Are YOU a racist?

Are you a Racist? (private poll)

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 18.5%
  • No

    Votes: 60 65.2%
  • Don't know/Other

    Votes: 15 16.3%

  • Total voters
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He might not even live in Australia. Did you ever consider that?

Yes, but if it isn't, maybe he should consider changing it. Until he does, he lives in Australia as far as I'm concerned.
The results of this poll look like a crude dick/balls that you see drawn on textbooks in high school.

I don't trust anybody but family to be honest, and that's not even 100%. It's not that I'm paranoid, it's that **** you. I have no idea why anyone would be friends with anyone. You guys are my associates, and I care about some of you, but I'll never fully trust any of you. But I guess that depends on the situation - I'll trust you for some things of course.

That didn't make any sense.
Fun thread... post and get called a racist!

Oooh, ooh, do me next!

The problem is we are talking about race. So what you said pretty much came off as "I'm not racist, I just hate all those races that are lazy welfare queens that just pop out babies all the time they can't afford". The implication ofcourse being that this is commong to certain races and not to others.
Lol, if ever was a racist in denial it's you.

"I don't hate paki's, just benefit scroungers who have loads of kids"

Ironically this post is more racist than what he said.
You are the worst kind of people.
My morals are my own, and so I live to my own standards of what is good and bad. I'm sure everyone does.

But I'm just dying to know if you think being a racist makes someone a horrible person. Because there are different kinds of racists. Hateful ones, hurtful ones, stay to themselves ones, non-trusting ones, and all kinds. I've met so many vocal racists of all races, and it doesn't really factor in on anything, except who they surround themselves with. Non violent.

After all, in the 5 years I've been here, I've only seen you say something nice about 1 thing (some obscure game). And also you helped an old lady at the grocery store once on Christmas.(lol Scrooge) I'm just wondering how you perceive yourself, and how you can talk down to me and say I'm "the worst kind of person"

See, the thing about me, I don't think I'm better than anyone. In fact I don't even care if anyone thinks I'm a good or bad person, because like I said - my own morals and beliefs that I adhere to.

I may think you're "the worst kind of person" for squishing a bug on the sidewalk - see what I mean? Different values. You're welcome to judge me, but you're wrong, in my opinion - the only opinion I'm truly concerned with.
My morals are my own, and so I live to my own standards of what is good and bad. I'm sure everyone does.

But I'm just dying to know if you think being a racist makes someone a horrible person. Because there are different kinds of racists. Hateful ones, hurtful ones, stay to themselves ones, non-trusting ones, and all kinds. I've met so many vocal racists of all races, and it doesn't really factor in on anything, except who they surround themselves with. Non violent.

After all, in the 5 years I've been here, I've only seen you say something nice about 1 thing (some obscure game). And also you helped an old lady at the grocery store once on Christmas.(lol Scrooge) I'm just wondering how you perceive yourself, and how you can talk down to me and say I'm "the worst kind of person"

See, the thing about me, I don't think I'm better than anyone. In fact I don't even care if anyone thinks I'm a good or bad person, because like I said - my own morals and beliefs that I adhere to.

I may think you're "the worst kind of person" for squishing a bug on the sidewalk - see what I mean? Different values. You're welcome to judge me, but you're wrong, in my opinion - the only opinion I'm truly concerned with.

Seeing a muslim person and automatically thinking they're a terrorist is not a good thing. If your values say that's okay then your values are wrong.
anyone from asia who's pretty much just immigrated here are terrible, terrible drivers.

Everyone slow moving vehicle (usually beige camry's and corolla's) are being driven by old indian or oriental people. I don't think it's them per se, but it's probably from where they were living. Typically asian countries are hugely over populated which in turn makes their road ways very congested and makes everyone sort of fend for themselves without much regard for the rules of traffic. Living with this for years and then coming to a country where everything is under control will probably be out of their element for them. So I guess I should cut them some slack no?

I don't think that's racist, it's just a trend I'm seeing.
Solaris said:
. . .Generally. . .

Generally speaking, using sweeping generalizations is a poor basis for any statement/idea/proposal/theory/opinion.

And no, I don't consider myself a racist.

I want to lol at this thread but then again, kudos Solaris for having the courage to pose this question.
I can't hate anyone because of something they can't change. That includes race.
I'd say I'm a practical racist, if a bunch of black guys are walking towards me wearing some type of gang apparrel then I tend to think "hmm, hope i'm not robbed". Same goes with white people though so I don't think I'm actually racist.

Oh ya, and Jews just piss me off...

Racists are pretty ****ing pathetic, whether they're violent, passive, comatose, whatever.
My earlier comments were intended to be controversial. I was trolling really. Like, yes, I'm racist, ****ing cracka'!

I don't know, I've gone through a lot.

Though some of you might think so, and I might be, I've never thought of myself as a racist, and still don't, but there was a period of my life about 10 years ago where I guess I was racist against white people. It's not like I hated them or anything - I'm white - but I just wouldn't hang out with them. I would only hang out with minorities for about 10 years, so, thinking back - that's racist, right?

