Better then the HL2 characters?

Which i agreed with you on that it probably is in game due to the recently written rendering and graphics changes to the engine.

Edit: fixed a speeling arror
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Look at the picture attached, tell me it looks exactly the same as the first picture. It doesn't. It's ingame, and it looks very much similar to the other MoH games' faces. It's a bad scan, but you can instantly tell it's not as detailed as our supposed "ingame shot" from the first post.

Well you want me to go get a screen of G-man from miles away and then compare it to G-man from the tech demonstration of his face close up? That's a poor comparison.

Whether the face was pre-rendered or not. Your comparison in that case was pointless.
Again. Repeat this to yourself: even YOU can make a 3d face that looks BETTER than that. Making it is not the hard part (animating it is hard, but we'll forget that for a second: it's hard because it's a lot of gruntwork and experience): it's making it look good AND fit into a particular level of performance.
Originally posted by Lifthz
Well you want me to go get a screen of G-man from miles away and then compare it to G-man from the tech demonstration of his face close up? That's a poor comparison.

Whether the face was pre-rendered or not. Your comparison in that case was pointless.

Give me a break. It's obvious that their faces are just the same-old MoH:AA ones, maybe with slight improvements, but they'll never be like in the first post.
Comparing shots of MOH without more info doesn't make much sense, there's been enough discussion of the different builds of source and hl2 on these boards to prove that, surely.
Originally posted by Apos
Again. Repeat this to yourself: even YOU can make a 3d face that looks BETTER than that. Making it is not the hard part (animating it is hard, but we'll forget that for a second: it's hard because it's a lot of gruntwork and experience): it's making it look good AND fit into a particular level of performance.

Yeah. Nothing LOD can't handle though. Also again, it's not like the whole model is looking that good.

Originally posted by Abom|nation
Give me a break. It's obvious that their faces are just the same-old MoH:AA ones, maybe with slight improvements, but they'll never be like in the first post.

Alright. Again, maybe true. But how do you know this yet? :)
Um--When looking at the first render when compared to the in-game shots of the can clearly tell that the helmet is different in well as the side of the face. I am not doubting that the render is in real-time...but I am doubting that those pictures show off the render as an in-game playable.
I highly doubt the Medal Of Honor engine could render a face like that in-game. How could this "new" engine be that much better when it's based on the quake 3 engine!?
Originally posted by Lifthz
Yeah. Nothing LOD can't handle though. Also again, it's not like the whole model is looking that good.

Alright. Again, maybe true. But how do you know this yet? :)

I don't, but how do you know that the first post image is an ingame capture? You don't. This is why all this arguing is pointless.
I didn't say I did, I pointed out reasons why I think it might not be though. I made that clear. However i'm trying to say you can't discredit it yet.
How could this "new" engine be that much better when it's based on the quake 3 engine!?

Increase the polygon count, bump up the texture resolution, and code in shader support. Bing!
Here's what Gamespot said about the games engine: (and no they didn't say it's the Quake III engine if you read...)

"A lot of new technology is going into Pacific Assault to make the planned gameplay possible. Although parts of the engine are still based on Quake III technology, the EA team has completely rewritten the renderer to make the game competitive with next year's visual standards. The engine will support a lot more objects onscreen to allow for dramatic scenes like Pearl Harbor, and the terrain engine has been redone to make way for large outdoor environments. There are also a number of new effects that are being prototyped, including an advanced water effect and a particle system that will be showcased by the flamethrower, a weapon most commonly used in the South Pacific fighting. The engine will also have to handle the special lighting characteristics of dense jungle and will have dynamic lighting that we'll see in nighttime sequences where friendly troops throw flares to expose enemies hidden in the darkness. Last but not least, the AI is being revamped to make the enemies behave in a more squadlike manner. "
That is a PRE RENDERED face. The lighting engine of any game, its anti aliasing, etc would not allow any in-game polygonal structure to be able to stand up to that quality. As a modeler myself, that face is more than any computer during gameplay can be capable of..even if using LOD models (most LOD systems are based on multiple models)

I don't see as an MoH fan that the game has absolutely no prerendered parts, when you can clearly see the opening scene in Allied Assault is ALL pre rendered :rolleyes: If you've noticed MoH, there are alot more use of pre-rendering, especially when you notice the latest MoH: Rising Sun (thats the console version, not Pacific Assault..) trailer's beginning is all pre-rendered.

