Are YOU a racist?

Are you a Racist? (private poll)

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 18.5%
  • No

    Votes: 60 65.2%
  • Don't know/Other

    Votes: 15 16.3%

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Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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This is not a spam thread.

It is a legitimate question that I've been thinking about for a while and makes me slightly uneasy.

Given that different races have different physical attributes: Generally Africans are better runners, higher at risk from heart attacks. Asian people are smaller. White people smell differently (apparently).

Does this mean different races may have different mental attributes too? If so, does that make you a racist?
No, I do not dislike someone solely because of their skin color, race, gender, or religion.
No, I do not dislike someone solely because of their skin color, race, gender, or religion.

Neither of those would make you racist. One would be sexist, the other would be totally legitimate.

I strongly dislike Islamic Fundamentalists as they wish to kill me and my friends.
Neither of those would make you racist. One would be sexist, the other would be totally legitimate.

I strongly dislike Islamic Fundamentalists as they wish to kill me and my friends.

Yes, I understand the last two things did not have anything to do with racism, but I just added them in there for good measure.
I wouldn't necessarily say I'm racist, there are certain "types" of people so to say in most races that I dislike. IE, people of any race who are on welfare and abuse it, not people on welfare in general, but people who pump out a baby a year and don't do a single thing to try and become independent.

People in gangs, etc etc. But I don't hate any one race just because of their skin color.
I wouldn't necessarily say I'm racist, there are certain "types" of people so to say in most races that I dislike. IE, people of any race who are on welfare and abuse it, not people on welfare in general, but people who pump out a baby a year and don't do a single thing to try and become independent.

People in gangs, etc etc. But I don't hate any one race just because of their skin color.
Lol, if ever was a racist in denial it's you.

"I don't hate paki's, just benefit scroungers who have loads of kids"
I am not a expert but if there was such a diference in races there wouldnt be posible to breed beetwen them

cuz if there is that diference shouldn it made them diferent species and such

oh also the fact that tecnically race dont exist biologically

I wouldn't necessarily say I'm racist, there are certain "types" of people so to say in most races that I dislike. IE, people of any race who are on welfare and abuse it, not people on welfare in general, but people who pump out a baby a year and don't do a single thing to try and become independent.

People in gangs, etc etc. But I don't hate any one race just because of their skin color.

thats more due to culture

think the fact that 60 years ago black people wasnt allowed in school,cuz you know for being black, so now you have a big generations of black people that didnt get education and have sons that probably didnt have a father to tell them "go to school kid" and some do and some dont and them they see that by having a baby they get money so they go "hhpmm thats easier to go to school" and things like that

you can go to places like rumania where you can see very white people that may not behave so "white" due to poverty and economical crisis and things like that
Lol, if ever was a racist in denial it's you.

"I don't hate paki's, just benefit scroungers who have loads of kids"

So in your opinion it's racist to hate people that have a truckload of kids even tough they knew from the start that they can't take care of them, and rely on government welfare?
Solaris, I wouldn't spend so much time on this board, you got much bigger problems with all those muslim terrarists hiding under your bed.
So in your opinion it's racist to hate people that have a truckload of kids even tough they knew from the start that they can't take care of them, and rely on government welfare?

No, but to bring that up right after you say "I'm not really racist" in the context of race shows where you true views lay.
I hate Race-X.

no, I love them all!
No, but to bring that up right after you say "I'm not really racist" in the context of race shows where you true views lay.
Exactly, nothing he said was racist, but he clearly gave it away by the way he posted.
I strongly dislike Islamic Fundamentalists as they wish to kill me and my friends.

I'm Muslim and I dislike them too. They'd probably kill me too, saying "YOU'RE NOT MUSLIM ENOUGH YOU LIVE IN A NON MUSLIM COUNTRY AND USE THE INTERNET KILL YOU RAAAGH" or something like that. But what I think (and says in the Qur'an), if you're going to go around killing innocent people in the name of Allah because they aren't Muslim or DIFFERENT, you aren't Muslim at all.

But I don't like hypocrites or racists. Does that make me racist? To hate racists? Can blacks hate white people because of what they've done to them? Give them a taste of their own medicine?
I'm Muslim and I dislike them too. They'd probably kill me too, saying "YOU'RE NOT MUSLIM ENOUGH YOU LIVE IN A NON MUSLIM COUNTRY AND USE THE INTERNET KILL YOU RAAAGH" or something like that. But what I think (and says in the Qur'an), if you're going to go around killing innocent people in the name of Allah because they aren't Muslim or DIFFERENT, you aren't Muslim at all.

But I don't like hypocrites or racists. Does that make me racist? To hate racists? Can blacks hate white people because of what they've done to them? Give them a taste of their own medicine?

Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (But if they desist in their unbelief, then don't kill them.) 2:191-2

War is ordained by Allah, and all Muslims must be willing to fight, whether they like it or not. 2:216

Believers fight for Allah; disbelievers fight for the devil. So fight the minions of the devil. 4:76
Allah casts the hypocrites back to disbelief. Don't try to guide those that Allah sends astray. 4:88
Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. 4:89
Honestly, yes. I don't hate people because of their race, but I might not trust them because of their race.

