when I was born!!!
Abilities/Skills: STealth, silent but deadly!
Motivations: BUTTER TOAST!!!!

Ok I forgot a couple stuff on skills: Veichle maker,
can raise and do stuff with leechs and barnacles,
the only dude in the world with the world famous
leech gun... Also has a pet headcrab named
Frank Sinatra

PS: SOrry if i was a dork, I was just really exited
I got a problem....
Sounds interesting, but is this gonna be on the d20 system, or are you just gonna say what happens?
And can i have sum sort of lightsabre :D lol j/k

Name: Julian Dronna

Race: Combine Human, originally Australian

Age: 26

Occupation (former/current): Combine Special Ops (Infiltration)

Physical Description: Medium hieght, thin, white shoulder length hair, silver eyes.

History: When the Combine invaded Earth, Julian was one of the first to be taken, he was brainwashed and trained to be part of the Combines best squads of spys and infiltrators.

Julian escaped when he missed one of his metathermine doses (a drug that inhibits brain patterns) and found out what he was doing. He escaped from city 14 and fled to the Irish isles.

Abilities/Skills: Cloaking (is this going too far?)/Stealth. Good with melee weapons (ie. knives, swords :D) moderate sniper. Night vision, heat scanner in eyes

Motivations: Wants to find out what the combine did to him. He knows they did sumthing because of his phisical mutations, ie white hair, silver irises

Hows that?
Name:Will Hooper
Occupation (former/current):resistance member
Physical Description: Overall a muscly person thats pretty fast

History: Played pro football untill the BMRF incedent and took a plane to Ireland,on the plane a freak portal storm screwed things up,mutated people and crashed the plane,only survivor.Got the ability to talk to headcrabs during that storm

Abilities/Skills:can communicate with headcrabs and headcrab zombies,can dual wield 2 gatling guns no problem :sniper: :sniper:

Motivations:wants the combine to stop using headcrabs as weapons and to unite headcrabs and humanity
Name: Ian wallace
OCC:Resistance sniper
Phys descrip: Tall strong not very fast good eyes and accuracy

History: In the US military and on a military transport at the time of the take over. Some of his unit survived but was seperated and ended up in Ireland.

Abilities: Sniping, Has great combat skills, pretty stealthy.

Motivation: To get revenge on the elites who torured his friends for national security information.
dose this mean your character hates my character Marco? lol
and how come no one else is a human/combine... or a vortigaunt, i think we need a vortigaunt to zap peoples.

No^ I can help you and yo can map out important locations for me and some others to infiltrate

Edit:maybe we should take this to an IRC chat?
Name: Mul Kirtap

Race: Australian / Malaysian
Age: 19

Occupation (former/current): Former Police Seargant, now Resistance Operative

Physical Description: Tall, Rangy, dark hair, brown eyes, generally whereing a bomber jacket with long cargo pants.

History: Mul came to England to visit one of his grandparents (and to watch lots of Red Dwarf), when the combine hit. He has fought off bullsquids, headcrabs and all the Xen Flaura and Fauna that can be found - but whether he has the motivation to kill demi-humans remains to be tested. Tendancy towards prefering to live than die gloriously. White-hat hacker.

Abilities/Skills: Weapons Mastery (pistols, SMG's, rifles), Sniping, Hiding, Stealing, hacking.

Motivations: Survival, and the fact that 3 of his friends are now somewhere in what was once the streets of London, dead... or worse, Headcrabbed...

Now can we start?
We still recruiting for this? For me to jump in I'd need to know what kind of level of participation would be needed. I have a feeling I wouldn't be around enough.
I'll try to hand around enough, hope you don't have too many already. I'd advise you drop some people, based on the realism of their charachter(sp) descriptions, unless you fell up to DM'ing such a large game.

