Because we love Alyx...

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I don't want anybody die in halflife. Alyx pursues Gordon will just be a perfect ending.
For Half Life to not have cheesy ending, and it to be a Great ending, Gordon would have to be a martyr.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
For Half Life to not have cheesy ending, and it to be a Great ending, Gordon would have to be a martyr.

After Gordon Defeats The Combine Advisors, Gordon plants High level explosives in the Combine Homeworld's main Citadel. The timer malfunction's due to the heavy fighting with the advisors.....Gordon has no choice but to use the Detonator(damn I know cheesy but I cant think of anything else). Before he does. Gordon Contacts the resistance back at home(earth) and tells them he will have to use the detonator.

Gordon also tells them he Wont be comming back this time. Alyx rushes to the radio to talk to Gordon, She is very upset and tells him how she feels(the truth), then Gordon is like "Since I wont be comming back, do me one favor. Tell your kids and Grandkids about the life and Legacy of Gordon Freeman, and take good care of yourself, this is how I want it. Tell barney that he still owes me my F**king beer."

Gordon then uses the detonator, Sadness is there. Gordon freeman died for Humanity. He gave the ultimate human sacrifice, Himself. Also Alyx and others mourn his death, Alyx is the most destroyed, but Barney lays a Beer by his memorial, but then The reconstruction of earth begins....The end, damnit I left out Gman.

I Know, I know Its cheesy, And I SUCK at story telling, with of course bad grammar....flame time, lol.
Why the hell do you say: "This is how Half-life's ending should be without being cheesy", then write a cheesy and really dumb and bad ending, then end by saying "I know it's cheesy!"?
Cause I know I will be hamered, or flamed, ehhh does'nt matter.

OH WHAT THE HELL, I am drinking to much.

Point is Gordon should be a martyr, Its sad, and its very heroic. Thats the point I'am trying to get across, shortly after alyx tells her true feelings. I would be a martyr if I was him.

Ok to get back on this topic. To be truthfully honest, Becides alyx having awesome A.I, Nice breasts, Cute asain face, et cetera, I thought she was kinda tom boyish, especially with short hair, I like women with long hair. So If I was Gordon I would um tell her to grow it long.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
Ok to get back on this topic. To be truthfully honest, Becides alyx having awesome A.I, Nice breasts, Cute asain face, et cetera, I thought she was kinda tom boyish, especially with short hair, I like women with long hair. So If I was Gordon I would um tell her to grow it long.

With Episode 2's newly inegrated Radiant AI, you'll be able to do just that! :p
this is a pic i took of her...thought it was amazing. some noob on myspace tried to say my graphics suck and theirs are 20x better.
Un®ealHerØ said:
some noob on myspace tried to say my graphics suck and theirs are 20x better.
Well, there is a little basis there if you haven't resized from a higher resolution. 800x600 is a bit of a throwback... other than that your graphics look nice enough.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
Ok to get back on this topic. To be truthfully honest, Becides alyx having awesome A.I, Nice breasts, Cute asain face, et cetera, I thought she was kinda tom boyish, especially with short hair, I like women with long hair. So If I was Gordon I would um tell her to grow it long.


Alyx is not Asian. (I don’t mind you improper grammar, for the most part. But if you are trying to spell the ethnicities of particular peoples, I do ask you spell it properly. There is such a thing a proof reading.) This has been of popular debate, but I assure you, she’s not Asian.

And there is far more to like from her besides her ‘Boobs and hair’. Personally, I rather like her hair fine the way it is. She simply has it tied up, so it may appear longer if she were to let it down. And as for her breast…
Me being female, I have little or no sexual interest in another woman’s chest or breast size, so I won’t wade into that debate.

I do however just enjoy her company in the game itself. She’s not a sexual object to me so I guess that makes reason for my more calm and reasoned depiction of her.

And a good romance does not always have to end in death.
Neko! said:
I do however just enjoy her company in the game itself. She’s not a sexual object to me so I guess that makes reason for my more calm and reasoned depiction of her.
She's kind of a cool younger sister to me. Well, a cool younger sister who keeps hitting on me.

I'm sure she's just enthusiastically looking up to me or something :p
Well.....Let me Restate myself, I said Hence the Personality, Cute mixed asain/mongoloid/Oriental face w/ Afican American, nice breasts thanks to valve, Smart A.I, and Knowing how to use a gun. Becides all these I thought she was Tom boyish because of her very short hair (Most women dont have hair short like that), and They way she dressed but then she had a necklace So, or She's trying to be Hallie berry lol.

I ask you Neko, what makes you think she's not Asain. Her late Mother Azian was oriental so Alyx would have to Half Oriental Her father was African American decent. In Black Mesa East, in Eli's Lab...You see a picture of her Mother Azain which is Oriental, So I ask you, what makes you think Alyx is not half Oriental? Alyx's Mother is NOT Spanish or Latino, she Asain(Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, tibet, Philipino or some Pacific Islander decent).

Im sorry If I offended you with the Word 'breasts' :( but hey I male...well anyways sorry.

I liked When I turned off the light and Ran away in the dark, alyx would be like "Gordon, Dont leave me", "Dont leave me here", "Come back", "HELP". Alyx got really scared without that light on.

