Battlefield 3

I laughed audibly. I hope that this is just the end result of extended supply issues, rather than DICE shooting themselves in the PR foot again.
Talking about videocards: I'm gonna build a new system around the time BF3 comes out, does anyone know the roadmap for Nvidia and ATI? I'd feel stupid for buying a HD6xxx if the next month a new generation of GPUs by either Nvidia or ATI was released.
As far as I'm aware, ATI's new series will release "sometime" between September and December, while Nvidia won't have anything ready until early 2012. Personally I'd wait about a month for a potential price drop, but I'm not sure it's very likely, and with all the people upgrading for BF3 you'd probably experience some supply issues :P
"I don't know what you guys are worried about, I got the name I wanted!"


I'm not looking forward to Origin since I've never had a good experience with any of EA's download services. It's always too hard to do anything to your account. I know they might make origin better, it took Steam years to get where it's at. I doubt I'll ever buy a game on Origin unless it was stupidly cheap, which won't happen often, or it was required for a game, even then I'd probably buy a boxed copy.
the ea press conference just finished i believe, i just saw that two new bits of battlefield 3 stuff was shown - co-op, and footage of a large 64 player called caspian border, which has jets. a quick youtube search shows this so far, expect more footage later in the day, i guess. battlefieldo appears to be down, too.

things of interest:

1) lots of jets (EDIT) but more importantly, AA tanks.
2) seemingly big map, nice mixture of close-medium urban stuff and rolling plains for tank/vehicle combat. i'm thinking something akin to heavy metal from BC2, only more fleshed out (i.e. not just huts scattered about fields) / lots of vehicles to play with
3) remote controlled explosive deposal robot. no idea what this is going to be used for, i can't imagine a scenario where people are actually going to use it to disable c4 though i only recently found out you could actually disarm thrown explosives. irregardless, what would be the point of the robot? hoping it's not going to have explosives already attached to ala the bomb cars from black ops...

pretty cool.

edit2: screenshots:

map doesn't actually look that big, not really any bigger than some from BC2 at least though obviously it's hard to be specific with topography. still, if it isn't that big at least that doesn't give the jets too much leeway to bug out and keep running surprise strafes from afar - keeping them in range of AA might be a good thing. it'll teach people to rack up some skill with them to dodge stuff as opposed to the jets in BF2 which were just nonsense and anyones game.
I'm cumming so hard from this trailer. The music... OH MY GOD THE MUSIC. I was really worried about the new dubsteppy take on the Battlefield theme, but not anymore. Love it.

Also, slow jets! Which is great, since the jets in BF2 were stupid fast and basically ruined a third of the game. Now new pilots won't crash into runways and hills every four seconds, and AA will actually be effective. Also, given this, I fully expect overheating afterburners to be an aircraft mod/add-on.

[edit] KM Troeddson confirms the commo-rose for PC. Unfortunately it's not in the GamesCom build.
good news for the PC crowd then, it's about time they had something good to look forward to in this game what with all the origin nonsense.

i'll be playing on the 360, don't really care much for the commo rose but more power to them for keeping it in after such demand from the PC userbase.

also, co-op demo

looks pretty balls if you ask me. i mean, i like co-op and quite look forward to playing the singleplayer campaign with a pal, but this particular mission looks like pish. i hate to use the whole call of duty argument again, but those takedowns at the start were very modern warfare. irregardless, it just looked pretty bland anyway. i don't even know if thats part the campaign itself or some sort of ''spec ops'' esqe mission, mind.
Haha, I gotta say slow jets look really funny in that video. Good for balance and ease-of-use though so I'm for it.

Also, glad they kept the commo rose in there,
That looks kind of awesome to me, knut. The first few takedowns were kind of lame, sure, but I doubt that single-hostage rescues, two-enemy takedowns, and single-road battles are going to be the best that co-op has to offer.

Also, I think that video just confirmed sidearm add-ons.

