Assassin's Creed Review?

Just from the fact that they said rent it I can imagine I can borrow it from one of my friends as I know they are still getting it.
Yet again, it looks as though a game with massive potential has failed to deliver (crosses fingers that Alan Wake will be amazing). I hope it's still fun at least.
oh in case anyone is interested ign preferred the 360 version giving it 7.7 and ps3 7.5.
Gah. I've had this pre-ordered on for over a month now, and considering the fact that it's getting mixed reviews I'm considering cancelling and picking this up later (when it's cheaper)... funny really, I was dead.set on getting this and not bothering with COD4 and now I'm playing COD4 and considering not bothering with this.

I think I will get it for the simple fact that it does look absolutley amazing though.
Do not buy Assassin`s Creed if it`s possible to rent the game. First of all the story is terrible. Without spoiling to much there`s a twist that allows you to play like one more character, and that twist is really, really stupid and boring part of the game. The fight system is also terrible. Enemies just stand there and wait for you to kill them.
Argh for some reason we dont get it at EB for another two days :frown:

At least some reviewers arent giving it 10 now, though why is so much deducted for being a bit repetitive?
Honestly your all basing whether your going to purchase it or not based on ign's decent review? (last I checked, a 7.7 is a decent score.) Gamespot, the harshest, over judgemental reviewers on the web gave it a 9. That's more than what I needed to persuade me to buy it. I mean for christs sake, even on

IGN SCORE: 7.7/7.5
Glad the PC version isnt out until feb. Hopefully they will iron out the obviously shit AI issue by then.
Honestly your all basing whether your going to purchase it or not based on ign's decent review? (last I checked, a 7.7 is a decent score.) Gamespot, the harshest, over judgemental reviewers on the web gave it a 9. That's more than what I needed to persuade me to buy it. I mean for christs sake, even on

IGN SCORE: 7.7/7.5

I don't usually go out and spend $60 on 'decent' games. Sites you'd think would be biased towards the game such as teamxbox or planetxbox have given the game in the 7.7-7.9 range as well.

I'm not saying I'm losing all faith in the game. I'm just going to rent it instead.

Wanted Bob said:
though why is so much deducted for being a bit repetitive?

Probably because there are a bunch of side-missions you have to do that are the same things over and over that are required to do the more fun assassinations. Side missions like sitting on a bench and watching somebody talk or pickpocket character X or beat up character Y sound like they'd get repetitive to me and tedious to drudge through to get to the fun parts.
They strongly emphasise on how fun it is, isnt that all that matters? Sure if you have a forced amount of time to play it (like these reviewers do), itll get tedious doing the same thing.

If youre gonna sit there for 10-15 hours straight and play it, then sure it gets boring.

Hell, i bought Halo 3 and got bored after 2 hours. Just because a score is high or low, doesnt mean its a good or crap game because of it. Hate to admit it, but i even got bored in Episode 2 *shrug*.

You cant really base a game's greatness or crapness on what someone else has said. You have to get hands on and make your own decision. Rent it by all means, Ubisoft still make money from it.
I've read a lot of other impressions from people saying it is a blast. Different people like different things.

I have not seen gametrailers review yet. I'm going to go watch it now. :p
so far the best review is eurogamers imo.

9.0 from gs and 7.7 from IGN, hmmm...*goes to read the reviews

the ign 360 editor in chief is called Hilary? and hes a bloke :|
The Gametrailers review really shows how stupid the AI can be. This, and the combat, seem to be the major flaws. It still sounds enjoyable though.
The most common criticism is repetitive play by the end of the game and next would be story. Although at some point every aspect of this game seem to get good comments if you read all these reviews. Planetxbox360's review was odd (6.7). He liked the story but didn't like the puppet controls (liked the combat though). Different than a lot of other reviews. Although 1up (besides the ending) and Gamespot said good things about the story too.

Just from the reviews, I think I'll still love it and get a lot of play out of this game. It seems to nail what I have been wanting. Have to play it to find out though.
Agreed Asus. I can't wait for it to arrive at my doorstep tomorrow.

Going to play the hell out of it.
Agreed, picking up the collectors edition tmr. Already have the art book havnt read it yet tho.
I'm looking forward to the rental, I just don't think it'll be worth the $60. Besides, I have plenty of other games to occupy me :P
You defy jade's creed? :o
Just tell us how it is anyway after ya rent it.
wuh happen?

I thought this game was going to shit all over every other game? Everyone praised it for so long and now it seems to have fallen flat. Let's hope the PC version gets a little refinement.

The closing comments for that review are very, very harsh.

