
What do you think about beastiality

  • It's wrong and immoral.

    Votes: 120 75.9%
  • Fine by me.

    Votes: 38 24.1%

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Aug 10, 2004
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Now, beastiality is wrong because its harmful to animals, right? Namely it's painful. But what about if I screwed a cow? (With a condom on of course) Cows have extremely large assholes and farmers stick their entire arms up there all the time. I'm sure they wouldnt even feel me having sex with them, let alone find it painful.

I guess you could say that they can't consent to you doing it so it's wrong. But, they also don't consent to being eaten or owned as pets either. So I guess that argument doesn't really work.

So what do you think about large animal beastiality? Wrong or alright?

(Note I'm not asking wether or not you think it's gross. Obviously it's gross...)
It is not wrong. It is not alright.



Ikerous you so crazy.
Well, I don't know about consent or anything, but from a sanitary point of view, it's probably not the best thing out there.
It's how so many STDs came to fruition.....and AID's for that matter.
Viperidae said:
Well, I don't know about consent or anything, but from a sanitary point of view, it's probably not the best thing out there.
You could contract some kind of unknown disease, and spread it through whores and stuff.
Also, good luck with that cow. They are feisty.
Hmm, good point. Perhaps I should've said protected sex :)
I'll make the appropriate edit
hungryduck said:
It's how so many STDs came to fruition.....and AID's for that matter.
Oof. That is suuch a good point.

Beastiality, in my mind, is a form of animal cruelty. Animal cruelty is illegal and immoral. Even if it does not hurt the animal, it is still cruelty in my mind. Its difficult to describe, but it is somewhat comparable to pedophilia in that the animal does not have the mental capacity, as well as means of communication, to deny its future sexual partner :)x) from advancing.

By the way, legality and morality are two different issues. It should be illegal under the pretense that anyone who does it is probably pretty messed up in the head, on top of just generally being an immoral act of animal cruelty. It should also be illegal in response to hungryduck's point.

I see you went ahead and made the thread, then, Ikerous ;)
Erestheux said:
Oof. That is suuch a good point.

Beastiality, in my mind, is a form of animal cruelty. Animal cruelty is illegal and immoral. Even if it does not hurt the animal, it is still cruelty in my mind. Its difficult to describe, but it is somewhat comparable to pedophilia in that the animal does not have the mental capacity, as well as means of communication, to deny its future sexual partner :)x) from advancing.

By the way, legality and morality are two different issues. It should be illegal under the pretense that anyone who does it is probably pretty messed up in the head, on top of just generally being an immoral act of animal cruelty. It should also be illegal in response to hungryduck's point.

I see you went ahead and made the thread, then, Ikerous ;)
Ya, I couldn't help myself :)

And if it were illegal because you could get an STD, shouldn't human sex be illegal as well? Or perhaps make both illegal without protection? Seems like a scarey slope to go down :/

And an animal can't refuse the sexual partner as much as it can't refuse being eaten :)
And being eaten is certainly FAR worse than being sodomized.
I would have to say it's wrong.

Ikerous, I think that weed has settled deep into your brain cells...
Kamikazie said:
I would have to say it's wrong.

Ikerous, I think that weed has settled deep into your brain cells...
Maybe :D

But wrong based on what?
It shouldn't be illegal because you could get an STD, it should be illegal because it is unknown what STDs you could introduce to humans from animals. After all, AIDs was only found in monkeys before someone shared blood with it, or had sex with it, or something. And that itself is not the sole reason for its illegality.

Perhaps being eaten is far worse, but then why bother with any animal cruelty laws for animals that are going to be eaten? I like to pretend that there are such laws and they are enforced vigerously. :/

The pet thing makes a lot more sense, but since dogs and cats have been breeded until almost completely dependant on humans, well, there's not much choice there. I definately think that household pets should be kept from reproducing, but that is another story.
Bestiality is wrong. Firstly from the basic fact that it's completey ****ed up and disgusting. Secondly you are seriously ****ed in the head if you want to have sex with a cow. Thirdly it's so incredibly wrong on multiple levels.

But most important of all, you aren't going to produce any offspring having sex with a cow. From a survival point of view, it's incorrect.

