at what age did you first have sex

Only if by "titty ****" you mean you carved a hole in her breast and shoved your penis violently inside.
Why would you do that to a pefectly fine pair of breasts? I can't imagine ****ing flesh chunks, muscles and internal organs would be that satisfying. Boobies are perfect for placing one's phallus in between for a nice push.
Sex is about far more than the orgasm. Feeling of connectivity, warmth of another human as your two bodies mingle in less than flattering manners, kissing, the realization that (if you've never done it before) you're actually going to do it, feels like, yes, I've been accepted by this woman despite her many options available.

It's the epitome of social constructs- the most intimate way you can involve yourself with another second only to love.

Plus you get to stick yer johnson in 'er cooter!
Why would you do that to a pefectly fine pair of breasts? I can't imagine ****ing flesh chunks, muscles and internal organs would be that satisfying.
You don't know what true pleasure is until you've felt a wet, gelatinous lung pulsating around your penis. The contractions it makes from the pain and as the girl gasps for air...exquisite.
You don't know what true pleasure is until you've felt a wet, gelatinous lung pulsating around your penis. The contractions it makes from the pain and as the girl gasps for air...exquisite.
I guess I haven't explored enough on the sexual playground then.
The Lich King: A feel good entity, concoted by those who have neved had sex! God I bet you wish you were me...
Semen: feel good chemicals.
Actually since semen is expelled from your body, they must contain all the feel bad chemicals that were in your body.
That also explains why my girlfriend weeps into her pillow every time we have sex.
Actually since semen is expelled from your body, they must contain all the feel bad chemicals that were in your body.
That also explains why my girlfriend weeps into her pillow every time we have sex.

She's either crying from sheer ecstasy or your consistently missing the right entry port.
I haven't cared to read if there thread has loss track but Sixteen for me, she was black and bit goofy but she did the job.
I like how your tone makes it sound like being black is somewhat of a strike.
A very LOL thread.
15 (or was it 14..)
anyways intercourse seems necessary atm.
19, nothing special tho tbh. I dont really get the big deal
Yeah, but not the slight negative implications.
Oh, for some reason I thought I was in the "What age are you" thread.

Either way, pimp.