Battlefield 3

A lot of it is placeholder. They only recently finished the Russian voicework, which was why the Russians were using the new American voices. "I'm getting ****ed up the ass over here!"
Gosh I hope there's some way to turn those off. That little electronic whistle every time you kill someone is gonna drive me nuts.
that electronic whistle has saved my life many a time, and it does make you aware of the surroundings and who in front of you is alive or dead depending on their cries of victory or the enemies shout of success, but at the same time they also work against you. i'm sure people have found me or became aware of me through the automatic taunting.

edit: i remember one time in BC2 vietnam where i was crouched by a shack putting down fire down on a group of american soldiers, managed to drop one of them quite afar and whilst i was reloading i hear right behind me ''we got a man down over there!'' and i spin to face a guy sneaking up on me for what would and should of been an easy knife kill against my exposed position, but because i heard that 'whistle', i managed to knife him right as he was bearing down on me. i laughed at it, but i couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for that guy who couldn't help give himself away. it's not really fair sometimes.
One thing I'm really starting to notice in these videos are the freerunning tech from Mirrors Edge that they said they were going to implement. In my opinion it looks really nice and smooth, much better than awkwardly trying to jump over knee high fences all the time.
that electronic whistle has saved my life many a time, and it does make you aware of the surroundings and who in front of you is alive or dead depending on their cries of victory or the enemies shout of success, but at the same time they also work against you. i'm sure people have found me or became aware of me through the automatic taunting.

edit: i remember one time in BC2 vietnam where i was crouched by a shack putting down fire down on a group of american soldiers, managed to drop one of them quite afar and whilst i was reloading i hear right behind me ''we got a man down over there!'' and i spin to face a guy sneaking up on me for what would and should of been an easy knife kill against my exposed position, but because i heard that 'whistle', i managed to knife him right as he was bearing down on me. i laughed at it, but i couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for that guy who couldn't help give himself away. it's not really fair sometimes.

I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing. Maybe whistle is the wrong word... chirp? The little wheedly thing whenever the XP for a kill pops up.
So the alpha is fun. I can't say anything specific for fear of breaching the NDA, but I've been playing all day and I like the way the game feels. Takes some getting used to. I can't get specific but I will say that you guys can rest easy, many of the issues you guys were afraid of are not really present. The gunplay and movement don't feel like BF2, but they don't feel anything like BC2 either. Gunplay is very satisfying.

Hopefully they will lift the alpha NDA at some point and I can be more specific because I am really enjoying this game.
I don't like how they think we are stupid enough to believe that this a alpha build....
So the alpha is fun. I can't say anything specific for fear of breaching the NDA, but I've been playing all day and I like the way the game feels. Takes some getting used to. I can't get specific but I will say that you guys can rest easy, many of the issues you guys were afraid of are not really present. The gunplay and movement don't feel like BF2, but they don't feel anything like BC2 either. Gunplay is very satisfying.

Hopefully they will lift the alpha NDA at some point and I can be more specific because I am really enjoying this game.

I agree with this. It is fun! Just not too good at it at the moment xD
So the alpha is fun. I can't say anything specific for fear of breaching the NDA, but I've been playing all day and I like the way the game feels. Takes some getting used to. I can't get specific but I will say that you guys can rest easy, many of the issues you guys were afraid of are not really present. The gunplay and movement don't feel like BF2, but they don't feel anything like BC2 either. Gunplay is very satisfying.

Hopefully they will lift the alpha NDA at some point and I can be more specific because I am really enjoying this game.

Well thanks for that. Now I can have 3 months of tortuous waiting, but without the worrying. :D
I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing. Maybe whistle is the wrong word... chirp? The little wheedly thing whenever the XP for a kill pops up.

oh, i thought you meant whistle as in a literal term, like something that you use to draw attention which the automatic taunts, jibes and curses do.
I don't like how they think we are stupid enough to believe that this a alpha build....

It's just marketing lingo now. People got used to beta meaning free trial, so now when they see alpha they'll be like, "oh, so it's really in testing."

Then when they release the open beta people will be like "sweet, demo!"
Then when the unfinished game is released people will be like "sweet, can't wait for the DLC!" :V

Graphics are looking pret-ty good to me so far (click for fullsize).
You cannot really see any graphics there? It is just blur and broken lighting on the gun!
It's like I'm really shooting a gun in broad daylight after a bottle of vodka.
The detail on the gun is good enough.
I liked the parts (yeah, multiple) where he just proned right in front of a doorway and hosed 3+ people who were there.

I'm scared that people are now going to be more drawn towards going prone in a bush, or behind a rock, and just picking people off as they pass. Removing prone in BC2 was great, because it meant you couldn't hide that well so you had to fight because the likelihood of somebody missing you was pretty poor.

Not to mention people already jumped around in CQC, the last thing we need is people constantly drop-shotting like they do in COD. I really hope it they at least make going prone a more drawn out animation, so it would be really stupid to do it if somebody already sees you because they could kill you twice in the time if takes you to go prone.
I really hope it they at least make going prone a more drawn out animation, so it would be really stupid to do it if somebody already sees you because they could kill you twice in the time if takes you to go prone.