Name: Elliot Klaun
Race: American
Age: 21
Occupation, former: US Millitary, low ranking officer
Occupation, current: Irish resistance
Physical Description: Always tired-looking, slouched, dark hair, dark eyes.
History: Was involuntarily drafted in 2005, and kept idle untill the 7 Hour war, when his transport flying over to Europe to provide support was shot down. One of 3 surviviors.
Abilities/Skills: Technologically adept, and favoring accurate automatic rifles (think bullpup from CSS), he has gained great skill using the more technologically advanced weaponry, and is decent at cracking computer systems. Can snipe, but really prefers an automatic weapon. Due to his techical knowledge, he is unusually adept at operating/discovering how to operate combine weaponry and/or computer systems.
Motivations: Anger at Combine for killing most of his squad, and general earth-patriotism. Hopes to some day help bring an end to the combine reign.
Name: Vladimir Alexandrvich Sergeyev
Race: Russian/Slavic
Age: 30
Occupation, former: Lieutenant in the Spetsnaz(Special Forces), Russian Army, Special Forces.
Occupation, current: Commander of personal force of 20 Spetsnaz. Guerilla fighters, live outside the big cities.
Physical Description: Six foot four. High Slavic cheekbones, with solid slavic jaw line. Brown eyes. Brown hair. Medium build. Gait is very militar-ish.
History: When the Combine attacked he desperately tried to save his country, but he could not. After taking the decision to retreat with around 50 soldiers, they slowly made their way across the Ural mountains where they set up a small base. After the base was attacked and many killed, they made their way to Western Europe, then finally coming into Ireland, due to its low presence of Combine. Currently commands 20 other Spetsnaz operatives, with lots of military experience, and military equipment (Assault Rifles, body armour etc.)
Abilities/Skills: Commands 20 former Russian Army Spetsnaz (Special Forces). Soldiers have large Special Forces experience with Knife fighting techniques, gun techniques, stealth. Has experience in Guerilla warfare aswell as Urban warfare.
Motivations: Angry at the enslavement of Earth and his Rodinu. Wishes to free the Human race and re-stablish his home country.
Name: Eric Brown

Race: American

Age: 27

Occupation: Used to be a former Delta Ranger, now a local cook in a Fine Italian Eatery. (In Ireland.)

Physical: Tall, Comparitivly skinny, but not weak. Blonde Hair, around 6' 4"

History: Served in many Mid-Eastern Crisis situations, stationed in Nuremburg when the Combine Portal Storms happened, came to Ireland seeking shelter from Xenoforms and with a festering hatred of the combine.

Skills: Good With heavy weapons, Grenades, machine guns, ect. Good radio operator, skilled team commander and excellent pilot of vehicles.

Motivation: Has a festering hate for the combine for destroying everything he held near and dear. Hates animals.

Man, to bad my life isn't like that. :sniper:
I don't know if I'm too late to join but I hope I'm not. I would also be a good player because I myself am already a gamemaster and am alsways looking for a game to just play. here is my character and I hope I can still join.

