are you all kids here?


Oct 31, 2004
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by the sounds of things its mostly teenage school children posting on this site, is half life 2 only popular with kids? say its not so....
nope, there are quite a few mambers that are over 20, a handful that are over 30 and a few that are in their 40's
RoyaleWithCheese said:
I'm a negro gay disabled elderly jew. And you?

male or female? :E

btw the proper term is "black" not "negro" ..that was back in the 50's
just curious, a lot of bad spelling and talk of school
So, lets assume Half-Life 2 is only popular with "kids", it would apparently affect your opinion about it, reading your post, how mature is that? * oh noes, teh kidz liek it, it must be teh suck! *

And why would "kids liking it" be a bad thing? And are all "kids" ignorant annoying n00bs?
RoyaleWithCheese said:
tssk, how shallow to ask that ;)

hmmmm maybe I'm interested :naughty:'s not every day you meet a black a gay disabled elderly jew ...especially if they're female!!! :naughty:
well obviously there are gonna be quite a few kids on this forum. teenagers do after all make up the largest demographic for computer games, although the adult audience is steadily increasing which is only a good thing.
like i said, just curious. dont have a problem with it,and is not changing my opinion about anything. i have kids and we are all looking forward to this.
jocky68 said:
like i said, just curious. dont have a problem with it,and is not changing my opinion about anything.

Then why do you say "say it isn't so", that would indicate some contempt for "kids".
jocky68 said:
by the sounds of things its mostly teenage school children posting on this site, is half life 2 only popular with kids? say its not so....

I`m sure im older than you, I`m 21... :stare:
hoped i wasnt the only MATURE adult into this, thats all buddy.
eye yam seaks und eh phelf iears owld. wat du eeg phalf two dew wif et?
I'm no kid. Sure I'm still a teen, but I'm going to be 18 on the 18th Feb. Not all teens are kids. Hell, I've been gaming since the original Doom and Prince of Persia games. I remember people freaking out when I told them they just got owned in a Modem2Modem game with a 7 year old. I'd like to think im a pretty experienced gamer.
[daniom] said:
I`m sure im older than you, I`m 21... :stare:

He's 26

EDIT: Wouldn't say I'm a kid...I'm 18... I remember when I was little and saw the "old" kids who were like 18-years-old, I always thought of them as grown ups... Now I'm suppose to be the grown up playing HL2 and doing homework?
im over 20, have been playing video games for 15 years or so
Reasion why ppl spells bad(like me) is probaly: Becous not every1 is american or english. Hah!.. i wonder how it would be if Norwegian was international language :p . Every1 talked my language. YAY!! :LOL:
jocky68 said:
hoped i wasnt the only MATURE adult into this, thats all buddy.

You will find that mistaking all "kids" as imature is a very very big mistake.

I oftenly get people asking my age on forums and when i say im only 18 they seem shocked...
jocky68 said:
hoped i wasnt the only MATURE adult into this, thats all buddy.
no worries man. I'm 31 and I'm glad I'm not the only one of this age and beyond who likes to play games. I don't even try to explain it to my friends anymore, you just get these weary looks, slowly drifting away from your eyes to your shoulders, to someone much more interesting behind you. Damn I need a charisma fix :D
I'm sorry, I must have missed the part relating to the conversation in your message
Abix said:
eye whent two secks yewr mawm

Care to point it out? Or was that just a completely pointless post (spam)? Unless, of course, it was sarcasm. Which I now realise is not quite so obvious online.
f0rked said:
I'm sorry, I must have missed the part relating to the conversation in your message

Care to point it out? Or was that just a completely pointless post (spam)?
Sure, Ill point it out. The topic of the thread is whether or not we're all kids here. By posting that leet message, I was showing telling him that "Yes, we are all kids here" and that because he was the epitome of awesomeness for figuring that all of us are kids, I felt the need to show my true feelings for that truely intelligent man by saying "eye whent two secks yewr mawm."

So, to be short, it was NOT spam. Have a nice day.
19 here.
My girlfriend thinks I'm a huge nerd for being into games so much. But it's all good. I do other things too.
I think it's very cool how you and your kids both enjoy games.
jocky68 said:
im shocked are you really 18? lol.

*throws away silly proper english*
*slaps on the good old slang*

A kent that wis gonae backfire

*english back on*

hmm we dont have a slang word for back... or fire... f*ck.
I have just turned 49, and will be playing HL2 with my 24 year old son. Does this make me the oldest, most decrepid Half Life 2 gamer?- I hope so!!!
Not all of us here are kids (and some "older" folks here ACT like kids ;) ), but there is nothing wrong with being a younger gamer. I have been gaming since I had an atari 2600, and my first computer to game on was a commodore 64(that dates me)! We all gotta start somewhere, and age does not necessarily equate to maturity.

I am now 29 years old, with wife, a 1 year old son, and a consulting business to run, but I still manage to fit gaming in (somewhere), and my son likes to try to "help" (although how much help a 1 year old can give by banging on all keys at once and/or biting your ankles at the same time is up for debate!)
Half-Life 2 will be my 18th pressie (albeit a bit late - mines on the 12th) but hey what a pressie
listen, i never said there was anything wrong with young people or kids playing games, i just asked a question and it has been answered. thank you all.
CptStern said:
nope, there are quite a few mambers that are over 20, a handful that are over 30 and a few that are in their 40's

I'm one of the few, the proud, the half-way dead. Just turned 40 this year. :dozey: