ATTENTION: Read this before posting upgrade questions/'Will my PC run HL2?' questions

Fil said:
Hey Im wondering if i can run Hl2 at max settings on 1024x768 with no aa and 2x af.

Intel Pentium 4 2.4c HT
Asus P4P800
768 MB PC 3200
Ati Radeon 9800 Pro

Thanx in advance.

With no AA and 2xAF? Definitely.
Sure it's possible, but you probably won't squeeze much performance out of it at all, as a 9800 XT is pretty much just an overclocked 9800 Pro. Also, wrong thread. Belongs in the other sticky. ^^
bmw.williamsf1 said:
Hi, this is my first post here although i've been around for quite a while.

I was wondering, I have a Pentium 4 2.4 HT, 4x256 400mhz DDR Ram and a Gigabyte X800 XT. I was wondering if the CPU would act as a bottleneck towards my graphics card. Thanks for you're help guys :)

For once I have to disagree with Asus, I think that CPU will bottleneck you graphics card. I have a 9800 pro, and when I upgraded from an Athlon XP 2500 to an Athlon 64 3000, graphics intensive games performance just skyrocketed. Another reason for this could also have been my motherboard, because my old Albatron KX600 pro is an absolute peice of shit, but my new MSI K8N Neo is excellent. :)
iamaelephant said:
For once I have to disagree with Asus, I think that CPU will bottleneck you graphics card. I have a 9800 pro, and when I upgraded from an Athlon XP 2500 to an Athlon 64 3000, graphics intensive games performance just skyrocketed. Another reason for this could also have been my motherboard, because my old Albatron KX600 pro is an absolute peice of shit, but my new MSI K8N Neo is excellent. :)

It could've just been the upgrade to the better processor giving you good performance.
will i be able to run at max settings

1280x1024 8aa 16af

3ghz p4
1 gig pc3200 ram
9800pro 128 (if need beo ced to 450/380?)
No. Maybe you can run with max settings with 8 AF. But not with 8 AA and 16 AF. If you don't mind framerates in the 30 range, you maybe able to turn on 2 or 4 AA also.

Overclocking your video card usually does not result in a massive performance gain.
sorry, but mine didnt get answered :p

max settings for:
1024x768 (or 1152 x i forget) with no aa and no af (i could add the aa and af later)

Intel Pentium 4 2.8 HT
768 MB ram
Ati Radeon 9600 Pro

can it be done?
some thing close to that. Maybe not the absolute maximum settings, but pretty close to maximum with 1024 by 768 at 35 fps. Don't expect to use AA or AF though.
im fine with that, my screen is kinda blurry anywho. THATS my AA.
hi, i've never posted here before, but i was hopin someone could help me. I have:

Dimension 8200 P4 2.26GHz 533MHz FSB
512 MB of cheapo Dell RAM from 2002
crappy Geforce 4 MX 420

does anybode know if an upgrade to an ATI 9800 pro 128 or 256 would get me decent framerates on something like 1152 X 864 with some amount of AF (maybe 4 or 8x) and world reflections (I dont care about high quality shadows or AA). I could maybe add another 256 of RAM or settle for 1024 X 768 if that'd help too... thx
it would be a huge difference with the 9800pro
Half-Life 2 was made with ATI, You will get better perfomance etc. from ATI cards.
This is my first post. Some others opinions whould be great.
My system can deal with standard software nicely, but gaming is now impossible.
Im thinking on upgrading my graphics card to an ATI Radeon9550.
Could it be suficient for medium graphics? Or should i consider other options?
You should, if anything, concider a 9800 Pro. Sapphire prefered.

(Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro 128 mb - Good 'budget' card).

Such an old card which you mentioned wouldn't be able to run anything today. The 9600 still cut it but it's not future compatible.
howdy, ive been thinking 'bout upgrading my old-school vid card but id rather not cuz im poor - the rest of my system's ok i think:

amd athalon xp 2600@2ghz, 512mb ram, ati radeon 9200se 128mb <-- teh weak link?

is this ok to run hl2?

thanks for ur replys :cheers:
OK, I am trying to get a handle on how my comp will run HL2, so if anyone can give me an estimate of how high I can set the settings and a guess at the FPS I will be pulling, that would be great. My specs are:

3.06 P4
P4PE Gold mobo (533 fsb)
1g corsair xms PC2700
ATI 9800 Pro 128 (w/ 256 interface, not the rip-off version))
120gb HD

I appreciate any feedback, thanks in advance!
Well, I am "bothering" because I don't know how well it will run, and appearantly, this is the place to ask. Note, I didn't ask if it will run, I asked at what settings I might be able to run it. Seriously, why was that hard to understand?

So....someone with some ideas and not a snide remark, could you please be "bothered" to give me an idea of how HL2 will perform on my machine.

