Are YOU a racist?

Are you a Racist? (private poll)

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 18.5%
  • No

    Votes: 60 65.2%
  • Don't know/Other

    Votes: 15 16.3%

  • Total voters
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This thread is already at 11 pages. Racism must be a really deep topic.
once a black man cut my hair badly but I don't blame him

Racist doesn't always mean negative thoughts/feelings about someone. He cut your hair badly, how can you not blame him? He had a job to do and ****ed it up. You're not blaming him because he's black? His skin colour let him off the hook for doing a bad job? That is racist.
Is he a racist, or is he a self-deprecating racist? I HAVE TO KNOW
I hate white people so much god dammit.
the area i come from is very diverse and with a lot of low-income people too. race makes no difference beyond appearance, it's where you are in society and your world that does (culture, socioeconomic status, etc). i know thug-ass white people, thug-ass black people, thug-ass asians, and thug-ass hispanics and they all intimidate me equally. likewise i know well-educated, studious, and academically pro-active people of all those races. university is the first majority white school I've been to and frankly I miss being in a more diverse environment.

people saying shit like "i don't know where to look when i see a black person walking in my proximity" or "that middle eastern dude could have a bomb" is ****ing ridiculous to me. try and be less of a stereotyping ******. i dunno about you but i've never met a radical Islamic fundamentalist trying to blow my ass up despite how many middle easterners i've met (a ton)
"i don't know where to look when i see a black person walking in my proximity"
Hey now, that's kind of legit. What if I'm just kind of neurotic and I worry whether they'll think I'm racist?
try and be less of a stereotyping ******. i dunno about you but i've never met a radical Islamic fundamentalist trying to blow my ass up despite how many middle easterners i've met (a ton)
So, don't laugh at harmless stereotypes - like Americans are fat morons - but instead, call everyone a fagget. That's the road to righteousness.

"that middle eastern dude could have a bomb" is ****ing ridiculous to me.
Yeah, I guess it is pretty far fetched. I've never watched the news before.
I look at the world and I see who runs it.Who runs certain [parts of the world very well and who doesn't then I reach one conclusion and that would make me a racist.

What have you got against the Chinese ?
people saying shit like "i don't know where to look when i see a black person walking in my proximity"

Yeah, that pisses me off too. I never know if im allowed to look at their face or if I just have to stare at my feet.
Yeah, that's a nice thought and all, but it would likely be war on sight.

Two words: black president. Unzero's mind is blown.

The only "black" thing about Obama is his skin color he was raised by white Grandparents.
Wait, so now you're judging people by the color of their grandparent's skin? Man, thats some complicated racism.
"that middle eastern dude could have a bomb" is ****ing ridiculous to me.

Man... this isn't a story about racism... but more about thinking some dude has a bomb.

This time I was on the bus, this disheveled looking guy with paint splattered on his shirt and pants walked onto the bus at a busy transfer terminal, carrying a huge green duffel bag. This duffel bag was PACKED. PACKED to the brim. He looked like he was struggling carrying it. He set it down in the seat in front of me(all seats face the aisle)... and walked off the bus.

I'm sitting here thinking... what the ****. What the **** is in that thing? Could that... could that be a bomb? Why am I thinking that could be a... I DONT KNOW HE JUST SET IT DOWN AND WALKED OFF THE BUS!

So yeah, I was saying that to myself repeatedly for about five minutes until the guy eventually got back on the bus when the bus driver did... and sat down. Later I talked to him and asked him what was in it.

Turns out he works as a sand blaster, using sand to blast shit off of metal and stuff, like paint. Inside the duffel was all of his equipment.

But holy shit was I going crazy on the inside wondering if I was gonna die. I know it was stupid of me, but I immediately thought of "bomb" when he left that huge dufflebag there and just left the bus.

He was a white guy by the way.
I can honestly agree that that would be anyone's guess as to what that was in the duffel bag. With bombings and shit going on in the news, people have become slightly more aware and paranoid against these things.
Wait, so now you're judging people by the color of their grandparent's skin? Man, thats some complicated racism.

Racists aren't complicated Krynn, by day they spout racist idiocy and in their private time they beat off to interracial porn.
The only "black" thing about Obama is his skin color he was raised by white Grandparents.

You make a fatal mistake by believing that Obama lived as "a white child" simply because his grandparents were white. That's quite naive.
You make a fatal mistake by believing that Obama lived as "a white child" simply because his grandparents were white. That's quite naive.

His mother was white as well and his Dad was absent most of the time (surprise.)
His mother was white as well and his Dad was absent most of the time (surprise.)

Oh come on, have you read anything about the mans life growing up, particularly what he wrote about himself?

He didn't grow up a "white child" and he didn't become a "white man". He was a kid all too aware of the color of his skin and how it impacted his life growing up in regards to social situations and stuff.

You insinuating that based simply on the fact that he has a white mom and white grandparents and a black dad who wasn't around... is as I put earlier, very naive. I dare say it's even dishonest.

What is your (surprise) comment supposed to be anyway? A sarcastic response that his black dad was an absentee parent?
His mother was white as well and his Dad was absent most of the time (surprise.)

lol you rarely need someone to point out how silly/stupid you are. you do that well enough on your own
Why is this thread still open ? I thought that we are all unanimous on this - Racism is dumb and everybody that is racist should be shot dead.
its unozero what else you expected?

betcha his coment will be like "atleast in slavery they where usefull" or something like that
its unozero what else you expected?

betcha his coment will be like "atleast in slavery they where usefull" or something like that

well to be fair, the cotton wasnt going to pick itself
This is not a spam thread.

It is a legitimate question that I've been thinking about for a while and makes me slightly uneasy.

Given that different races have different physical attributes: Generally Africans are better runners, higher at risk from heart attacks. Asian people are smaller. White people smell differently (apparently).

Does this mean different races may have different mental attributes too? If so, does that make you a racist?

Are you saying white people get +2 to int?
unozero has officially won this thread, game over
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