Anyone else feel sick?

HL2 makes me feel like I ate too much candy, thats how awesome this game is. Or maybe its all the stuttering, but thats another topic.
Its kinda the opposite to motionsickness, which you usually get when your body is moving around (inner ear) and your eyes arent registering any motion (which is why reading usually makes motion sickness worse).. with simulator sickness.. your eyes are telling your brain your moving but your inner ear is saying your sitting still. It often also has something to do with the realism of the simulation

Best cure... go outside and start hitting your neighbours with a crowbar.. Real Life 2 has a pretty neat engine (j/k)
lol, why didnt i come up with this thread. good one.

moition sickness heh? , i played for 4hours hl2 the 1st day. and my eyes were acting all weird. it was like they were rolling out of my head , i was feeling terrible sick too.

and my 19'' tft isn't helping me at highest resolution.
I, too, am getting motion sickness from HL2. The first 30mins-1 hr is fine but anything over that I start experiencing dizziness, sweating, nausea and sometimes a headache. I don't quite understand. I can handle 4+ hours of Counter-strike Source at a time, there's just something about HL2.
Maybe you are playing at 60-70hz refresh rate. That will make anyone feel gross and give you headaches and sore eyes.
is severe headache one of the signs of motion sickness?
I just got done playing and I'm feeling gloomy all over: my eyes hurt, I feel really weak, and I'm developing a headache. I'm gonna quit HL2 for now and play some more tomorrow. Good night.
yup yup i get the motion sickness too, and i only got it before in games with fast moving textures... and i hardly get it at all. but hl2 gives me a headache/queezy feeling after a while
XcLuDeD said:
is severe headache one of the signs of motion sickness?
I got a headache too, and maybe a little motion sickness, but not too noticeable. I thought the headache was due to eyestrain, but maybe motion sickness has something to do with it.
OMG.. this is my first time getting motion sickness.. i felt most terrible at the water hazard part.. :(
...I dont think what i get has anything to do with motion sickness...

Sometimes while playing, my throat/back of nose goes all dry, and feels like im breathing in chemicals like...ammonia i think, not sure if thats the right smell but its so weird. I usually forget about it after a half hour of playing but...err yea that must have sounded odd, but its true :( Man HL2s cursed or something...

And of course I have other side effects too, like not being able to go 50 seconds without thinking about HL2, even losing sleep thinking about it. And Im CONSTANTLY looking at the sun/sky/water/lotsaothershit and comparing them to how they look in the game...This is the only game ive ever done this with and its getting creepy! :rolling: Valve what have you done!!? :borg:
Me too, cant play for more than 20-30 mins without feeling motion sick. Its like trying to read in the car...although other than that i dont generally suffer from motion sickness.
I would suggest setting your fps_max 30

I know it sounds crappy to you people with high end cards that you bought specifically to play HL2, but just try it. If that doesn't help, then my theory is shot out of the sky and eaten by the uberfast zombies.
I feel no motion sickness at all. It might have something to do with the refresh rate of your monitor
Well this thread will be added to my favourites list.

I was just going to make a thread on this same topic.

For me, it's not so much my stomach as it is feeling really dizzy. My eyes hurt a bit, and I sometimes get real hot and even sweat. I've been playing 1 hour at a time, then taking 1-1.5 hour breaks, but that doesn't seem to help much, as I usually get dizzy sometime around the 30-40 minute mark. I will keep adjusting this to see what works best.

Now what I REALLY want to know. How can we fix this? It's kind of a shame to get so physically sick just to play a game, especially when the game is so good..

I think that in the end, what I may have to do is just play off and on in small increments, such as 30 minutes at a time.
personally i think it has to do with the refresh rate of the screen.
because there are kind of diseases that can make you bite your tong so hard that you ll bite it off. i dont know this is called.. but its caused by flashing screens, and a refreshing screen is nearly the same effect as a flashing screen.

this is one of the reasons that publishers, ect arent responsible for any physical damage done to you by playing the game.
CloSe2InSaNitY said:
personally i think it has to do with the refresh rate of the screen.
because there are kind of diseases that can make you bite your tong so hard that you ll bite it off. i dont know this is called.. but its caused by flashing screens, and a refreshing screen is nearly the same effect as a flashing screen.

this is one of the reasons that publishers, ect arent responsible for any physical damage done to you by playing the game.
i get the same thing!

i thought i was one of the only people! and it was so annoying because the feeling is very annoying feels like u are going to be sick.. then u dont, then your fine again after that 10min rest! lol

the only other game i got it with was HALF LIFE! lol

it must be the speed of the player or something!
Consider yourself lucky commando, It takes me about 2 hours away from the computer to be pretty much back to normal..
I get something kinda like it too, I haven't figured out what it is yet.

Walking away from HL2 is different then walking away from Doom or CS:S or whatnot.

I kinda like it in a strange way...
Yeah, I almost puked after playing for a couple of hours last night. For some reason, Half-Life and Half-Life 2 make me sick more than any other FPS's. I don't know what it is about them.
CloSe2InSaNitY said:
personally i think it has to do with the refresh rate of the screen.
because there are kind of diseases that can make you bite your tong so hard that you ll bite it off. i dont know this is called.. but its caused by flashing screens, and a refreshing screen is nearly the same effect as a flashing screen.

this is one of the reasons that publishers, ect arent responsible for any physical damage done to you by playing the game.



"A disorder of the central nervous system characterized by loss of consciousness and convulsions."

not quite biting your tongue off but im sure its a possibilty while having convulsions.

