Battlefield 3

Weirdly enough, getting kills does win you the game. Unless you're actually part of a tank crew there's zero point taking repair Vs taking mines and restricting the advance of the oppositions tanks & APCs.

defending, sure, but as the attacker there should be more focus towards keeping people revived, up to speed with health and ammo and keep vehicles hummin', and then can you start successfully killing people. without all that, it's just team deathmatch but with objectices, and personally i play to to take the mcoms/flags, not to get a good k/d.

i always take repair though, just so that i actually have something productive for the team to do. i find mines pretty useless, unless they're used really tactically or in a clever way which 90% of the time isn't the case. oh look mines on the main road heading to flag b who would of thought it. :dozey:
Weirdly enough, getting kills does win you the game. Unless you're actually part of a tank crew there's zero point taking repair Vs taking mines and restricting the advance of the oppositions tanks & APCs.
Unless they see your mines, or happen to not drive over them, or your lack of repairing allows enemy armor to destroy yours and push through unabated.
Proof the Javelin is so broken.

Those should hit every time, no matter if God himself intervenes.

Now THAT, is the biggest bullshit I've seen since flares.
been playing mostly Hardcore for the past few days and I'm loving it
no health/armour regen, better bullet damage (in most cases), no 3d spotting, forced 1st person, no kill cam etc etc
just makes for a much more tactical and satisfying experience IMHO

anyone else play HC?
I played several hours of HC last night and had a great time. I still mostly play normal though. In BC2 I played normal for the first year or so and then played almost exclusively HC after that, I imagine it will be somewhat similar with BF3.
I love hardcore, but it makes snipers much deadlier. Especially on Caspian Border.

Also, currently getting the hang of the Jets right now. Got stealth, AA missles and flares - makes Jets very much using.
M1014 became my best friend when I wiped out two squads in a row with it on Damavand Peak Conquest. Have my first star. Nnnnngg hnnng.
yeah, looks good. kind of glad it's not hitting platforms until december as i really cannot afford to spend any more university time playing right now. i'm on a bit of lull in my time spent in the game now that i've hit 40 hours, know all the maps, have most of the weapons for the classes i enjoy (assault, support, and getting things for engineer and recon is a drag compared), so i think i'm in a good place to give it a rest for a few weeks until these come around.

hypothetical question for pc users: how much, on average, did you spend building a pc that plays bf3 at a good, recommended and comfortable setting?
That looks really good. I'm glad there's so much vertical cover for aircraft.

re: Hardcore: This is not a comment on anyone else, but I personally consider Standard mode to be a pile of casual garbage. 3D infantry spotting and being able to spawn on any squad member ruin the game for me, and silenced/sidearm weapons aren't very viable. [edit] AND HEALTH REGEN
i want to get into hardcore, but i don't trust a large amount of public players to go into it with a teamwork-tactics sensibility, and instead a snipers-dominate mindset. i played one or two games, it was alright. might give it a proper shot. actually, likely will.
do iiiiiiiiiiiiiit

Also, are you looking to build a new computer for BF3? Because my answer to your question is, "I didn't upgrade." :p
I still find it funny when people join a hardcore server and say things like ''why cant I spot anymore?'' or ''why has my minimap glitched/disappeared?'' or ''how did that guy kill me in 2 shots?''

It's got the most amount of pros and the most amount of cons, but it's worth playing it over normal mode. I generally score higher in hardcore matches, as you get more points anyway for actions, no more 3d spotting for cheap kills.

And it's definitely, DEFINITELY more team-oriented. Little things like not knowing how much ammo you have left (oh the dead-man clicks I've had), making you scream out for a support over the mic ''Anyone got any ammo!?!?''. Or when you die; 'Medic!? MEEEEEEEEEEDIIIIIIIIIIC!?'

