Because we love Alyx...

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When I press the use key on alyx she makes facal expressions like that Charming smile @ me(Gordon), sometimes raising eyebrows, and also beside's making facal expressions.....alyx also says stuff like...."Whats wrong?", "Mm Hm", "Yeah!", "You dont look so good" (wise crack).

I liked when Alyx said "Is Dr. Kliener telling everybody to....Get Busy"


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Whilst Alyx is quite likeable and fun to have around in Ep 1, especially with her magic shotty (one shell goes in, 6 come out!) with the cool reload anim, my war movie logic tells me she's being set up for a fall.
The only way she "should" die would be like this......Gordon & Alyx are in a tunnel surrounded by combine and alyx and Gordon put up a valent fight, Alyx gets shot in the stomach then falls but Gordon is victorious and survives, but Gordon Quickly goes to alyx's aid Hold her hand tight, Gordon conforts her and says "you be alright, a medic will be here soon", then Alyx says to Gordon "Gordon...Since this is the end for me, I want to tell you something, Gordon...I Love you! I've always had, goodbye gordaaaaaaan! Her last words would be.

But then again I think Gordon should be a Martyr, and alyx crying because that would be touching.
I hope alyx dies in an incredibly anticlimactic way.

*Gordon and Alyx destroy the Combine base together*
*A powercore shot by an elite vapourises her*
*Gordon must escape on his own*
ríomhaire said:
I hope alyx dies in an incredibly anticlimactic way.

*Gordon and Alyx destroy the Combine base together*
*A powercore shot by an elite vapourises her*
*Gordon must escape on his own*

No, VALVe would do it off-screen, making us have to "speculate" whether she actually died or not.
Alyx is cool and all but I still prefer to be a brooding lone wolf action super hero.
ríomhaire said:
I hope alyx dies in an incredibly anticlimactic way.

*Gordon and Alyx destroy the Combine base together*
*A powercore shot by an elite vapourises her*
*Gordon must escape on his own*
Wow. That *IS* Anti-climatic :D. Short of having her break her ankle and suddenly fall over dead I suppose :p
Alyx should be forcefully assimilated into the Combine.

Eli: Alyx, thank God you're alright!
Eli: Baby, no!
um eh, This topic says Because we love alyx, NOT how we want to see alyx die, alyx haters leave plz.

I still want alyx to admit her feeling towards Mr. Freeman, if its one way or the other.
Alyx won't die! She'll just be Combine!

I guess you could either kill her or win her back with the sheer power of love. Or something.
Same thing you kill her, blah blah blah.....The point is this topic says because we love alyx, I see that's how YOU love alyx I can see.

anyways, After alyx admits her feeling towards gordon and dies, I can imagine devastated Gordon, and He is carrying her as he's walking, and then he goes to a medic asks if they can take good care of her and bring her to a vortigaunt, Meanwhile Gorodn then picks up two Shotguns, a shotgun in each hand, and goes all beserk on the Combine like a crazy Gordon. then drops the two Shottys and picks up two MP7's its a kill fest.
You can love a stalker if you want, hehe.

But personally I want the relationship between alyx & gordon to end like: 1) Alyx's last words are 'I love you' or
2) Gordon becomes a martyr and alyx cry's her heart out and says to eli 'I never got a chance to tell Gordon how I truely feel'.

Either of them would be extremely touching.
I wish that too and Alyx & Gordon could 'get busy' like kliener said, And also when they're kids grow up They will work for the Gman.

Sound good?
Crowbar-at-hand said:
I wish that too and Alyx & Gordon could 'get busy' like kliener said, And also when they're kids grow up They will work for the Gman.

Sound good?

Nah, it'd be very strange indeed if their kids worked for him, considering Alyx and Gordon by the end of EpIII team-up with crowbars to take down the G-Man. Maybe a Vortigaunt could pose as a nanny for them however?