Now i'm as human as the next guy, and have of course googled for "girl and horse sex" just out of curiosity. Girls choosing horses over human men for their carnal pleasures. It seems strangely Japanese, almost unreal. But there it is. A woman and a horse.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
Mr-Fusion said:
But most important of all, you aren't going to produce any offspring having sex with a cow. From a survival point of view, it's incorrect.
So under that justification, anyone who has sex for pleasure without the intent of producing offspring is "incorrect?" (As in, using a condom or having oral or anal sex, or in any other way attempting to not get pregnant.)

I don't think sex should be banned unless its purpose is solely procreation...
It's wrong because it's torturing the animals. If you think about it you're raping them...which is wrong last time I checked.
Erestheux said:
So under that justification, anyone who has sex for pleasure without the intent of producing offspring is "incorrect?" (As in, using a condom or having oral or anal sex.)

I don't think sex should be banned unless its purpose is solely procreation...

You could accidentally pullout. :O
Erestheux said:
It shouldn't be illegal because you could get an STD, it should be illegal because it is unknown what STDs you could introduce to humans from animals. After all, AIDs was only found in monkeys before someone shared blood with it, or had sex with it, or something. And that itself is not the sole reason for its illegality.
Good reason
Erestheux said:
Perhaps being eaten is far worse, but then why bother with any animal cruelty laws for animals that are going to be eaten? I like to pretend that there are such laws and they are enforced vigerously. :/
Animals cruelty protects animals from pain. Even if they're going to die, its best they die in the least painful way. Beastiality wouldn't involve any pain
Erestheux said:
The pet thing makes a lot more sense, but since dogs and cats have been breeded until almost completely dependant on humans, well, there's not much choice there. I definately think that household pets should be kept from reproducing, but that is another story.
Same with cows or chickens or horses being kept on farms. Or snakes. A lot of animals aren't dependent on us to survive yet we keep them for various reasons.
Kamikazie said:
It's wrong because it's torturing the animals. If you think about it you're raping them...which is wrong last time I checked.
Torture implies pain :/
A cow would barely even be able to feel it
Pff, we already discussed this, and I already said I needed to go to bed :p

Cruelty isn't neccesarily limited to physical pain, but also emotional pain and suffering. Its not possible to determine what is crossing the animal's mind when you do it in the buttz.

We keep animals on farms with the intent of eating them or using them somehow. This is by far the best case for beastiality I've seen, and I have to say, I can't really form a good argument against it. But I guess, what is worse? Slavery, or slavery + sexual slavery. Heh.
Erestheux said:
Pff, we already discussed this, and I already said I needed to go to bed :p

Cruelty isn't neccesarily limited to physical pain, but also emotional pain and suffering. Its not possible to determine what is crossing the animal's mind when you do it in the buttz.

We keep animals on farms with the intent of eating them or using them somehow. This is by far the best case for beastiality I've seen, and I have to say, I can't really form a good argument against it. But I guess, what is worse? Slavery, or slavery + sexual slavery. Heh.
Heh, the second is definitely worse
But if the first is perfectly fine, then it implies the second is as well

And the emotional pain argument I'm uncertain about :/
Do you honestly think a cow would be scarred for life if i screwed it in the ass?
I just don't see it having the mental capacity to understand it was being degraded
Unlike the pedophile example where the child would grow up with the shame of what happened
But I guess if cows feel shame, you just might be right
Ikerous said:
Do you honestly think a cow would be scarred for life if i screwed it in the ass?
No, but I would :p

Doesn't have to be scarred for life, either, it just has to endure emotional pain and suffering. When you beat a cow, it doesn't neccesarily need a permanent physical scar to be considered animal cruelty.
Erestheux said:
No, but I would :p
D: i thought you loved me

Oh, and I edited my post to clarify it a bit
But that's really all I can think of on the issue :/

I just don't see a cow being emotionally damaged by it...
I mean, we stick our arms up there for random reasons and they don't seem faded in the slightest
I doubt they'd understand that one is medical and one is for pleasure
Ikerous said:
I mean, we stick our arms up there for random reasons and they don't seem faded in the slightest
They don't? I don't know who sticks their arms up cow butts, but it sounds weird, and the images coming to my head are not friendly ones! :(
I see it on tv a lot :/
Discovery channel etc

And theres no way they'd know what was going on to be ashamed of it or to be emotionally scarred :/
Especially since they probably wouldn't even notice it happening
Erestheux said:
So under that justification, anyone who has sex for pleasure without the intent of producing offspring is "incorrect?" (As in, using a condom or having oral or anal sex, or in any other way attempting to not get pregnant.)

