Art stuff


Chemical Alia

Well hey there. It's been ages since I've been around here, thanks to a graduate school intermission and some kind of weird, three-week Halliburton nightmare. I've been working on lots of 2d and 3d art so I'll have a nice portfolio built up for job applications and what not, and I guess I could dump some if it here to share with you guys.














That's probably enough for one post, durr. I am also finishing up two playable female TF2 character models that were for my masters project, I can dig up some screenshots for those too, if you're interested.
that is some really awesome stuff. I wish I had just a smidge of that talent
Love the transhuman combine, and is that Gordon frohman?
Very nice stuff. You've gotten even better. Set the demoman one as my wallpaper :D.

Im interested in seeing some more 3D work.
really good stuff but why does Norton say potential threat when i copy the image code into my browser?? i was going to check the source from disbelief but holy cow are you good!
Like I said on your profile, awesome art! It's an honor to have such a talented artist here at sharing her fan-art of the games we love.

I particularly like the abandoned stairway one, that appeals to my visual interests.
How the **** did BOOM not win the contest--I'm assuming you entered.
your artwork is much better when it's stylised rather than realistic. stick to stylised
Douche much? How about, "keep practicing on your realistic work". And besides, what on here is realistic, besides the 3d scene? Theres a kinda realistic Gordon, but I think its damn good.
Douche much?

I can say the same about you

How about, "keep practicing on your realistic work". And besides, what on here is realistic, besides the 3d scene? Theres a kinda realistic Gordon, but I think its damn good.

why would you automatically assume I'm putting down his work? in fact I'm doing the opposite by saying he should stick with stylised art. the obvious conclusion is that he's good at it
I can say the same about you

Fair enough.

why would you automatically assume I'm putting down his work? in fact I'm doing the opposite by saying he should stick with stylised art. the obvious conclusion is that he's good at it

You're putting down her work by saying an entire style she is trying for isn't good and she shouldn't even bother trying to do it. The phrase "stick with ____" used in the context you used it is almost always derogatory. If that's not how you meant it, then alright. Still don't agree she should focus just on one style because shes better at that one. As an artist yourself, you should know that's pretty shitty advice.
You're putting down her work by saying an entire style she is trying for isn't good and she shouldn't even bother trying to do it.

no I'm not you are

The phrase "stick with ____" used in the context you used it is almost always derogatory. If that's not how you meant it, then alright. Still don't agree she should focus just on one style because shes better at that one. As an artist yourself, you should know that's pretty shitty advice.

not really. an artist needs to find their niche to be commercially viable. they also have to recognise what they're strongest in and develop it. artists cant be jack of all trades/styles because they risk not being good at any particular one. anyways I'm getting kinda tired of people jumping to conclusions as to what I meant. just ask I'll clarify, no need to thread-shit
Nice work!

I'd like to see some of your 3D work too, and possibly some more environments. The staircase was very nice.
no I'm not you are


not really. an artist needs to find their niche to be commercially viable. they also have to recognise what they're strongest in and develop it. artists cant be jack of all trades/styles because they risk not being good at any particular one.

Stagnating doesnt help any artist. I'll agree that one needs to specialize if they're looking for paid work, but when trying to become a better artist, focusing on one thing only is retarded.

anyways I'm getting kinda tired of people jumping to conclusions as to what I meant. just ask I'll clarify, no need to thread-shit

Ever thought it might be a problem on your end? Perhaps you should think about what you write a little bit more so as to more clearly make your point.
Stagnating doesnt help any artist. I'll agree that one needs to specialize if they're looking for paid work, but when trying to become a better artist, focusing on one thing only is retarded.

concentrating on a particular style is not "retarded" nor is it stagnating. in fact the opposite is true: you just dont become awesome at one particular style you grow into it. anyways can we move on now?

compare these two strips:

same artist but you can see how his style grew over the years

Ever thought it might be a problem on your end? Perhaps you should think about what you write a little bit more so as to more clearly make your point.

sure however it still takes 2 people to thread shit. one to post (me) and a second person to fly off the handle based on what they assume I meant. anyways when you look for shit you find it
Cool discussion.

