Best. Movie. Ever.

I was going to say that, but I thought it would be too obvious.
Manos: Hand of Fate

10 pounds to who remembers.

Torgo Remembers. Torgo Remembers All.
My favorite movie would probably be Boondock Saints. Seriously love that movie.

I don't have near enough taste, authority, or experience to say what the best movie ever is.
If you did, you'd name Citizen Kane, which I thought was quite a bore.
Independent: Pi
Adventure: The Princess Bride
Comedy: The Big Lebowski
Science Fiction: Chronicles of Riddick Directors Cut (Yes, I am serious)
Lawrence of Arabia, 2001: A Space Oddyssey, Stalker, Being John Malkovich, and Adaptation.

That is all.
Space Oddysey is shit tbh.

It really is, it's probably the most boring 'movie' I have ever tried watching.
Jesus Christ, it feels like a god damn wild life documentary for the first hour.
It really is, it's probably the most boring 'movie' I have ever tried watching.
Jesus Christ, it feels like a god damn wild life documentary for the first hour.

*Elkaebee calms himself, secure in the knowledge that justice will be dispensed appropriately*
It really is, it's probably the most boring 'movie' I have ever tried watching.
Jesus Christ, it feels like a god damn wild life documentary for the first hour.

Pretty much this.

As for my best movie pics:

Adventure - Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark
Action - Terminator 2
Comedy - The Party (1968)
Sci-Fi - Dark City
Horror - In the mouth of madness
Pineapple Express, Space Quest
Romancing the Stone, Jewel of Nile, Amelie
DOOM (it's real shoot'em up), Die Hard
Men In Black I-II, Ghostbusters I-II
The Phantom of the Opera

and I'm waiting for Fanboys movie...
Pineapple Express, Space Quest
Romancing the Stone, Jewel of Nile, Amelie
DOOM (it's real shoot'em up), Die Hard
Men In Black I-II, Ghostbusters I-II
The Phantom of the Opera

and I'm waiting for Fanboys movie...
Horror - In the mouth of madness
I'm a Lovecraft fanatic, but that's still kind of baffling to me. Is Sam Neil just horrifying to you or did the whole thing just click?
Movie. Singular.

Grow a pair and choose, maggots!
Pretty much this.

As for my best movie pics:

Adventure - Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark

Last Crusade is better.

I'm taking back my first comment and submitting that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Original Movie is the best movie ever.
I'm a Lovecraft fanatic, but that's still kind of baffling to me. Is Sam Neil just horrifying to you or did the whole thing just click?

I'm not a Lovecraft fan, and if I was to choose a horror movie that actually did scare me I would leave it blank. I just liked the story, and Sam Neil is one of my favorite actors.

Last Crusade is better.

Not as far as I'm concerned.
Last Crusade is better.

Last Crusade suffers from something that seems to be a recurring feature of Indiana Jones movies: A horrible ending. Only the first movie didn't have that. Last Crusade was awesome, the ending just sucked.
What the hell was wrong with the ending?
What was wrong with the ending in last crusade?

The only one that had a bad ending really was the fourth one but then again EVERYTHING was bad about the 4th film.
Last Crusade suffers from something that seems to be a recurring feature of Indiana Jones movies: A horrible ending. Only the first movie didn't have that. Last Crusade was awesome, the ending just sucked.
Personally I thought that Last Crusade was the only Indiana movie that had a good ending.
Just 1? pfft.

Name of the Rose
Pulp Fiction
The Thing
Raiders of the lost Ark
Brotherhood of the Wolf
First Blood
The Shining
The Abyss
Lord of the Rings

in no particular order.

But prolly LOTR.
For a guy who's named Crom, I really only expected one movie to be on your list.
'Lesbian Vampire Killers'
Its not even out in the cinema yet, but with a name like that its got to be awesome. right?
The Conan movies displease me.

goddam it nothing pleases you Crom. deeds in your name, prayer, virgin sacrifices (I hear is a virgin goldmine)

I'm going back to worshipping Yag-kosha
that title sucks (pun!)'s also confusing it descriptive? "Lesbians, Vampires, killers" ..are the lesbians vampires? or just lesbians who kill vampires?