Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

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n30n said:
what is so 'bullshit' about it?

I don't care if you give us the user/password. But please tell us if you figured it out from the whiteboard. That way we can know whether to give up on it or keep trying. Thanks.
This is like that failed game experiment, Majestic... that was good for some fun, until the game called you during dinner.
true, brute force / guessing is not quite the same as actually decyphering the board
I'm going to bed and I'm sure the username and password will be waiting in this thread in the morning.

Ah, sleep... the ultimate password cracker. ;)
whats up with the lines and crap on the G mans face? do i smell photoshop?
LOL. The irony. People cracking Valve's web-site to get at their carefully set up puzzle after people cracked their servers and stole their game. Yikes.
Well it decrypts to:


Which I suppose is: Hello, Tour Visitors
no, there is no possible way for you to figure out the username / password from the image.

the last part of the password is there, but the rest was cut off. The whole 'puzzle' part of the image was the ROT-13 encoding, which was admittley cool, but kinda sucked because they just wrote it up on the board for everyone in the world to see.

the screenshot i posted is authentic. i do not work for valve.
n30n does, apparently, work for the school of brute force password guessing
n30n said:
no, there is no possible way for you to figure out the username / password from the image.

the last part of the password is there, but the rest was cut off. The whole 'puzzle' part of the image was the ROT-13 encoding, which was admittley cool, but kinda sucked because they just wrote it up on the board for everyone in the world to see.

the screenshot i posted is authentic. i do not work for valve.

so, if there's no possible way to guess the password, how did you guess it?
guise said:
whats up with the lines and crap on the G mans face? do i smell photoshop?

as i remarked, there is a html error on the page, wich makes geco based browsers render the last part of the html comment (they forgot to include the '<!' at the beginning of their comment).

And as I said before, VALVe should employ me to do their html :)
what do the scribbles on G-Man's forehead mean? That's obviously the next part of the puzzle.

/me still laughing people just cracked Valve's puzzle by brute force
n30n said:
no, there is no possible way for you to figure out the username / password from the image.

the last part of the password is there, but the rest was cut off. The whole 'puzzle' part of the image was the ROT-13 encoding, which was admittley cool, but kinda sucked because they just wrote it up on the board for everyone in the world to see.

the screenshot i posted is authentic. i do not work for valve.

Ok, thank you. That's what I was thinking, that because part was cut off that it wasn't actually solvable. That kind of sucks though as I enjoy puzzles.

Makes me wonder if they actually wanted merc to take a pic of it or if it was something they were saving for later. Or perhaps they just expected him to get the whole thing in his picture.
n30n said:
maybe i posted an article there with the 'password', eh ? eh ? eh ?

Or maybe not, but okay, I'll bite.

EDIT: Clever bird, clever bird. :)
well n30n, did you guess the password or use brute force? if it is impossible to guess, you should give us a hint... what else can we do????
Come on tell us...Will Cain/Abel program work...fdksaalskjhf;ashfd;klajhdsflkjahdlsfkjahkfjhalkfdhlkahfdlkafdk
SMT said:
It's his blog.


Oh wait, who cares.

I don't know, I just find it very strange that's he's only posted in this thread, and he's figured out the name/pass before all of us...
i don't follow you... i'm using mozilla, and i get stopped right at the password phase
If you check out the source, you can see a little birdy, and gordons face.
Look At The Html Source Code!!! It's Freeman And A Bird!!! I Passed The Second Test Valve!!!
Everbody, Look At The Source Code, It Is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
View Page Source on the image :)

You get an ascii bird, and gordon.

Seems I wasn't quite the first one :)
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