Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

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merc said:
i was actually inside the big city 17 complex thingy and never saw outside


thats friggin awsome dude it must have been a blast!!! But there gotta be some new info you could tell us bout..... multiplayer..... ANYTHING!!!! :cheers:
dura said:
What did you see in the e3 videos? PLEASE TELL ME.

*bows head in shame* i have seen it im just firing rapid questions at merc cos im excited lol
alright, the easter egg part said it would be on something 04, it might be the year, but i hope it's the month hopefully july, b/c it's closer, but probably august, wait for valve to trick us on one of the 4th's, or it could be complete bs also
Dude i bet that link is just that thing that says you are an idiot hahahahahahhaha.... lol
Sai said:
alright, the easter egg part said it would be on something 04, it might be the year, but i hope it's the month hopefully july, b/c it's closer, but probably august, wait for valve to trick us on one of the 4th's, or it could be complete bs also

i remember the easter egg section saying it neds to be done by 6/21/04



I have to read all of this! I think some of those writings were there to make us wonder...City 13...Love scene... LOL
oh no here come the conspiricy theorys *remembers back to planethalflife.coms flash movies about conspiricys on the release dates*

god they were funny
If they really wanted us to analyze this, they should've put a release date or something on the board :)
i dont think he played the end of the game(it starts at city 17 but it doesnt end there i bet.
merc,ok really good question for you,what does the blood look like on cs now? especially from a headshot is it gibtastic? and i dont want people saying "did you see the e32004 blah blah blah" i wanna know what it looks like in hi res lol
I opened up the whiteboard pic in Photoshop and adjusted the gamma/contrast/luminance enough to make out a message that had previously been written on the board, but not quite erased properly...

Unfortunately since its contents may cause some of you to go insane, i've spoilered it.

Half-Life 2 Cancelled due to unpopularity - Commence work on Barbie Source ASAP

dont hate on barbie,especially if valve is making it,she will have a mg with a physgun riding a horse back saying "i am gabe newell0rz slav0r f0r l1f0rz"
and then she will blow you away just before saying eat my steam bandwidth mofo
I suspect the part ending in '452' relates to the 'screenshot archive' above. IMO if they were doing a joke like this they'd include the user/pass somewhere on the board as well (or make it easily guessable). Also possible that it actually is hsz, I tried rot13 on that and it didn't come up with anything helpful looking - ufm.
uziholda said:
merc,ok really good question for you,what does the blood look like on cs now? especially from a headshot is it gibtastic? and i dont want people saying "did you see the e32004 blah blah blah" i wanna know what it looks like in hi res lol

cant remember and i dont think i got any headshots... sorry

Small point about the white board picture.
"nova prospekt" will (most likely) refer to a place.
"Prospekt" is a common russian naming convention similar to "plaza".

Many east-european references in HL2 , and lots of "prospekts" in Moscow.
merc said:
cant remember and i dont think i got any headshots... sorry


noooo headshoootttssss?

*Slaps your hand for not giving a valve employee one in the head*

gabe should be ashamed of you :p
Alec_85 said:
Yeah. Too bad I don't have a freaking clue on how to do it? :) Wonder how Valve would react to such an intrusion? :p

Its obvious they set up the well as this login on their site. Maybe they have a server w/ something on it behind it! :)
Alec_85 said:
Yeah. Too bad I don't have a freaking clue on how to do it? :) Wonder how Valve would react to such an intrusion? :p
You wouldn't write a secret directory on a board in ROT13 with a note saying ROT13 with another message also saying "hello, tour visitors" if you didn't want people to go to that directory. The thing is, what's the user/pass for it?
Don't mean to state the obvious, but the last lot of people to crack valves passwords are currently locked up :|
merc said:
i remember the easter egg section saying it neds to be done by 6/21/04


wow, pretty soon we're gonna get punk'd by valve, i wonder what the easter egg thing will be, may be it will be in the binks or screen shots they might release, i'm exited!
merc, were you in on the whiteboard gag?

any clues on user/pass for the hl2 site?
Sashswash said:
Its obvious they set up the well as this login on their site. Maybe they have a server w/ something on it behind it! :)
most likely something yes. If this is just a practical joke then a lot of people here will be pissed :LOL:
guise said:
merc, were you in on the whiteboard gag?

any clues on user/pass for the hl2 site?

Lol I think VALVe just emailed him and told him to just play along and supplied him with that picture.
I recognize Nova Prospekt...

Okay, watch the very first part of the long E3 2004 video, where Gordon is wandering through the train station. Right before the metrocop takes him back to the interrogation room, he is about to walk through the fenced gate with a sign on it. The sign reads "Nova Prospekt." So maybe it's another location in the game? I wonder why the Combine stopped Gordon from going there.
I'm sure the info is on the board itself...its like a big puzzle!! Even if it is a'd still be cool :p
I agree totally with you merc... i wouldn't say a word at all about the plot or what happens

make us wait :-D

that's awesome that it runs great on a 9800 pro though cause i just got mine from newegg today! awesome

Just to let you know your like the community source on HL 2 info right now lol... don't tell us anything we wouldn't want to know beforehand :-D
SMT said:
I recognize Nova Prospekt...

Okay, watch the very first part of the long E3 2004 video, where Gordon is wandering through the train station. Right before the metrocop takes him back to the interrogation room, he is about to walk through the fenced gate with a sign on it. The sign reads "Nova Prospekt." So maybe it's another location in the game? I wonder why the Combine stopped Gordon from going there.

he's gay?

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