Arab lady tells it like it is on Al-Jazeera

I asked you if english was your second language and said I was willing to overlook that last week

Well, I'd appreciate it. Understand, its just a little embarrasing to say that it is your second language, even more so embarrasing for someone to constantly criticize it. Whats more, you can't use this "I don't understand you" drivel for much longer. It's not giving your arguements any more weight then they already have, and personally, its just annoying off-topic banter.

Mortiz understood what I wrote, and so do other people here -- I don't think I need to concern myself too much with you if your being picky with what you read.

I've debated people far more knowledgeable than you, I'm not one to run from a debate

Picking on me still does'nt illegitimize my arguements. You have either of two choices: You can refute my statements, or stare at them.

I can't wait on you any longer.

Mortiz has got my attention now.

The quote concerns Iraq, not Iran.

Mortiz, same situation. Its a country thats accused of having WMD's it obviously does not. Going back to the statement you quoted me of, it still does'nt make what Bush said a threat to Iraq.

It's illogical to say Bush's message was a threat to Iraq. It carries with it no content of a threat, who he's threatening, or what he's threatening them with.

What point were you trying to make exactly?

The question was to CptStern, but evidently he's called it quits for argueing against me. My point again, was the question: How can you state that a suicide bomber is less destructive and less discerning with its target then a Cruise Missle? Both have killed civilians, but the difference is, a Cruise Missle is'int programmed to specifically target civilians.

On, it even has a chart of those people killed as a result of the bombings by cruise missles, and most them, if not all of them are killed by the debris spread by the Cruise Missle's shockwave, not the blast directly.

This says to me, that they're not targeting civilians intentionally. Besides, those area's hit by the cruise missles were military installations to begin with. Installations that Sodamn Insane intentionally setup in residential districts to deteir a US Armed Response to them.

Obviously, he underestimated us.

You're avoiding the issue.

But is'int the true issue that this, "Arab Lady" tells it like it is over an Al-Jazeera broadcast? How can what qualitive issues Stern or you even brought up be constructive, or even about this threads original debate?

I might be antagonizing the arguement just a bit forward, the people who really brought this thread off-topic are really to blame, as they've managed to get everyone's attention off what this thread author wanted to bring to our attention.

I've said my lot, and will say no more.

I was addressing the issues CptStern and Solaris brought to the table. How you can take issue with what I said to him is beyond me, considering you dont have the responsbility of making the statements they did. Its not owed of you to respond to the questions and demands I made of them.

If you missed what we were talking about [in reference to your unkeen observations], please, review the pages and posts past in this thread, because to summarize this off-topic rant in its fullest, its this: "My bomber's got better morales then yours".

A good thought just doesn't cut it.

Stop believing I'm excusing them, because I obviously condemned it previous. I was only providing another source of speculation for, why they did what they did. Horrible in outcome yes, I agree. But we can't just assume everything that America has done for other countries it had malicious beliefs for also.

Would you prefer it if the 'Terrorists' released videos of the western prisoners writhing around naked on the floor covered in their own feces while they stand around pointing and laughing?

Alright, have you done a search for the beheading videos? A slow death is worse then any torture, oh, and they kill their prisoners aswell as humiliate them before they kill them aswell.

Don't forget Daniel Pearl. As a matter a fact, do a search for it because I've long quoted Ogrish for Insurgent attrocities, and they range in the hundreds. It might do you some good to understand them.
K e r b e r o s said:
Well, I'd appreciate it. Understand, its just a little embarrasing to say that it is your second language,

why? who cares? not everyone speaks english perfectly ..nor should they

K e r b e r o s said:
even more so embarrasing for someone to constantly criticize it.

I'm not criticising it, I genuinely dont know what you mean half the time. It's also your fault for trying to find flowery ways of saying I'm an idiot ..use plain language, it gets your point across more clearly

K e r b e r o s said:
Whats more, you can't use this "I don't understand you" drivel for much longer.

so I should lie and pretend I understand something when I dont?

K e r b e r o s said:
It's not giving your arguements any more weight then they already have, and personally, its just annoying off-topic banter.

your entire posts in response to mine are usually annoying off topic banter rarely address anything I say. All you do is call into question my character or provide some point that has little to do with the topic at hand

K e r b e r o s said:
Mortiz understood what I wrote

kudos to mortiz ..he's also fresh and hasnt debated you ...I dont think you understand what I'm saying ...I recognize the words you use but sometimes I dont know what you're getting at so sometimes I have to guess ...I dont like to guess

K e r b e r o s said:
and so do other people here -- I don't think I need to concern myself too much with you if your being English picky.

I am not being english picky ..I understand everything RJMC posts without any problems's just I rarely understand your intent behind your statements

K e r b e r o s said:
Picking on me still does'nt illegitimize my arguements. You have either of two choices: You can refute my statements, or stare at them.

well that's rich coming from you do neither dont refute any of the evidence I post and you sure as hell dont stare at them

K e r b e r o s said:
I can't wait on you any longer.

what are you waiting on? the first post you made in this thread quoting me? I looked over it and not once do you address any of the points I brought up ..and seriously do you really need me to provide a source for a quote can find it for you pretty darn quickly ...unlike you I dont pull facts out of the thin air ...speaking of facts have you found the passage where I say/imply/hint that I'm anti-semetic cant make that accusation and expect it to go away ..pretty serious charge there
not everyone speaks english perfectly ..nor should they

Well, sweet jeebus, thats a lot of sweat off my back. Eww. Least its not there anymore.

I'm not criticising it, I genuinely dont know what you mean half the time.

