Anime Sucks


Jul 11, 2003
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Now, I've seen a bunch of Anime in my lifetime. I think the first one I ever saw was Lensman back in the 80's. Since then I've seen a bunch. All the "classics" of course; Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Project Ako, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, etc...I've even seen some lesser known ones, A Wind Named Amnesia, Gunsmith Cats, Porco Rosso, and others.

One thing they have in common is they all kinda suck. I mean, first of all, the animation is always kinda shitty. Sure, some of the action scenes are well animated but that's about it. Usually, its some still frame with the mouth of the character barely opening and closing. And really, can even a huge fan of Anime tell me that what comes out of the characters mouths is well written? Half the time, it barely makes any sense. The screenplay writing in most Anime filmaking is just about some of the most derivative, contrived, psuedo Sci-Fi schlock in the history of cinema.

The thing is, people love this stuff so much when there are movies out there that are about 1000x better. I could go on and on why most Anime is terrible, but I guess I'll just let you guys flame me now.....
The only actual anime I've seen is Perfect Blue [I think that's the name]. I thought it was pretty good, but I still stick by my hentai. If there isn't any hentai in an anime then there's no point watching it.
Alzxul said:
The only actual anime I've seen is Perfect Blue [I think that's the name]. I thought it was pretty good, but I still stick by my hentai. If there isn't any hentai in an anime then there's no point watching it.

I saw Perfect Blue quite a long time ago. If I remember correctly there's some nudity in there for ya. It's actually one of the better ones I've seen. At least there aren't any totally pointless action scenes and the writing isn't completely terrible.
Aye there was some nudity, but it had a pretty deep and involving story line so I wasn't exactly watching it for that alone. I'm not really a sexual deviant. *Glances Around Nervously*.
I feel like i need to respond to this, even if i dont care the slightest about it.

Everyone has their taste and how they see things. Here is what i think about the animation:

It's very cheap to make anime (even if some, like GONZO, uses alot of computer animations in theirs) and that depends on the fact that its very simple. You dont get 25 frames per second, you dont get animation á la Disney. It's been animes trademark to be simple since its birth, and without it, it wouldnt be anime (for me). On the plus side though, since its so cheap to do, many can do it. You wont loose everything you got in your life just because you made a bad film/series. This makes people wanna explore and make really unique films/series... since they dont have a lot at stake if it dont make it.

You really have to learn Japanese to get the most out of the screenplay. Most anime you get today (downloaded) is subbed by kids in my age (17) with almost the same knowledge in the Japanese language as me. If you just compare the intro song with diffrent subbgroups you'll see a difference.

I would rather, like i said, see anime being cheap so we can enjoy more daring and unique movies/series. Not everything is good, but alot is (in my opinion).

Its like the opposite of Hollywood. In hollywood, you want badass effects to go with it since everyone likes explosions. You dont dare to make something that can be a little different since you dont know if the public will like it. Just make the same kind of movies with more explosions and youre set.

Everyone has their oppinion and i cant change that, just make it clear what i think :)
I love you darkstar. Have you seen the tram shamockery that was steel angel kurumi 2?
And really, can even a huge fan of Anime tell me that what comes out of the characters mouths is well written?

Although I like anime pretty much I have to agree on this.

Plus, most series deal with fighting each other and competing. How often does one hear 'Oh, I'm stronger than you!' 'You can never defeat me!' 'I will defeat YOU!' bla. And that's not just Pokemon and other kiddie-crap, that's in almost every series.

But hey, as I said, I still love animes. :D
Blue Sub 6 was a good one...I also like the Gundam series.
Tr0n said:
Blue Sub 6 was a good one...I also like the Gundam series.

don't get me started on the illogicality...ness of gundams. they're inefficient and downright stupid and improbably. I could design a better mech in my sleep.
Yes I could to...but it's just a cartoon!Anyways i'm a mech fan so the gundam series is one of my favorites.Also don't forget pokemon!It's the shizzle... ;)
tr0n, this is a general order from HQ: abandon the JH avatar asap.

-commander timmy

edit: oh and yeah... anime sucks.
The animation is lacking because the detail of the characters and scenery is extremely ...detailed!!! It's an enormous amount of work to animate it, so they take shortcuts, which imo are more stylish and can generate totally different and unique emotional responses that traditional live action films cannot.

As for the screenplays, the subject matter is stuff holywood don't dare touch because it's often too complicated for your average movie goer who laps up [sarcasm]cinematic genius[/sarcasm] like The Mummy Returns.

? Half the time, it barely makes any sense.
Case in point :farmer:
I used to be impartial to anime until a friend showed me some 'tentacle hentai', under the guise of "hey look at this- its funny!"
Now I dont know what to make of the whole thing...
Lil' Timmy said:
tr0n, this is a general order from HQ: abandon the JH avatar asap.

-commander timmy

edit: oh and yeah... anime sucks.
Aye captain!!!

Anyways anime is starting to get kinda random now'n days.
:naughty: I like me some Anime, but I don't want to get into it all hardcore. Sorry, because my cousin is turning into some anime crazed fan, which makes me pissed. He spends all this cash on Anime DVD, it's cool, it's his hobby... but the drawback is that his social life is getting torn apart. My uncle is strict enough on him about his social life, his little love for anime is building four walls to the point he questions to me why he has hard times with females, gets picked on at school etc etc... this all started happening like 2 years ago, sometimes I think it's my fault of what he's become/becoming because our first anime we've watched was Gundam Wing, from there on to now he has over 200 anime DVD's.