Name: Allana Gant
Race: Humagaunt
Age: 23
Occupation:Resistance (City 41 Division) Technician, Spiritual Guru, Translator
Physical Description: Allana is half human, half vortigaunt. Her human side shows most but there are obvious vortigaunt charactersistics that cannot be ignored. She has a mocha colored skin that is quite beautiful and her light brown hair accentuates it quite well. Her body is of normal human appearance although it is usually accentuated by vortigaunt characteristics. Her legs, for instance, are normal human legs but the vortigaunt muscles in her thighs and calves giver her speed much greather than that of a normal humana and jumping ability much higher as well. She luckily has only two arms and her chest is a normal females chest. Her skin, as I mentioned is a mocha color, but it is also very staticky. Her flesh is literally charged with small amounts of electricity and she often gives static shocks. Her face is also of normal human female kind except of course for her single blue eye in the middle of her forehead. Her blue eye does sometime tint red though.She also has dark spots on her palms and her fingers are a tad longer than normal humans. She only has four toes as well and her bones are a lot stronger than human bones. Her back muscles are also augented giving her a small advantage of lifting abilities. She is a beautiful woman with many talents.
History: Allana's father was a Vortigaunt by the name of Red Eye Veree whereas her mother was a human bu the name of Lelah Gant. Her mother and father fell in love when, during the protal storms, he migrated into her backyard and convinced her to let him live with her. They existed peacefully and in time Lelah fell in love with Veree. During one passionate night they went to bed together and a couple of weeks later Lelah realized she was pregnant. She was unfortunately left to raise the child on her own as Veree left for City 41 which was the sight of a great Vortigaunt gathering and civil rights rally. There was a raid in City 41 and Lelah never learned if Veree escaped the Combine or died in the attack.
Lelah did an exceptional job of raising Allana on her own and taught Allana how to be a real woman even though she only ahd one eye. Allana grew up to be beautiful though and many boys both human and vortigaunt alike came calling for her hand. At age eleven when Allana's puberty hit fruition she realized there were some other vortigaunt abilities she obtained. She could emit electrical charges and found this also helped her to be a veritable whiz with technology and machines. She started to earn a quaint living fixing things around her neighborhood. Then at age sixteen she was taken by her vortigaunt neighbor, Janglied Crimson, to a vortigaunt temple and taught in the ways of the vortigaunts so that she might better understand her father's history. There they taught her of the Vortigaunts natural life in Xen, the coming of the Combine, the exodus of the Vortigaunts to Earth at the hands of the Free Man, and the other religious aspects of the Free Man/Vortigaunt religion. They taught her the ways, did the proper rituals so thats she could be called a woman, taught her to better control her electric powers, and tught her a rare vortigaunt ability known as trepanning. After her two years int he temple she returned home to her mother only to find her mother had cancer.
Allana cared for her sickly mother for a year until her imminent death and then Allana set out to City 41 to find her father.
It was there that she became accepted in to Resistance as a technician, teacher, and native vortigaunt translator and it is there that she has been ever since constantly searching for her father and fighting for the Free Man and the civil rights of opressed vortigaunts everywhere.
Abilities/Skills: Allana is highly skilled with technology and the machinations of objects able to fix anything even if she has not ever seen it before. It just takes her a little longer than other things. She works extremely fast and could say mount a turret gun on a hover bike in minutes or say hack into a Combine computer program without much trouble. Like her vortigaunt ancestors she can also emit dangerous electrical charges which can both power objects and destroy enemies and objects, turnign them into so much debris. It takes a lot out of her to emit such a blast and the more powerful the blast the more energy she spends to do it.
She is also extremely obervative and has found a way to use her electrical vortigaunt genes to empath with creatures. She can immediately tell someone's state of mind and emotions in a glance.
Allana is also highly taught in the vortigaunt ways and hostory.
Lastly Allana is skilled witht he ability to trepan. This involves meditating until her consciousness actually leaves her physical body in a form of bioelectric emmittance which she can then travel for a limited distance unseen, effectively possess and affect electrical appliances and other technological things, and can even delve intot he electrical machinations of the mind and veritable read and control the minds fo organisms. This is once again a highly tiring ability and takes much concentration and skill.
Motivations: She is searching for her father and a batter life for the Vortigaunts.
So it looks like this idea died before it even started
Lets start this thing

ok, i could start this for u guys. Ill take the first few characters that posted and were not too unrealisic, or unbalanced, or crap.

Well use the rules that came up with:

Basically, you learn much quicker as you play. I post an 'update' to all the players, sort of describing your setting. I also control the NPCs (characters that you don't control) and the environment.

In response to the Game Master's 'update', the player character (PC) posts a personal update. This is your character's actions. You cannot force any other PC or NPC to do anything when you write your personal update, and you cannot assume you succeed at what you set out to do.

For example.

GM Update

Joe Somebody
You are locked in the Combine cell, it is dark, dank, and you can definitely hear rats. After five weeks, you have given up trying to find a way out. But this day is different. "I am here to help you out! We're breaking out of here!" shouts someone through the small window in the door.

Mr. Smith
You have been thrown into the Combine prison only three days ago. You still pound against the iron doors, trying to break free, and run around the room to avoid the rats. Its your lucky day. Through the bars of the door you hear someone running through the halls.

"We can only take five! Hurry up! We have to get out of here before the Combine figure out we jacked their system!" someone yells. Your chance may be here, but can you become on of the five?


Now the player's respond. Put your name in bold, and under it, your personal update.

Joe Somebody
"At last!" Joe cries. Before running out, he remembers the sharp rock he had been sharpening for days, in case the Combine opened the door. He would have eagerly stabbed one of them before they executed him. Now, the rock would be his only weapon if they encountered enemies on their way out of the prison.

Mr. Smith
"Let me out! I've been in here three days! I am stronger than the others! Take me!" Mr. Smith yells.


The GM then updates again, revealing the outcome of your actions.


