Aliens have been stealing our women?



I was browsing through the screen shots and I noticed that other than Alyex everyone seems to be male. Then I looked at the concept art and noticed that some combine troop pictures seemed to be female (and that others could be male or female depending on what is under the body armor).

Has the vile G-Man been putting chips in the heads of our women turning them into kil-bots? Will the war against the alien invasion kill the half of our population capable of reproducing? Is this all part of some evil ironic alien plan? Or am I completely wrong?
Holy @#$%$% that might be true! WE are doomed!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know maybe VALVe are just sexist? in BMRF there where no woman except Gina (and the 2 girls in Decay but ididnt play it).
Well, this is supposed to be a City, not just top secret government research facility (presumibly populated by only men because it was started in the '50s and they haven't let anyone out). I'm sticking with this theory untill someone comes up with a better one.
Sorry to double post but, Riddle me this. How could Valve go to the effort to make EVER LAST NPC unique, yet never ask themselves "Why is every citizen/prisoner of this city male?"
I don't know about the rest of you, but along the lines of not having women flying around with guns that are just as baddass as gordon, IMHO as a male, (which you can agree is about 90% of the market) I just take women like, for example Lara from the tomb raiders series not very seriously. She is just something to ammuse you. Men generally like shoot outs/violence becaues its dangerous and exiciting, men like sexy women. Add the two and that 50% /49% the other 1% is plot which no one really cares about if there are boobies and bullets. So it might just be for story reasons. thats just me.
coolio2man said:
I don't know about the rest of you, but along the lines of not having women flying around with guns that are just as baddass as gordon, IMHO as a male, (which you can agree is about 90% of the market) I just take women like, for example Lara from the tomb raiders series not very seriously. She is just something to ammuse you. Men generally like shoot outs/violence becaues its dangerous and exiciting, men like sexy women. Add the two and that 50% /49% the other 1% is plot which no one really cares about if there are boobies and bullets. So it might just be for story reasons. thats just me.

Believe it or not, but not all men are sex craved maniacs.
chimpmunk said:
I don't know maybe VALVe are just sexist? in BMRF there where no woman except Gina (and the 2 girls in Decay but ididnt play it).

Especially since one of the Decay women was Gina. That's two total over all the various HL expansions. Not including the assassins, of course.
BlazeKun said:
Believe it or not, but not all men are sex craved maniacs.
I don't really think you need to be "Sex Crazed" to figure out that bullets and boobies are to much a distraction to enter a plot.
Jenna Jameson is explaining Geometry (unlikely) and you where there to learn. Would you
(A). Think math is important and concentrate on it
(B). Imagine shes naked
(C). Stare at her chest
(D). Both B and C

I would assume, sence most males have a penis and ballsack. 90% Would pick choice (d) or (c) or (b). A person that would pick A are a minority. Thats why I believe Alyx is in there. Shes not a sex object but more a of a reliable friend. She's like a a person that drives you to succeed. I know that I would rather fight along side of a person not obsessed on her looks and more on whats going on. That doesnt mean she has to be cute but, I think if you have half a brain you can see my point. :thumbs:
coolio2man said:
I don't really think you need to be "Sex Crazed" to figure out that bullets and boobies are to much a distraction to enter a plot.
Jenna Jameson is explaining Geometry (unlikely) and you where there to learn. Would you
(A). Think math is important and concentrate on it
(B). Imagine shes naked
(C). Stare at her chest
(D). Both B and C

I would assume, sence most males have a penis and ballsack. 90% Would pick choice (d) or (c) or (b). A person that would pick A are a minority and are not the target audiance of this game. Thats why I believe Alyx is in there. Shes not a sex object but more a of a reliable friend.

And the rest of the females in City 17 would be porn stars? Judging from the state of city 17 they would be battle hardened females just like Alyx is.
coolio2man said:
I don't really think you need to be "Sex Crazed" to figure out that bullets and boobies are to much a distraction to enter a plot.
Jenna Jameson is explaining Geometry (unlikely) and you where there to learn. Would you
(A). Think math is important and concentrate on it
(B). Imagine shes naked
(C). Stare at her chest
(D). Both B and C

I would assume, sence most males have a penis and ballsack. 90% Would pick choice (d) or (c) or (b). A person that would pick A are a minority. Thats why I believe Alyx is in there. Shes not a sex object but more a of a reliable friend. She's like a a person that drives you to succeed. I know that I would rather fight along side of a person not obsessed on her looks and more on whats going on. That doesnt mean she has to be cute but, I think if you have half a brain you can see my point. :thumbs:

I don't think there is a man on this earth who doesn't like breasts...especially those without any clothes on them.... :thumbs: :bounce:
BlazeKun said:
And the rest of the females in City 17 would be porn stars? Judging from the state of city 17 they would be battle hardened females just like Alyx is.
WTf dude, I dont know if your are disagreeing or making sense. Yes I would assume femals are harded in this game. BUT ITS A GAME THEY COULD HAVE PUT PORN STARS IF THEY WANTED. They didn't because they want more intelligent people to play this game. OKAY? Unless valve says publicly, yes they have stole city-17's women or Alyx has radom sex with grodon throughout the game and wears netted stocking, this game is obviosuly not for people with a one track mind.
Note: Jenna Jameson is a hypotetical example but your to simple to have gotten that.
Bloody aliens... Come over here, taking our jobs and our women... <Grumble Grumble Grumble>
Damn! All this talk about aliens, boobies, pr0n stars, and HL2 is making me crave a doughnut!!!
coolio2man said:
WTf dude, I dont know if your are disagreeing or making sense. Yes I would assume femals are harded in this game. BUT ITS A GAME THE+Y COULD HAVE PUT PORN STARS IF THEY WANTED. They didn't because they want more intelligent people to play this game. OKAY? Unless valve says publicly, yes they have stole city-17's women or Alyx has radom sex with grodon throughout the game and wears netted stocking, this game is obviosuly not for people with a one track mind.

