Always bet on Duke

I am looking forward to some intense character development of the duke persona. I hope we delve into his murky past and he opens up about his true feelings. Because this is really what duke nukemm is all about, strong characters.

I also want lots of filthy 1980s bikini clad hot bitches dancing and shit.
Based on that trailer, the "bikini clad" part seems just as unlikely as deep character development. :v
I can't be the only one who saw that box art and thought, "Why does Duke have a woman's hand?"

Exactly what I thought.

I'm on the fence about buying this one. Good thing there is a demo coming out :D
Way to blow your BURN against homos with your misuse of your/you're
On second thought, bad call. You're is a contraction for you are, and the sentence stands as entirely grammatically correct, despite my futile attempts at satirical bigotry.
That's not what I edited, though it would take a mod to prove that. At least I know in my heart of hearts that it is you who is the grammar ****-up.

That's not what I edited, though it would take a mod to prove that. At least I know in my heart of hearts that it is you who is the grammar ****-up.


Mods can't see a post's edit history, only admins can. However I did see your post before you edited it and you did indeed originally have "your" instead of "you're" ;) I distinctly remember noticing it and deciding not to grammar nazi you.

Sorry buddy :p
the edit was not of late, though

it had to have been in the "good call" era. Mutoid Man wins this round on behalf of my senility and I appear ever-more the troll that I am.

this is pretty serious.
I played the sidescrollers before the FPS, they were great

Good Christ, that video made me nostalgia all over myself.

A Night with the King
Did anyone else have a smile on their face while reading that preview?

Sounds like classic Duke for sure.
I also played the 2D ones. Pretty fun, but yeah, 3D was superior. You (mellish) could still play it.
IGN Preview

And it seems like Duke Nukem Forever ignores almost every innovation and advancement pioneered by those and several other big-name shooters of the last decade.

oh noes!!!! the drama!!!!!

The goal was to complete 3D Realms' original vision, offering up Duke Nukem Forever not just as a love letter to the rollercoaster ride of Duke's development cycle


but also as a throwback to The Way We Were-style video gaming. But the question remains if whether or not sticking to a formula that worked so well in the nineties works today, or if Duke Nukem Forever is now irrelevant instead of irreverent.

Of course it works. Duke always works.

But the main activity – shooting – left me cold. Too many early shooting sequences funneled Duke into an enclosed space and left him firing away at enemies without any real rhythm, such as a scene where Duke has to protect his babes from aliens storming into an atrium. Enemies just drop in through the ceiling and zip around on jetpacks, disappearing and reappearing at random. There's no push and pull, no tension. It's just laying on the trigger shooting to get through a scene.

Oh shit, I had forgotten FPS games were about watching ****ing scripted shows rather than playing by yourself.

And as a reminder of how dated shooting scenes like this are, when I used zoom to target an alien that came to a brief pause above me, no ironsights appeared whatsoever. The camera just zoomed in a little. How useful is that?

lol :p

Pitchford also mentioned to me that he was purposefully turning away from the big set pieces that punctuate games like Call of Duty and Halo. What that leaves behind, though, is just a string of shooting scenes like the one described above. Walk into a room, pop a few aliens, and move on. Big set pieces, when done correctly, inspire big emotions and it's become pretty clear gamers enjoy these giant narrative spikes. Instead, in the demo, Duke Nukem Forever slows things down with a too-long scene where shrunk-down Duke steers a toy car through a crumbling casino.

****ing idiots. this is hilarious.
Can't tell if IGN is being serious or not.
It's not like Call of Duty so it has to be shit, right?
I love how he talks about how the lack of scripted controlled cinematic events is so bad, and then goes on to describe a scripted sequence where you climb onto a turret to fight off a wave of enemies.

Also, iron sights help you aim better than just zooming and crosshairs? Yeah it's so much easier to aim when half your screen is blocked by your gunsights. This guy is an idiot.
IGN has to be trolling. This sounds EXACTLY like we want Duke to be!
Gotta be trolling. All the reasons he says it will suck for, are the reasons why I want it. Even someone who didn't grow up playing video games, and has no nostalgic ties to the game cannot think the things he wrote, at least, not without being stupid.
That IGN article really is flabbergastingly stupid. Whoever wrote that probably didn't play a single PC game in the 90s and has spent their entire career reviewing Xbox games.

I mean seriously. Generic, shoot em up action with a lot of potty humor and testaments to Duke's ego are ALL WE WANT. Everything I've seen about this game looks great so far, I don't mind that it's looking kind of retro in terms of FPS mechanics. I certainly don't need a 15 million dollar "huge pretty set piece" to be satisfied. In fact everything I've heard so far about DNF sounds exactly like what i want from it... not boring COD where the focus is on visuals and the gameplay really just boils down to "crawl forward while shooting at random bad guys while your squad mate shouts in your ear about tactical insertion and other military buzzword nonsense" with no variation.

Looking through the IGN profile of the writer of that article, it's clear he's a moron. One of his other articles is him raving about how awesome the Kinect is and he appears to be a total console kiddie...
For a second I thought that History, Legacy & Legend book was a Masters of Doom like thing, which would have been very interesting. It's just art, right?
That is indeed what it says on the book.

This is what you see there:
Deck of playing cards, Duke style.

Poker Chips

Hardcover Art Book

Duke Dice

Postcards from Duke

Window Sticker

Comic Adventures of Duke

Bust of the King

Certificate of Authenticity

The Game

Big Ass Box

The source is a French video game store's Facebook page.

Yeah, it's obscure as **** all but I'd say that that photo of everything looks legit enough.

Another source

It's been confirmed as real to anyone that signed up for the DNF First Access thing.

"Duke Nukem Forever is a terrible dissapointment, ignoring all the giant leaps forward the medium has made since the original, it goes for simple and mundane fun, without ironsights. 7.5/10"
They better have the beta in that collection, or something from the early days.