Battlefield 3

mobile AA is ****ing ridiculous. just played a round on noshahr canals where i used it strictly for anti-air purposes only (i.e. i didn't drive it straight into the middle of a cluster**** and just hope for some cheap kills) so i stayed pretty far back out of infantry harm and man, i was untouchable. see helicopter -> mark helicopter -> test bullet drop -> predict course of path -> fvuybdsfuvbdshcjvbdhvgdshbcvyusdgvyudsbvshbvhvbjskvnkvbn disabled bfudsbviubdfhuvbdfhjvbsdhcbhksdb dead -> rinse repeat

shit ****ing owns.

also playing engineer anti-air a lot too but man i ****ing wish more people would be support and put ammo down arghfhuvbfvb. it's like everybody ever knows that i'm always the support guy so its like hey its okay knut has our back with ammo we're cool but its not fair i want to play something different sometimes too :(
^I wish they would nerf it. On Caspian Border and Kharg Island it isn't fun being in a helicopter or Jet, like... at all.
Its almost as if anti-air is designed to kill aircraft. Shocking.

Though I would agree that it is a bit OP at the moment, I'm just slightly jaded having listend to my friends moaning that they can't take out an AAV with aircraft. In the anti-personell role they've been heavily toned down compared to BF2 (no more splash damage for the autocannon), but thier ability against tanks is rather silly. If you get the drop on an enemy tank from behind in one of those things you'll tear it apart in no time. Anyway, shooting down aircraft isn't about AAVs and Stingers/Iglas, its about SOFLAMs and Javelins. Noone ever bothers with ECM, so once you've got that sweet sweet laser designation and the missile is away its goodbye air target.

Also, the Phalanx on Canals is just silly - its position on the end of the assault ship puts it in a great place to shred any russian aircraft almost as soon as they take off and as well as that shred any infantry & vehicles that expose themselves.

But on the other side, theres nothing that cheers me up more than seeing a flyboy go down in flames (though not when they bail and I have to shoot them off thier parachute).
I had a go on the AN-94 briefly last night. I must admit I can't say I was overly enamoured, with the staccato fire. Maybe modded up it might be formidable, but I don't think I'd have the patience to grind it up unmodded Vs everyone and their sister running around with Tactical lights and IRNV scopes.

Also avoid playing on the [BZB]= Zockerbande server. I ended up on it last night on Seine, and found myself on the same side as about 10 of the BZB clan, who basically having captured all the points relatively quickly were spawnkilling the opposition (RU mainly made up of pubs). It was pretty tasteless to the extent that I quit out rather than stayed.

Also, if you're playing support and intending to Mortar always drop a supply crate next to you so your ppls have somewhere to resupply. So many support players fail to understand that they are there to supply their teammates. A few times last night I ran out of primary ammo and the team support weren't dropping crates despite requests. Inevitably I ended up having to pick up fallen guns....
All Anti-air designed warfare is severely overpowered in BF3. But it all wouldn't be so bad if there were range drop offs and you didn't have to exit the vehicle at 50% hp.
Just discovered the pleasures of counter battery with my mortar. Good lord are some people dumb - they sit in the same spot with a great big "mortar here" sign on the minimap shelling my team mates but completly ignorning my team's mortars. Check map for target, set up mortar, fire one round at enemy mortar selected for death, get off the mortar, pack it up, relocate and begin again. I was barely troubled by the enemy mortars all game but kept thiers from doing any real damage to my team and racked up a good few kills. Fun times. Need to find more games full of people with mortars who don't pay attention.

As for the AA issue, I'd say that its not completly that AA is overpowered, but also that aircraft are somewhat underpowered against ground targets - no splash damage for cannon, lack of power for the air to ground missiles, flares being an unlock, no bombs, etc.
They should not put bombs in ever for the planes! They totally ruined bf2. To many ninja people that just dropped bombs over and over on control points racking up hundreds of kills each match. It just a massive game breaker and I'm glad they are not in bf3!

