Assassin's Creed Review?

Excellent detailed post Amish. I respect and trust your opinion on the game more than most of the reviews i have read. You should do a review like you said when you finish the game btw.

The A.I sounds incredibly paranoid, reminds me a bit of Hitman's tetchy A.I.
p.s: whats your sig mean?

Hitman's AI was a bit spotty here and there, but I liked it overall. I never found any super-easy ways to exploit it and it rarely bugged out and just screwed me over for no reason.

My sig was just a lazy change from my old BF2 info sig. It's from an SNL skit. I think I'll change it now :P
Beat it. The last hour or so was so lame if you ask me. It was non-stop fighting. Battle after battle after battle. For a stealth game there was a lot of 'one man vs overwhelming odds' crap.

Just discovered a funny bug. I'm going for the last achievement I have to get (barring the stupid flag collecting and Templar hunting crap - who wants to search 3 large cities for like 400 flags/individual soldiers just for some gamerpoints :|).

Anyways, I'm just surviving in combat for 10 mins. I figured I'd try to get to a place where only archers can see me but can't hit me. Well I found a spot where this archer keeps shooting up at me...and hit's me DIRECTLY in the side of the head. The arrow however just bounces off and falls to the ground. It looks pretty hilarious.
I have but 1 question. How long is the game? And how many assassassassinations are there to do? And how many sub quests are there? And is the main character really Robin Hood on telly?
There are 9 main guys to assassinate. 3 per city. There are a number of 'missions' to do in each section of the city. Only NEED to do 3 of those to get enough info to go kill your target. But there are only a few types of missions so you do the same kind of thing a few times in different parts of the city. The missions are limited in the same way that spiderman 2's were.

I play with the HUD off and explore mostly. Find the viewpoints by looking around. Often I stumble on the missions without looking at the map. You can sorta tell when guys are standing on the side of the street and you could listen in on their conversation or pickpocket. Or if there is an informant to do a mission for and then get information (one of your own guys). And same with saving citizens, you hear their cry from a block or so away. I just check the map to see that I got them all before going for the main assassination for that section. More immersive that way. Going to the map exclusively to discover locations can make it feel like a check list and not a game. If you have fun with the exploring and traveling then you get a lot more out of the game.
I'm on my last Assassination now and I really can't honestly say I've enjoyed this game as much as I wished I had.

The city's are huge yes, but the variety in them is terrible. Amish pretty much spelled out the game above, so I won't get into the specifics, but the 1st day I though 'this is great' (being new to the game)... 3 days in now and I can't really be arsed to play it.

The drunks / nut jobs / beggars are so annoying. On the informant missions where you're on the clock as you're travelling round they'll often pester you, knock you thus alerting the guards and it's so frustrating.

I know it's set 900 years in the past, but they really could have made this game much more exciting I think. By varying the side missions more, adding a more dynamic environment (every area appears to be the same area in a city).

The crowd is nowhere near as dynamic as Ubi would have you think either. If I hear "You saved me sir, I'll be sure to tell my dick husband (who's 2 feet away chatting while I'm getting picked on by guards of this" once more I think I'll scream... or "Save me, someone save me"... basically the same audio dialogue get's played over and over.

Altair as I've stated before is a total knob jockey too. Yes, he becomes more humble later in the game, but he was a dick for the first 6 assassinations, so he'll always be a dick to me.

IGN was right about the sanctimonious dialogue too... there's way too much of it, and while it's being played out you're forced into these wierd camera angles that you can't escape out of..

Basically, it's a beautiful looking game and Altair looks awesome as a charachter, but the assassinations are too 'samey', the Desmond parts are downright boring, and the background fluff behaves in a very funny way sometimes.

Has anyone seen this in the game by the way


I'm on my last Assassination now and I really can't honestly say I've enjoyed this game as much as I wished I had.

The city's are huge yes, but the variety in them is terrible. Amish pretty much spelled out the game above, so I won't get into the specifics, but the 1st day I though 'this is great' (being new to the game)... 3 days in now and I can't really be arsed to play it.

The drunks / nut jobs / beggars are so annoying. On the informant missions where you're on the clock as you're travelling round they'll often pester you, knock you thus alerting the guards and it's so frustrating.

I know it's set 900 years in the past, but they really could have made this game much more exciting I think. By varying the side missions more, adding a more dynamic environment (every area appears to be the same area in a city).

The crowd is nowhere near as dynamic as Ubi would have you think either. If I hear "You saved me sir, I'll be sure to tell my dick husband (who's 2 feet away chatting while I'm getting picked on by guards of this" once more I think I'll scream... or "Save me, someone save me"... basically the same audio dialogue get's played over and over.

