Are YOU a racist?

Are you a Racist? (private poll)

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 18.5%
  • No

    Votes: 60 65.2%
  • Don't know/Other

    Votes: 15 16.3%

  • Total voters
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See, I'm cool with that kid. Hes got a clean, collared shirt, no "bling" dangling around, and well kept hair. The only thing that makes me cautious is that hes a little grainy.
He probably speaks in a well cultured manner. Not Urban at all. What a good young man.

^^ I've actually heard somebody say something with a variation of this... and I wanted to smack them so badly. I won't say who it was. Just somebody in my area.
I consider myself figuratively colour blind.
I may be racist and I have no clue. today I caught myself and at work an African American woman and her daughter wanted to see a if we had a pink camera. they asked and I grabbed a Purple one and said heres Pink by mistake and I said something like "I'm colorblind" which isn't true but I treat everyone the same. it wasn't awkward at all but it fit almost perfectly. then I was explaining SD cards and how they would benefit with a 8GB card and yata yata. They seemed happy enough when they got the camera and card.

I believe people may carry a burden their whole life but all it takes is a few instances of humility and your back to where you should be. Also in 300 years everyone on this planet are probably going to be tan


That poster (while it definitely has good intentions) is fundamentally wrong because assumes that everyone is already on an even keel in society. As if black people have always had the right to vote, were never slaves for centuries, never had to fight against systemic racial discrimination on every level and on average have the same standards of living and have always been able to get the same kind of jobs as white people.

I could go into more detail about how it's even more wrong, but this man is far better at talking about it then I'll ever be.

Also, I voted "I don't know". I could subconsciously racist thanks to media influences and not know it until I'm put into a situation I've never been in. I'd like to think i'm not but I don't think i could knowingly say that I am and be sure of it.
That poster (while it definitely has good intentions) is fundamentally wrong because assumes that everyone is already on an even keel in society. As if black people have always had the right to vote, were never slaves for centuries, never had to fight against systemic racial discrimination on every level and on average have the same standards of living and have always been able to get the same kind of jobs as white people.

I could go into more detail about how it's even more wrong, but this man is far better at talking about it then I'll ever be.

Also, I voted "I don't know". I could subconsciously racist thanks to media influences and not know it until I'm put into a situation I've never been in. I'd like to think i'm not but I don't think i could knowingly say that I am and be sure of it.
Affirmitive action is not racism. The two issues aren't equivalent.
I don't consider myself racist, no. I have no hate for a group of people. But I have said so rather mean racist names. Not to the race that the word affects, but I still said them around people. Does that make me racist?

Edit: I'd consider myself more stereotypical.
Affirmitive action is not racism. The two issues aren't equivalent.

That was response to that poster Warped posted, which seems to be hinting that affirmative action is racist and should be ended.
That was response to that poster Warped posted, which seems to be hinting that affirmative action is racist and should be ended.

I just posted it because I thought it was relevant to the conversation. but yeah it brings up many issues of predetermined racism, forced racism, segregation, and cluster****ing society.
Affirmative action is still bullshit IF it it requires employers to hire less qualified people simply because of their skin color. There are better ways of fixing the problem than giving unfair advantages, such as providing cheaper education so that those candidates would legitimately be the more qualified employee. Its not as big a deal when it comes down to two equally qualified people, but its still bullshit because its not the white guys fault that our ancestors enslaved people. Its still an unfair advantage with questionable reasoning.
No, not really. As I've said, if a white/black/brown/green kid was just like me, I'd be signing him up for whatever version of the Nazi SS I'll get around to making for my country.

I don't view ethnic groups as races, I view ethnic groups as ethnic groups, or nations. I'm fervently nationalistic, jingoist, sprinkled with a healthy peppering of fascism, and a tiny slice of some aspects of Nazist and Stalinist ideologies, but no, never a racist. If I want to bomb entire populations to decimation, it's not because they're Japanese or black or whatever, it's because they're standing in the way, or it's more efficient to deal with them that way than other, more moral ways.

Which reminds me, affirmative action is complete total retardation of a society's capacity for intelligent thought.
Nope, not at all.

Saturos said:
US medicine:
The rich- Speaks for itself tbh.

The poor- Government aid. (a.k.a The money from the over-taxed middle class) Especially if your a minority. Assholes, get an education and a job.

Saturos said:
Also, if I was black, I'd be ashamed to ask for a bunch of government support just because of my skin color.

Saturos said:
I'll say it again, it's not a racism issue, it's a, "how can we sue and rip everyone off so we don't have to work" issue. I know plenty of good black folk, but many are a bunch of manipulative opportunists, liars, and cheaters and will do whatever it takes to get on top (money wise maybe, but not in society) without actually having to work for it. Even Bill Cosby is ashamed at what his race has become and is not afraid to call these lazy African-Americans on their BS.

i would never hate somebody for hes skin color,gender,religion or something like that...
no im not racist
I don't particularly think I'm racist. I just know how to spot a stereotype, but even then I'm pretty unprejudiced.
I chose "I don't know", since I dislike black people that are loud/obnoxious... The ones that are usually living in the hood. I have black friends, but they live in the burbs, speak proper english and go to college. >.>
Think I took this from one of krynn's posts. ;D

As if we needed to be reminded what kind of terrible human being Saturos is.
As if we needed to be reminded what kind of terrible human being Saturos is.
Yes, so so terrible in fact that I'm always broke when walking the streets because I'm always giving away my money to the homeless. SO terrible that I donate blood so that some poor fool who needs a transfusion can have a second chance at life. In the meantime, I couldn't afford a transfusion for myself if I got hit by a truck and lost a pint or two. So goddamn motherf**king terrible that hundreds of stray animals would starve if not for me. Well ok, I added that last one but still...

F**K YOU!!!
I hate certain behaviors above the color of a person's skin. If those behaviors are exhibited by mainly black people, does that mean I'm a racist?
Yes, so so terrible in fact that I'm always broke when walking the streets because I'm always giving away my money to the homeless. SO terrible that I donate blood so that some poor fool who needs a transfusion can have a second chance at life. In the meantime, I couldn't afford a transfusion for myself if I got hit by a truck and lost a pint or two. So goddamn motherf**king terrible that hundreds of stray animals would starve if not for me. Well ok, I added that last one but still...

F**K YOU!!!

Providing evidence as to why you're not a terrible person = You are most likely a terrible person
As if we needed to be reminded what kind of terrible human being Saturos is.

tbh weird/****ed up/mean/bad opinions =/= a terrible person.

Acting out those opinions makes that person bad. It seems like you got some kind of problem with people thinking what they want. You can think about killing someone all day - you've done nothing wrong. When you actually go and stab their dick off, that's kind of ****ed up.
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