Joe Somebody
"Right! Let's get a move on!" The Brit yells, pulling you out of the cell. He laughs slightly, "A rock? I'm obliged, but take this, I can't use it." He points to his left arm, which is reportedly handless. His hand was cut off. With his other hand, however, he unsheathes an assault rifle. He can only use a handgun, but you, with two hands, can use a larger weapon. "I hope you know how to use it."

You quickly move down the dark hallway, and meet up with two other escapees, unlocking the door to a cell.

Mr. Smith
"You better know how to fight!" A man whispers as he unlocks your cell with a ring of keys. He frees you, and you taste the freedom you thought you'd never feel again. Through the blinding light, you see some people carrying guns. More firepower than you thought.


Mr. Smith
Mr. Smith feels his mouth water as he sees the gun.
"Where's mine?! Give me a weapon." he asks, eager to get something to fight with.

Joe Somebody
"I dunno, do we have more guns? What's our plan of action? We need to get out of here fast!"


And so it goes, back and forth. You are creating a story between the Game Master and the Player Characters.

You cannot control other people's characters. If Mr. Smith said:

Mr. Smith asks for the rifle a man is carrying it. He eagerly gives it away. "I don't even know how to use a gun! I think I might wet myself!" the man says.

Then this would be an attack on Joe Somebody. Don't do that. If Joe Somebody wants to give the gun away, he'll do it in his post.

Also, if Mr. Smith said:

"I want a rocket launcher! Gimme one!" Mr. Smith says. The rebel says, "You're in luck, we have a Super XG-1000 'Laserdeathblast' Mechacyborg Megarocket Launcher right here!"

Then that would be an attack on the GM. No controlling the NPCs. Only your own character. If the GM wants to give you a rocket launcher, he will do it in his post.

Mr. Smith, might also say such:

"Don't worry guys, my dad's the G-Man, so I know how to break us out of here." Mr. Smith says. He then punches the wall and the entire prison breaks down. Then, with a twinkle in his eye, he spits a glob of saliva at supersonic speeds. It hits a vital area of Citadel-17, and the Citadel collapses, and all the Combine on Earth dies.

No way! You are assuming that all of these actions will succeed! The GM determines if an action, from jumping over a river to shooting a gun, succeeds in what you want it to do. Minor things like brushing a fly, drinking some water, or sneezing you can do without my consent. But typically, if it affects the plot, don't assume your action will work. You might shoot a rocket at a gunship, but it is up to me to decide whether that works or not. And don't think that I have too much power, if it is realistic, then I will make it work. It is up to my fair judment to determine so.

Anyway, that's how you play, basically.

Here are the games players:


Ok before i do the first senario tell me if u cant or dont want to play

I'm game
but i may not be a quick reply, school ... etc
I'm gonna make a last desperate attempt to post my charecter before it starts :p

-Incoming Transmission-
Inbound: Emergency Transponder Frequency Code 6A
Destination: Civil Protection Monitoring Facility Post-201
Warning. Critical error detected. Automatic subdermal implants deactivated. Primary cerebral restraint offline....
This is a routine message, cerebral implants and subdermal directors in CP Unit 462A expierienced a fatal error .23 seconds ago. Routine precautions enacted, subject termination recommended. Profile and CSV attatched...
Subject:CP Unit 462A "Civil Protection Constable Ian Malcom"
Racial Designation: Human Caucasian Male
Approximate age: Uknown-estimated 19 years of age
History prior to transfer to Nova Prospekt Induction facility: Born in 1990, subject 462A was the only son of family of 4. Data recovered from local data caches indicates the subject had been trained in a 'Irish Liberation Army' but had not seen and refused to enter combat. Sibling and parental Units were transferred to -ERROR DATA CORRUPTED- in the Dublin Campaign of 2007. The subject was deemed to posses nessecary mental and physical capacity suitable for the CP induction program, and was transferred to Nova Prospekt in 2008. Previous skills learned prior to occupation proved valuable in training. Entered service in 2009.
M.O.S.: Sniper Grade: B+, Basic training in all weapons Level 2 and below.
Psyche assesment: Subject is unstable and appears to be displaying resistance to neural grafting techniques. Recommend further investigation.
-Transmission Ends-

ill have to wait till every1 replies, ill give them another day.

sry for the wait

if they dont reply ill take some of teh moer recent chars