No, you do know what I'm saying, and trying to convince you otherwise is a migraine in itself. Your response to my last post is evidence that you can understand me. See, CptStern. We're holding a conversation. How does that make you feel?

your entire posts in response to mine are usually annoying off topic banter

Okay, really. You're making me smile. rarely address anything I say

Is this your new way of dodging questions?

I understand everything RJMC posts without any problems's just I rarely understand your intent behind your statements

CptStern, your intents ... ahhh. Now I see. Okay. CptStern, show me yours, and I'll show you mine.
K e r b e r o s said:
Well, sweet jeebus, thats a lot of sweat off my back. Eww. Least its not there anymore.

No, you do know what I'm saying, and trying to convince you otherwise is a migraine in itself. Your response to my last post is evidence that you can understand me. See, CptStern. We're holding a conversation. How does that make you feel?

annoying tendency to be condescending aside ..I never said I dont understand everything you say ..only some of it's an example: you say something that I believe is vague, I come with possible interpretations on what you really meant, then I guess as to which one it is's tiring and I really dont want to make a fool of myself if I've picked the wrong one

K e r b e r o s said:
Okay, really. You're making me smile.

see this exactly what I'm talking about ..instead of answering what I said you say something unrelated's like I'm talking to a wall sometimes because nothing gets accomplished ..there's no closure to any of these debates because we dont actually debate the issues

K e r b e r o s said:
Is this your new way of dodging questions?

look I am confident I could take on bush himself in a debate and WIN ..not because I'm a good debater but rather because the truth is stacked against him. You dont scare me in the least, there is nothing I wont answer ..unless I cant understand your point or if it has nothing to do with the topic at hand

K e r b e r o s said:
CptStern, your intents ... ahhh. Now I see. Okay. CptStern, show me yours, and I'll show you mine.

:upstare: ...a lesson in futilty ..I really dont know why I bother really
..I never said I dont understand everything you say

Haha! Thats debateable!

[Owned. Post 114, on the 3rd Page, in this thread you stated the following]: see? this is an example of me not understanding what you're saying

Moving on from your evident Hypocrasy.

..instead of answering what I said you say something unrelated

Thats your evidence? Pah. Meager.

You dont scare me in the least, there is nothing I wont answer

I gave you two options: Refute my statements or stare at them. Right now, your staring.

I really dont know why I bother really

Like the door guard in the Wizard of Oz said to Dorthy, "Well, why did'nt you say so?"

You've been wanting to know my intents all along. This lacking knowledge on my intents has been whats scaring you ... go on, share yours, and I'll share mine. :D
K e r b e r o s said:
Haha! Thats debateable!

you'd lose ..the fact that I have countless examples of me understanding at least some of what you write is proof enough

K e r b e r o s said:
Moving on from your evident Hypocrasy.

...I dont know what you mean seriously I havent the foggiest clue what you're implying

K e r b e r o s said:
Thats your evidence? Pah. Meager.

:upstatre: did you even bother to read the ****ing links? they're official government documents ..straight from the horses mouth

K e r b e r o s said:
I gave you two options: Refute my statements or stare at them. Right now, your staring.

WHAT STATEMENTS? I swear to god this is like a ****ing nightmarish Abbott and Costello routine: "who's on first"

K e r b e r o s said:
Like the door guard in the Wizard of Oz said to Dorthy, "Well, why did'nt you say so?"

You've been wanting to know my intents all along. This lacking knowledge on my intents has been whats scaring you ... go on, share yours, and I'll share mine. :D

do you hear that? it's the sound of me slamming my head against the wall ..."tralalalal I'm dizzy and I still dont know what he means ...THUD"
the fact that I have countless examples of me understanding at least some of what you write is proof enough

do you hear that? it's the sound of me slamming my head against the wall ..."tralalalal I'm dizzy and I still dont know what he means ...THUD"

You posted these two things together? A shame. More hypocrasy on your part ... anyway.

Cool, so now that its proven you understand me ... I'd just like to give this Public Service Announcement: CptStern, stop being a jackass by choosing what and what not to believe you stuck up ****. :D Oh, and get the **** back on topic. Its ****ing annoying mate to watch you troll a thread with your U.S. bashing!
K e r b e r o s said:
You posted these two things together? A shame. More hypocrasy on your part ... anyway.

Cool, so now that its proven you understand me ... I'd just like to give this Public Service Announcement: CptStern, stop being a jackass by choosing what and what not to believe you stuck up ****. :D Oh, and get the **** back on topic. Its ****ing annoying mate to watch you troll a thread with your U.S. bashing!
You called him anti-semtic. Back it up or withdraw the statement. You can't throw things around like that and not back it up.

And you are very hard to understand. Its not that your spelling or grammar is poor. Its just that you right alot of metaphors of nothing.
You called him anti-semtic.

I backed it up in another thread Solaris, which I'm sure you're going to overlook for your own agenda.

In any which case, thats a dead issue now. :D
you did no such thing provided nothing to prove I'm anti-semtic and it is not a dead issue. I find it offensive that you would arbitarily accuse me of racism without providing any sort of concrete evidence. Even people not involved with our discussion saw that you're just looking for anything to attack me with
you did no such thing provided nothing to prove I'm anti-semtic and it is not a dead issue.

Dead issue, and I've proven it. Time to go back to that thread and bump it as a reminder. (Your keen to edit your post, but not careful enough to avoid us from hitting the Print Screen button. :D)
well then post it mr-I-dont-know-what-the-hell-I'm-talking-about

I edited nothing. Post it or shut up, I'm waiting
K e r b e r o s said:
Dead issue, and I've proven it. Time to go back to that thread and bump it as a reminder. (Your keen to edit your post, but not careful enough to avoid us from hitting the Print Screen button. :D)
Your a fool. You proved nothing.