However, the IRNV comes out in force on hardcore, so I rage quit alot.
do iiiiiiiiiiiiiit

Also, are you looking to build a new computer for BF3? Because my answer to your question is, "I didn't upgrade." :p

possible, but only if it's affordable. i've been out of the pc gaming loop for a long time now. i'm looking to see how much the kit for a pc that will run BF3 at a comfortable setting might be. i'm perfectly happy playing on my 360, but if the price is right eh, why not make best use of both?
That's the spirit :V! What are your specs right now? BF3 is really well-optimised, so a full CPU/RAM/GPU/mobo upgrade would run about $400-500 for midrange performance (30+fps on High/1080p). If/once you have quad-core of Phenom II quality or better, and 4GB of RAM, performance comes down almost entirely to which videocard you're using.
i don't even have a pc :LOL: i'm a mac user so i'd be starting from the ground up

still quite pricey i see then. maybe in the future, when/if i have a job. ah well.
I have a crappy AMD Phenom I, DDR2 RAM and a great GPU (EVGA GTX 570 classified), runs at 30 FPS. Right now load times are along as **** on my PC, would love to upgrade my CPU.

Also a new BTK trailer released:

Guess the truth hurts or something?

I swear, some people are so easily offended. Quite pathetic really.
yes it's really optimized
I'm running it on an old, high-end dual E6850 @ 3ghz, 4gb DDR2, and Sapphire Radeon 5770 O/C
smooth on medium for multiplayer, played through the campaign on high

I would like to upgrade my CPU though :p
Apparently the IRNV got nerfed in the console patch, hopefully coming to PC soon:

and now it looks next to useless, which is - in a way - a just as ineffective move by dice because now they have a unlock which actually makes things much, much worse for the person who has unlocked it. there needs to be a balance, and either making it ''too good'' or ''rubbish'' isn't striking the fine line.

i don't see why they can't just make the scope useful in dark situations but difficult to use outside i.e. good/the same as it was before in certain parts of operation metro, inside of buildings, the tunnel in damavand, but outside it turns hazy or overexposed sort of like we see in the above video.

I'm sorry, but that's the saddest attempt at balancing I've EVER seen in a AAA shooter. Look at 0:18. According to this new IRNV, your teammates are less thermally-visible than a light, dusty haze. They appear to be the same temperature as a fifty-feet-underground concrete floor.
Wow. Really thought the Metro subway would be dark enough to make the IRNV useful. If this scope really exists, I'd be curious of its IRL properties (not that BF3 is a simulator, but still...).

Regarding Iran and the huff over Tehran being a playable map, time for them to get their stick out of their ass. Look at Russia. You don't see them getting all floppy-wristed over their constant Team Badguy status in Battlefield games, others' games, not to mention the very game Iran's ministry is banning (in which Persians aren't even the enemy).
There's 2 versions going around the web. That video (oh god I lol'd so hard, a decent nerf making it useless over 2 feet which is fine by me), and then one where there seems to be absolutely no change at all tweeted by someone at DICE.

So it's either a huge nerf, or ***k all change.

Hope it's the former...
There's 2 versions going around the web. That video (oh god I lol'd so hard, a decent nerf making it useless over 2 feet which is fine by me), and then one where there seems to be absolutely no change at all tweeted by someone at DICE.

So it's either a huge nerf, or ***k all change.

Hope it's the former...

it's funny that every other time dice do something - anything - you're the first to claim ''i'm on the brink of throwing in the towel!!!'', yet they do something that benefits you and it's all fine and dandy. aren't you at least a little uncomfortable about how lazy and uninspired this is? think of it from a design prospective and not just from your own. there are ways to make this scope work on a fair scale with as many pros and cons as all of the other scopes - this isn't it. this renders it useless.
Wow, if that's a real nerf I don't know what to say. :|

I'll admit I am getting killed by more people using the IRNV, but that's probably just because more people are leveling up now.
They're saying that the first video in Metro is not the real nerf. And it makes sense since he's using the damn think with all the smoke and fire around.
it's funny that every other time dice do something - anything - you're the first to claim ''i'm on the brink of throwing in the towel!!!'', yet they do something that benefits you and it's all fine and dandy. aren't you at least a little uncomfortable about how lazy and uninspired this is? think of it from a design prospective and not just from your own. there are ways to make this scope work on a fair scale with as many pros and cons as all of the other scopes - this isn't it. this renders it useless.

Well yeah, when something is so ***ked up and, worse, obviously broken, I acknowledge the elephant in the room. And none of their changes have actually 'benefited' me. Everything I use they have nerfed. I almost always play engineer. It's not lazy and uninspired, it's human nature/the sports fan syndrome. I complain because I love the game and dont see, other than licensing, why it can take so long to make obvious changes.