I don't think sex should be banned unless its purpose is solely procreation...
Please don't take my post seriously.

Please, we're in a thread about bestiality.
From the animal's point of view definitely wrong.

From the human's point of view, who gives a rat's ass.
Get it? Rat's ass? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: I crack myself up
You have to duct tape rats before you **** em or they'll explode.

Not that i condone such activities...
This is a disgusting thread. Beastality? Repulsive on all levels. We **** nature enough as it is, without people actually out there ****ing them.
I find your avatar amusingly appropriate
Although your argument quite lacking
Ikerous said:
I find your avatar amusingly appropriate
Although your argument quite lacking

What argument do I need to give? It's unnatural. Species are designed to mate with other species. Beyond that, we've developed high intelligence that we can know the impact of our actions on other creatures, whether they are aware of them on a higher level or not.

Having sex with an animal isn't just about pain. If you went with that logic, you could go have sex with any person out there without their consent, because it WOULD be pleasurable for them unless you were violent and rough. It doesn't make it any more right that the creature is an animal and not a human. They are not there for our sexual gratification. If you are so keen on pleasuring yourself, have sex with a watermelon or other such thing.

Animals have their dignity too, you know. I don't see why anybody would think otherwise, and choose to humiliate the poor things or endanger them in any way by forcing them to have sex.
Raziaar said:
What argument do I need to give? It's unnatural. Species are designed to mate with other species. Beyond that, we've developed high intelligence that we can know the impact of our actions on other creatures, whether they are aware of them on a higher level or not.
Unnatural isn't an argument :/
Check all the homosexuality threads in politics for why
Raziaar said:
Having sex with an animal isn't just about pain. If you went with that logic, you could go have sex with any person out there without their consent, because it WOULD be pleasurable for them unless you were violent and rough. It doesn't make it any more right that the creature is an animal and not a human. They are not there for our sexual gratification. If you are so keen on pleasuring yourself, have sex with a watermelon or other such thing.
Humans have a whole lot more rights than animals do. For example it's perfectly fine to kill and eat animals where it would be an awful thing to do to a human. It's also perfectly fine to own an animal and not a human. I can't see any reason why it'd be wrong to do this to an animal if both of those are perfectly acceptable. (Assuming there wouldn't be any pain involved)
Raziaar said:
Animals have their dignity too, you know. I don't see why anybody would think otherwise, and choose to humiliate the poor things or endanger them in any way by forcing them to have sex.
Animals lick their balls in public :/ I'm not realy sure about dignity..
It seems much more of a human trait
I also can't imagine a cow feeling humiliated
Beastiality is completely different than Homosexuality, Ikerous. We're not talking different sexes, we're talking different species.

What more argument do I have to give other than the consent argument? Not to mention the damage that can be caused to animals. Human on human anal intercourse can cause tissue tearing and resulting infection... other animals are not impervious to this. Just because they may not feel high levels of pain, they will still feel discomfort and possible tissue damage/infection/disease.

There is no line really when it comes down to the murder of animals for food, so I cannot argue on that point, but with our morality and conscience, how can you possibly feel justified in the act of beastiality? Why do you seek to prove it to be an acceptible thing... to smash the taboo. Why?

Frankly, I don't have any respect for people who hold this viewpoint. Poor animals. :-/
Beastiality is completely different than Homosexuality, Ikerous. We're not talking different sexes, we're talking different species.
I was simply addressing the basis that unnatural = wrong which isn't true
What more argument do I have to give other than the consent argument?
Animals don't consent to being eaten or owned :/ I really dont see why they should have to here
Not to mention the damage that can be caused to animals.
We're talking about cows... if it's perfectly healthy for someone to stick their entire ARM up its butt, I'm pretty sure there won't be any damage caused by a penis...
And as long as it's protected sex theres no need to worry about diseases
Simply put for you Ikerous... Humans forcing animals into sex, is abuse.
Well.. ya...
One of the definitions of abuse is "To force sexual activity on"
But that doesn't explain why it's wrong...

Animal abuse is generally considered wrong because it's cruel to cause pain to animals
And i completely agree with that

And forced sex is usually wrong because of consent issues, emotional tolls or physical harm
None of which apply in this case
Ugh. I'm not dealing with this anymore. Disgusting. I just can't see any merit of a thread such as this.
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