(And then G-Man could just come back and try to kidnap them or something, and drive away on a Magical Hovercraft).
If Alyx dies, I'll be very pissed. She's an extremely likable character.
If Alyx wasn’t enough of a driving force for Gordon, I could only image what Valve could do with emotionally attaching you to her and Gordon’s child.

They have shown us before (Rather recently actually...) that they are quite talented with invoking emotional attachment to NPCs.

Perhaps that’s what Half-Life might focus on after they finish with their ‘episodic’ releases. For I have a feeling the Half-Life saga cannot be told in two main games and three episodes.
Too expansive. Far too expansive...
We know she does'nt die in ep2 according to PC Gamer interview with Valve.

But it is unknow how she survive's.

The relationship between alyx and Gordon is strong, and the bond is tight. Valve only said that the three episodes will count as HL3, but its not the end, there's still alot more story to tell, simply put.

And when alyx & Gordon have their first child, It will be a defining moment for the HL series, some thing we have'nt experience in a FPS, let alone the HL games, truely touching and emotional.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
You can love a stalker if you want, hehe.

But personally I want the relationship between alyx & gordon to end like: 1) Alyx's last words are 'I love you' or
2) Gordon becomes a martyr and alyx cry's her heart out and says to eli 'I never got a chance to tell Gordon how I truely feel'.

Either of them would be extremely touching.
God no, one of the great things about HL is that there are few clichés.
IMO, Valve did a superb job with making you getting attached to certain characters, I agree with Neko, and also I cannot stress enough that the relationship between alyx & Gordon will have not limitations meaning, Ep3 is not that last we see of them, Half life has so much more story left in the franchise, and When I see see Gordon & Alyx first born, it will make you say Oh, would you look at that! amaze you.

P.S I feel sorry for the ppl that dont think this way either.
99.vikram said:
/episode 3 ends
/cut to Alyx-Gordon wedding.
No, because Valve don't force a persona/feelings on the player.
I'm surprised that it sounds like many of you have not played thru the additional
commentary tracks Valve put in. They provide a lot of insight into the work that
was done to make Alyx (and the rest of Eps 1) more realistic, and the kinds of design
changes they went thru to make her more of an ally than a hanger on.

Those who call her a "noob", consider that all the years Gordon was in stasis between
HL1 and HL2, she was being raised in the events following the Resonance Cascade, and
has spent most of her adult life as a resistance figher against the Combine. The whole
point of having her around is because Gordon is the noob when it comes to knowing about
the combine and what happened to the world since Black Mesa.

It is very unlikely (to me) that they would kill Alyx off that easily in Episode 2,
for several reasons...

One of them being that she is still carrying a copy of the combine transmission that they
were so desperate to not let you escape with. After seeing what she can take in E1,
anything that could kill Alyx outright would also destroy that data. And it will probably
be an important plot point to have her reveal the secret of what than message contains.

Gordon doesn't know where Eli Vance and Dr. Kleiner are headquartered now, so Alyx is the
logical choice to at least give him directions to get there. Which implies they both survive
at least long enough to start down that path. That also holds true for the way to the artic
base when Mossman was under attack.

Plus we already know that Valve has a habit of putting dialog over scenes or in a sequence
of the trailer where it does not necessarily belong. So the statement by the Vortigaunt
may have nothing to do with Alyx's fate whatsoever.
On the line that the Vorty speaks of, yeah, I kind of felt that wasn't something they'd really say at that point, since you can here them say it in HL2, long before Ep1 (Well, in our lives at least).
Valve Hinted that alyx is still alive in ep2 with the recent interview with PC Gamer, here's a quote from valve------"She's at gordon's side for most in ep1, though she's seen less in ep2, her Role remains important, and her character continue's to enjoy a deeper level of development Than any other in the game-including Gordon himself" a quote by valve of course.

According to PC Gamer magazine, Alyx manages to survive the cliff hanger, but it is unknown how she survive's.

