Battlefield 3

Isn't 3d spotting in Bad Company 2? I don't see how spotting is different from BC2, and why so many people were complaining about it in the Alpha.
Isn't 3d spotting in Bad Company 2? I don't see how spotting is different from BC2, and why so many people were complaining about it in the Alpha.
They're complaining because it's in Bad Company 2 and not Battlefield 2. Ignoring the fact that 3D spotting is complete bullshit, it doesn't belong in a Battlefield game.
Will the game need Origan running in the background to be able to play online? I'm quite happy to get this game via retail but really dont want to be installing any other digital service.
What does 3D spotting mean?

Will the game need Origan running in the background to be able to play online? I'm quite happy to get this game via retail but really dont want to be installing any other digital service.
I believe this is going to use Origin the same way TF2, Fallout NV, Metro 2033, etc. use Steam, so yeah.
What does 3D spotting mean?

In BC2 (don't know if you've played it or not) when you hit Q (or w/e it was) at an enemy you saw in the distance, a little orange triangle would appear over said enemy and follow them around. So for example if you saw a sniper in a watchtower and pressed Q, the triangle would appear above the sniper as opposed to on the 2D minimap. In BF2 when you spotted enemies, they showed up as red dots on the minimap.

This is the best pic I could find on a whim:


Near the middle you see a little orange tank above the tank, etc.
Oh that. Yeah I've played BC2, I love that feature. I spot everyone when I play. Spot assist points all over the place.
Oh that. Yeah I've played BC2, I love that feature. I spot everyone when I play. Spot assist points all over the place.

It was nice for getting points since it was super easy to get assist points but I don't feel it fits in BF3. I'd be fine with 2D spotting and getting assist points (did you get assist points in BF2? can't remember.)
Spotting is terrible, it eliminates so much of the element of surprise. Smoke? Foliage? No problem, just shoot at the giant glowing arrow for a free kill. Behind cover? Whoops, bullet penetration, you dead.
Spotting is terrible, it eliminates so much of the element of surprise. Smoke? Foliage? No problem, just shoot at the giant glowing arrow for a free kill. Behind cover? Whoops, bullet penetration, you dead.
If bullets can penetrate it then it's technically concealment not cover

But what you're saying is absolutely right.

Though it does bring to mind how much time we spend describing where an enemy is in Arma sometimes :p
I say they just go all the way with it. Any time someone spots anybody, just automatically make scribes character rotate until their crosshairs are on the person.

I like to exacerbate the issue in ncaa by just tapping q while looking around, and it would spot things for me that I didn't even actually see.
In BC2 3D spotting is disabled in hardcore mode, you can only have 2D spotting. I'd imagine it'd be the same for BF3.
Still, Normal mode players shouldn't have to have the opportunity for stealth and concealment completely blocked.
Yeah I agree. If they must show a bright arrow then it should only be displayed if you can see the enemy. It is dumb how you can know where an enemy is moving BEHIND an object.
Although I do like the 3D spotting I would make a few changes:
Tighten the area over which you can spot enemies. I've tagged enemies by accident before that I was no where near looking at.
Make it so that when an enemy is no longer seen by anyone on your team (not just the person who tagged him) his arrow A) Freezes in place and B) starts to fade out. If someone else spots him before it fully fades out the arrow returns fully and tracks him again.

This would make it still useful but remove the magic tracking through walls and you could memorize how long to stay behind a wall to know you aren't tagged anymore.
It's funny because Operation Flashpoint, a game released in 2001, actually got 3d spotting down right (this is of course in the easiest difficulty mode where you have onscreen indicators) If your squad leader issued a target to you, you would see the indicator on the enemy. If he went out of view, the indicator would 'guess' the enemy's position by continuing to move in the same direction and velocity as the enemy was moving when he went out of sight.
I think even that is too much. I think if someone spots a target, it should just give a general idea of where he was and still make you look for him. Like have a thing pop up on the side of your screen if your not looking in the right direction, and then a semi circle in front of you on screen that points to the general area. Having an icon pinpoint somebodies exact position without you needing to look at all is lame.
Spotting is terrible, it eliminates so much of the element of surprise. Smoke? Foliage? No problem, just shoot at the giant glowing arrow for a free kill. Behind cover? Whoops, bullet penetration, you dead.