Again, thanks in advance.
I hate it when people do this... to show off their specs.

You will run on high settings, with high FPS... happy?

I am bothered. It was hard to understand.
Show off my specs? Hardly. Its not like I have some kind of uber-rig. It is a pretty OK gaming machine that I am going to be trying to play a next-generation game on. Therefore, I was curious as to how the "experts" here thought it would run. Is that not what this stickied thread is for? I am sorry if this "bothered" you. Why did you respond?

Here, try this: Grow a thicker skin and become a little less sensitive, and then maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to answer a simple question and converse like a civilized human being. Let me know how that goes for you. Er, wait....don't bother, I am sure it would be lost on you.
On that happy note.. Hi! I'm new to the forums. I am a little worried about my gfx card. Here's my specs:
Athlon 64 3200
512 ddr ram
Geforce 2 MX400

I'm pretty sure it'll run but any opinions on what settings I will be able to get with this card?
how can you have such a great cpu and decent ram, yet such a poor graphics card?
a 9800 pro will tide you over nicely. The Geforce 2 will suffer on low settings.
JFry said:
On that happy note.. Hi! I'm new to the forums. I am a little worried about my gfx card. Here's my specs:
Athlon 64 3200
512 ddr ram
Geforce 2 MX400

I'm pretty sure it'll run but any opinions on what settings I will be able to get with this card?

It'll run like crap. You should test it on doom. It's hardly playable. Get a 9800 Pro (Or above).
P4 intel 1.8
640 RD pc-800 ram
40gig HD
9600 pro

Run on medium?

also i think i have a i850 MB, how do u know what proccessor i can upgrade to?
I might just be overly impatient but it seems like my question was skipped after the friendly posting war so ill repost it below:

ive been thinking bout upgrading my old-school vid card but id rather not cuz im poor - the rest of my system's ok i think:

amd athalon xp 2600@2ghz, 512mb ram, ati/cp tech radeon 9200se 128mb <-- teh weak link?

is this ok to run hl2 (decently)?

thanks for ur replys :cheers:
Hmmm...well, you can probably run HL2 with no AA/AF, at 1024x768, with maybe medium or less graphics settings in HL2...sorry, it's just, if a 9800 is a big step up from a 9200, and the latest gen of cards are said to run at doubled the performance of their predecessors, I can't see how you can run HL2 that well with your rig.

Once you can, I'd get a Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb. It's pretty cheap these days, and it's good. It's the best card before you get into the 6800/x800 warzone.
The computer specs are in my signature...

I checked the minimum and it reaches it but the some things are better than minimum and in Medium, so basically im asking if i can run it on half medium regarding to geometry detail etc and the other half such as bumpmapping (if you can change it)

So can I run it on half Medium and half low?
More likely low. Since that card sucks ass. It sucks ass even more if it's a gefore 4 Mx, since there's no such thing as a Gefore 4 FX5200

But the FX5200 sucks anyway, so i'd say low or possibly low +1.
I'd buy a 9600 pro or XT, that might get you some more performance. But it might bottleneck the rest of your comp :/
Dont get the 9600XT save some money and get the 9800pro which is FAR more Faster and will not be outdated as quickly as the 9600XT :thumbs:
Can anyone give me an estimate or an exact price of a 9800pro in New Zealand? Also where I would geddit, I dont wanna go to any big stores they always rip you, but if I have to I mite.
You could try eBAY they usually have them quite alot cheaper than stores.
look at my specs can i run HL2 With ALL HIGHEST settigns and a good res
Hey ya guys, this looks like the right thread for this so

i currently have this setup which is 2 1/2 years old

Athlon 1800xp
512 DDR
Geforce 3 ti 200
not sure on mobo

but what i wanna do is get something decent enough to run hl2 with direct x9 effects maybe 800x600 or possibly 1024x764

what i was looking at was the PowerColour Radeon 9600 Xt 500/680 2.5ns and this comes inclusive of the hl2 coupon which is a good selling point for me.

Or would it be better to spend the extra to get a 9800 pro and then more on the game?

any help would be wonderful, and great work on the people who has helped anyone out on here.

also are their any programs which could maybe give me more detailed info on say the speed of my harddrive, and maybe mobo details?
Google a program called CPU-Z, it should give you some specs. Now, what type of budget are you on? But, for now I'll give you some ideas.

Sorry to say, pretty much all of your parts are outdated. For upgrades, at least for now, I'd get a better CPU, and a better videocard (9800 pro). The problem is, if you upgrade your processor, you'll probably need to upgrade your mobo as well, since it probably won't support the new CPU sockets. But once again, I can't recommend much until I know your budget.
look at my specs can i run HL2 With ALL HIGHEST settigns and a good res