I'll just throw out that as a game artist, it's extremely valuable to be as versatile with 2d and 3d skills as possible, but to be able to work realistically (in terms of industry standards) will get you farther than having only a body of stylized work.

That said, I would still consider all of the images I posted before to be fairly stylized. As far as realism goes, I'd say these two drawings are decent examples from my work, but they're just studies.



A year and a half ago, I didn't know even the basics of 3d modeling, and was far from comfortable with digital painting techniques. I basically sacrificed what had been my entire personal life (video games included) to focus on building these skills, and I try to explore and learn something new with each project. So I can't really agree that I should just focus on what I'm already comfortable with, because even that took years to develop.

Anyway, that's just my few thoughts on the matter, but it is an interesting subject to me. And here's some more art, while I'm at it.


A scene I'm working on now, I've just started getting the base diffuse textures on, without any added details yet.







I've come a bit farther with the geometry of these models, particularly on the Heavy's contour and built her with/without the hat, but she needs to be finished re-rigging before I can post more progress shots. I just have facial rigging and voice acting after that to complete.
Holy ****.

Incredible, I really like that Asian woman.

PS: Don't listen to Stern he's a ****** and nobody likes him.
And as always, instead of owning up to being wrong, Stern will just ignore the thread from now on.

I'm really tempted to ignore him tbh.
WOAH. Okay, I know nothing about art, so my praise isn't super valuable, but DAYUM. Those are really spectacular. The first "realism" piece you put up in your last post made me literally do a double take 'cos I thought it was a photo. You have a great talent. I hope you can get a job where you can use your skills.
Incredible art, some really inspiring stuff. The models look superb too, you evidently have a lot of ability in modelling too.

Are you experimenting with various TF2 classes or looking to do all the classes? I've seen many people wish deeply someone would take that project on.
Cool discussion.

I'll just throw out that as a game artist, it's extremely valuable to be as versatile with 2d and 3d skills as possible, but to be able to work realistically (in terms of industry standards) will get you farther than having only a body of stylized work.

That said, I would still consider all of the images I posted before to be fairly stylized. As far as realism goes, I'd say these two drawings are decent examples from my work, but they're just studies.

This painting is absolutely amazing, thanks for sharing. Is this based on a real person?
This painting is absolutely amazing, thanks for sharing. Is this based on a real person?

Thanks, dude. It's based on a photograph, and it was one of my first term projects at The Guildhall. The idea was to replicate every detail as close as you can, and limiting visible brushwork and stylization. So, boring, but a good exercise of observation. Photo is on the right.

... wow. Thats incredibly impressive. The only thing I see that even slightly stands out as different is the nose (yours is a little wide I think) and her hair is cleaner in yours. But really, I'd have a hard time picking out which one was photo and which was a painting. Very nice.
If you blink real fast, you can't even tell the difference. :D
Thanks, dude. It's based on a photograph, and it was one of my first term projects at The Guildhall. The idea was to replicate every detail as close as you can, and limiting visible brushwork and stylization. So, boring, but a good exercise of observation. Photo is on the right.


Stern just got completely demolished by the above. Top-notch work in here, you're clearly a very talented artist. Keep it up.
Just went through your DA account and was amazed by how good your work is, proportions and colouring, everything is just really professional and awesome. Have you got this good over years of practice or art lessons or some such?
Just went through your DA account and was amazed by how good your work is, proportions and colouring, everything is just really professional and awesome. Have you got this good over years of practice or art lessons or some such?

Well thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. My undergraduate study is fine art (traditional drawing), and I just finished training and a masters degree in game development, in the discipline of art creation. So like, I have a lot of training. Yet it all comes down to personal effort and time, and if I don't look at my earlier stuff with utter revulsion within a few months, I feel that I'm doing it wrong. :D I didn't start drawing seriously until a few years ago, though.

Here's some new sketches, just trying out different drawing techniques. I might go back and rework some parts into finished pieces, who knows.

A masters in game development? For art? What'd you go an spend that kind of money for?
A masters in game development? For art? What'd you go an spend that kind of money for?

It would have taken me years to learn the skills I was taught in a year and a half, and because I come from a region with opportunities far and between for game development jobs, I would be hard pressed to make a cold move across the country on (at best) mod experience and unfocused 3d knowledge and implementation of agile development.