Closing Comments
Ultimately, where Assassin's Creed succeeds is in its most basic form - a vast, believable world to explore freely, a place teeming with life and intoxicating beauty. As an experience, it's undoubtedly a bold, brave and distinctly unique creation - exactly what this generation of consoles has promised from the beginning. In that sense, it's an incredible achievement and one that deserves recognition - we'd even go as far as to suggest Assassin's Creed is an experience everyone should investigate purely to see what's in store for the future of the industry, if only from a presentation and tech perspective.

As a game though, Assassin?s Creed fails in just about every respect. That sense of freedom offered aside, its design is hopelessly outdated at best and laborious to the point of perpetual boredom at worst. Once the initial lustre of Assassin?s Creed?s world wears off after a few hours, what?s left is a flimsy, soulless gameplay experience, struggling under the weight of a painfully ponderous, woefully hackneyed narrative which only serves to drag things down further. That said, the score below reflects Assassin?s Creed?s unquestionable achievements as much as it does its failing. Hopefully, next time, Ubisoft Montreal will give us the game to match its commendable ambition.

I so wanted to like this game :hmph:

Oh well, the PC version isn't coming out for another couple of months ....
So its a good step forward, but then falls over on the next steps.

Meh, doesnt bother me really. From what ive heard and seen its awesome, and FUN, so thats all that matters to me when i buy it.
wow 6.5? jeez how did ubi **** it up so(according to the reviews)? you are an assassin ffs! in the Crussades!!!!! what did they do?

the biggest annoyance is the stealth mechanics seem almost non-existant, quoting from Eurogamer:

There's no clever hiding or skulking. There are no interesting approach tactics. You just get close, watch a cut-scene, and then strike. You seldom do this without alerting the target and his guards - instead you either give chase before planting a dagger in his throat, or you get into the usual sort of block-and-counter fight and go at it until you've stabbed him enough to get the final cut-scene.

Then you run away until nobody can see you and you can duck into a bale of hay or a rooftop shack until the alert indicator's run down.
Why anyone is holding high hopes up for a superior PC version is beyond me.
Tbh, the game sounds like it'll be even worse on the PC.
Why anyone is holding high hopes up for a superior PC version is beyond me.
Tbh, the game sounds like it'll be even worse on the PC.

The answer to that is:


I have one, and it was more than worth the $20 I paid for it.
the biggest annoyance is the stealth mechanics seem almost non-existant
Seconded. I desperately was hoping for a Thief/GTA-type game set in the crusades. Certainly sounds like it falls short in at least one of those aspects. :(
I'm having such a hard time deciding on wether or not to buy it(There are no videogame rental stores here in Sweden) :(
Just realized that IGN gave a 7.7 Gamespot gave a 9.0 Editors choice, why such a large gap between the two? I dont think Ive ever seen such varied reviews like I am with this game? The two company's are usually fairly similar in their reviews but not with this one.
Just realized that IGN gave a 7.7 Gamespot gave a 9.0 Editors choice, why such a large gap between the two? I dont think Ive ever seen such varied reviews like I am with this game? The two company's are usually fairly similar in their reviews but not with this one.
Yeah, its really weird. Destructoid is all crazy about how IGN edited their article to take away their comments on the "horrendous framerate" of the PS3 version but then gamespot says in their review that the PS3 version has a slightly better framerate than the 360 version. Ugh...maybe I should just rent this and see....
There have been big gaps in their scores before. For example Godhand was given an 8 from GS and a 3 from ign.
Still waiting for my copy... ups is getting real lazy lately. I like fedex, they deliver earlier in the day... It's nearly 6 oclock here and I haven't gotten my game yet.
Just realized that IGN gave a 7.7 Gamespot gave a 9.0 Editors choice, why such a large gap between the two? I dont think Ive ever seen such varied reviews like I am with this game? The two company's are usually fairly similar in their reviews but not with this one.

Yeah, not to mention the fact that arguably the biggest flaw that the assassinations are repetitive is expressed by both of them. Why they have two different scores is beyond me. Oh well, buying it tomorrow :D:D:D

And, wow that post by Gabe is really reassuring. He does make a good point, and certainly adresses why some reviewers rated the game the way they did (which he disagrees with btw).
I got the game... I'm just getting INCREDIBLY frustrated at this one tutorial part... I'm in a practice combat ring... and I can't finish it for some god damned reason. Jesus Christ it's annoying me.

I'm about to break my stupid xbox 360.
I got the game... I'm just getting INCREDIBLY frustrated at this one tutorial part... I'm in a practice combat ring... and I can't finish it for some god damned reason. Jesus Christ it's annoying me.

I'm about to break my stupid xbox 360.

Don't break it! Give it to me!
I got the game... I'm just getting INCREDIBLY frustrated at this one tutorial part... I'm in a practice combat ring... and I can't finish it for some god damned reason. Jesus Christ it's annoying me.

I'm about to break my stupid xbox 360.
Just leave. You don't have to finish it.