And if not, ever since 9/11, I guess I've become a racist. But honestly, it's not that I think they have bombs and shit, like I said. But the truth is things cross my mind - what kind of person are they? Do they hate Christians or Jews or what? I wonder these things, but I would treat them the same as everyone else.

Anyway, I think both sides of my family are descendants of German Jews, but at least 1 side is for sure.

You'll never take me alive.
I picked number 3. I am called a racist because i am against over immigration into my country, even though the reason i am against it has nothing to do with what race they are.

"racist" is a word that gets thrown at anyone who do not say political correct things.

And sometimes I find people who say political correctness has gone overboard says so because they can't spout whatever idiocy that comes to mind.
I don't dislike people because of their race, but I do say there are differences between the races and don't see us as one big human race.

So yeah, I suppose.
Racists are pretty ****ing pathetic, whether they're violent, passive, comatose, whatever.

Hold on, I'm not racist and I don't like defending them, but calling them pathetic because they hate people over their race doesn't make sense. That's like saying you hate all dogs just because you don't like poodles.

Racists are retards.
I am "racist" in the sense that I recognise that there are genetic differences between whites, blacks, asians, indians, and so forth, and localised genetic shifts due to racial segregation and/or slavery, but the differences are no greater than any one human being to another.

We're way too genetically complex for racial differences to be very consequential.
Understanding the differences between races is not racism.
However, acknowledging bad sterotypes(and sometimes good ones, even), and claiming their race is inferior just because it is not yours, is racism.

Islam is not a race. It is a religion.
Not all Arabians are islamic fundamentalists, and not all islamic fundamentalists are Arabian.
acknowledging bad sterotypes(and sometimes good ones, even)
This isn't racism. It's more along the lines of... culturalism, I guess.

Example: It is pretty much a fact that black people, overall, in the USA, are less intelligent. But it's not because they're black. It's because they've been brought up in a social climate - caused by segregation, which was itself a result of slavery - that all but prevents them from receiving proper education. A culture of violence, retribution, cliques that go beyond high school, and total glorification of it all doesn't lend itself to culturing (lol a pun) a well-educated group of people.

[edit] But this also goes for rednecks. So there. Not racist :D
..uh, so, just because some of their ancestors didn't receive good educations, they can't? That's wrong.

Why blacks tend to be less intelligent is not because of genetics, but because of how most black families tend to be poor, which may or may not be because of inherent racism in society or just apathy. Poor families can't afford education, but of course there is always the child, black, white, asian, or anything else, who will do amazing ni school receive scholarships, and go on to become a very successful person. NOTHING is based on race. In today's society, especially in first world countries, it's all based on class and how fervent one is in expressing one's self.

Same goes for rednecks. Most are poor as well.
..uh, so, just because some of their ancestors didn't receive good educations, they can't? That's wrong.

Why blacks tend to be less intelligent is not because of genetics, but because of how most black families tend to be poor, which may or may not be because of inherent racism in society or just apathy. Poor families can't afford education, but of course there is always the child, black, white, asian, or anything else, who will do amazing ni school receive scholarships, and go on to become a very successful person. NOTHING is based on race. In today's society, especially in first world countries, it's all based on class and how fervent one is in expressing one's self.

Same goes for rednecks. Most are poor as well.

I went to public school and I payed $50 per year for schooling. There is no way people can't afford that, especially for their kid. If it was my kid, I'd do anything for an extra $50 to put them through school. There is honestly no excuse not to put your kid through school.
Keep in mind my second sentence was me kind of being a troll :3
I went to public school and I payed $50 per year for schooling. There is no way people can't afford that, especially for their kid. If it was my kid, I'd do anything for an extra $50 to put them through school. There is honestly no excuse not to put your kid through school.

It's free here.

There are MANY cases of kids just -not- going to school, or parents who are so lazy they don't bother to take their kids or make sure they're even going.

While yes, it's partially the parent's fault, it also matters on what the child decides.

edit: stigmata you are a ****
I went to public school and I payed $50 per year for schooling. There is no way people can't afford that, especially for their kid. If it was my kid, I'd do anything for an extra $50 to put them through school. There is honestly no excuse not to put your kid through school.

protip: I never read the thread, I just saw the words 'islamic fundamentalist'
I do know some people who think Islam is a race. Seriously.
There are some pretty dumb people around here.
Hold on, I'm not racist and I don't like defending them, but calling them pathetic because they hate people over their race doesn't make sense. That's like saying you hate all dogs just because you don't like poodles.

Racists are retards.

You make no sense.
I do tend to judge people based on the way they look, but skin color has a negligible influence.

protip: I never read the thread, I just saw the words 'islamic fundamentalist'
I do know some people who think Islam is a race. Seriously.
There are some pretty dumb people around here.

Learn what a protip is.

Also, why is the poll private? Only pussies care about their privacy.
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