Altair as I've stated before is a total knob jockey too. Yes, he becomes more humble later in the game, but he was a dick for the first 6 assassinations, so he'll always be a dick to me.

IGN was right about the sanctimonious dialogue too... there's way too much of it, and while it's being played out you're forced into these wierd camera angles that you can't escape out of..

Basically, it's a beautiful looking game and Altair looks awesome as a charachter, but the assassinations are too 'samey', the Desmond parts are downright boring, and the background fluff behaves in a very funny way sometimes.

Has anyone seen this in the game by the way



Optimus Prime?
Yes, it has a jump button. Though I don't think I have ever actually used the jump button once while playing the game and I am over 1/2 way through it.
I'm on my 6th assassination in Acre, still loving the game, especially now that I can kill the French :)
I'm on my 6th assassination in Acre, still loving the game, especially now that I can kill the French :)
I just finished the 6th one. Heading for the 7th. Although I seem to be going about it backwards compared to how they are marked.
when the DNA fills in as I complete missions it is the 3rd section and not the 1st
Personally, sure, it's a bit repetitious, actually, its a LOT of repetition. But this game makes it FUN to do the same things over and over again. And personally, I'm constantly being surprised, I threw a guard into a watch tower and the thing collapsed on top of him! The constantly new things happening around me that keep me surprised make this game worth gold in my book. I'm loving it to death.
You should do a review like you said when you finish the game btw.

Now that I have time I will. Here comes another long post :P

I finished the game yesterday while at work.

Having already spoken on the AI, free-roaming and side-missions, I'll focus on the combat, free-running and assassination missions in this post.


Combat is based around facing multiple foes at once. You'll pretty much be surrounded by 3-20 guards based on your current mission and situation. No matter how many enemies you face, combat should be handled the same.

It consists of you pressing X repeatedly to attack with your sword or dagger (if you use fists you're just silly - and your assassin's blade can only be used to counter during combat). No real timing is necessary, but it can speed up the time it takes you to get a combo kill if you time your 'X' presses.

When an enemy attacks you just hold RT and you'll block virtually anything as long as you're facing in the enemy's general direction. You can block attacks mid-animation so you don't have to worry about how long your attacks will take.

When you unlock the counter ability combat gets even easier. Just hold RT and press X when an enemy attacks to counter their attack and kill them most of the time. Later in the game the first counter will just knock an enemy over, but you can just slash them to death while they're on the ground and getting back up.

The dagger is by far the best because it's the fastest and if you just keep pressing X, sometimes you'll be targeting somebody out of attack range and Altair will automatically throw one of your knives which is an insta-kill.

Eventually enemies start countering you as well and stop your grabs, but by then you have plenty of health (with max health you can take ~24 hits assuming you don't regenerate any during the battle.

Combat overall is what makes this game a lot less fun to me. Sure the kill animations are cool to watch for a little while, but it throws off the difficulty of the game. It makes me not fear raising an alarm in any way unless doing so will reset my current mission.


Lots of this game is based around climbing on anything you want. To do so you just hold the RT and hold A to sprint and run up and/or climb up the nearest surface. When you're navigating the city, chances are you'll spend 99% of your time just holding forward and RT + A. You can fall pretty far without getting killed and your health regenerates very fast if there is no alarm raised. It's kinda cool being able to scale anything and everything as long as there's a handhold, but without any kind of purpose beyond goofing around and getting around it doesn't keep the same feeling and entertainment value as it does when you first start to.

Sometimes there's annoying issues with it though. For example, sometimes when you want to go around a couple corners of a building (270 degrees that is, not an inside 90 degree corner), sometimes Altair will just go around the first corner with no fault, then for no reason whatsoever will be unable to go around the next. Then for no apparent reason Altair will be unable to go around the corner you JUST went around. The only option here is to jump away from the wall or fall straight down when there's no way to go up.

Assassination Missions

These are the most entertaining parts of the game. You get to finally use your skills to take down an important target rather than some chump guards.

Unfortunately a bunch of the missions force you to flat-out fight or run through the overwhelming number of guards that always surround the target. This completely pissed me off when I had spent like 1.5 hours doing all the side-missions to gather more intel. on the target when I don't even get to use it to my advantage. Even more annoying is the fact that quite often if you're facing the target in battle, you don't even realize you've defeated the target and suddenly Altair just jumps on the target and uses his blade by himself while you're just trying to continue fighting. Then you have an extensive conversation with the dying target while guards are surrounding you apparently patiently waiting for you to finish. The conversations are almost all identical in content as well :| Each target explains how he was doing good in the world and not bad, Altair disagrees. Whee.

Then there's the last 1.5 hours or so of the game that are completely boring. All you do is constantly fight 100-200 guards paving your way to your final objectives...