If THATs in-game, then I guess EA's MoH team dumped wanting the most for every audience and went for total next-next-gen graphics which only the highest end system could run on.
Originally posted by Speculator
That is a PRE RENDERED face. The lighting engine of any game, its anti aliasing, etc would not allow any in-game polygonal structure to be able to stand up to that quality. As a modeler myself, that face is more than any computer during gameplay can be capable of..even if using LOD models (most LOD systems are based on multiple models)

I don't see as an MoH fan that the game has absolutely no prerendered parts, when you can clearly see the opening scene in Allied Assault is ALL pre rendered :rolleyes: If you've noticed MoH, there are alot more use of pre-rendering, especially when you notice the latest MoH: Rising Sun (thats the console version, not Pacific Assault..) trailer's beginning is all pre-rendered.

If THATs in-game, then I guess EA's MoH team dumped wanting the most for every audience and went for total next-next-gen graphics which only the highest end system could run on.

Do you want me to post a image of Doom 3's main character face?... It's very similar except it doesn't have all that paint. In fact, Half-Life 2 faces aren't that far from that either, better in some ways actually....
OMG!!! some people are dense :flame: In an exclusive interview Brandy creative producer Bell EA's medal of honor franchise in Australian PC powerplay mag. he says
MOHPA will featureing an ALL NEW graphics engine spec built for the job
please note no Quake 3 was mentioned!!! (not even the slightest bit is there...) he also states its called MOH Tech. Oh... and once and for all IT'S A RENDER PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Lifthz
Here's what Gamespot said about the games engine: (and no they didn't say it's the Quake III engine if you read...)

"Although parts of the engine are still based on Quake III technology, the EA team has completely rewritten the renderer to make the game competitive with next year's visual standards. "

Having new rendering technology does not mean its not using the Quake engine. Its the same with Call of Duty, it's base would be the Quake 3 engine, but everything else could be re-written. It could be cosidered a new engine (ala Half Life is based on the Quake 1/2 engine), but its still based off the old Quake 3 engine.
PARTS of the engine is based on Quake III technology does not mean it's the Quake III engine though. A completely re-written renderer could possibly mean the whole game is coded in DX9 for example...

It surely is not the Quake III engine.
Arrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!! IT IS NOT A MODIFIED QUAKE 3 ENGINE!!!! In an exclusive interview he states they ditched the Q3 engine they intended to use and made a completely new one ( He states its been in development for 5 months now....) end of story ok!?

(Note: I would scan it but...well you know the rules :()
Originally posted by commando
they wouldn't jus go out their way, make a really detailed face, show it to everyone and say, here is a soldiers face you will not be seeing ingame.

trust it will be ingame face :)
Why wouldn't they? Seems to be working on you. If they did go out of their way to make that really detailed face in Maya (or whatever), then you would fall for it and buy a crappy game simply because you believe they'd never do that. Little ironic, huh?

Trust me. You're not going to see that in-game. That face was not rendered using their engine. It was rendered using Maya or Max or some other modelling software.

The g-man in the tech demo was rendered using source. That was the whole point of the video. They were showing off what the source engine is capable of rendering. This is what the source engine is more than capable of rendering (Also note that this is an old screenshot. It'll be even better than this on release). It can also do this.

Now, compare this 'in-game' render with another one. The second doesn't even look mildly as good.

And don't give me this 'LOD' crap. Are you saying that if you were inside a building, the characters and building will be rendered using super high-poly models. Then, if you went outside, the scenery outside would be rubbish, using obvious sprites for bushes. Also, if the characters were to follow you outside, they would now look awful because they have been re-rendered using lower poly models. It doesn't work that way. Ever heard of a little thing called vis?

The entire 360 degree scene around you is rendered in one go. If you quickly turn around, the engine is not constantly rendering new models in a futile effort to keep up with you. The stuff behind you, including all the player models, have been rendered already. If you turn around you are simply rotating a virtual camera. The engine doesn't have to keep rendering everything new that the camera can see. If it had to do this, there is no way any game would render anything in time for you to see it when you turned aroud. Complex models are not just rendered instantly, you know?

As well as the entire scene around you, the scene and players around the corners from your position are also rendered. This way, if you quickly turn a corner, you are not going to witness the new scene rendering infront of you. However, the engine will now be rendering the next scenes that you might stumble upon. This means that by the time you get to the next corner, the scene around there will be fully renendered and you can step around it without seeing a void where the engine is quickly trying to render the scene. This is basically how the vis system works for pretty much all 3D rendered games.

For example, this might be what the player can see, but this is what the engine has rendered.

Now, by your 'LOD' system, if you were to look at a character from a distance, he would be rendered using a low-poly model. Are you saying that if you were to walk closer to him, he would be instantly re-rendered using a higer-poly model? I don't think so.