I've found planes pretty powerful, the cannons mash up ground tanks big time but some splash damage, esp for chopper guns would really help talking out infantry. Also the fact air vehicles are dead at 50% hp really needs to be fixed.
Just discovered the pleasures of counter battery with my mortar. Good lord are some people dumb - they sit in the same spot with a great big "mortar here" sign on the minimap shelling my team mates but completely ignoring my team's mortars. Check map for target, set up mortar, fire one round at enemy mortar selected for death, get off the mortar, pack it up, relocate and begin again. I was barely troubled by the enemy mortars all game but kept theirs from doing any real damage to my team and racked up a good few kills. Fun times. Need to find more games full of people with mortars who don't pay attention.

Yeah, I've destroyed entire teams of mortar guys on Seine doing the same ninja approach (over 300 mortar kills now). Generally if there's just one guy you can shell their tank a couple of times before needing to pack up as well I find, assuming it's not fast respawn. I tend to aim for the back of the tank to kill their repair engies as a rule.
i too have been playing a lot of anti-mortar support with the mortar. occasionally i will break it out to clear out any clogged campy areas on bazaar or somesuch, but for the most part if i start hearing that whistle or seeing a mortar kill i'll set up, kill the guy and then continue as normal. people were right; it is an easy weapon to get kills with. it's also really, really boring and i've better things to be doing in the game.
Ehg AA is just awful.

Just played about 2 hours on a 64 man conquest pretty much using exclusively attack choppers and pretty much as soon as you take off... beep beep beep... dead... or... beep beep beep... go hide.

People just sit and hide in odd spots where they can see the hole map and you just cant find them. And even when you do 14 rocks from the rocket pods just manage to disable them. They could at least die from the damn rockets.

They are so much damn fun to fly, the physics are great. I just wish you could get a chance to do some damage or kill something before getting insta raped by AA and stingers.
i too have been playing a lot of anti-mortar support with the mortar. occasionally i will break it out to clear out any clogged campy areas on bazaar or somesuch, but for the most part if i start hearing that whistle or seeing a mortar kill i'll set up, kill the guy and then continue as normal. people were right; it is an easy weapon to get kills with. it's also really, really boring and i've better things to be doing in the game.

Principally I use it to soften up the opposition, esp on Bazaar, Tehran & Seine. It's useful esp in combo with a drone to weaken entrenched opposition, plus to slow vehicles down/destroy them. I certainly don't advocate using it all the time, however it can turn the tide in a close match. The only downside I'd say to it is that it might win you a match, but it doesn't get you much in the way of points generally Vs capturing areas, reviving etc, etc.
Its almost as if anti-air is designed to kill aircraft. Shocking.

Though I would agree that it is a bit OP at the moment, I'm just slightly jaded having listend to my friends moaning that they can't take out an AAV with aircraft. In the anti-personell role they've been heavily toned down compared to BF2 (no more splash damage for the autocannon), but thier ability against tanks is rather silly. If you get the drop on an enemy tank from behind in one of those things you'll tear it apart in no time. Anyway, shooting down aircraft isn't about AAVs and Stingers/Iglas, its about SOFLAMs and Javelins. Noone ever bothers with ECM, so once you've got that sweet sweet laser designation and the missile is away its goodbye air target.

Also, the Phalanx on Canals is just silly - its position on the end of the assault ship puts it in a great place to shred any russian aircraft almost as soon as they take off and as well as that shred any infantry & vehicles that expose themselves.

But on the other side, theres nothing that cheers me up more than seeing a flyboy go down in flames (though not when they bail and I have to shoot them off thier parachute).

But at this point, Jets are completely ****ing useless against those beastly machines of death called mobile AA.
Speaking as a person who hasn't played the game, but I have to agree with "Its almost as if anti-air is designed to kill aircraft. Shocking."

You do well in Battlefield when you coordinate your squad attacks with other squads. One squad defends this point while 2 others attack this one. Vehicle assets should be coordinated the same way. You send in your tanks to destroy and clear AA before sending in your helis and jets. You don't ****ing fly in blindly just to get into battle as fast as possible and then whine when you got shot down.

"Jets are completely ****ing useless against those beastly machines of death called mobile AA."

Comments like this make me say "Seriously?"