Overall there are a lot of things that bug the hell out of me in this game. The fact that you can't skip any cutscenes no matter how many times you've seen them, the fact that the sci-fi part of the story is obscenely boring and pointless, even the control in it feels clunky. Then there's the flaky AI, the sub-par stealth aspects, the horribly easy combat, the assassination mission let-downs with constant open-battle.

For an assassination/'stealth' game there is WAY too much open combat and facing opponents head-on. There aren't any options when it comes to assassinating your targets besides fighting them in open combat or happening to get an assassination. The story is predictable and repetitive just like the side-missions.

I'd say IGN reviewers were right on in giving this game a 7-something.
I finished my first assassination last night. However, it was my second attempt because during the first:

Right after the murder scene, the guards went absolutely ape-shit straight away, and I wound up just fighting guards plus my target, which as an assassin, is unacceptable.

The second attempt was (and I must point out how hard this is to describe in just words) incredible. I was stalking rooftops around the Souk, eliminating archers quietly, then I went down to initiate the murder scene again.

I "blend" after it. The guards are heavily suspicious but they aren't throwing a fit. My target is bullying merchants, stomping around making demands. He stops at a Bazaar to have a look, but whilst insulting the owner about his pathetic wares, I amble up to him and knife him in the back. (Cutscene - achievement - sense of doing it properly).

Of course, the guards go apeshit. Rather than engage them I make a break for the roofs, the obvious place for Altairs advantage. Lots of leaping, hoppping, climbing and balancing brings me to a roof where a soldier has climbed a ladder. Not even using the sword, I target this poor sod, grab him and shove him to his doom. I quickly find a hiding spot and make it to the bureau.

It was all satisfying and exciting too. If this one event is anything to go by, I'll enjoy the rest immensely.

Also, anyone else notice Altair has a finger missing on his left hand?
Yup, the missing finger was known for quite some time, though originally it was the index finger that was supposed to be missing and that doesn't seem to be the case.
I finished it yesterday, the ending was :rolling: but the game is a lot of fun :)

If only there was a proper sandbox mode, where you can just choose a city and run around in it rather than having to go through the endless dialogue and the silly HUB area everytime you want to relive an assassination. But hey, there's always the sequel. :)

Now to complete Mass Effect! :imu:
I think it's a great game, but rough around the edges, so I'd rate it 7.5-8.0.

I think that if they pull off the second game well, and learn from their mistakes, we might get a game that actually deserves a 9.0.
IGN calls Assassin's Creed "tiresome" and Crysis "fast, well designed gameplay"

Are you ****ing kidding me?
The game was AMAZING! Combat was great, not nearly as bad as people say. Even if it was as bad as people say i would still give it a 8 for story. Such a great story and ending.

Lets talk spoilers.

So what are your theories on Eden and the ending. In particular the part where Altair cant destroy Eden how about the signs and the weird blood notes. What do you think the sequel will do? Future combat? A mix again? Oh and who else thought the only assassin that didn't respect or like you turned to aid you. I loved that detail and thought it was great.

9.4 is my rating, simply because i could give to shits how repetitive gameplay is when the story is this good. And i truly believe this franchise will grow to be something amazing! We need more stories like this.
Asuka, the producer stated in several interviews long before the games launch that the sequels would probably take place in the 'future'.

Anyway, I don't have much theories on the signs, but if you had checked on my earlier posts in the thread, you would have seen some of the findings I had made, including references to the last date of the Mayan calender, references to a Chinese emperor and more.

My guess is the sequel will deal with Altair trying to escape from the company, and probably with some 'ANIMUS' bits thrown in.
Asuka, the producer stated in several interviews long before the games launch that the sequels would probably take place in the 'future'.

Anyway, I don't have much theories on the signs, but if you had checked on my earlier posts in the thread, you would have seen some of the findings I had made, including references to the last date of the Mayan calender, references to a Chinese emperor and more.

My guess is the sequel will deal with Altair trying to escape from the company, and probably with some 'ANIMUS' bits thrown in.

I read most of posts here, must have missed yours. Thx for the heads up.
The 10 minute achievment was easy. I just ran around. >.>
I do hate how civilians make a path for you if you use gentle push. Who the hell would do that?
On the other hand, the crazy ones or beggars piss me off so much... I used to just kill them, but now its too much of a risk so I resort to throwing them down a flight of stairs...

Yeah, I'm evil like that.
/me finds the highest point in Acre and jumps the wrong way off the cross
Wheeeeeee *splat

Some of those points are insanely high...
Best Counterattack ever:

Short blade, kick them to the knees, and ram the blade vertically through the crown of the skull. Nasty, but surprisingly invigorating.
Wanted Bob, about beggars, crazies and drunks, you are aware that you can just hit them using your fist ONES and they run off? They don't report you to the guards or anything, fistfighting doesnt make guards hostile unless you fistfight with many+them.:p
/me finds the highest point in Acre and jumps the wrong way off the cross
Wheeeeeee *splat

Some of those points are insanely high...