I live in a place with almost 0 traditional Muslims. If I saw a Muslim in full garb, first thing I'd think - does that guy have a bomb? Hmmm..
I hardly ever see black people where I live, and while I think of them like any other stranger, it's always weird when one is walking toward me, I don't know where to look.
Sometimes I get weird vibes from white people, especially women. I seem to remember that I was walking while downtown, and some oncoming old lady walked quickly out of the way onto the road when she saw me coming.
I hardly ever see black people where I live, and while I think of them like any other stranger, it's always weird when one is walking toward me, I don't know where to look.

Honestly, yes. I don't hate people because of their race, but I might not trust them because of their race.

I live in a place with almost 0 traditional Muslims. If I saw a Muslim in full garb, first thing I'd think - does that guy have a bomb? Hmmm..

You are the worst kind of people.
I love all races, but at the same time, there are different things to keep in mind - but you can usually determine this - not by their skin color, but by the way they present themselves in general.

People who act shady will be treated like shady individuals.

Someone dressing and walking like a gangster, for example. You automatically assume they aren't going to say "How do you do today, sir?" when they walk past...
I picked number 3. I am called a racist because i am against over immigration into my country, even though the reason i am against it has nothing to do with what race they are.

"racist" is a word that gets thrown at anyone who do not say political correct things.
You are the worst kind of people.

At work whenever I see black people I talk to them normally (not just at work anywhere, but I work in retail so I see most black people at work), my brother has a black friend who I talk to all the time, but for some reason when a stranger who is black (not even any other race, just black for some reason), is walking toward me and it's just me and him I just don't know where to look.
I don't trust anybody but family to be honest, and that's not even 100%. It's not that I'm paranoid, it's that **** you. I have no idea why anyone would be friends with anyone. You guys are my associates, and I care about some of you, but I'll never fully trust any of you. But I guess that depends on the situation - I'll trust you for some things of course.
I wouldn't really call myself racist as I'm not prejudiced against anyone. Apart from chavs and people who are prejudiced against the people I'm NOT prejudiced against. If that makes sense.
I picked number 3. I am called a racist because i am against over immigration into my country, even though the reason i am against it has nothing to do with what race they are.

"racist" is a word that gets thrown at anyone who do not say political correct things.

Yet for some reason you aren't concerned with the borders of Canada, are you?
I am no racist, but my father taught me an important lesson when I was younger.

"There are N***ers, and there are blacks. The former are the ones that push themselves into the Stereotype then complain about it."
I picked number 3. I am called a racist because i am against over immigration into my country, even though the reason i am against it has nothing to do with what race they are.

"racist" is a word that gets thrown at anyone who do not say political correct things.

I am no racist, but my father taught me an important lesson when I was younger.

"There are N***ers, and there are blacks. The former are the ones that push themselves into the Stereotype then complain about it."

You're the son of Chris Rock? No shit.
Suspecting all people from muslim countrys to be a terrorist isn't racist. It's retarded. And racist. Dumbest thing i ever heard.

I sometimes have problems with imigrants. But not racist problems. I think it's all great and such, but some and I do mean this as a minority of people who migrate here, are full fledge idiots and don't deserve to be here and should gtfo. I hate gypsies though. Every last one.
Why is there no racist term for white people? Not to be ignorant or anything, but how come? There's one for EVERY other race except whites.
Why is there no racist term for white people? Not to be ignorant or anything, but how come? There's one for EVERY other race except whites.

Because when you are in the majority and nothing bad has ever really happened to you there won't be any words that can be offensive to you becauses of your history.

Where did he say they were Mexican?

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Can any Australians say if they have a high Mexican immigrant population?
Where did he say they were Mexican?

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Can any Australians say if they have a high Mexican immigrant population?

His location says Australia, but he seems pretty damn concerned about the united states immigration policies. Im pretty sure he was talking about the US, not australia.
His location says Australia, but he seems pretty damn concerned about the united states immigration policies. Im pretty sure he was talking about the US, not australia.

Oh. I've never really come across many people overly concerned with immigration in another country.

Back to my original post, I feel it has been misinterpreted. I am not saying I hate only black people that make no effort to become independent, or white people, or indians, or whatever. In general, I don't think too highly of people who leech off the system while making no effort whatsoever to make their quality of life better. I have absolutely no problem with people on welfare/gvt. program who genuinely need the assistance and go to work everyday trying to make their lives better. But when I see/hear stories of people who pump out a kid per year, have no job, and just sit around reaping from the wealth the rest of the working population puts forth, it becomes quite irritating.
He might not even live in Australia. Did you ever consider that?
Because when you are in the majority and nothing bad has ever really happened to you there won't be any words that can be offensive to you becauses of your history.

I guess you're right. I'll stick with "whitey" anyway.
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