Conclusion: It's a pre-render for the purpose of fooling people into thinking that the engine is much better than it actually is. They won't tell anyone that it's a pre-render, but the wont tell anyone that it's an in-game shot either. Nice and legal.

EDIT: Damn colours. :)
You know what I give up too. Until the truth comes out.
Yeah. The scaling system in HL2 does not work in the way DelaZ is saying.

It is simply a one time test to see what your system can handle. It then knows what LOD to render everything to achive at least 60 fps. It doesn't change on the fly whilst in-game.
I'm not conviced by your take on thinks n0thing. Either I've misread what you've said or i'm coming at this from a different angle to you.

Turning round has nothing to do with changing what the gfx engine renders, things are rendered upwards of 60 times a second in game, it doesn't draw someone round the corner, hide it in gfx memory an then wait for you to see him and just slap it on the screen.

The LOD system mentioned in source uses smaller, less detailed, textures the further away something is, this takes up less video memory. Wether you are indoors or out has nothing to do with it. It comes down to the distance from the view point not it's location in the gameworld. They may have a similar system which drops the polycount of the model the further away it is however i'm not too sure on that.
Originally posted by MoJo|Night
it doesn't draw someone round the corner, hide it in gfx memory an then wait for you to see him and just slap it on the screen. - Yes it does.

The smaller and less detailed textures from a distance are also used in Half-Life 1. It is not a strain on your system to simply scale up and down a simple graphic on the fly. You cannot simply scale a complex model, however. For every new step on the scale, you'd need a completly new model altogether.

You can't just drop the poly-count on an already rendered model. You need to re-render a whole new model that has a lower polycount. This cannot be done instantly in-game and you will definatly notice it. Also, how many game developers are going to take the time to create all these seperate models for simply one character or thing in the game?

Half-Life 2 does not have a system that scales polys of models based on distances to the model. It just couldn't be done. The amount of time taken to create the game would be stupendous, the amount of storage space the game would take on your hard-drive would be stupendous. And, after all that, it still wouldn't work. Not by a long shot.
For you education I thought I'd make clear that there are two MOH games in development.
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun- Console game on all three systems
Medal of Honor Pacific Assault-PC game
I know at least a few people who have confused the two so far.
Oh you make me laugh... because you have no idea how game renderers or video cards work.

"Now, by your 'LOD' system, if you were to look at a character from a distance, he would be rendered using a low-poly model. Are you saying that if you were to walk closer to him, he would be instantly re-rendered using a higer-poly model? I don't think so."
Yes, that is EXACTLY what a Level-of-Detail system does.

"The entire 360 degree scene around you is rendered in one go. If you quickly turn around, the engine is not constantly rendering new models in a futile effort to keep up with you. The stuff behind you, including all the player models, have been rendered already."
The entire 360 area around you is not rendered all the time... the textures and models may be stored in memory, but the only thing being rendered is what is in front of you (not to the left, right, back, top, or bottom of you). The only thing you got semi-right is that things behind walls are sometimes rendered, but that depends on the engine (if you have a Kyro video card it won't render anything that isn't seen).

The vis process does what I just said about rendering things behind walls... it goes through the level and generates data that is used when you play the game to tell the game not to render areas that it has determined that you can't see from the place you are standing.

... but my favorite quote is this:
"there is no way any game would render anything in time for you to see it when you turned aroud. Complex models are not just rendered instantly, you know?"
If you are playing at 60fps (without vsync on... because that makes the card wait until the next vertical refresh comes around)... all the calculations are done and the entire scene in front of you is re-rendered 60 times per second... or in roughly .0167 seconds.

EDIT: Ooh I didn't see this!
Originally posted by nØthing
You can't just drop the poly-count on an already rendered model. You need to re-render a whole new model that has a lower polycount. This cannot be done instantly in-game and you will definatly notice it. Also, how many game developers are going to take the time to create all these seperate models for simply one character or thing in the game?

Half-Life 2 does not have a system that scales polys of models based on distances to the model. It just couldn't be done. The amount of time taken to create the game would be stupendous, the amount of storage space the game would take on your hard-drive would be stupendous. And, after all that, it still wouldn't work. Not by a long shot.
Ahem, dynamic scaling of polycounts can work in-game. It was working in TF2 years ago... but when they bumped up the polycounts of the models (when moving over to Source) the calculations needed to lower polycounts on-the-fly took more time than the technology saved on rendering... so they scrapped it.

