America Sucks and Why


Jan 30, 2005
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I have to write an essay for my History class on what America has become over the years after it gained independence. Help me out?

Thanks. :thumbs:
Do your own damn essay.

^ One quality of America.
You've come to the right place. I'm sure there are plenty of hypocrits here willing to help you with that essay :) :p
Q: America Sucks and Why?

A: Because people calling themselves "willho" live there.
Because they torture people
Because they spy on their own citizens
Because they are a plutocracy
Because they think they own the world
Because they dont like football
Because they butchered the english language
Because they are shallow
Because they invented rednecks, and wiggers
Because they think a bit of tit is worse than seeing someone being chopped up
Because they only care about money
Because they pretend not to consider alcohol and tobacco drugs
Because they start wars without good reasons
Because they are fat
Because they like country music
Because they say aluminum instead of aluminium
Because they invented slavery
Because they are all ****ing christians
Because they complain about oil being $3 a gallon, try paying $9 a gallon
Because they cant find their own country on a map

That should give you a few ideas.
Because they torture people
Because they spy on their own citizens
Because they are a plutocracy

It's all in good fun (for some of us) hah! Pun intended.
Because they think they own the world

No, we don't. Sweeping generalizations FTMFW.
Because they dont like football

Yes we do, just not your football.
Because they butchered the english language

We actually speak it just as well, if not better than most Brits. Your slang is just as bad as ours. It was an honour to colour the aluminium red with you chaps.
Because they are shallow
K, good one.
Because they invented rednecks, and wiggers

Yeah, we patented them too. The UK invented Chavs though eh?
Because they think a bit of tit is worse than seeing someone being chopped up

I like chopped up tits myself.
Because they only care about money

And we do quite well at it.
Because they pretend not to consider alcohol and tobacco drugs
We don't pretend. This is hardly worse in the US than most European countries.
Because they start wars without good reasons

Oh Em Gee, See "French Ninja"s post in the Net Neurtrality thread.
Because they are fat

Good one.
Because they like country music

No, we don't. We just have a ton more people than any of you other first world countries, and thus have more people in each genre of music. I guarantee you 90% of Americans hate country.
Because they say aluminum instead of aluminium

Damn us to hell. Seriously, we should be kicked out of the UN.
Because they invented slavery

You have GOT to be kidding me. Ignorance of 2k6.
Because they are all ****ing christians
That matters how?
Because they complain about oil being $3 a gallon, try paying $9 a gallon

We don't have public transportation, you do.
Because they cant find their own country on a map

Yes, we can. We're actually quite well educated. But hey, the more stereotypes the better.
Reaktor4 said:
Because they torture people
Because they spy on their own citizens
Because they are a plutocracy
Because they think they own the world
Because they dont like football
Because they butchered the english language
Because they are shallow
Because they invented rednecks, and wiggers
Because they think a bit of tit is worse than seeing someone being chopped up
Because they only care about money
Because they pretend not to consider alcohol and tobacco drugs
Because they start wars without good reasons
Because they are fat
Because they like country music
Because they say aluminum instead of aluminium
Because they invented slavery
Because they are all ****ing christians
Because they complain about oil being $3 a gallon, try paying $9 a gallon
Because they cant find their own country on a map

That should give you a few ideas.

Wow, you're an idiot.

I hate country music. I know one person who likes country music. Majority of the country thinks Cash was the only good thing to come from the Genre.

You know, I could say that Europe sucks because they say Colour instead of Color. It's a viceaversa argument. Not to mention the billions of thick English men who can't say "right".

Most of those are randomly generated oppinions. We think we own the world. Puhlease. You Europeans just pretend the USSR never happened, aye?

Hmm, invented slavery? If I recall, Europeans were the first to reach Africa and begin exportation of the slaves.

And our oil is liquidated by the government. It all comes back in taxes.

You're very ignorant my friend. No trouble though. Just sit back in your little glass bubble and call 'em as you see 'em.
Oil? Oops i meant petrol, sorry, 'gas'..
Let me add a couple more:

They dont understand humour.
Theyre ****ing easy to wind up.
DreadLord1337 said:
Because they spy on their own citizens
Actually, that ones true.
It sucks because American Idol is actually a popular show.