Not that it's impossible, but it certainly would have never happened otherwise.
Wow your art is really good, post more! WTB a xenomorph pic. :)
Damn, your replication of the photograph of the girl is almost flawless. If I were to order a print of the photo and someone sent me your work instead, I would not realize this.

Enjoying the rest of your art as well.
It would have taken me years to learn the skills I was taught in a year and a half, and because I come from a region with opportunities far and between for game development jobs, I would be hard pressed to make a cold move across the country on (at best) mod experience and unfocused 3d knowledge and implementation of agile development.

Not that it's impossible, but it certainly would have never happened otherwise.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. I certainly wouldn't have learned what I know without going to school for it, but a masters seems a little overkill. Or at least, in my situation it would have been, since Full Sail costs buttloads of money for a master.

Also, whatchu talkin 'bout there being no game jobs in your area? You live in Dallas. Theres several game studios in and around there and Austin. Try living in the north east and say that. Theres Rockstar NE, 2K Boston, Turbine... and like two other major places in that entire quadrant of the country. I had to move all the way down here to actually get a job. Of course, im in one of only two game studios in all of Louisiana, but still. Texas is right there and has a lot of places.

Have you started applying anywhere yet? You should post your stuff on Polycount. Its a forum with a ton of professional game artists from lots of studios big and small, and its a great way to get noticed and get good critiques.
Yeah, I see what you're saying. I certainly wouldn't have learned what I know without going to school for it, but a masters seems a little overkill. Or at least, in my situation it would have been, since Full Sail costs buttloads of money for a master.

Also, whatchu talkin 'bout there being no game jobs in your area? You live in Dallas. Theres several game studios in and around there and Austin. Try living in the north east and say that. Theres Rockstar NE, 2K Boston, Turbine... and like two other major places in that entire quadrant of the country. I had to move all the way down here to actually get a job. Of course, im in one of only two game studios in all of Louisiana, but still. Texas is right there and has a lot of places.

Have you started applying anywhere yet? You should post your stuff on Polycount. Its a forum with a ton of professional game artists from lots of studios big and small, and its a great way to get noticed and get good critiques.

My bad, I should have made it clear that I'm not originally from Dallas, but Pennsylvania. I was already in my last semester of college when I applied to come here, and given my completed bachelors degree, it would make little sense to have considered the BFA and longer program offered by another school focused on game dev, like DigiPen, for example. I much prefer to have a full and broad art background from which to build more targeted skills, than mixing it in from the start and coming out with only a 4-year degree. I'm hoping to have my thesis published soon, and really enjoyed the research to the point that I'd like to explore it more in the future. I love academics, and Sandy Petersen's wife makes delicious kolaches, so I'm glad I made this choice.

Now the economy, that's troublesome. I interviewed with six studios, one of which actually sought me out, and due to relaced HR, funding problems, and the hiring freeze Activision put out right after my most promising interviews, the search is going to be tough. After I apply to every available position I'm qualified to do on gamasutra's listings every week, I go back to and pick a city, and go through every single company in that region with a relevant job opening.

SHOULD HAVE BEEN A PROGRAMMER. Those lucky bastards didn't even need portfolios to get picked up.

As for Polycount, I've been meaning to go over there for ages D:
You've def got some skills H. Female heavy should be heavier though I think lol.

Polycount is my god for learning how to model and later on texture. A must bookmark no doubt... great smart helpful people, awesome place.
You've def got some skills H. Female heavy should be heavier though I think lol.

Polycount is my god for learning how to model and later on texture. A must bookmark no doubt... great smart helpful people, awesome place.

Thanks, man. Female Heavy is heavier now, considerably, but I haven't finished rerigging and some texture resolution problems in hlmv have prevented me from posting proper update screenshots. I tried registering for that site, but only received a server error when I submitted my info. I'll try again later, I guess v:

Here's a sketch.

Here's another art dump. It never ends.


Poster art for Play Soldier, my capstone team game project at the GH


Title art for an iphone game:



High poly sub-d model:

Low poly mesh and the same mesh with normal maps:

I'm finishing up that TF2-looking mine scene, and I'll post it when I'm done, but right now I have a week to relearn Maya so I don't get owned by this art test.