Anyone else feel sick?

I don't get sick from the game...mabye a headache but thats all...and on my machine (in signature, pic the freaking picture doesnt work!) it runs fine
Since Ati released the 4.12 drivers i was able to boost my video settings. Then when i replayed the game, i got a bit of a headache whenever i played the boat scenes.

I think its all the AA and reflections from the water whizzing past that sent my eyes funny and gave me a headache... :( first game EVER to give me a bit of motion sickness.
Trav said:
I don't get sick from the game...mabye a headache but thats all...and on my machine (in signature, pic the freaking picture doesnt work!) it runs fine

That's some fast memory you have there, PC270000? lol
Lighten up your rooms a bit to give your eyes and brain the chance of knowing that you are still stationary in real life. If you dont do that, your eyes tell your brain that you are moving(in game), your inner ear (where sense of balance, motion and position are) tells brain that you are not----> that conflict of information is the origin of motion sickness.
Sorry for not reading the whole thread-its just too long for a busy lizzard like me. I would not really recommend motion sickness pills. most drugs you can buy will not do a really good job anyway. there is only one drug that really helps out a lot, but you need to get a prescription and it works on your brain (various transmitter systems). Its called Cinnarizin and has been off market for a while-now you can buy it again. It is the secret weapon of many shippmen and sailors. tried it myself- only stuff that really helps.