That trumps all other reasons.
Ludah said:
It sucks because American Idol is actually a popular show.

That trumps all other reasons.

Right. With 12 year old girls. Modeled after what?

Pop Idol.

Piss off.
REAL reasons.

Because the environment has gone down the drain.

Because they pwnd the natives (Hawaii and the mainland).
DreadLord1337 said:
Piss off.


I suggest you stop rubbing so much sand in your vagina.

Not really :cheese:

America sucks because the Government consistently fail to comprehend the seriousness or even the existence of their own problems. And they really think they are the justice.

DreadLord1337 said:
Because they cant find their own country on a map[/B]
Yes, we can. We're actually quite well educated. But hey, the more stereotypes the better.
Call them to find China of France on a world map.
I like American people for the most part. But America has tons wrong with it.

Its insane amount of capitalism. See "Net Neutrality" to know what i mean.

Its law/judicial system. You guys sue each other way too ****ing much over the smallest ****ing detail.

I'm going to agree with Reaktor4 here on this.
Reaktor4 said:
Because they butchered the english language
Not as much as some Brits slaugther the language, but at least their Top 20 isn't full of spelling errors. "Dem Franchise Boyz" with "Lean wit it, Rock wit it". What the ****. Come on, what the ****. You can spell "with" properly if you can spell "Franchise" properly. ****ing up grammar on purpose doesn't make you cool.

Another reason i hate America is it's utter obsession with fame. Kids no longer want to be doctors or astronauts, they want to be famous with tons of money and have their image plastered on billboards and TV screens.

And the last reason i hate America, is its Medical/Hospital system. Which i guess also relates back to the "capitalism" one. When i was young i had to have rods inserted into my legs due to a bone disorder i have. In America that operation cost my parents $28,000 USD. In Australia, a few years down the track i had to have those rods taken out and new rods put back in. In Australia, guess how much that cost.......

Nothing. Nothing at all.

Thanks to everyone suing each other over malpractice, and pharmaceutical companies trying to earn a few thousand dollars of every possible thing, in America it cost $28,000. In Australia, thanks to the national healthcare program, it cost nothing.

Oh, and George Bush. You guys elected him, twice. Once i can excuse. He didn't seem to have a bad track record at that time. But twice.

Thats why i hate America.
I'd be actually flattered if we can be attributed to the invention of slavery. Too bad we can't, hardly topping the Roman Empire.
Hey guys, America really sucks. I hate America. Its so dumb. I wish I lived somewhere cool like Hawaii or something. Yeah, plus Anarachy is f*cking sweet. Anarchy is so f*cking cool. I like that shit man. America sucks. F*ck.

Ludah said:

I suggest you stop rubbing so much sand in your vagina.
Javert said:
I'd be actually flattered if we can be attributed to the invention of slavery. Too bad we can't, hardly topping the Roman Empire.

You just improved on it :)
Some things I don't like about America, but I won't say it sucks, nor am I remotely implying its the worst country.

- Electing Bush twice in a row despite his glaring incompetence.

- Tied to that is the general complacency of the American people. It seems like most couldn't care less about a reduction in their liberties, violations of their rights, or the severe mistreatment of others.

- The growing anti-intellectual mindset that sees science and secular humanism as dangerous. The same mindset that harbors an abhorration for homosexuality, evolution, and has managed to fool a not insignificant portion of the population into thinking that Intelligent Design is a credible theory.

- The administration's hypocrisy when it comes to human rights. We don't tolerate the violation of such rights on our soil, but we'll be damned if we can't send our prisoners elsewhere to do it for us.

- Fox News is actually a leading, popular source of information. This goes beyond "lol Faux News sux". It's scary that so many people will willingly listen to a pandering source, completely aware of what a sham it is.

- There seems to be a general disregard for all things foreign. I don't just mean in terms of Bush's cowboy motif when it comes to his foreign policy. I mean that the public itself is very insular. I've met many Europeans, Asians, Africans, and so forth, and most have a vastly greater recognition and understanding of the world as a whole. You ask Average Joe down the street in your suburban neighborhood about East Timor and he'll have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

- As much as some people like to whinge about the left, politics as a whole has largely taken a shift to the right ever since Reagan. The supposed major leftist party - the Democrats - are at best a bunch of middle-of-the-road pussyfoots. Trying hard not to offend anybody, waffling about all over the place, abandoning ideals so as not to rock the boat. They need some balls, and soon.

- The entire MTV-inspired youth culture that thrives is sickening. Gut-wrenchingly, eye-****ing stupid.

Obviously, somethings pertain more to certain states than the country as a whole. And there are certainly countries that are far worse off than we are.
Why are you doing only negative things? There are far more positive things, especially today compared to then. 21 year old white landowners to today every 18 year old citizen able to vote. Many more rights than at our inception, etc etc.
America has its problems, starting with its foreign policiy, but that list just cracked me up :p

Also, its totally hilarious if there are Brits who are pointing fingers, as they were amongst history's Nr1 world-****ers :)

The thing that sucks in the States is McDonalds :p
Ludah said:

- There seems to be a general disregard for all things foreign. I don't just mean in terms of Bush's cowboy motif when it comes to his foreign policy. I mean that the public itself is very insular. I've met many Europeans, Asians, Africans, and so forth, and most have a vastly greater recognition and understanding of the world as a whole. You ask Average Joe down the street in your suburban neighborhood about East Timor and he'll have no idea what the hell you're talking about.


Sometimes it's like they live on a different planet for all they seem to know or care about what's going in the rest of the world.

And i'm allowed to generalise because all we really see of America here in New Zealand is loudmouth overweight douchebag tourists. Any signs of intelligence/normal human being and we quickly and conveniently forget they're american. Also every night the news is filled with your whacky government, or, my favourite, the people that sent clean underwear to new orleans. I mean seriously, wtf? people are starving and have no medical supllies, clearly new y fronts is the first thing on their minds. also, yes, i am ignoring all the scientific and medical breakthroughs, and the fact that you saved our asses in 2 separate wars :D Your accents are also incredibly annoying.
Bull Goose Loony said:
Sometimes it's like they live on a different planet for all they seem to know or care about what's going in the rest of the world.

And i'm allowed to generalise because all we really see of America here in New Zealand is loudmouth overweight douchebag tourists. Any signs of intelligence/normal human being and we quickly and conveniently forget they're american. Also every night the news is filled with your whacky government, or, my favourite, the people that sent clean underwear to new orleans. I mean seriously, wtf? people are starving and have no medical supllies, clearly new y fronts is the first thing on their minds. also, yes, i am ignoring all the scientific and medical breakthroughs, and the fact that you saved our asses in 2 separate wars :D Your accents are also incredibly annoying.
WTF? I don't even know what you're talking about with underwear. Your media being saturated with America isn't our fault either, it's your medias.

Tourists can't be regarded as representative. If that were the case, I'd be racist against Asians (most tourists around here are) because all the tourists here are loud, pushy, and will point at you/talk in their language right in front of you. But that's the TOURIST complex, not part of their culture or nationality. They'd probably see an American tourist doing the same thing in their nation and notice it but not notice when they do it.
Bull Goose Loony said:
and the fact that you saved our asses in 2 separate
The Russians won world war 2, I'm not great on world war 1 though, :\
Erestheux said:
Hey guys, America really sucks. I hate America. Its so dumb. I wish I lived somewhere cool like Hawaii or something.

You realise that Hawaii is a state, right?

America is awesome. The only place better than it is the Great republic of Korea.
Ludah said:
Some things I don't like about America, but I won't say it sucks, nor am I remotely implying its the worst country.

- Electing Bush twice in a row despite his glaring incompetence.

- Tied to that is the general complacency of the American people. It seems like most couldn't care less about a reduction in their liberties, violations of their rights, or the severe mistreatment of others.

- The growing anti-intellectual mindset that sees science and secular humanism as dangerous. The same mindset that harbors an abhorration for homosexuality, evolution, and has managed to fool a not insignificant portion of the population into thinking that Intelligent Design is a credible theory.

