Are YOU a racist?

Are you a Racist? (private poll)

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 18.5%
  • No

    Votes: 60 65.2%
  • Don't know/Other

    Votes: 15 16.3%

  • Total voters
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I am a terrible person.

I just beat the system.
Goddamn it Sheepo, you're not playing the game right.
tbh weird/****ed up/mean/bad opinions =/= a terrible person.

Acting out those opinions makes that person bad. It seems like you got some kind of problem with people thinking what they want. You can think about killing someone all day - you've done nothing wrong. When you actually go and stab their dick off, that's kind of ****ed up.

I don't think you know what you are talking about.
Yes, so so terrible in fact that I'm always broke when walking the streets because I'm always giving away my money to the homeless. SO terrible that I donate blood so that some poor fool who needs a transfusion can have a second chance at life. In the meantime, I couldn't afford a transfusion for myself if I got hit by a truck and lost a pint or two. So goddamn motherf**king terrible that hundreds of stray animals would starve if not for me. Well ok, I added that last one but still...

F**K YOU!!!

Being self-centered is okay sometimes.

Doing all that just makes you seem like you're trying to hard to be a saint.
tbh weird/****ed up/mean/bad opinions =/= a terrible person.

Acting out those opinions makes that person bad. It seems like you got some kind of problem with people thinking what they want. You can think about killing someone all day - you've done nothing wrong. When you actually go and stab their dick off, that's kind of ****ed up.

I agree with this to some extent. Obviously it's bad if you constantly have extremely hateful thoughts about people, but I'd expect that the vast majority of people make a broad initial judgment/assumption (good or bad or neutral, doesn't matter) about people based solely on first impressions, which may include physical appearance. It's very difficult not to lump people into some stereotypical category given that we don't grow up in a completely diverse society, and we typically have stereotypes repetitively taught to us via television and other media, and possibly our parents.

Of course, most people ought to and are able to treat everyone decently even with these stereotypical thoughts, then reformulate their opinions after they actually meet the person on an individual basis. But the broad stereotype probably remains just because it's so ingrained in your subconscious. So I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's virtually impossible to walk around without automatically stereotyping people, but it's how you actually act in spite of this stereotype that makes you "racist" or not.
One must define racism first....imho there is no clear definition.
Sure there is. There's a clear enough definition that people are able to push past the boundaries and be considered racists.

Oh... could you really imagine a world where flagrant racists are not racists at all due to "no clear definition of racism"?
Of course he can. Hes Unozero. He already thinks that way.

Also, did Sheepo get banned for beating the system?
I see your point, but it also sounds like you're saying nice people try too hard.

There's a difference between 'nice' and 'give all your money to the poor'.

A nice person treats people with respect, as if they were all equals, and angers slowly in the face of adversity.

The latter has one main difference: they expect rewards for the kind things they do, rather than just the good feeling. Even if it's just praise or social standing. Through being selfless, you are selfish.
once a black man cut my hair badly but I don't blame him
My black friends used to call me Nigga, but I don't think it was a racist remark.
I don't see too many dis-colored people here anyway, so I guess I can't really say now.
All numbers look the same to me.

You know I'm absolutely ****ing around - I'm joking. :)

EDIT: I just had a weird thought - that numbers was a government plant, sent here to improve worldwide trust and relations, and to get us to buy Samsung TV's.
I look at the world and I see who runs it.Who runs certain [parts of the world very well and who doesn't then I reach one conclusion and that would make me a racist.
I purport that you react emotionally differently to light and darkness.
I repost with the fact there are tribesmen who have never seen somebody of a different skin tone and therefore cannot hold racist views.
I look at the world and I see who runs it.Who runs certain [parts of the world very well and who doesn't then I reach one conclusion and that would make me a racist.

What? Are you saying that your conclusion is that colored people can't run governments due to a number colored leaders of third world countries? Because yeah, that makes you racist, and a complete idiot.

I repost with the fact there are tribesmen who have never seen somebody of a different skin tone and therefore cannot hold racist views.

Just because they havent encountered a situation which exemplifies their racist views, and thus remain unaware of them, does not mean they don't hold them.
I repost with the fact there are tribesmen who have never seen somebody of a different skin tone and therefore cannot hold racist views.
I counter with Schrodinger's Cat, and continue on to say that you can't know that until you actually show tribesmen a man of another colour!
I counter with Schrodinger's Cat, and continue on to say that you can't know that until you actually show tribesmen a man of another colour!
No becuase racism is just being prejudiced against another skin colour.

If you're not aware of something, you cannot hold a view on it.

It's the same reason why babies are atheists.
How can they be atheist if they've no concept of what god is?

Oh snap, just countered your argument by using your argument.
Since the definition of atheist is simply 'has no belief in a god' then surely you, um, haven't?
Depends on which dictionary you like. In many an atheist is someone who denies the existence of god, or who disbelieves his existence.
Depends on which dictionary you like. In many an atheist is someone who denies the existence of god.
Nope, atheist is just a non-theist.

Just like you need to be aware of other races to be a racist. You need to be aware of God to be a theist.

EDIT: Not sure what I meant by this sentance, but im leaving it for hilaritys sake: If you are not a theist - you are a racist.
Depends on which dictionary you like. In many an atheist is someone who denies the existence of god, or who disbelieves his existence.
Well, that's nice for them, but it's clearly not the one Solaris is using because he's talking about simply having no concept of the other because one has never encountered it or any stories about it.

Anyway Krynn how can somebody possibly be racist if they have no concept of other racists existing?

Surely you see the absurdity in that statement. It's like calling them Marxists when they have never been exposed to his ideas, utterly silly.
They're racist against helicopters.
Not really. Marx wrote a book. Racism wasnt written by someone, and instead is a natural phenomenon that is evident in every culture. Its human nature to make judgments about people based on their appearance, and it takes active effort to adjust such brash judgments.

Of course, I am completely talking out of my ass here, and havent read any psychological studies on the subject... but it makes sense to me, so it must be true. After all, I am unaware of anything else.
Not really. Marx wrote a book. Racism wasnt written by someone, and instead is a natural phenomenon that is evident in every culture. Its human nature to make judgments about people based on their appearance, and it takes active effort to adjust such brash judgments.

Of course, I am completely talking out of my ass here, and havent read any psychological studies on the subject... but it makes sense to me, so it must be true. After all, I am unaware of anything else.
Racism, like theism, requires the holding of beliefs.
To hold a racist belief, you must be aware of other races.

Non-racism and atheism, requires no beliefs whatsoever, and hence no awareness of other races or the concept of God.
What other races?
Well, quite. Since we're all human and there's no significant biological differences between 'races', racism actually requires one to form a false conception, an intellectual idea, of racial separation. That idea could not exist before encountering some funny-looking foreigners, even if it might piggyback on ideas of prejudice and group difference that already exist in any society.
I repost with the fact there are tribesmen who have never seen somebody of a different skin tone and therefore cannot hold racist views.
Yeah, that's a nice thought and all, but it would likely be war on sight.
What? Are you saying that your conclusion is that colored people can't run governments due to a number colored leaders of third world countries? Because yeah, that makes you racist, and a complete idiot.
Two words: black president. Unzero's mind is blown.
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