Me personally I prefer anime types such as Cowboy Bebop, Gundam, Ghost in the Shell, Jin Roh, Wolf's Rain... stuff along those lines. My fondness for anime has been fading away ever since I really got interested in this computer hardware stuff, hehe.
Some anime is good, I like futuristic and a little realistic anime stuff, without all weird facial expressions and stuff. :)
I feel like im the only one watching comedy and love/drama animes here :)
Recoil said:
Although I like anime pretty much I have to agree on this.

Plus, most series deal with fighting each other and competing. How often does one hear 'Oh, I'm stronger than you!' 'You can never defeat me!' 'I will defeat YOU!' bla. And that's not just Pokemon and other kiddie-crap, that's in almost every series.

But hey, as I said, I still love animes. :D
Thats what you get when you translate japanese.. they have a whole diffrent culture and style of language then us western folks so it sounds all bad and unlogic to us.
I hate anime/manga as well, drawing style is so old a trained monkey could do it. What I hate the most is the metaphysical crap like ghost in the shell... "am I a robot? am I human?". It's just awful, long and boring. The long painful monologues make me want to blow my brains out.

Don't get me wrong I love japanese movies but Mangas just make me want to puke my guts. Watch some Takeshi Kitano movies instead.
Anime isn't terrible if you occasionally watch it and actually LIKE it. It's bad when you act like a retarded 18 year old that doesn't want to grow up and tags every typed message with ^^, uses incorrect pronunciation on japanese words, or laughs using KEKEEKEKEKEKEKE#$KEKEKEKEK#K##K#K##K$$K$K$KEEKEKE.
Anime's are animated movies, Manga's are Japanese comics. Manga's beat the crap out of Anime's. Don't filthen the name manga by using it in a sentence when talking about anime ,or i'l cutthroat yah. Simple
i like anime but manga is so much better. at the end of the Akira movie i was like "WTF???", but then i read the mangas and then the whole story made sence and it was so much better.
"am I a robot? am I human?". It's just awful, long and boring. The long painful monologues make me want to blow my brains out.

Those are some philosophical problems that we should care about in research-times like these. I find them to be really interesting.
CyberSh33p said:
I love you darkstar. Have you seen the tram shamockery that was steel angel kurumi 2?

No, but I just learned a new word which I'm about to use in a sentence. Everyone must stop all this tram shamockery immediately!
Well, i gotta agree, you have some points there. Yu-gi-oh! used to have a good plot and engaging duels. Now its just gotten to the point of DBZ, there is like 1 minute fo actual dueling, and the rest is posturing. And Yes, they like to reuse animation clips. But thats just anime.

But, if you look at some of the better anime, like gundam wing, GW Endless waltz(best anime ever inho) or something like cowboy bebop, cold case, or outlaw star, you'll change your opinion a lil bit.

Don't even bother looking at most primetime stuff. They are mostly kiddy shoes like pokemon or hamtaro *shivers*
Animes are pretty good. I've seen quite a few and all I can say is they're a hell of a lot better than some of the cartoons I've seen. Stuff like Family Guy and Futurama are great but I can't really think of any other cartoons I really like. I think they just started Case Closed on AS and it's ok because I like solving mysteries but they make em too simple :P. I can usually tell who did it a couple minutes into the episode or whenever they give you the "clue". I'll just stick to gaming because I know nothin about cartoons anyway :).
If they had better frame rates like American animation, well it would be a lot better. I can't blame them tho, its hard to draw such detail over and over again without messing up.
Majestic XII said:
I feel like im the only one watching comedy and love/drama animes here :)


Although I've only watched one love/drama anime.

It still confused me why some of the characters had blue hair but not GIANT ROBOT GOD JESUS HOBO FIST!

I can't take blue hair seriously.

Oh well, best comedy anime I watched was Azumanga Daioh, actually, it's probably the best anime I've seen.
what about miazaki (sp?) stuff. Like My Neighbour Totoro, a classic. Spirited Away was pretty good too, and Princess Mononoke.
Dan said:
what about miazaki (sp?) stuff. Like My Neighbour Totoro, a classic. Spirited Away was pretty good too, and Princess Mononoke.

Actually, those are about the only Animes I really have much respect for. That guy really is a genius.
That movie Metropolis went on cable here once, I really like the story, and the environments and that future-retro thing.
CrazyHarij said:
That movie Metropolis went on cable here once, I really like the story, and the environments and that future-retro thing.

Man...I like the music in Metroplis, but that's about all I liked. I hated that damn stupid little girl robot thingy.
I hate anime as well.

Just to let you know. ;)
Go watch samurai champloo you bitches.
Anime Blows.

You can say I don't back up my statement and all that, but I really don't care, cause at the end of the day it still is as bad as it was back in the Speed Racer days.
hiln said:
Go watch samurai champloo you bitches.

Samurai Champloo is gangstuh, not as gangstuh as Ninja Scroll though.

Anime like Goldenboy, Tenchi, Inuyasha, Chobits... etc etc all that stuff is crap, i'm sorry I personally think it's for relationship deprived peope.
DarkStar said:
Man...I like the music in Metroplis, but that's about all I liked. I hated that damn stupid little girl robot thingy.

You got to admit that Metropolis looked fantastic, though :)

Miyazaki is consistently great. I recently saw Pom Poko - it's almost up there with Mononoke/Totoro/Spirited Away imo (it stars shape-shifting badgers who attack people with their testicles! need I say more? :) )

I also thought much of the Animatrix was excellent (far better than Revolutions and Reloaded - although that isn't saying much)