Battlefield 3

Can you still jump off high points in the map and deploy a parachute?
Can you still jump off high points in the map and deploy a parachute?

pretty sure i saw a deployed parachute in the distance of one video. don't ask me where, i just remember glancing it in the background someplace.
I think I saw that too. The first-person Engineer segment at the Checkpoint, when he fires an RPG at the tank?
yeah, i had that in mind. either that scenario, or the US guys scoping the ruskies across the gas station.

some other details from gamescom, some new, some old, or at least to me anyway. i've put the interesting things in bold.

In the past few Days a lot of new Information surfaced through the Q/A Livestreams. DICE representatives Daniel Matros and Gustav Halling took a few questions from the Community and answered them on the Livestream. We compiled a list with every bit they confirmed in the Q/A Sessions at Gamescom 2011. Most importantly they confirmed:
no splitscreen coop at launch

they are working toward commo rose on consoles, probably not available at launch
unlimited sprint like in bc2, you can also strafe
9 MP maps confirmed “for now” (Operation Metro, Caspian Border) (knut-note: interesting because this is obviously a tiny amount - expect DLC inbound come winter, i'll wager)
dog tag customization available after you reach a certain level
limited number of rockets on planes, need to resupply at runway
hardcore mode and infantry only mode available
kill cam in normal gamemode
jets are a spawn point in Conquest
jets can fly really high in BF3, but you’ll lose controls the higher you go (1000m, like in BF2)
deployable 60mm Mortars

conquest flags will have a name and a letter
multiplayer fact sheet only confirms everything shown to this date, AND IS NOT FINAL
no LAN for BF3 at release, probably never (ANTI-CHEAT Measure)
A-10 is available in Multiplayer
AH-6J Littlebird is available in Multiplayer
no automatic hovering for the helicopters, feels more like BF2
stationary Carrier on Wake Island
Working at DICE makes it hard to have a Girlfriend

Our friends at compiled a nice list of everything that got revealed at the Q/A Sessions with the Battlefield Community at Gamescom 2011.

Punkbustersupport including PB Screenshots
Close cooperation with Even Balance (Punkbuster)
Squad Menu in the GamesCom version is not final yet
Team Deathmatch is coming for all 9 announced maps
Max. 12 vs 12 in TDM
Same classes and customization in TDM as in the other modes
Functional ingamemenu with scoreboard, squadmenu, suicide, options etc.
24 player maps for console are scaled
No dynamically alligned map size based on the numbers of players
No public server files, reason is DICE’ anticheat strategy
Ingame messages to buddies in the friend list
No new info about the batterecorder question yet
Remaining tickets will be shown after end of round in the final game
Autobalance similiar to the one in BC2
No new info about pre-order yet
There is no final decision about origin and the number of soldiers yet
Splitscreen on console is not possible due to the hardware limits on console

the idea of deployable mortars makes me drool with anticipation. seriously, that's ****ing cool.

all from battlefieldo. congrats ennui, battlefieldo is now almost one of my most clicked dashboard links next to for games of thrones news. :cheers:
all from battlefieldo. congrats ennui, battlefieldo is now almost one of my most clicked dashboard links next to for games of thrones news. :cheers:
Good to hear :D we've been working our butts off all week long with this gamescom madness (and simultaneously launching our CSGO site)!

I am working on getting this uploaded to the BFO youtube channel right now (with less annoying music) but here is 16 minutes of HD cam footage of COOP mode that just appeared online:
We are getting another one uploaded to our channel and we're replacing the music so it won't get blocked. That link should work for people in the US at least though.
no LAN for BF3 at release, probably never (ANTI-CHEAT Measure)

This makes absolutely no sense at all, which means I must be misunderstanding it because I don't see at all how anti-cheat relates to LAN. If anything, LANS are the best anti-cheat due to the number of spectators. If so then this kills the chance of any decent competitive gaming.
We are getting another one uploaded to our channel and we're replacing the music so it won't get blocked. That link should work for people in the US at least though.

As mentioned in a comment on your site, this one works for everyone:


I don't care what people say, I look quite forward to BF3's singleplayer and coop mode. It's not the main draw for me, multiplayer is of course, but it still looks like good fun.

Pretty sure that video is on PS3, it's of course a cam video but it looks really good. And it's going to look even better on PC.
This makes absolutely no sense at all, which means I must be misunderstanding it because I don't see at all how anti-cheat relates to LAN. If anything, LANS are the best anti-cheat due to the number of spectators. If so then this kills the chance of any decent competitive gaming.

People said the same thing with StarCraft's working out well (even with the random shit that bnet spews....)

It's there so people can't just download it and go to a LAN party and play with it. They wouldn't exclude it if they didn't know they will make money because of it.
I pre-ordered this game on Newegg for $47 on the 360. I prefer gaming on that system because I enjoy it more than on PC. but don't get me wrong...if I see the game for less than $20 on PC a few months after release I'll give it a whirl on there too!
People said the same thing with StarCraft's working out well (even with the random shit that bnet spews....)

It's there so people can't just download it and go to a LAN party and play with it. They wouldn't exclude it if they didn't know they will make money because of it.

Still seems pointless as most people aren't going to play the game solely on lan anyway.
So there's a bit of hoo-hah spreading around about Origin again, this time with how it collects data on it's users without explicit consent (outside of agreeing to the EULA) and without any option to opt out. Could be overblown, as with most of this stuff it's pretty vaguely worded, but I figured I'd throw it up here in case anyone's concerned about this kind of stuff.

No, I have no idea why I'm linking to that forum either.

Yes, that is the worst title bar in the history of all of the internets.

Edit: Oops, would probably help if I quoted the pertinent part.