Yeah, if it were balanced it would be fine, and I liked that you could go prone in early BF games, because it slowed the pace down a bit. As it looks in BF3 right now though, I can envision it being a game of whack-a-mole.
Be advised -- all the spotting commands seem to start out "Be advised." I hope they change that.
It's a solid video. It really helped me get a good feel for the layout of the map. Operation Métro seems better every time I watch a gameplay leak... and I think I've seen them all :V
At 9:00 you can see the suppression effects. They don't do shit really.


He prones right in front of a guy point blank, and fires the whole time. Like, he starts firing while standing, and while going prone his gun is still going off and as he crawls around it still is shooting. Wow, thats ****ing awful.
He prones right in front of a guy point blank, and fires the whole time. Like, he starts firing while standing, and while going prone his gun is still going off and as he crawls around it still is shooting. Wow, thats ****ing awful.

ya that concerns me too
but it looks like it can be pretty inaccurate because at one point he does the same thing at medium range and it doesn't hit anywhere near his target... so there's that at least
but close range it looks like it's way too effective
I mean you shouldn't even really be able to shoot while moving to prone
At 9:00 you can see the suppression effects. They don't do shit really.


He prones right in front of a guy point blank, and fires the whole time. Like, he starts firing while standing, and while going prone his gun is still going off and as he crawls around it still is shooting. Wow, thats ****ing awful.

The more footage I watch, the more worried I'm getting about the prone. It's not an isolated situation, there are many times were one or both sides of an engagement just drop into prone firing at one another until someone dies. I really hope that enough people notice it to change it, a longer going down/getting up animation would probably solve this and prevent firefights from becoming dive-fests.

With that said, in that clip it looks like the guy got flat-out lucky. In BC2 I've had my gun jerk up and shoot someone in the head due to my character reacting to being shot himself (if that makes sense). That looks like what happened here, only during a prone animation.
God, now I'm torn. That looks like loads of fun, but those issues really need to be sorted, and the proning in particular has me worried. How any serious studio can develop a shooter in 2011 and not know that dolphin diving is kind of a bad thing is beyond me. That shit at 12 minutes is bananas. It could be absurdly inaccurate and it'd still be a problem at close range.

Edit: On the other hand, loooooooooooool.

Is it true that part of the Mirror's Edge freerunning system is in this? How does that work?
With that prone thing, apparently they forgot how they did the same mistake in BF2. After people started complaining about it, they introduced some delays between going prone and standing up and (possibly, I don't remember) made it so that you couldn't shoot for ~1 second after you switched those stances. Hopefully they'll fix this again this time.
Man, I remember the dolphin diving days of BF2. It was a tactic nearly everyone was using when in close quarters.

Bunny hoping was rife too but they patched it so you couldn't fire your weapon if you jumped. I think they also made it so you had to be crouched to go prone. You couldn't go from upright to prone immediately. Not 100% sure, though.
Is it true that part of the Mirror's Edge freerunning system is in this? How does that work?

Just leaping over low walls, as far as I've seen. Maybe you can grab onto ledges and climb places too, but that'd probably be much more limited by the map design.
Just leaping over low walls, as far as I've seen. Maybe you can grab onto ledges and climb places too, but that'd probably be much more limited by the map design.
Cool. Sounds more fluid and realistic than crouch jumping to get over things.
Man, I remember the dolphin diving days of BF2. It was a tactic nearly everyone was using when in close quarters.

Bunny hoping was rife too but they patched it so you couldn't fire your weapon if you jumped. I think they also made it so you had to be crouched to go prone. You couldn't go from upright to prone immediately. Not 100% sure, though.

I wanted to repost a video from a clanmatch I once recorded and edited, but it's not on the internet anymore and I'd have to look through my old PC for it. It was crazy what was going on there.
Dolphin diving is functionally impossible in BF3, but prone diving does look like it could be a big problem.
Man, all of the cool "features" of BF3 that were supposedly supposed to set this game apart seem like gimmicks, judging from the videos. The proning looks to be a huge problem, just like it is in CoD and America's Army. The animations system looks really wonky and sometimes looks plain dumb. The gameplay looks almost exactly like BC2.

I'm kind of disappointed right now. I had high hopes, and the new information is dashing them.
Cool. Sounds more fluid and realistic than crouch jumping to get over things.

Crouch jumping was the fastest and most fluid way to get over small obstacles in Mirror's Edge. You could handplant and vault if you wanted, but a good running jump got you over a lot easier. Granted, it makes more sense to vault when you're supposed to be a soldier carrying 50lbs of equipment, so it makes sense. Still, thats the only Mirror's Edge-like movement we've seen so far, so that whole hyped up feature seems like its going to be a gimmick as well.
Yeah, the animations look fantastic to me. Some of them are a little too fast, but that seems to be a recurring theme. Destruction looked pretty sweet, but you can tell its just a slightly improved version of what BC2 had. Which isn't a bad thing, mind you.
One of the devs mentioned on twitter that some of the destruction is disabled in the alpha for performance testing.
I wanted to repost a video from a clanmatch I once recorded and edited, but it's not on the internet anymore and I'd have to look through my old PC for it. It was crazy what was going on there.

Oh yes, some of the more exploitative clans would bunnyhop and dolphindive like crazy, some of them were unbelievable.