[edit] Fact sheets about BF3 from Planet Battlefield, outlining weapons, vehicles, specializations, etc

There's a LOT of stuff here. Holy shit.



well i doubt that too, which is why i said that only that particular mission looked pretty bland :P
Haha fair enough :p

Also, screenshots! Again taken from PBF but I just imgur'd them so whatevs.

Infantry fighting and taking cover:
Jets flying gracefully:
Giant goddamn map overview:
the ea press conference just finished i believe, i just saw that two new bits of battlefield 3 stuff was shown - co-op, and footage of a large 64 player called caspian border, which has jets. a quick youtube search shows this so far, expect more footage later in the day, i guess. battlefieldo appears to be down, too.

things of interest:

1) lots of jets (EDIT) but more importantly, AA tanks.
2) seemingly big map, nice mixture of close-medium urban stuff and rolling plains for tank/vehicle combat. i'm thinking something akin to heavy metal from BC2, only more fleshed out (i.e. not just huts scattered about fields) / lots of vehicles to play with
3) remote controlled explosive deposal robot. no idea what this is going to be used for, i can't imagine a scenario where people are actually going to use it to disable c4 though i only recently found out you could actually disarm thrown explosives. irregardless, what would be the point of the robot? hoping it's not going to have explosives already attached to ala the bomb cars from black ops...

pretty cool.

edit2: screenshots:

map doesn't actually look that big, not really any bigger than some from BC2 at least though obviously it's hard to be specific with topography. still, if it isn't that big at least that doesn't give the jets too much leeway to bug out and keep running surprise strafes from afar - keeping them in range of AA might be a good thing. it'll teach people to rack up some skill with them to dodge stuff as opposed to the jets in BF2 which were just nonsense and anyones game.

The maps will undoubtedly be bigger than they look. There's no way you can have 64 players on BC2 maps, which were shrunk for all platforms so the pathetic consoles could run the game (lol). Same has happened with BF3; console maps are much smaller and only, what, 24 players? Almost treble the amount for the PC on the same sized maps? Doubtful. Very.

But anyway, once that trailer ended, I suddenly realised my pants were at my feet and my breathing had become very rapid.

Oh dear god, I havent been this excited about a game release since HL2 all those moons ago.

The music... OH MY GOD THE MUSIC. I was really worried about the new dubsteppy take on the Battlefield theme, but not anymore. Love it.

Have to agree. Initially it never really did anything for me, but the way they edited it for this trailer just made the whole thing come together so...***king awesomely. That's some of the most perfect music I've heard for a trailer in ages. Sound like it needs to be in a District 9 or Transformers trailer.

I wonder if the explosion at the end of the jets trailer is a nuke explosion? Also, from the looks of it the jets seem to handle similar to BF2, hopefully the choppers do as well. Can't stand the "feel" of the choppers in BC2.
The maps will undoubtedly be bigger than they look. There's no way you can have 64 players on BC2 maps

nope, looks like a pretty regular sized conquest map, no bigger than heavy metal or, at a push, the length of atacama desert by my estimation. it's not my problem that the PC version might - once again, like BF2 - be a grenade-spam jet-rape cluster**** with that many players, but 24 players suits me just fine - there's a reason why BC2's flow works so well.
I'm betting/hoping that DICE isn't showing the largest Conquest map because they want to maintain a minimum level of visual fidelity, and building 64 PCs that can do that on the largest Conquest map would be extremely expensive.
Yeah, that trailer was pretty awesome. The large scale really does suit the game much better I think. The map looks gorgeous from the air too.
all specifics - including weapons, attachments, vehicles, customization, etc - options can be found in this document brief:

64 players is for a specific conquest 64 gametype only, it says. vehicle list is quite interesting too, with things like the little bird and russian equivalent listed, amphibious landing transport, anti-air vehicles and a pretty hefty list of add-ons for them too.

quite excited now!
Do you think all maps will have 64-player version, like in BF2, or just a couple?
edit: nevermind, misread your post.

personally, i doubt it. i think what you see there is what you get. for that map especially it doesn't look like there's any chance that the design could be extended, what with the outskirts being designated by two seperate airfields and the middle 'triangle' being where most of the chokepoints and sight lines end.

but for other maps, who knows?
edit: nevermind, misread your post.

personally, i doubt it. i think what you see there is what you get. for that map especially it doesn't look like there's any chance that the design could be extended, what with the outskirts being designated by two seperate airfields and the middle 'triangle' being where most of the chokepoints and sight lines end.

but for other maps, who knows?