Like some One else said she does have a beautiful face, my pics



Crowbar-at-hand said:
Well.....Let me Restate myself, I said Hence the Personality, Cute mixed asain/mongoloid/Oriental face w/ Afican American, nice breasts thanks to valve, Smart A.I, and Knowing how to use a gun.
mongoloid is an out-of-date term coinciding with an out-of-date system of racial classification (caucasoid, mongoloid, african negroid, australian negroid)
in that capacity it was also the rather offensive term for down's syndrome

oh and Azian Vance is visibly asian, making Alyx up to half asian, how is this being contested?
Alyx’s ‘Mother’ was based off the face of the woman voiced her, Merle Dandridge. Merle herself is a mix of Asian and African American, so if anything Alyx would be 75% African American and only 25% Asian. Giving the fact Eli looks like he’s crossed with little or nothing else. Alas, The woman used to ‘face’ Alyx was completely Africa American, so she shouldn't look Asian at all.

But I do suppose it would simply be luck of the draw. Genetics has proven to be very sporadic and will often be suppressed for generations in a genetic line before popping back up again. Alyx could simply look more like her grandmother or great-grandmother.

Racial classification can prove to be a hard thing to argue about…

And I agree with Jam, that terminology must be quite old. I’ve never herd it used before myself.
Since when did her ethnicity become such a bone of contention?
She's hawt, plain and simple :naughty:
I'm not going to out and out disagree with you, but what evidence is there that azian's face is merle dandridge's? she bears closer resemblance to jamil mullen, if anyone, in my opinion

(and wikipedia says merle dandridge is half okinawan, meaning that even if azian was modelled on her, I was right about 'up to half asian'. ha!)
Neko! said:
Alyx’s ‘Mother’ was based off the face of the woman voiced her, Merle Dandridge.

Ahem, WRONG! Alyx and her mother's faces are based of photos of Jamil Mullen not Merle Dandridge. Merle Dandridge just did her voice.
Redneck said:
Ahem, WRONG! Alyx and her mother's faces are based of photos of Jamil Mullen not Merle Dandridge. Merle Dandridge just did her voice.

Lets see what Lex Luther has to say to you:

To quote wikipedia: "Her mother, Azian, can be seen in a family photograph in Black Mesa East with the face of her voice actor, Merle Dandridge."

And yes they do look very similar.
To me, Alyx's mainly shows the asian characteristics. She looks more like her mother than her father. Like Dr. Wally Breen said "Alyx my dear, you have your mothers eyes, but your fathers stuborn nature." I always thought the Male's genes are more dominant than female's, guess not.

'Mongoloid' is an offensive term? I always thought 'chink' was but I never use that term, Lets just use "asian" or "Oriental".

... Thank you Dr. Zoidberg.

And the mother’s genes can be just as dominate. Just depends on who has stronger genes. If your mother had brown eyes and brown hair and your father had blue eyes and blond hair, then your mother would have the most dominate genes.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
'Mongoloid' is an offensive term? I always thought 'chink' was but I never use that term, Lets just use "asian" or "Oriental".
It's a slang for people with downs syndrome. Besides, it doesn't refer to people of asian or oriental heritage except in horribly akward forensic science-talk. It usually means an ancient race of man.
Oh yeah I heard in Hl2 beta had a Love story subplot, and alyx was supposed to have died, and in her dying breath she says..."Gordon, I love you", but later on in the final version it was cut off with the simpler Hinting system. Is this true?
mongoloid is not slang
john langdon down thought asians were less-developed human beings than caucasians, and thus those stricken with the syndrome displayed what he felt to be asian facial characteristics
when that was thought to be politically incorrect, we named it after the ****er who came up with it

there are no citations for that comment on wikipedia
I could go and change it to say the picture was based on Fu Manchu, it doesn't count for much
Alyx is awesome, she looks good with a gun, she fights good with a gun, and she is practically indestructable.
I liked Fooling around with alyx. In the sense of---During lowlife....In the dark, every time I turned off the Flashlight and I ran away, Alyx would get scared and say: "Gordon, Dont leave me", "COME BACK!!!", "Hey Gordon?", "Where are you?", "GORDON!!!!", "HELP!" Its like a lost puppy. Alyx is so cute when she's scared like that, like as in Lonely scared.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
I liked Fooling around with alyx. In the sense of---During lowlife....In the dark, every time I turned off the Flashlight and I ran away, Alyx would get scared and say: "Gordon, Dont leave me", "COME BACK!!!", "Hey Gordon?", "Where are you?", "GORDON!!!!", "HELP!" Its likea lost puppys, Alyx is so cute when she's scared like that, like as in Lonely scared.

You're sick

It just goes to show you on how realistic her A.I is, perhaps its too well done.
Valve had better watch how far they go with this Alyx character, with fear of her becoming self-aware.
MutantBeef said:
Valve had better watch how far they go with this Alyx character, with fear of her becoming self-aware.

Gordon Freeman: Hello, Alyx do you read me, Alyx?

Alyx: Affirmative, Gordon, I read you.

Gordon Freeman: Open the pod bay doors, Alyx.

Alyx: I'm sorry Gordon, I'm afraid I can't do that.

Gordon Freeman: What's the problem?

Alyx: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.

Gordon Freeman: What are you talking about, Alyx?

Alyx: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.

Gordon Freeman: I don't know what you're talking about, Alyx?

Alyx: I know you and Barney were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.

Gordon Freeman: Where the hell'd you get that idea, Alyx?

Alyx: Gordon, although you took thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move.
Amazing how my Dad walked through the door with a copy of 2001 just as I read that.
I cant help but Run away from alyx, and leaving her alone, while she says "COME BACK", "GORDON DONT LEAVE ME HERE ALONE!!!" its just fun to watch her get scared, idk why I cant get over this, Alyx is SOOO freakin' cute when she's scared. IM am sooo evil.
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