2. Consent to Collection and Use of Data.

You agree that EA may collect, use, store and transmit technical and related information that identifies your computer (including the Internet Protocol Address), operating system, Application usage (including but not limited to successful installation and/or removal), software, software usage and peripheral hardware, that may be gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, dynamically served content, product support and other services to you, including online services. EA may also use this information combined with personal information for marketing purposes and to improve our products and services. We may also share that data with our third party service providers in a form that does not personally identify you. IF YOU DO NOT WANT EA TO COLLECT, USE, STORE, TRANSMIT OR DISPLAY THE DATA DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION, PLEASE DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE APPLICATION.
This and all other data provided to EA and/or collected by EA in connection with your installation and use of this Application is collected, used, stored and transmitted in accordance with EA’s Privacy Policy located at To the extent that anything in this section conflicts with the terms of EA’s Privacy Policy, the terms of the Privacy Policy shall control.
PC gaming really is doomed.

So there's a bit of hoo-hah spreading around about Origin again, this time with how it collects data on it's users without explicit consent (outside of agreeing to the EULA) and without any option to opt out. Could be overblown, as with most of this stuff it's pretty vaguely worded, but I figured I'd throw it up here in case anyone's concerned about this kind of stuff.

Well I pre-ordered Battlefield 3 PC from an online retailer weeks ago, and just cancelled it today. Not because of this Origin crap, rather because it will require Origin to play. Seems everybody and their dog is copying the Ubisoft "always online" type DRM. I do not want to be tied to several online services to play games. The buck stops with Steam. If I allow Origin then what?

No, I have no idea why I'm linking to that forum either.

So we can read the whole EULA, should we want to. Makes sense. I just did. The reason most companies have these "agreements" (one-way in my opinion) is because nobody has yet challenged them in US court.

Yes, that is the worst title bar in the history of all of the internets.

Really? Of "all" the internet? You have seen them all? Hyperbole much?
Monstermash is who I fear will make up the majority of the community. Hence why I'm not too fuffed about buying the game.

Oh, and I HAVE seen ALL the title bars on the internet, and that site does have the worst. The site is Mario's World, has a symmetrical pointing nelson on each side of the name, and a pic of some random generically "hot" celebrity pretending to be cute. None of it makes any sense, and its pretty poorly executed to boot. I'd take a shitty CS kiddie fansite with their shitty photoshoped CS guy and beveled/embossed lettering on a craquelure background than that one, at least the CS one makes sense.
Battlefield 3 to have tessellation.

On the technical side of the game, Battlefield 3 will support a number of graphical bells and whistles including DirectX 11, Tessellation, NVIDIA 3D Vision support, and more.
While no recommended system requirements have been released yet, Magnus stated PC gamers "should start aiming pretty high if they want to run everything on the highest setting." Even though DICE does want to be able to make the Frostbite Engine 2-powered game run on a wide variety of PCs, Magnus said, "We would like people to really build some really monster machines to run this on with the best graphics card they can get their hands on. "

I haven't played Portal 2 yet, but I wonder if the Source engine in HL3 will have things like that? :P
''We would like people to really build some really monster machines to run this on with the best graphics card they can get their hands on'' reads as such as horribly obvious endorsement to nvidia or whoever. i can almost see the picture of him with thumbs up in front of a great big fat nvidia logo.

NVIDIA has today announced that the GeForce LAN 6 event will be taking place in Alameda, California from the 14-16th October aboard the Aircraft Carrier USS Hornet.
With seating for up to 800 players, attendees can expect numerous Battlefield 3 tournaments as well as an appearance from some Dice employees.

Can't tell if it for Xbox only or for all platforms.


Ha, its like a shorter version of the new COD trailer.
It does everything better in a quarter of the time and without contrived narrative threads. Pretty dece'.
i was thinking just earlier what was up with all the PR and marketing for COD because compared to B3, it's been pretty poor, so i presumed that at some point soon there must be something new to show of that abortion of a game and if dice really want to keep the lead they have at the moment, they'll need something to combat it straight away.

low and behold, they did. and yeah, it's not really all that great because it's just people getting shot with lots of close ups and slow-mo of guns, but like stig said it does everything the new cod trailer did but with so much more cohesion. it's almost an incredible video when you compare the two.
Except this actually makes the game look good.

The new CoD multiplayer trailer looks like ass, it looks stagnantly worse than the CS:GO footage (which is months away from being finished). The latest BF3 trailer was merely a trailer showing off some guns from the Physical Warfare Pack.

That said, I really hope DICE releases a trailer for Back to Karkand. :p
What does tessellation mean in terms of graphics? According to wikipedia it's just a bunch of tiles that fit together with no gaps.
What does tessellation mean in terms of graphics? According to wikipedia it's just a bunch of tiles that fit together with no gaps.

Tessellation is a little bit more complicated than that, there is a few tech demo's showing its capabilities on youtube. It gives water a realistic rendering effect, as well as other things like cloth physics, hair physics and added depth to terrain. It blows normal, bump mapping and parallax occlusion mapping... right out of the water, imo. The DX11 tessellation in Crysis 2 sucked majorly, and very few games have actually implemented it.
I thought it made them look similar. The videos were clearly trying to appeal to the same demographic.

It doesn't make the games similar, it makes it clear that they are both going after the same market. It's been obvious since the get go EA/DICE is going after the CoD market.
Okay so this looks um... damn. From the solo campaign, but gosh it's still pretty impressive. Watch in 1080.

It does look cool but I've really found over the years of playing multiplayer FPS's that its just not satisfying to kill NPC's anymore! Might give it a go but might just end up feeling like time playing the single player is time not spent ranking up :P