Anyone else feel sick?

I felt really sick last night after playing maybe for 90 minutes. But it was late, thought I was just bone-tired. I had the kind of headache that is induced when I go on a merry-go-round or a rollercoaster.
The weird thing is that I never had this with counterstrike, teamfortress, doom3, vice city, etc. Especially since I play at the easy setting and walk really slow, in order to savor the experience. I hope with regular breaks I'll be able to work this out.

Thanks for the tip on the fov, will check out that ASAP and will post if that makes a difference.

Is there any word from Valve yet on this? Is there a

sv_motionsickness_induce 0

setting? :)
Dammit, now the buggy makes me feel ill. In real life I never feel sick driving, flying or at sea.

Its weird cause in CS:S i can play for ages without feeling anything at all. I swear its got something to do with weapon sway and bumps when driving vehicles. In duke nukem you could turn weapon sway off and that cured it. There must be a way of doing it in hl2?
I find that games which run in low frames sometimes make me feel ill.

What kinda settings you guys running?> maybe the frames are slipping too low.
Me and my brother were planning on playing the game all night (which I did) but about 2 hours into it he said he was feeling sick (like puking) and had to go to bed....

Odd, wonder why you guys get motion sickness when someone like me who gets it all the time doing other stuff in real life doesn't get it at all in this game. Weird.
Ok, to change the fov, make an autoexec.cfg and put it in your hl2/cfg folder. Put the following lines in it:

sv_cheats 1
fov 90

Replace 90 with whatever value you want. Anything higher than the game's default 75 will lower your framerate a bit because it will show more geometry onscreen.

The reason you guys don't get sick in CSS is probably because its default fov is 90 (same with CS).
I know the feeling you mean, but I didn't get it at all with HL2.

Usually it happens to me when framerates are low or refresh rates a re dodgy. Check both those things out.
Weak gamers :\.
I KNOW! Maybe it's a secret govrement game built to make gamers sick so then they puke and make oil out of it?!?!?! :O.

It's a game... go eat, go sleep, and then play.
Motion sickness, Huh.
My uncle used go get motion sickness out of bumpy (the little ball).
oh my god, you're all dieing!

see, this is why i'm waiting until friday night, then play all weekend.

because i'll be rested, and enjoy hl2, ^_^ not suffer it.

I too got the sick feeling last night although at the time I put it down to the large Tandoori Mixed grill I had just stuffed down my throat.
Will try it again tonight without the Indian cuisine (If i can get the bloody game authenticated so I can play offline)
yo i felt sick like that also :| but its prob cause i was playing for 8 hours straight :p lmao
I started playing first person shooters only about a year ago. I could barely play them at all because the motion sickness was so bad. It helps if you play the with the game in a window and if you play very far away from the monitor.

Beginning airplane pilots also get motion sickness initially also. It is because your eyes see movement which is relayed to your brain. However your ears and other senses do not also feel that sense of movement and your brains response to that is to act as if you were poisoned, which is to get rid of the poison in your system by vomiting.

It is increased if you are playing when very tired or when you are drunk. I got overmine by turning off the jog effects on the camera, and gradually increasing playing time over a period. Now I can play any game regardless of how shaky the camera or how fast it goes. You get used to it after a while.
if you have a CRT monitor set hz to at least 85hz, you can get easily headache with 60hz or lower.
motion sickness is caused when ur brain sees u are walking / moving but ur body says u are not....

meaning hl2 is doing pritty good at making ur brain think u are walking about!
When i enter vehicles, it makes my head spin
Im fine and i have epileptic fits so this game proofs its nothing to do with flashing lights and im useing edmietional 3dglasses sweeet
I'm really really REALLY sick with a "flu-like virus"
Anywho, its somehwat fortunate becuase staying home from school lets me play hl2 more..... :cool:
seems you girls have never been on a boat. i actually adored how everything moved around, like crowbar whacking or the gun swaying :D
gm4n123 said:
I'm really really REALLY sick with a "flu-like virus"
Anywho, its somehwat fortunate becuase staying home from school lets me play hl2 more..... :cool:

but youl get the odd person saying "your too sick to come to school but not tp play HalfLife 2 tutututut"

but any ways that what i use to do :p
Although I wish no one had to feel sick, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. I get motion sick from pretty much everything. Hate the water and can't go on any rides at amusement parks...blech.

Think the worst game ever for me was the original Doom for some reason, but the Boat and Buggy parts in HL2 are getting up there.

For me it helps to have a lot of cool air and to drink a lot of ice water. Also have to take breaks about every 30 minutes or so (depending on the game and what's going on).
not sure if it was the vicoden or the game, but i got sort of sick and similar to motion sickness on the buggy level.
No game has EVER made me feel sick before, and I play games all the time. But for some reason, when I play HL2 for an hour or two I get a pretty bad headache.
i've been getting stomach aches for the past two days playing because i have been sitting down so much
This is a common and recognised problem called 'simulator sickness' its pretty much the exact opposite of 'motion sickness' (i get both... yay) Ive found it can be any number of things that trigger it for me (most games im fine, others i have a killer headache in like 5 mins) things like choppy sound, low frame rate, brighness/gamma, mouse sensitivity and viewbob. HL2 is giving me a mild headache... but not enough to stop playing :)

Breaks, Fluids and headache tablets are your friend :)
whenever i get motion sickness. i put on some shades : D, for some strange reason it helps
Motion sickness

I get sick when playing old games like doom and especially the marathon series. I dont know if its the really low resolution textures or the really small corridors but something gives me a headache and makes me feel like I need to hurl. Lucky for me new games dont seem to do it, so I should be okay when I am ablr to get my hands on half life 2.

Good Luck to those of you with this problem, really makes the game much less enjoyable :) .
i was badly sick while playing hl2 until i've set my refresh rate to 85Hz ! i just finished the game few seconds ago and i feel freakin fine !
HL2 is rotting my brain!!!

I got a headache probably because I was playing all day most of it in the dark.

Yeah the boat ride is quite bouncy, no wonder you guys got sick.
I don't get motion sickness when I play on my computer (I beat it, played 11 hours straight), and then just today I loaded it up on my laptop, and after an hour or so of playing, I started feeling sick...

Possibly it's something about the monitor you use??? Cuz I feel fine when I play on my flatscreen...
i get sick when i stuck in a map about 15 minutes trying to find the exit. It's not about hl2. In 1994, i got sick when i stuck in Wolfenstein 3D :)
DrSinistro said:
i feel REALLY sick too.. i just quit the game before puking... :( it's the second game that make me this.. the first one was Soldier of Fortune 1
It happened to me once playing HL2 so far. SOF was the only other game that did it to me.
As a glimmer of hope I've finished the game and around the waveboat was the main place I felt bad the rest was fine for me, I also think me being tired was a main cause as well.

Oh I thought of another game that did this to me - Rise of the Tripods (or something like that)
Peleus said:
As a glimmer of hope I've finished the game and around the waveboat was the main place I felt bad the rest was fine for me, I also think me being tired was a main cause as well.

Oh I thought of another game that did this to me - Rise of the Tripods (or something like that)
erm... Rise Of The Triad.