A good balanced set of vehicles in a competitive game is about strengths and weaknesses. Like rock paper scissors. Every vehicle has shit it's good at and shit it's weak at. That's what makes the game fun and interesting. More than that, it makes the game possible to be awesome at when you can coordinate your team correctly. What would be the point of having a jet that has no weakness? Jets are supposed to be useless against AA. That's why it's AA. You have other vehicles at your disposal to take care of the AA. You must coordinate. God damn you people.
I mostly use mortars to soften up enemy defenses in times when the match gets locked over a single chokepoint. I also kind of just like setting up and dropping 2-3 mortars on positions I know are likely to be occupied by enemies (or can see from MAV or whatever) just for psychological effect on the enemy team plus a kill or two. Counter-mortaring is also fun - plus if you encounter an enemy mortar who is also tricky it turns into this odd mortar duel from across the map where you are basically playing battleship with one another.

Vegeta - most of the time the AA is most effective when it hangs back between its spawn deployment and the first set of flags, because they just snipe aircraft all the time and kill the occasional enemy sniper or jeep that comes by. However I agree with you in the sense that I think it's balanced and just requires some tactical awareness to deal with - plus it's quite possible to take down an LAV with a well-coordinated helicopter pilot/gunner team or with any of the jets (line it up and pump it full of lead and it'll die quickly).
I mostly use mortars to soften up enemy defenses in times when the match gets locked over a single chokepoint.
Another good example of how to properly use an asset.

You guys complaining about jets and helis being innefective against AA is like complaining that you can't snipe out every single last infrantry unit with a mortar.
Speaking as a person who hasn't played the game, but I have to agree with "Its almost as if anti-air is designed to kill aircraft. Shocking."

You do well in Battlefield when you coordinate your squad attacks with other squads. One squad defends this point while 2 others attack this one. Vehicle assets should be coordinated the same way. You send in your tanks to destroy and clear AA before sending in your helis and jets. You don't ****ing fly in blindly just to get into battle as fast as possible and then whine when you got shot down.

"Jets are completely ****ing useless against those beastly machines of death called mobile AA."

Comments like this make me say "Seriously?"

A good balanced set of vehicles in a competitive game is about strengths and weaknesses. Like rock paper scissors. Every vehicle has shit it's good at and shit it's weak at. That's what makes the game fun and interesting. More than that, it makes the game possible to be awesome at when you can coordinate your team correctly. What would be the point of having a jet that has no weakness? Jets are supposed to be useless against AA. That's why it's AA. You have other vehicles at your disposal to take care of the AA. You must coordinate. God damn you people.

Let me guess, if you've never played a BF game, right?
Speaking as a person who hasn't played the game,


Oops sorry wrong forum.
Let me guess, if you've never played a BF game, right?
I realize that team coordination is a hard thing to achieve in a public match, but I don't think the game should be dumbed down to make up for people not knowing how to play intelligently. That just makes the game boring, when vehicles have no specialties or weaknesses.

I'm going to be pretty disappointed if DICE panders to the masses and nerfs AA. They clearly had a goal in mind to create a good RPS system of counter vehicles, and they'd be stupid to abandon that just to please people.
Damn, Veggies sure has a lot to say about a game he's never played.
All they need to do is make the physical knockback FF-aware and reduce damage at extreme ranges. Jets are supposed to be bad against AA (requiring Engi/Support/vehicle intervention), but AA isn't supposed to be as dominant as it is.
I think he makes a good point. In BC2 and BF2 most chopper pilots would fly straight into the fray without checking for those glaringly obvious AA points scattered on rooftops or on the ground. If you were smart you'd sit froma distance in a heli and get the gunner to destroy the gun or else get your squadmates to gustav it or what not. I guess that doesn't speak for the "hiding in the corner of the map and letting rip" argument.
Damn, Veggies sure has a lot to say about a game he's never played.
The overall vehicle asset strategy can't be much different from BF2, or any other game for that matter. We're talking about very basic concepts here.

If anything I'm trying to increase your guys' enjoyment and respect for what DICE was trying to do with their vehicle balancing.
Damn, Veggies sure has a lot to say about a game he's never played.
Indeed... he has 72 posts in this thread.

I think they should nerf the knockback on AA (especially given the helicopter roll issue) but I'm fine with its damage model and range etc. AA should be the first thing you look for as an air unit... that was true in BC2 and BF2 and it's true in BF3.
You guys just love to point that out huh? Is there a discernible point to it or are you just trying to be annoying?

I've made plenty of valid posts in this thread, participating in and creating discussions. Many BF3 players have agreed with the things I've said.
I realize that team coordination is a hard thing to achieve in a public match, but I don't think the game should be dumbed down to make up for people not knowing how to play intelligently. That just makes the game boring, when vehicles have no specialties or weaknesses.

I'm going to be pretty disappointed if DICE panders to the masses and nerfs AA. They clearly had a goal in mind to create a good RPS system of counter vehicles, and they'd be stupid to abandon that just to please people.

They don't have to nerf it too much, just make helicopters and Jets more of a potent force, such as the weapons. Like DC, it had the perfect balance between all of the vehicles and infantry.
Fair enough, like I said I haven't played it myself so there might be some adjustments needed. Some of the comments in here just made me kind of unsure of how well people are grasping combined arms strategy.
You guys just love to point that out huh? Is there a discernible point to it or are you just trying to be annoying?

I've made plenty of valid posts in this thread, participating in and creating discussions. Many BF3 players have agreed with the things I've said.

For all you've told me you don't CARE about BF3, you are actually investing a lot of time discussing it.

Come on, admit it. It's a valid point to make, considering all the 'disinterest' you have in the game.
For all you've told me you don't CARE about BF3, you are actually investing a lot of time discussing it.
I'm not interested in spending my money on this game, but apparently I enjoy discussing some aspects of it. I enjoy discussing game design, and BF3 is a game that I have things to say about. What's the problem?

Come on, admit it. It's a valid point to make, considering all the 'disinterest' you have in the game.
What point? What is the point you're making? Yes I have not played BF3. And? It does not invalidate my discussion value.
The overall vehicle asset strategy can't be much different from BF2, or any other game for that matter. We're talking about very basic concepts here.

If anything I'm trying to increase your guys' enjoyment and respect for what DICE was trying to do with their vehicle balancing.

The problem is (imo) is that there are so many different forms of AA. You have the designated AA vehicles, Javelins (which sometimes will hit planes,) Stingers, and other planes. Coupled with having no bombs, ATG missiles being an unlock, and there being a 1000M altitude cap it is is really hard to get away from all that shit. You might dodge one Stinger with a set of flares but then you have 12 other people firing missiles. In a way it is good for ground troops because you don't get raped and massacred like was generally the case in BF2.

As far as heli's go, it takes like a 2 second accurate spray from either a jet or an AA vehicle to disable the vehicle.
I see how it is, then.

You'll never get me out of this thread, ya hear?!
I'm not interested in spending my money on this game, but apparently I enjoy discussing some aspects of it. I enjoy discussing game design, and BF3 is a game that I have things to say about. What's the problem?

What point? What is the point you're making? Yes I have not played BF3. And? It does not invalidate my discussion value.

Could have had me fooled before. Every time I tried to say anything about BF3 you were all, "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT BF3!" or something along those lines.
Of course the AA should shoot down planes / choppers but its a balance issue. They stop the game being fun and thats a problem.

Anyone else noticed the subliminal messaging? Some times wile just running around playing I notice the theme tune playing as a background sound! The bastards are trying to get inside my head!
Every time I tried to say anything about BF3
Like what? We've never discussed any of the things I've felt inclined to talk about in this thread. I posted about the things I posted about because I was interested in the topic. That doesn't mean I care about all aspects of the game. We're just derailing the thread now so if you want to discuss this get on MSN.
Like what? We've never discussed any of the things I've felt inclined to talk about in this thread. I posted about the things I posted about because I was interested in the topic. That doesn't mean I care about all aspects of the game. We're just derailing the thread now so if you want to discuss this get on MSN.

I have work you hippie!
uhhh anti-air shouldnt even exist tho bcuz if u hate air then how u breathin??
my mind was blown yesterday when i realized you could throw medic boxes and ammo crates into vehicles and they stuck to them. at first i thought it was a glitch where it was just pushing the box around but nope, they actually attach themselves like magnetic limpets or somesuch. not really had a practical use for this yet and when a feature like is introduced it's almost a shame that vehicles have infinite ammo because this would make things a lot more interesting for support soldiers to have to resupply vehicles.
just played a few minutes before I take off to work,I killed 4-5 people in a Russian copter when they flew passed the hueyI was in good shit all in only like 2seconds too.