Assassin's Creed Review?

Just leave. You don't have to finish it.

Jesus christ. I figured that out after like 20 minutes. I don't feel stupid though, because I got the impression I was supposed to somehow complete it. Because I did the one thing and the guy was saying good job good job, so I did the practice fight. It progressed so that I was doing different manuevers, and then eventually it didn't do any, so I thought I was doing something wrong. This was compounded by the fact that I couldn't progress to it instructing me of different moves if I had one guy targeted, and so that was infuriating.

I have a super headache now from that... I need to take a break. I made it to damascus before my xbox 360 froze... perfect time for a break.
The game is INCREDIBLE! Iv played for about 4 hours straight and let me tell you this game is OVERWHELMING! The world is so big, so much to do. Flags, missions, side objectives!!! WOW. Plus the story is very interesting I'm so happy i didn't know anything about it before playing.

I have yet to get stuck, Im in acer right now and let me say the combat isnt bad at all. Tho it is the games weak point, i love just going around the cities doing side missions and exploring.
My biggest problem with the game right now is the noise indicators. There's no way to shut them off either unless you disable the certain aspect of the HUD. The beeping noise drives me nuts, and its made worse by the fact I have had a horrible headache today.

Other than that it's pretty solid so far... haven't gotten very far yet.

I suck at combat though right now. I keep allowing myself to get pulled into large engagements and when I whack somebody the guy behind me stabs me in the back. Plus sometimes I suck so bad, I keep getting grabbed and shoved to the ground, and sometimes when I grab I keep getting kicked in the nuts.

I'm horrible at the moment. lol.
Raziaar, I'm going to put you on ignore for now, you sound like you're pre-menstrual.
Yeah, I got the PS3 version and I am not noticing any of the framerate issues that IGN was talking about. Of course, I am only in Damascus for the first time, but so far the game is AWESOME. Yes, combat is tough, but I also am not sure what the reviewers are talking about when they say that guards only attack one at a time--for me they seem to attack just as I am just about to kill one of their comrades! Its actually a little difficult, but I have also had my skills stripped right now, so maybe once I get some combat skills back it will be easier. The climbing buildings and rooftop running are insanely cool though. I have been doing that mostly as opposed to any missions for the time being because it looks so damn cool. Great great game.
I ****ing hate you guys. This thread has now made me change my tune and I WANT this game.

But Mario is out tomorrow as well. There's no way I'm NOT buying that either.

AND you've already got Mass Effect VoS!

/me shakes fist while waiting to sell organs
We got Mario, AC and Crysis out tomorrow in the UK. Bwahaha my poor wallet.

And wow, if Gabe says its awesome, im sold.

I KNEW IT!!! If you sit there for 2 days straight like these reviewers do, rushing through, OF COURSE IT GETS REPETITIVE YOU MORONS!!! You dont have much time so you race through. Take your time and its awesome like Gabe says, sheesh. God i hate some of these reviewing sites.
We got Mario, AC and Crysis out tomorrow in the UK. Bwahaha my poor wallet.
Thankfully my filthy laziness has prevented me downloading the Crysis demo for a performance check, so that can go on the back burner.

Agreed about PA though, Gabe's article not only sums up a fairly unbiased AC overview, but in general what the problem with deadlined reviews (or any work for that matter) is.
Yes indeed!

And a whole week off from said job next week ftw as well!!! :laugh: (And I will need it to get anywhere in Mass Effect, Contra 4, Super Mario Galaxy and Assassin's Creed! Talk about too much on my plate!)
Wooo! I got it! It's freaking awesome! I'm glad it didn't dissapoint. Oh man.. when you climb up walls guards throw rocks at you, the interesting storyline, I'm glad they didn't botch it up.. It seems okay. The fighting isn't that bad, but then again, when has the fighting ever been good in a stealthy game? Assassinating people sure is fun, though. Jumping on perched archers- Wow, amazing. I've killed 2 of the targets so far...
Oh look everyone thats got it says its awesome so far.

Sorry, but up yours reviewers :P

17 hours to gonna be standing at GAME's doors waiting, tapping on the window while i freeze my ass off, with a puppy eyed face and...

I love how they use the word 'INFIDELS!' in Damascus. My favorite word of all time.
Gabe has a really good point there actually. Props to him.
My brother went out and bought a PS3 (40gb) with a kmart 20% coupon. So $320 + assassin's creed. Played a bit of it and so far it is pretty cool. Just got to damascus so just getting into the game really.
Massive Attack/Portishead - Teardrop.

edit: Bloody dalamari ;)
I listened to the song off youtube. It sounds great for the trailer, but I don't much care for it by itself. Oh well.
This game is amazing. Too bad I have to spend the next three hours doing a business project before I can play it again tonight.
This game is damn fun. But instead of a sequel, Ubisoft needs to do a Batman game off this engine.
So, I've probably put about 7 hours in and I just got finished with the second assassination. I've been having so much fun exploring and trying to complete all the extra stuff that I haven't really been focused on the assassinations. The cities are so epicly huge.