Here's an article i found while browsing other forums-----

So this is'nt the end for alyx, because she has to have gordons kids
In episode 1, after alyx killed a zombie, A headcrab jumped and attacked alyx, Then alyx made screechiong noice, sort of like eeeek noice, like she was being raped.
I will be honest I have always found Alyx annoying, except in aftermath. The way she always throws you those embarassing looks, damn her. ALthough I do have to say..................... She is fit. Damn it how can I get involved with a pixellated woman, throw me a line here people. The one thing I do love about Alyx though is her combat hardiness, do you know of any woman who fights zombies without fear in their eyes....................... I thought not.

Though if we were to get involved we would have to get rid of that annoying dog, dismantle him or something.
Alyx was certainly more 3 dimensional as a character this time around. I'm looking forward to the continual development of her throughout ep2-3.
So am I she just seemed to be a person throwing you nervous looks and was annoying in the first, though now we see her fleshing out, I hope we see some flesh............. I mean............. Yes.......... No one saw that did they.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
(Valve's hints)

That might be a spoiler to some people. And what the hell is with 'Gordon's kids'? You know, just because she belongs to the other gender doesn't mean something has to... uh... happen.

Crowbar-at-hand said:
In episode 1, after alyx killed a zombie, A headcrab jumped and attacked alyx, Then alyx made screechiong noice, sort of like eeeek noice, like she was being raped.

You're scary. And don't double post.
In episode 1, after alyx killed a zombie, A headcrab jumped and attacked alyx, Then alyx made screechiong noice, sort of like eeeek noice, like she was being raped.

If I were to scream, would I be raped? D:
To me they way she screamed, was weird, in the captions it said "Schriek", IDK.

the only reason I double posted because It timed out to edit my post, Hmmmm reminds me of Filefront, anyways sry bout that.

But come on, When She says "ewww this waters nasty, Got room for two in there", and "Is Dr. Kliener telling every one to get busy", I can only wonder what Gordon would say If he had a mouth.

Gordon & Alyx need to save the world population by helping to re-populate it.

Sry if I'am scaring some.
No, by all means, continue!! :D *gets ready for sechs*

Why are all Alyx haters attracted to this thread?
Beats the hell out of me, why they come here, guess they Really hate alyx.

I think anyone would know (with the exception of people 12 or younger) that Alyx has feelings for Gordon, which I think of as unusual because he never talks but ehh. I guess she likes the strong, silent type. I'm just wondering what Valve mean't by "further development" with Alyx in Episode 2.

bigburpco said:
That might be a spoiler to some people. And what the hell is with 'Gordon's kids'? You know, just because she belongs to the other gender doesn't mean something has to... uh... happen.

Why not? It is just human nature. We’re born and designed to perform only a few instinctual tasks; live, find food, protect the others within their clan, and when possible, Repopulate.
Alyx and Gordon are both the age to do so, and they seem a well enough match to breed. They also seem to like one another, which would help greatly in raising their offspring.
Personally, I see no reason why it would appear ‘freighting’ to think of the two having children. We assume people are couples everyday in our lives, why not in a game?
The only reason someone may not find this such a rousing topic is because they are A: too young to breed and thus, this topic has no interest to them what so ever, or B: Their views on reproduction have been altered by their parents. Because as deeply driven as Instinct can be, so can rules and morels put on us by are parents. After all, they have thought us how to survive, so why not trust them to know how we should reproduce?

Thought I could argue otherwise, I believe my rant has gone on long enough. Perhaps another day?

99.vikram said:
Why are all Alyx haters attracted to this thread?

The lack of more interesting topics to post in I do suppose…
I don't know whats so scary about alyx & Gordon having kids, common.
Like neko said, Its perfectly natural and I dont see anything wrong with it, especially with the combine oppression, why not?

Tell me why its so scary, are you 12, still have'nt Discovered the Good things in life, well all I can say is Suck to be you.
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