There aren't really any ways to make the IRNV fair. Even if they reduce the range that the heat signature is detected, it's still a visual hack, rendering every other scope useless. It removes reaction times, as the one with the IRNV always has the upper hand. Since there is no counter, that's called unbalanced and overpowered. And if people are missing at close range with the IRNV, you shouldnt be playing FPS games as it doesnt come easier than that.

Have you seen the twitter reactions to the IRNV nerf? They're by everyone who depends on it, whining about how they have ruined their fun as they could only use the IRNV to be successful. Well, if you want a great K/D ratio, then ***K OFF TO COD!

Battlefield is about teamplay. Tactics. Co-ordination. Not running around solo, even though I do that from time to time as some will testify to seeing here on the forums. The IRNV shits all over those tactics as no matter what you do or where you hide, your are lit up like a ***king Christmas tree.

And I will always be mad about obviously broken unlocks.

Javelins DO almost always miss.

The IRNV IS a free in-game hack.

The squad system IS broken to an extent.

DICE are by far my favourite developer and have been for about 5 years now.
holy shit are you deluded

you lost me at ''i almost always play engineer''
Even if they reduce the range that the heat signature is detected, it's still a visual hack, rendering every other scope useless. It removes reaction times, as the one with the IRNV always has the upper hand. Since there is no counter, that's called unbalanced and overpowered. And if people are missing at close range with the IRNV, you shouldnt be playing FPS games as it doesnt come easier than that.

I would disagree with your claim regarding range. If the heat signature ramped out over distance, then magnified scopes would gain the upper hand at range, and IRNV would only be suitable for closer range combat and makes sense since it's a 1x scope. That just leaves RDS/Holo, which they SAY gives you a faster sighting time than any scope but I really haven't done a comparison myself. I believe it's possible to scale back the IRNV to a balanced level, but I'll leave it for the people who make games for a living to decide how.
yeah I'd say the main issue with the scope is presently it doesn't take account of distance. If the heat signature drop off was somehow graded that would be more acceptable. Similarly the glare from a flashlight should be much less over distance as well.
Likewise. I mean have you never been disconnected from a game before? What's the dealio?

Hi all,

We will release an update to the PC version of BF3 on Dec 6th -- that is, Tuesday morning around 8AM GMT next week. This coincides with an upgrade of many of our central systems which will be down for some hours starting around that time.

It will be both a client update -- approximately 2GB in size -- and a server update.

The client/server combination will be incompatible with older clients/servers. All players will be prompted to download the update once it has been released. All RSP companies will begin upgrading their servers at the same time.

The client update is large because it contains most of the content for Back to Karkand. This is not ideal, so we aim to make potential DLC content in the future as optional downloads.

Fixed a problem with spawn timer now showing blue border on startup and lost spawn point
Fixed a problem where player who joined queuing on End of round got spawn screen stuck on screen, but unable to do anything with it untill next round loaded
Fixed a problem where camera would change to 3rd person on killcam when killcam was turned off in server settings
Fixed stat references on several dogtags
Fixed for surveillance ribbon not counting TUGS
Fixed a missing combat area lines on the minimap for Grand Bazaar conquest small
Moved a tank spawn in US base on Caspian Border so it would not be destroyed by a falling tree
Fixed a problem where placing C4 with the russians soldier was playing US faction VO
Fixed a problem where TV guided missiles could be shot into its own helicopter and destroy it
Fixed a problem when attempting to fire lock on weapons without a target
Tweaked the chat, it should now be a bit easier to read
Fixed several vehicles that did not properly shoot rockets and guns towards their predictive sights
Fixed the G17 Supressed Laser not working properly
Added alternate HUD colors to help colorblinds
Added a network interpolation setting. This allows users with good bandwidth reduce latency, but might increase some stuttering. The user can find what works best for his connection by tweaking the slider.
Increased the Spawn protection radius on TDM
Fixed a problem with smoke on land vehicles, Missiles should now miss more often
Fixed a problem where users could end up with IRNV scope in any vehicle
Fixed a problem where player dies if vaulting over a ledge and into water while sprinting
Fixed several crashes and increased general stability
Fixed a problem where the user was unable to revive two players that have the bodies one over the other
Fixed so you can assign an axis and use as a digital input. This makes it possible for the player (on pc) to assign one of the sticks on a gameped to be used for throttle/brake.
Fixed a problem with the Kill camera acting up when suiciding from parachute
Fixed air radar was showing to much. now lasertagged, heatsignature above threshold, enemy missiles and capture points are only visible on air radar
Fixed a problem where the game would enter a technical hang if the user pressed pause menu and tilde at the same time
Fixed a problem where you could get green flashes on screen
You can now reassign cycle weapons
Fixed so the weapon zooms automatically after bipod deploy is gone when using zoom toggle
Fixed a problem where the parachute would stay stuck in air if the owner was killed