And IGN must've been smoking crack when they were talking about the PS3 version.
I recently experienced some heavy frame rate issues when I got near an unaccessible part of Jerusalem. It didn't recover so I shut down the Xbox360 for now. Ran perfectly fine before that though, and I'm sure it will once I start it up again.
Right Now, Im loving pretty much every bit of it.

- Minigames are a nice sidetrack
- World is very big
- Sci fi elements dont suck, in fact I think they are the most interesting bit
- Combat is not as bad as people are lead to beleive
- Freerunning is awesome
- Extra collectibles to find

- Annoying to constantly blend while travelling past every single guard on your way to a city
- Guards for me were constantly on high alert
- Kinda annoying that
You are tempted with all avaliable abilities at the start, only to lose them and have to regain all of them.

Overall a terrific game, and I cant wait to spend hours playing this.
I'm pretty much in love with this game (PS3 version). If there's absolutely anything to nitpick at, I'd say its the fighting. It definitely is the weakpoint of this game. Give me fighting freedom like Ninja Gaiden Sigma and I'll be the first to say it's THE perfect game.
I quite enjoy the fighting, actually. My only complaints right now are that the climbing mechanics occasionally don't work the way I would expect them to, and that you get very obvious line repetition when completing the "save the citizen" optional objectives.
The sound indicators don't bug you guys? I mean the repeating ones until you find a hiding place, or if you're around an alerted enemy.

The other thing I can find issue with now, is the combat. I mean, the combat is fun, at least for me... but it's too easy now. Sure, I make mistakes a lot, but little makes me afraid now to launch into literally 12+ enemies and know I'll come out alive. But that's okay though... I mean I knew the combat going in would seem too easy because of the attackers queuing.

I could nitpick at a lot of small things. Things like repeated architecture, very few lines of dialogue for some NPCS that gets repeated either always or most of the time. But that's all they are, small things. Nothing really worthy of viewing the game in a negative light.

My only big issues are combat being too easy, and the sound indicators(you'll figure out what I mean). I still feel satisfied with my purchase though.
The sound indicators don't bug you guys? I mean the repeating ones until you find a hiding place, or if you're around an alerted enemy.

The other thing I can find issue with now, is the combat. I mean, the combat is fun, at least for me... but it's too easy now. Sure, I make mistakes a lot, but little makes me afraid now to launch into literally 12+ enemies and know I'll come out alive. But that's okay though... I mean I knew the combat going in would seem too easy because of the attackers queuing.

I could nitpick at a lot of small things. Things like repeated architecture, very few lines of dialogue for some NPCS that gets repeated either always or most of the time. But that's all they are, small things. Nothing really worthy of viewing the game in a negative light.

My only big issues are combat being too easy, and the sound indicators(you'll figure out what I mean). I still feel satisfied with my purchase though.

Fights are EXTREAMYLY easy, i think they should have given you counter-attack as like the last level. That would have fix it a little. I have NEVER died in a fight.
God damn it. shipped my Limited Ed. of this Wednesday... checked the post this morning and aside from Goodfellas on HD-DVD nothin. Boo! ****ing Royal Mail, can't be trusted to deliver owt on-time...
Bought mine at lunch time, got a free t-shirt/hoody thing with it. Only about 4 and a half hours left until I can have a wee shot of it.....
Epic fun. The second assassination in Damas was so epic. [assassination spoilers]
Oh, wow, Big fat guy.. man, I really didn't expect him to kill all those party guests.. I totally jumped up and had a fight with his guards on the wooden palisades above the fountain. And ahd an EPIC chase scene. Also, the third guy [in the trailer, the guy that ambushes you.] It ended quite quickly, but very dramatically. I was chasing him, and so unexpectedly, one of the vigilante citizen groups grabbed him, which allowed me to stab 'im.. Wow, that was fuuuun.
I like combat, especially throwing people off buildings and fighting with the short sword. Sometimes, though my counter-attacks don't work as they should and I get hit. grr... fun, anyway.
Judging from the reactions this game still kicks ass. Hurray!

Considering my lack of cash I'll maybe get it after xmas during the january sales. So the only other thing I'm getting this year is mass effect I suppose.
My brother has played this a lot more than I. He has died several times in fights. Although it took him a bit to get used to what to hold for defense and that he can't attack while he has that held etc. It's odd because he plays games a lot too.
I'm not as far but I have not died.

I was worried that you would have to blend everytime after I road between the cities (where you have to blend to pass without causing alarm). But it's nice you don't have to in the cities. Just when there is a dead body on the ground that you killed, guards are always looking around in that short area.

Wanted Bob, if the city is always on alert can you leave the city and come back to reset the guards on alert?
So how big is the game so far? How big are the cities and, more importantly, how detailed/deep are they? Are they just a collection of blocks with people walking around or are there interiors, nooks and crannies and other such Zelda: Majoras Mask type things?

(Man, I loved Clock Town.)