Battlefield 3

So the alpha is fun. I can't say anything specific for fear of breaching the NDA, but I've been playing all day and I like the way the game feels. Takes some getting used to. I can't get specific but I will say that you guys can rest easy, many of the issues you guys were afraid of are not really present. The gunplay and movement don't feel like BF2, but they don't feel anything like BC2 either. Gunplay is very satisfying.

Hopefully they will lift the alpha NDA at some point and I can be more specific because I am really enjoying this game.

My fears are being put aside. Can't say much what Ennui said.
My fears are being put aside. Can't say much what Ennui said.

Man, can't believe I overlooked that post of Ennui' cheers me up some. Looking forward to getting something formidable for my new card as nothing in my current library is a challenge.
I've been immersing myself in it for the past few days. Really loving it. If they raise the NDA at the end of the alpha testing period (this weekend) I'm going to write an article talking about the gameplay and my feelings on it for BFO.
As did I uno :D

I've heard people have been dropped from the test for "saying good things about it", so I don't know if I should even post unquantified impressions.

[edit] Hopefully that happens, Ennui. On the one hand, EA/DICE probably don't want a flood of unfettered impressions of an unfinished game. On the other hand, BF3 seems to be really good already, so it'd be free marketing...
I'm gonna grab a slurpy to celebrate and then I''l start playing right away...brb.
They sent out a big wave of invites today so everyone check your email! I believe the test ends on Monday August 1st.

Stigmata: yeah, you aren't supposed to talk about it at all besides acknowledging that you are in the Alpha. I feel bad for even saying I enjoyed it and that the gunplay was satisfying... so not a word more!

Any of you guys who got into the alpha gonna be playing tonight? Add me on Battlelog, soldier name is 3nnui :)
when you login to your ea the top corner where it says profile it should have 2 check box for a EA newsletter and one for third party companies.
Can anyone in the alpha tell if the netcode/lag has been improved(compared to BC2)?
I never had any problem with bc2. It rarly lagged for me.
I never had any problem with bc2. It rarly lagged for me.

The shooting just didn't feel alright for me.. like missing someone when i'm certain it should have been a hit(close range) or vice-versa. iirc in the threads from around the time BC2 released others also found this to be a problem.
Hit detection was off, yeah. The hitboxes lagged either behind or ahead of the model when they were moving (I forget which... or maybe it was both). Hopefully with their new animation system they've given this an overhaul.
I really wish Valve would license out their netcode... to other engines... somehow. Or that, at the very least, other developers implement similar code. This isn't about the BF3 alpha, but multiplayer games in general seem to completely avoid prediction and interpolation, happy to force players to lead their shots by lag-dependent distances and suffer high-latency feedback from all combat. It is a problem.
Funny. If you go the the TF2 SPUF forums there's always people bitching about how bad Valve's netcode is. That said those people are usually just whining about getting facestabbed.
^ If you go to CS:S forums, you'll hear the same.

"Boohoo, I was shooting right at him" or "boohoo, I was already behind the wall". It also pisses me off sometimes, but that's just multiplayer gaming, there will always be some delay and inconsistencies.
re: latency, isn't a lot of it based around every single persons massively different network connections anyway? i've seen many interviews with network engineers who simply cannot stress enough how difficult it is to make the ''perfect'' game work properly online, because everyones networks are all so different. there are problems here and there with hitboxes on BC2, but no more or no less then any other game i've played online. sometimes i've played horrendous games where you have to lead a shot from metres away, or really lay into the guy fully automatic before finally killing him, and on equal parts - if not more - i've had games that are just fine, perfect even.
ye gods, i realized just now, whilst watching alpha footage of weapons and firemodes and the like, that it was only two years ago, when i was still in my first year at university that i was doing exactly this - pouring over youtube videos of people playing the game. when the game came out i didn't have my xbox at uni with me, so i had to wait until christmas before i went home for the holidays to play it which was two, three? months after the game came out. i was twitching at the prospect of playing it! whilst there are still many things i'm not to assured on with this, watching the footage still makes me eager to just get into a game and get right into the thick of a firefight, i'll tell you that.
Jumped into the alpha today and the game feels good so far. A lot has improved from BC2, for example the player movement feels a little tighter and there is less of the odd screen distortion from Bad Company, (such as the tinted screen halo). The urban environment is a good change of pace from the previous game also, and its good to see a richer color palette in the world.

Of the four servers I tried, two were pretty horrifically laggy and the other two were fairly playable, though I might chalk this up to server distance, as it was a little hard to find a server in a nearby time zone that wasn't full.

The only worry I have is the Battlelog system. Having to launch the game from a browser concerns me. I can't help but expect an impending meltdown during launch week, when the inevitably ill prepared web server has a heart attack from the sudden influx of players. Then again BC2's server browser was virtually unusable for the first week or so.

Looking forward to playing the full game. :)
Apparently 3D spotting is being fixed

Yes ladies and gents, the Alpha Trial is over. Thats why Battlelog is closed. Lots of feedback, working on all of it. (3D spotting cough)
Any more news on a steam release yet?

according to unconfirmed reports, they are going to release it on Steam shortly after launch
so... no pre-order discounts or bonuses :/

retail it is then!
I wonder is Steam's "restrictive terms of service" that if you're offering customers new content through another service, you must allow Steam customers to have it as well.
That is exactly what I think it is. EA is being very hedge-y and vague with their wording, and Valve hasn't said a word about it yet. My guess is that Steam doesn't want to allow exclusive DLC for other platforms...
What I find comical is that people are now saying, "Welp, guess I won't be buying BF3!"