And as far as im aware its not the same thing as motion sickness. I dont think the refresh rate is the main cause i believe it has a lot to do with the field of view as someone said earlier.

From what iv read its 75 degrees in half life 2. Has anyone here actually thought about how tiny that is, what is the field of view of the human eyes?

"Humans have a 180-degree forward-facing field of view"

Were pretty much running around with tunnel vision at high speeds. If im understanding correctly that is..
omg just seeing you girls complain about motion sickness makes ME FEEL SICK!

i have no idea how you girls experience this.... a bunch of sissies i swear....

i mean, this is a joke, how is it possible to get motion sickness from hl2? i playedi t for several hours straight, in a dodgy uncomfortable position and i was absolutely fine...
`unreal said:
yup yup i get the motion sickness too, and i only got it before in games with fast moving textures... and i hardly get it at all. but hl2 gives me a headache/queezy feeling after a while

after a while = 3-6 hours of NON STOPING gameplay.

of course every gamers on this earth will have problems with of headache and qeezy feeling after 3 hours. (Doctor statements)

Doctors recommend, that gamers should play any type of game for an Hour then take a break of 15 mins.

so 1 hour gaming, 15 mins break, 1hour gaming, 15 mins break.................etc :thumbs:
Toraman said:
i get sick when i stuck in a map about 15 minutes trying to find the exit. It's not about hl2. In 1994, i got sick when i stuck in Wolfenstein 3D :)

Ditto man, I get so damn sick im gonna puke then stop playing before I get the sweets. I had this with quake 2 and its from playing for hours at a time, it will pass when you play for longer times. I fish offshore and never get sea sick its just a gaming thing I think. Take some screen of you hurling, the winner should get a new 6800GT card hahah. :rolling: :rolling:
Has anyone tried my fov thingy? I'm telling you guys, my friend feels dizzy when playing any shooter with a fov lower than 100. Since hl2 is the only shooter I know with such a low default fov (75), that could explain the 'hl2curse' you guys were joking about.

sv_cheats 1
fov 90

You may have to load the map again before it works.
Groovy we aren't complaining just for the hell of it. On certain levels like boat and buggy it really does make you feel unwell and I continue to feel unwell for hours after.

It only happens to certain people, just think yourself lucky that you don't suffer from it.

I haven't let it stop me playing though, we just wanted to know if there was something we could do about it.;)
I haven't tried changing fov, i'm on "follow freeman" and since I finished with the buggy i can play for at least 2 hours with any problem.

Thanks for the advice though footsteps, if it gets worse again I will give it a try.
groovy said:
omg just seeing you girls complain about motion sickness makes ME FEEL SICK!

i have no idea how you girls experience this.... a bunch of sissies i swear....

i mean, this is a joke, how is it possible to get motion sickness from hl2? i playedi t for several hours straight, in a dodgy uncomfortable position and i was absolutely fine...

wow, check this girl out complaining about us girls complaining.
"OMG!!" check the lack of wit with the use of "girl"...

Im really happy that you dont suffer from it but your kind of narrow mindedness doesnt help us. It certianly isnt a joke as amusing as it may be :p
if you read raising the bar it says that valve had a probelm with beta testers having motion sickness and even one of their own employees threw up, i guess valve never fixed it. i only felt sick after i got to the sandtraps level, i got a INCREDIBLE headache, so much to the point that i just had to walk away from the game a little, i thought that it was cause i played it so long but i only played it for 5 hours straight.

im worried about playing it when i go home from school today, i dont wanna feel a headache like that again, it was horrible. :rolling: :bonce: :x
Wow I thought I was the only one. This is the first game that has done this to me. I played Doom3 for well over 3 hours at a time and many others and never had motion sickness. Pretty cool when a monitor can trick your mind in to thinking your spining around blowing stuff away. God I love this game. it's it's it's it's just the sickest thing I've ever seen.
Ya I hear this is a very common problem, just take breaks after every half-hour to an hour depending on how bad you get it and you shouldn't feel so sick.

I'm lucky since I don't get it, I have played HL2 for 6 hours straight and never felt better once I finally quit for the day.
HOLY CRAP, yes. :(

I was hoping it wasn't just me. I can't play it for more than an hour without getting a little queasy.

MUST... PLAY.. *puke*.. MORE!
groovy said:
omg just seeing you girls complain about motion sickness makes ME FEEL SICK!

i have no idea how you girls experience this.... a bunch of sissies i swear....

i mean, this is a joke, how is it possible to get motion sickness from hl2? i playedi t for several hours straight, in a dodgy uncomfortable position and i was absolutely fine...

Ohhh i got sick. Im such a girl that when i saw the nastry monters in raveholm i started throwing up. Or maybe it was the DNA i got from my mom who is extremly prone to motion sickness.
Im glad your so brave and courageous you dont get motion sick groovy, i bet all the girls love you.
I got sick too. Not as bad as throwing up but still.. I play so many games and handle most games on 10 hours sessions with no problem.

I can't blame the refresh rate this time as it's at 120 Hz.

4 hours playing and I the stomach

I read an article on this. I experience this as well. Your balance deals with three senses. Your hearing, touch, and sight. For some people this happens because their brains can't handle the disconnect when your eyes are telling you your moving through a realistic 3D world yet your other senses are telling you that you're sitting at your desk in your house. Based on a survey they ran, 28% of players experience some sort of motion sickness when playing FPS games. They recommend Dramimine and taking frequent breaks. As for the "sissy girls" comment. Get a life...