There is literally nowhere to hide in the third area of Valparaiso as defense. If you get spotted, you're pretty much dead. All the buildings in that area are paper thin material.
I'd like to see spotting work like this:

- 3D arrow is placed at a point randomly projected, laterally, up to 12.5m from the enemy's location
- 3D arrow is only visible to the spotter and his squadmates
- 2D arrow is also placed on the minimap, visible to all teammates
- Arrows are static and persist for about 5 seconds
- Spot bonuses persist for about 10s, 15s for vehicles
- All foliage/smoke/etc has hitbox volumes slightly larger than the object itself, which block spotting
Origin will be compulsory for BF3.

It seems yes is the answer to the question of whether Battlefield 3 will require the use of EA's new Origin service, even for users who purchase a physical copy of DICE's upcoming military shooter sequel. A question on Twitter directed at Global Battlefield Community Manager Daniel Matros asked "If we get the DVD version of BF3 do we still have to use Origin?" This was followed by another attempt, asking: "What about the rumors spreading on the forums that we need origin to play BF3 if we have the DVD?" These inspired the following reply: "Yes those 'rumors' are true :)." Thanks Teddy via BF3Blog

Not buying either. I'll just get Deus Ex and Skyrim.
Meh, it's annoying, but it doesn't really factor into whether I'll buy it or not. I mean, of all the people to complain about a move like this... which game is this forum based on again? :v
I don't think its so much that its requiring them to use some kind of software, but rather that its requiring them to use Origin, a shitty piece of software providing a shitty service. In my mind, that goes down in the cons list, while games requiring steam don't because Steam is a good piece of software offering good services.

But regardless of this feature/detriment, BF3 is already on the bottom of my want list. Below RO2, Skyrim, DX3, LA Noire, Iron Front, etc. If I had a bunch of monies I'd probably get it, but when I gotta prioritize then its not so likely.
Do you do this for all games that require a specific program to be running in order to play certain games?

I had already made my mind about this game long before this was announced. This just reaffirmed that decision. I had high hopes for this game but i just simply do not like the direction its heading in. From a business and gameplay perspective.
I don't think its so much that its requiring them to use some kind of software, but rather that its requiring them to use Origin, a shitty piece of software providing a shitty service. In my mind, that goes down in the cons list, while games requiring steam don't because Steam is a good piece of software offering good services.

Right, but it wasn't when HL2 came out. :P

Granted, we're all a bit wiser and less forgiving about these services by now, so Origin has less of an excuse.
Well that kinda sucks, though I guess I technically already have an Origin account...

Do I wish Origin didn't exist? Sure. Do I wish it could just be on Steam and not through Origin? Absolutely. Will this move prevent me from buying Battlefield 3? Not a chance. Despite these annoyances, what I've seen so far looks like it could be a lot of fun, and with no other multiplayer shooters of interest to me on the horizon it's likely this will be the next one I will sink my teeth into.
I'll be waiting for some kind of steam release. I really dont want to be installing some shitty steam wanna be each time a new game comes out. If EA are doing it I'm sure all competitor publishers will do it and we all end up with 10 shitty apps running in the background just for a few games.

Steam gives me a great service, I feel valve want to give me a good service and are not there just trying to make money out of me. It's already got my games library on and all of my friends and settings. I really dont want to have to set it up all again on some crappy service just made to try and rape as much money out of me as possible.

I guess the only other option is to get it on 360 but then the player count drops to 24 and I'll be playing with gay ass screaming american kids.
What is the major problem you all seem to have with Origin? The hate baffles me!
The only problem I have is the internet-browser-only server browser. Besides, it's not like I'm going to buy any other game on Origin ever.
I would actually pay Valve to be able to change my Steam account name. Due to a convoluted history of sharing my account with my brother and then him getting his own I'm stuck with one that I rather don't want.
Crap. That means I still don't get to have a damn underscore in my BF3 name.
"I don't know what you guys are worried about, I got the name I wanted!"

God, can't they get anything right. Also Origin forces your region based on IP, so people abroad for whatever reason that aren't fluent in the native language are ****ed. Seriously, it's like they're going out of their way to make it as unappealing as possible.
3nnui on origin. Btw - expect to see 64 player pc conquest in action with jets and all at gamescom next week.