Bad things are happening at EA then...

  • Thread starter Deleted member 56031
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well, too bad because I won't be buying Crysis 2 - I will however get new MoH (if they don't **** it up)
come on DICE are doing the MP its gotta be good ;)
I feel really bad for EA
rise in game quality
EA is indeed publishing some of the most interesting games out there.
havent played much of the new ea games except mirror edge but I do think they have become better and more dedicated to quality games that before

we would have been by the 8th harry potter game now
EA has certainly improved in the past few years, Riccitiello going would likely reverse this trend. As EA own some pretty nice studios and IPs I'd rather he stayed.
I don't know where kotaku is coming at this from, but are posting this on the basis of some old boss claiming that EA's new strategy isn't working as well as his used to. Why wouldn't he do this?

And Crysis is a great game, **** the naysayers.
If you people don't buy Dead Space 2 or Bad Company 2 I will personally track you down and murder you in your own homes.
Whoops I forgot everyone on the internet hates bioshock >_>
Whats wrong with that? Both were both good games, just not deserving of all the incredible amount of praise each one got.
And Crysis is a great game can't honestly believe this, can you? I're going along with what ZT said about it being opposite day, right? It's a joke. You're making a joke.

Aren't you?
Whats wrong with that? Both were both good games, just not deserving of all the incredible amount of praise each one got.

True that but many people seem to think it was a downright rubbish game
EA has come along a bit since they found out everyone hates them for pumping out a thousand franchise games a day that are clones of their predecessors. They're still monopolizing console sport games by force... where they keep producing the same crap selling it for $60 every single year by default to millions of people who demand it. IMO they should sell it once every two years and every off year just send out a roster/stat update.

Outside of that though, they've been acquring some good developers and releasing some good games. They won't go under though... they might just cut their less profitable ventures... which is probably a good idea. No more sim or spore expansion packs please.
Many people dont seem to realize how many worse games there are out there.

In the face of overwhelming (though undeserving) praise, they seem to smack the label of "shit" on it if they dont like it, and look down upon others who do like it.

This isn't good :| I feel really bad for EA now. They FINALLY make much better games than they ever have and nobody buys them anymore. What the hell?

People if you don’t buy crysis 2, medal of honor, bad company 2, dead space 2 etc. then they’ll return to their activision esque ways!!

I have no problem buying all of those.
In fact, I would probably buy them just to support the new direction EA are headed in.
Now, if they'll only fix some of the issues with their sports titles...........
I'm probably only buying Mass Effect 2 and Dead Space 2. But EA has indeed come a long way to improving their quality.
I've stopped playing Battlefield series. It doesn't support wide screen LCD anymore.

Medal of Honor is repetitive.
Alright, that's ****ing it. Bioshock and Crysis are both ****ing great. God damn anyone that says otherwise. In the UK, they wouldn't let you print shit suggesting otherwise, because it would be libel.

All of you bastards who played Bioshock and weren't moved to the very core of your collective scrotums by 'A SLAVE OBEYS', which was the apotheosis of the god-damn game, can just leave. The other thing you monsters are forgetting is that Crysis was a great shooter with great combat options and that if it had been graphically average the GAEMPLAY>GRAPHICS bandwagon wouldn't have started rolling, because the gameplay is sweet. If you actually bother to play the game.

Take your grievances and stick 'em, cos for the most part these are wicked games and every cussing-out they get only strengthens my resolve on this matter

shnarf shnarf
Hey jondy



Bioshock came with the promise of being an updated SS2. That was a lie, and they simply copied the story while dropping all the elements that made it so engaging.
Crysis was a great shooter with great combat options...the gameplay is sweet.
Man, Far Cry with super punch and predator cloak is so fun. Instead of mercenaries and mutants I'm fighting Koreans and aliens.

This game is the best.
Bioshock came with the promise of being an updated SS2.

Did it, though? Did it? HMMMM

EDIT: ^ Man, Street Fighter with 3D and focus attacks is so fun. Instead of fighting Ryu and Ken, I'm fighting Ryeah this really isn't an argument
Man, Street Fighter with 3D and focus attacks is so fun. Instead of fighting Ryu and Ken, I'm fighting Ryeah this really isn't an argument
HA, the joke's on you! Focus attack really isn't that fun and the 3D doesn't matter so much!, wait. The joke's on me. :(
Did it, though? Did it? HMMMM

It did, it even has "shock" in the title.. except they dumbed the game play down and wrapped it in a pretty package. I fear that the days of real crpgs are long gone.
Many people dont seem to realize how many worse games there are out there.

In the face of overwhelming (though undeserving) praise, they seem to smack the label of "shit" on it if they dont like it, and look down upon others who do like it.

People, I've played both Saw and Darkest of Days to completion. You're decadent bastards to turn your noses up at these titles. Either that, or you're fooling yourselves into thinking that you're going to make PR people and engine builders cry into their paychecks when your furrow your brows and complain about how 'generic' everything is. Or you're going to prove how amazingly hardcore you are when you can draw the Cistern Shock 2 venn diagram and look down upon the total noobs that didn't find the abandonware site you did.

There is an alternate reality where everyone who has made a System Shock 2 and Bioshock comparrison has actually purchased the former game. In this reality, Boston no longer exists, flattened as it was by the collapse of the phallic solid gold space ejaculator Ken Levine built with his spare hooker cash.

incredible amount of praise each one got.
That's the thing I really don't get though. What incredible amount of praise? There's been bucketloads of valid criticism of these titles, some honest, middling reviews. Few people have made the claim that these games are excellent. At best they've been 'highly significant'.
edit 2:
You have a reference to Bioshock in your signature, your argument is invalid.
ITT: Zero Wing is within the top five games ever made, in my humble opinion.
It did, it even has "shock" in the title.. except they dumbed the game play down and wrapped it in a pretty package. I fear that the days of real crpgs are long gone.

Arf, read the link. Spiritual Successor, although it's a hack phrase, =/ 'update'. Yeah, they borrowed a lot, but I'm not sure you could argue that Bioshock wasn't its own world.

EDIT: Wanted Bob I missed your post and I'm glad kupocake bought it up. Not glad she plays SAW though. But I digress, I definitely affirm what you're saying.