Highest point in the game, on the cross. Jumped the wrong way and ahahahahhha splat!
I had a hard time getting up there.

OH and Asuka,
The notes written in blood were from an earlier test subject, specifically, I believe, Subject 06, and he went insane as he could not adjust to the Animus properly. He saw things.. visions..
Highest point in the game, on the cross. Jumped the wrong way and ahahahahhha splat!
That is one small thing that annoys me, when you die in the game, all the other people seem oblivious to your existance, like when you jump and die from hitting the floor, everyone just keep on their business as usual, they don't even look lol.
You guys know this is a confirmed trilogy right? The game can only get better.

So they shot themselves in the foot a few times, big deal. Learn from your mistakes and move on, the next games will be much better im sure.

And omg that cross, i was actually getting vertigo from watching it. I did the same thing, assumed id hit a hay box and was like 'ohhhhhhh this is gonna hurt' as i fell.
I had a hard time getting up there.

OH and Asuka,
The notes written in blood were from an earlier test subject, specifically, I believe, Subject 06, and he went insane as he could not adjust to the Animus properly. He saw things.. visions..

Rgr, i think its 16. But when reading the emails after the credits i learned a lot more about it.
Wow. Just wow. That ending was shit. Assassins Creed went from being a semi-stealth assassinate your targets game to a 'let's see how many enemies we can thow at you at once and confuse the shit out of you at the end game...

... my original oppinion still stands... defo a 7/10.. no more, no less. Gonna trade it in tomorrow anyway.

For assassins creed 2 they need to:

1. Make the AI better, because it sucked big time.
2. Give the game more variety in the side missions (much the same way RPGs generally do).
3. Re-Work that fighting system. As it stands it's just way too easy and get's boring quick.
4. Give you the option to control the camera / skip alltogether the cut-scenes.
5. Give the Ai more than 3 lines of dialogue, so the cities feel more dynamic.
6. Get rid of ALL flag achievements... They're LAME LAME LAMEEE... just trying to beat the dead horse even further with those.
7. Maybe vary the assassinations too. Say when you go to the bureau the mission is given to you with a set criteria, i.e. kill him, there, with this... I know they wanted to keep it fairly sandboxy, but damn, each assassination is the same just in a different locale.

Yes there were 3 city's in AC, but aside from looking different they all worked in the same way. Why did the bureau have to be idential in each one for example?

By the way, how does a guy with one arm get to work through the roof.. lol. And what's with Lucy's dissapearing finger? Surley the doc would have noticed.
The ending + Story was one of the best of the year. Definitely goes in my top Btw did you stay till after the credits? It wasn't spoon fed to you like all other stories. I felt like i needed to work for the story, and even tho i wanted more, I'm sure they are going to just get better from here on out.

oh btw does anything happen if you uplock all the memories? Even the "lost memories"
Wow. Just wow. That ending was shit. Assassins Creed went from being a semi-stealth assassinate your targets game to a 'let's see how many enemies we can thow at you at once and confuse the shit out of you at the end game...

... my original oppinion still stands... defo a 7/10.. no more, no less. Gonna trade it in tomorrow anyway.

For assassins creed 2 they need to:

1. Make the AI better, because it sucked big time.
2. Give the game more variety in the side missions (much the same way RPGs generally do).
3. Re-Work that fighting system. As it stands it's just way too easy and get's boring quick.
4. Give you the option to control the camera / skip alltogether the cut-scenes.
5. Give the Ai more than 3 lines of dialogue, so the cities feel more dynamic.
6. Get rid of ALL flag achievements... They're LAME LAME LAMEEE... just trying to beat the dead horse even further with those.
7. Maybe vary the assassinations too. Say when you go to the bureau the mission is given to you with a set criteria, i.e. kill him, there, with this... I know they wanted to keep it fairly sandboxy, but damn, each assassination is the same just in a different locale.

Yes there were 3 city's in AC, but aside from looking different they all worked in the same way. Why did the bureau have to be idential in each one for example?

By the way, how does a guy with one arm get to work through the roof.. lol. And what's with Lucy's dissapearing finger? Surley the doc would have noticed.
What I think could make it more fun would be a 'a-life' sorta thingy, i.e. day-night cycle ingame, and you can follow and actually STALK your victim to learn his routes etc, and then strike at him when it pleases you.
I have a 28" non HDTV, shall Is till get it?
What? What has that got to do with anything? Rent it first if you're not sure.

On the whole, I'd recommend it if you like stealthy-type games.