Balance Tweaks:
Fixed several weapons so they are properly suppressed and hide the player on the minimap when fired.
Tweaked Tactical Light so it is not as blinding over longer ranges.
Tweaked the IRNV scope so it is limited to usage only at close range.
Reduced heat masking effectiveness of Spec Ops Camo.
Fixed a bug where Ammo spec would give additional 40mm grenades instead of Frag spec.
Increased the number of additional 40mm grenades from Frag spec.
Fixed so AT mines only live for 20 seconds after a player dies to prevent infinite mines. (We want to make a different fix in the future, it’s in JIRA).
Increased the Time to Live on sniper caliber rounds to allow extreme distance shots.
Fixed several weapon descriptions, calibers, and fire rates. The weapons themselves have not changed.
Fixed so the M9 and MP443 pistol can be equipped by the opposing faction when it is unlocked at 100 kills.
Fixed Laser Guided Missiles missing their targets if the target is moving too fast.
Reduced the effectiveness of Stealth on Air Vehicles.
Reduced the effectiveness of Beam Scanning for Jets.
Reduced the damage done to Armored Vehicles and Infantry from AA guns.
Increased the damage RPGs and Tank shells do to AA vehicles.
Slightly decreased the accuracy for all weapons on fully automatic, burst fire is now preferable at mid to long range.
Increased the effective accuracy of long bursts for LMGs when using a bipod.
Slightly increased the range of the 44magnum bullets.
Increased the close range damage of 4.6x30mm and 5.7x28mm bullets.
Increased the reload time of the Mortar from 3.5sec to 4.8sec and increased the time it takes before a shell hits the ground.
Reduced the aimed accuracy bonus given by a Suppressor for the MP7, P90, PP2000, PP-19, and UMP45.
Increased the range and FOV for designating targets with the SOFLAM and vehicle Laser Designators.
Decreased the effectiveness of 12g FRAG ammo when equipped on semi-automatic and automatic shotguns.
Slightly Increased the power of Fighter Jet Cannons against all vehicle targets, especially Helicopters.
Decreased the power of Miniguns against Jets and Helicopters.
Increased the power of Stingers against Jets.
Flares reload times for Jets and Helicopter Gunners have been increased.
Tweaked the AN94 so its burst fire better conveys the real world advantage offered by this weapon.
Added Single Shot to the AN94 as an available fire mode.
Slightly increased the recoil on the M416 and removed the Burst Fire mode (this weapon incorrectly had burst fire, which was not authentic).
Tweaked the spawns for TDM on Kharg Island, Grand Bazaar, Caspian Border, Seine Crossing, Operation Firestorm, Damavand Peak and Noshahar Canals
Moved a tank spawn in US base on Caspian Border so it would not be destroyed by a falling tree
Tweaked the Gas station Capture area on Conquest on Caspian Border
Tweaked the max vehicle height on Noshahar Canals

Also, it will once again be possible to reduce the number of players required to start a round to 1 both in ranked and unranked mode. We changed it back after getting a lot of negative feedback from both individuals and the RSP companies.

Our plan is to introduce a warm-up mode, where players can move about and play the game, but with scoring disabled; then, when the number of players goes above the threshold -- that's when the real round starts.

Some intresting stuff here. Good to see an AA nurf tho i had no idea there was a problem with the air radar?? Thats going to be a bit annoying, wont be able to see anything wile flying around.

Edit - Oh ffs they nurfed the M416?! Thats the gun i love :( A bunch of these seem really pointless tbh.