I was just saying that your example is totally bogus and that nobody in their right mind *Except for a few people in the HL2 community, whom will undoubtedly make a nude Alyx mod* would put a porn star, or even an incredibly gorgeous girl, in an environment like City 17. Ever seen 28 days later? The girl in that would be the kinda look you would see in City 17. Fairly messy hair, dirty clothes, maybe even some dirt on their faces. I bet if Alyx got all cleaned up preparing for a ball she would be very sexy.
BlazeKun said:
I was just saying that your example is totally bogus and that nobody in their right mind *Except for a few people in the HL2 community, whom will undoubtedly make a nude Alyx mod* would put a porn star, or even an incredibly gorgeous girl, in an environment like City 17. Ever seen 28 days later? The girl in that would be the kinda look you would see in City 17. Fairly messy hair, dirty clothes, maybe even some dirt on their faces. I bet if Alyx got all cleaned up preparing for a ball she would be very sexy.
Exactly. There is a time and place in any sitaution for courtship/dating. In post Apacolytpic earth, doubtful.
Thats why dumbass people that think with their wanker will not like this game as much as someone whom has played the first completly thru, all the explansions and has a completely solid understanding of the plot and where it will probably lead. So Valves Target Audiance = Anyone that find Doom's plot to be very unstimulating. Its not all about plot mind you, its just that people that think about the plot and keep it in the back of their head, this game will be twice as rewarding of an experiance.
coolio2man said:
Exactly. There is a time and place in any sitaution for courtship/dating. In post Apacolytpic earth, doubtful.
Thats why dumbass people that think with their wanker will not like this game as much as someone whom has played the first completly thru, all the explansions and has a completely solid understanding of the plot and where it will probably lead. So Valves Target Audiance = Anyone that find Doom's plot to be very unstimulating. Its not all about plot mind you, its just that people that think about the plot and keep it in the back of their head, this game will be twice as rewarding of an experiance.

So umm... What were we arguing about if we are both on the same side? o_O;;
BlazeKun said:
So umm... What were we arguing about if we are both on the same side? o_O;;
Looks like it..................Ummmm, :thumbs:
Didn't mean to be mean, lol i ummm didn't see where u where comming from in the beginging :)
I have no idea what we are arguing about either? Help anyone?
coolio2man said:
Looks like it..................Ummmm, :thumbs:
Didn't mean to be mean, lol i ummm didn't see where u where comming from in the beginging :)
I have no idea what we are arguing about either? Help anyone?

Yes I think we're lost! :rolling:
I think you were arguing about dumptrucks full of penguins and spikey hair, just carry on.
nw909 said:
I think you were arguing about dumptrucks full of penguins and spikey hair, just carry on.

Penguins rocks. "Ready dood?! dood DOOD!" Sorry, it's from a hilarious tactical RPG most of you have probobly never played.
el Chi said:
Bloody aliens... Come over here, taking our jobs and our women... <Grumble Grumble Grumble>
Gawdammit! If my signature wasn't already 4 lines long I would have included that! *grumbles*
Pffft! My quotes way better than that. <Head swells>
Why don't you just do Gh0st's quote as one line? Or is that just herecy?
And can you tell that I'd love to have a quote in someone's sig? :) (It's only happened once before: nw909)
Hmm, it's bordering on heresy to shorten gh0st's quote, but okay :p :)
el Chi said:
(It's only happened once before: nw909)

You know you're special when that happens, I only pick the one's I truely laugh out loud.

Which one was it again? lol.
Aw now I really feel special :hmph:
It was the one about Max Payne 2 just being the same as MP1 but prettier and with a less constipated Max or something...
i've seen beta screenshots and ********************* thats all im saying,

Edited: Please don't spoil it for those who don't wish to know what you've seen, thanks.
I think it would be better to have females in the game. Half-Life kinda felt bland since you never saw any. It left the game feeling kinda... bland. I think a game would be more immersful if they had men and women in it, because goodness knows if aliens are invading earth n whatnot there will be women, children, and men fighting no doubt.
Don't forget the token black guy, oh and a disabled person, and someone who's vertically challenged, gotta have them or some people with nothing better to do with their time will be up in arms about equality.
Deus Ex 1 and 2 had lots of people of all nationalities and sex. Although in Deus Ex 1 the Hong Kong people sounded freakin weird.
it would be real cool to see women fighting next to you though. Add's more realism to the game. Even if the game is already realistic enough (aliens invading aint that realistic if you havent noticed....unless you're one of those conspiracy theory freaks on the Art Bell forums)
Well, when the first previews of Half-Life 2 were released they talked about the Character Zoo which had NPCs of City 17 citizens, probably some of them will be female.

As for Half-Life 1, I think the lack of female scientists was a design issue. They would've had to record all the generic scientist sounds twice.

And anyway, scientists were coweredly, some people may have thought that cowering female scientists would've been sexist. There are such people about.
Hey Feath, how doesn't Feath rhyme with teeth? Do you pronouce it like Fee-Ath? Otherwise I would think its a joke or something.