The reason I ask is because at launch Bad Company 2 had different maps for different game modes. It took DICE a while to make all maps playable for all game modes.
originally that was what i had written about in the post before i edited. i think it's probably going to be likely - going by BC2 - that there will be x amount of rush maps and y amount of conquest maps, and perhaps half of those conquest maps will then also be conquest 64 maps. i don't doubt that there will be some small urban conquest maps that simply won't work with 64 players, no matter what the purists might say. panama canal 64 player? god forbid.

as to whether they might be later changed, i don't think it's very feasible nor logical that they will be made any bigger. i mean i could be completely wrong, but when they did change maps later on in BC2 from conquest to rush or vice versa, nothing geographical was changed, nor did any layout get altered. at least i don't think anything changed. obviously design stuff had to be edited, though.
all specifics - including weapons, attachments, vehicles, customization, etc - options can be found in this document brief:

64 players is for a specific conquest 64 gametype only, it says. vehicle list is quite interesting too, with things like the little bird and russian equivalent listed, amphibious landing transport, anti-air vehicles and a pretty hefty list of add-ons for them too.

quite excited now!
Yeah it was really about damn time they released a bunch of pure information like this. 50+ weapons, 20+ vehicles, scores upon scores of customizations and equipment, etc. Between this info sheet and the conquest trailer I have been hyped out of my mind all day.

There is some really interesting stuff in those lists... I hope the 60mm mortar is something you can set up and fire a bunch of times like a real mortar, rather than a BC2 or BF2-esque "call in artillery" sort of deal. There is both a laser target marker/painter (SOFLAM) and a radio beacon (not sure what the latter will do...), and something called a "UG Sensor" which I think stands for Unattended Ground sensors which are essentially a replacement for the motion mines in BC2, can be set up somewhere and will report on the locations of enemy personnel and vehicles in the vicinity. UAV appears to now be something a soldier can equip rather than a control screen on the map like BC2. That's all just equipment... there are shitloads of weapon specializations and vehicle specializations too.

Basically I want to play this really badly. Those jets look so much fun. I'm excited about flying around scout copters like the little bird too.
I pre-ordered it the other day, I decided that if I have to use Origin than I will, I just want to play this damn game already!
I don't even see how anyone could possibly NOT be drooling at this point after watching that Conquest trailer. I've watched it like 20 times already. If you haven't already, find the highest quality version (1080p, approx 290mb .mov file... don't stream it) and watch it with fullscreen and high volume. Outrageously epic. The part where the two pairs of jets strafe right past each other about a minute in is just HNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG

I showed it to my dad and even he can't believe his eyes... and wants to play it, which is odd considering that for the past 10 years the only game he has played with any regularity is Heroes of Might and Magic 3... he hasn't played any FPS at all since he used to LAN stuff like Delta Force 2, CS, HL1 and Unreal 1 with his work buddies back in the late 90s/early 2000s.

In recent news: Battleblog 7 posted discussing Coop a little bit, ODG posted their analysis of the Caspian Border trailer, PS3 and iPad footage seen at GamesCom, Gabe Newell discusses getting EA back on Steam, and of course a bunch of stuff from GamesCom including the new trailer, some offscreen footage, and those info sheets.
he hasn't played any FPS at all since he used to LAN stuff like Delta Force 2,

Your father is a good man.

I'm not drooling at this point, because all my previous qualms still haven't been addressed. It'll take more than a well made trailer to make me forget about them.
Looks alright, but it still looks like a large scale BC2.
Third person driving? WHAT THE ****. The vehicle also handled pretty shitty.
Third person driving has been in every Battlefield game since BF1942 iirc. It's disabled in Hardcore mode.
lol, I guess that explains how I always seemed to get noticed when running up and throwing c4 on their vehicles.