Anti-newbie rage


The Freeman
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Why the sudden rush of newbies to this forum? I don't want to say that they're ALL making crap posts, but let me just say that the number of crap posts and crap threads have increased, and the creators haven't been around that long.

This crap thread created by a geezer not to be ignored of course :p

So was it E3? Left 4 Dead? Team Fortress 2? SOMETHING had to have brought these people here...
E3 mostly, and I for one like the newbies. They are the future. I will protect them, and I will end you. (Unless they are silly trolls)
Yes, yes. I hate newbies.
Some newbies are cool. Most are not. All of them must go through the initiation and survive it before I will welcome them though.
I wonder now why I removed 5bars from my ignore list.
I welcome new people to the forums as much as anybody, I just don't like filtering through a polluted thread list of bad grammar, false rumors, and incomplete thoughts to find a topic worth reading. Is that too much to ask?

Edit: bar^5, you've been far :O
Yes, i recommend to newbies to lurk around for like a year like i did before joining
Silly newbs, they are always like that for some reason.
Yes, i recommend to newbies to lurk around for like a year like i did before joining
You are one of those morons barbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbar, do you realize that?
I'm not a newbie, I've just been away a while.
I think people would like you more if you had just added one more bar.
The trick is to shut up, lay low, and slowly immerse yourself in.

The fact that I refer to you as dickbars should be an indicator.

I dont like you at all and nobody else here does either :|. You failed the test miserably.
Yeah, I signed up awhile ago to do one silly thing (I don't even remember what it was), then not too long ago I remembered, "oh yeah, I've got an account with", but all I did was browse & not post for awhile until I saw some post that I felt hell-bent on replying to.
To the n00bs: if you're going to post/make a thread/etc., make it count. I don't want to name names (bc we already know who many of them are), but some n00bs feel hell-bent on making several threads about the same damn topic.
And FrostedxB: don't worry, you're cool. :)
I'm guessing I'm somewhat new, considering that I joined about a year ago. I'm pretty sure I contribute as much, if not more, than most newbies.
I think one cause was the promise of -Smash- reporting news from Valve at E3. That caused a massive influx of people from other Valve related sites that started disrupting the servers. Then the super moderators turned off the ability to see forum threads for unregistered users, so if people wanted up-to-the-second news on the utterly wishful thinking appearance of Half-Life 2: Episode Three, they had to register to be able to see it.

Then, because posting on Steam Powered wasn't enough, the bitch and whine brigade pitched their tents on the lawn outside every Left 4 Dead 2 and Episode Three thread and began their vigil. Frankly, they need to cut their hair and get real jobs.

Also, well-behaved peoples with recent join-dates were spotted. Unlike those destined to wander into the path of the Ban-Ham flight Pi-Mu-Rho, they will quickly tire of our elitist attitudes and crawl back into the woodwork, only to emerge when Episode Three goes gold and Luke takes a moment away from the party to stare at their smiling, ethereal forms.
now i'm the hell did Warped make so many posts in such a short calculations say he made approximately 10 posts a day. crazy ****...but he's ok, so i'm not complaining that much
Post count elitism ftw!
It just so happens that the newer members seem to have a lower intelligence ON AVERAGE.
I think one cause was the promise of -Smash- reporting news from Valve at E3. That caused a massive influx of people from other Valve related sites that started disrupting the servers. Then the super moderators turned off the ability to see forum threads for unregistered users, so if people wanted up-to-the-second news on the utterly wishful thinking appearance of Half-Life 2: Episode Three, they had to register to be able to see it.

Then, because posting on Steam Powered wasn't enough, the bitch and whine brigade pitched their tents on the lawn outside every Left 4 Dead 2 and Episode Three thread and began their vigil. Frankly, they need to cut their hair and get real jobs.

Also, well-behaved peoples with recent join-dates were spotted. Unlike those destined to wander into the path of the Ban-Ham flight Pi-Mu-Rho, they will quickly tire of our elitist attitudes and crawl back into the woodwork, only to emerge when Episode Three goes gold and Luke takes a moment away from the party to stare at their smiling, ethereal forms.

I was with you until we hit the Star Wars metaphor. Wait, what?
Barbarbar was actually here a couple weeks back to and then disappeared. Or maybe I've just been much less active. Whatever, him and dabom or insanely irritating.
Barbarbar was actually here a couple weeks back to and then disappeared. Or maybe I've just been much less active. Whatever, him and dabom or insanely irritating.

He disappeared because he got banned twice in a row.
Why the sudden rush of newbies to this forum? I don't want to say that they're ALL making crap posts, but let me just say that the number of crap posts and crap threads have increased
Are you serious? You know, there are times when animosity toward newbies is justified, like when dabomb posts in the Image Dump or when newbies show up in Singleplayer Games (that's almost a guaranteed red flag), but are you SERIOUSLY going to say that the number of crap threads in a place like The Lounge has increased because of newbies?

Don't point the finger at newbies to justify the amount of shit that infests this forum. Newbies shouldn't be the scapegoat for shit like "Poll: What hand do you wipe your ass with?"
Barbarbar was actually here a couple weeks back to and then disappeared. Or maybe I've just been much less active. Whatever, him and dabom or insanely irritating.
Dabomb hasn't posted since June 7th. That deserve a drink!