- The administration's hypocrisy when it comes to human rights. We don't tolerate the violation of such rights on our soil, but we'll be damned if we can't send our prisoners elsewhere to do it for us.

- Fox News is actually a leading, popular source of information. This goes beyond "lol Faux News sux". It's scary that so many people will willingly listen to a pandering source, completely aware of what a sham it is.

- There seems to be a general disregard for all things foreign. I don't just mean in terms of Bush's cowboy motif when it comes to his foreign policy. I mean that the public itself is very insular. I've met many Europeans, Asians, Africans, and so forth, and most have a vastly greater recognition and understanding of the world as a whole. You ask Average Joe down the street in your suburban neighborhood about East Timor and he'll have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

- As much as some people like to whinge about the left, politics as a whole has largely taken a shift to the right ever since Reagan. The supposed major leftist party - the Democrats - are at best a bunch of middle-of-the-road pussyfoots. Trying hard not to offend anybody, waffling about all over the place, abandoning ideals so as not to rock the boat. They need some balls, and soon.

- The entire MTV-inspired youth culture that thrives is sickening. Gut-wrenchingly, eye-****ing stupid.

Obviously, somethings pertain more to certain states than the country as a whole. And there are certainly countries that are far worse off than we are.


Plus: The US is a very good place. But it is not even remotely as fantastic as most Americans seem to think it is. And if things carry on the way they're going, not only will you all be totally ****ed, but the rest of us will be too.

Having said that, if you avoid talking about anything political etc, American people are great. Going from what my uncle tells me (he's travelled a lot) you can walk into a bar in the middle of nowhere and everybody is like 'WOW YOUR ENGLISH HERE HAVE A BEER DO YOU KNOW THE QUEEN!!!????!!!!' If an American tried that in the middle of Manchester he wouldnt last 10 seconds. Also, my cousins are ace.
Because they torture people

Because they spy on their own citizens
Don't really care tbh

Because they think they own the world

Because they dont like football
I love football, go England btw

Because they butchered the english language
It's called slang, not every version of every language is the same everywhere

Because they are shallow
We are?
Because they invented rednecks, and wiggers
Rednecks are just Pikeys, and wiggers are just people following a trend

Because they think a bit of tit is worse than seeing someone being chopped up
I agree, ****ing soccer moms don't care if CNN shows Abu's dead body, but the second a tit comes up OH SHIT CALL THE FCC!

Because they only care about money
Who doesn't, I can guarantee that if you were going broke, and forced to live on the streets, you wouldn't be like "Oh well, I don't care about money"

Because they pretend not to consider alcohol and tobacco drugs
Are you stupid? We aren't the only country that has legal alcohol and tobacco dumbass

Because they start wars without good reasons
Vietnam and Iraq, yes

Because they are fat
Good job generalising

Because they like country music
Johnny Cash, yes, other than that, no

Because they say aluminum instead of aluminium
Goes with slang

Because they invented slavery
omfg...I really hope you die, Romans, no they didn't invent it, the world didn't know slavery until the Africans sold their own people to the british who sent it to their colonies, but yeah, that's our falt

Because they are all ****ing christians
Sorry Mein Fuhrer that we like choosing our religion

Because they complain about oil being $3 a gallon, try paying $9 a gallon
Well when you go from $1 a gallon to $3 in 5 years, it pisses us off

Because they cant find their own country on a map
You really should have been aborted
Oh, and how could I forget.

- Massively ****ed up drug laws. This doesn't need extrapolation.
Ludah said:
Oh, and how could I forget.

- Massively ****ed up drug laws. This doesn't need extrapolation.

So you're basically saying, "here is my argument, but you guys aren't allowed to analyze it because I said so. I'm so totally right".

DreadLord1337 said:
You can't win the Aluminum "debate", because the IUPAC has already chosen the etymologically accurate spelling "Aluminium", whether America likes it or not.

I would not say America sucks so much as I would say recent American policies suck, or an amazing number of people in America suck, or an amazing number of American politicians suck.