"how many game developers are going to take the time to create all these seperate models for simply one character or thing in the game?"
... lots of developers use static LOD systems (making a bunch of models of the same object with varying levels of detail).
Nah that screen shot shows how many objects it has to render including ones you can't see. However occlusion code prevents most objects or model being rendered which is out of the los completely these days.

But in essence I'm with you on the objects and models being stored in memory, fair enough.

In dev chats and IRC logs etc gabe and co have stated that there are 4 detail levels for objects in game and if your fps drops below 60fps the system will change the level of detail to keep the fps up. Any ideas how anyone? or even if it's possible?

The number of particles etc could be lowered on the fly from smoke I would have thought, and possibly even drawdistance if you wanted to could maybe be altered. Other than that?
Nothing can i just clear something up? Do you think stuff nearby you is rendered and ready to appear on screen and then put in a queue in case you see it?

The engine and gfx card render each and every thing in your view every frame. That's hopeully at least 60 times a second. If they didn't animating things and people would be impossible.

The inclusion of textures and objects and models in memory that you can't see yet does happen but those objects are then rendered many times a second when they are in view. It's not a case of drawing behind you incase you turn round, what if things had moved behind you? or changed stance or state?
Originally posted by OCybrManO
The entire 360 area around you is not rendered all the time... the textures and models may be stored in memory, but the only thing being rendered is what is in front of you (not to the left, right, back, top, or bottom of you). The only thing you got semi-right is that things behind walls are sometimes rendered depending, but that depends on the engine (if you have a Kyro video card it won't render anything that isn't seen).
A complex model that is rendered does not mean that it is displayed on your screen. There is a difference between the calculations done to render a model and the calculations done to render a frame. At 60 fps, the scene is not rendered 60 times per second, but displayed 60 times per second. The scene is rendered once, and then the calculations done to display the scene 60 times per second. The resolution that you're running in determines the complexity of rendering a frame. If you are running at 1024x786, then 60 frames containing 1024x768 pixels are rendered. If you change the position of the camera, the entire model is not rendered all over again in a different position. The model has already been rendered; it simply has to calculate the new way to display it for the next frame.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
The vis process does what I just said about rendering things behind walls... it goes through the level and generates data that is used when you play the game to tell the game not to render areas that it has determined that you can't see from the place you are standing.
If that is so, then why in this screenshot are there areas rendered that the player cannot see from the place that he is standing? If that scene could render as fast as you say it could, then why is it being rendered when the player cannot directly see it? Wouldn't it reduce a bit of CPU usage if it wasn't rendered now, and only rendered when the player moves outside?

If you were to create a map with no-vis (which can be done, by the way, try it!) then the entire map is rendered constantly. This means that the calculations done to render 1 frame is alot heavier. It has to know which part of the map you can see, and which part you cannot see. If there is no vis, then it needs to take into account alot of information. It has to take into account the entire map, but if there is vis, then it can take into account a lesser amount of information and render a frame much faster at the expense of higher bps file sizes. Good trade-off really, I'd say.

Now please. Don't be so damn rude. I hate it when people are rude all the time.
Originally posted by MoJo|Night
The inclusion of textures and objects and models in memory that you can't see yet does happen but those objects are then rendered many times a second when they are in view. It's not a case of drawing behind you incase you turn round, what if things had moved behind you? or changed stance or state?
A model does not have to be re-rendered when animated. The model has already been rendered, the positions of the polygon's vertices are just moved in accordance with the camera. It's just like the same thing as the camera moving.
Originally posted by commando
welll i gotta admit the MOHPA soldier face is looks mighty fine! i mean the dirt on face, the teeth! sooooo cool.

prob using the same BRAND new engine so hay both same i say.

(but hl2 have the better ANIMATIONS and better all around :) )

Oh you've seen the game in action? so how was it? :dozey:
Originally posted by DelaZ
ok.. but the rest looks good.. and the mouth.. with those teeth.. look better then HL2.. me thinks.
Don't get me wrong.. im a big fan of HL2. But i hate those fanboys who you can't argue with... CAUSE HL2 ownz teh moh tech in the hizzle!
Just trying to start a conversation here :)

HL2 does it in real time though

any one can make something prerendered look better than HL2
Originally posted by nØthing
Why wouldn't they? Seems to be working on you. If they did go out of their way to make that really detailed face in Maya (or whatever), then you would fall for it and buy a crappy game simply because you believe they'd never do that. Little ironic, huh?

Trust me. You're not going to see that in-game. That face was not rendered using their engine. It was rendered using Maya or Max or some other modelling software.

The g-man in the tech demo was rendered using source. That was the whole point of the video. They were showing off what the source engine is capable of rendering. This is what the source engine is more than capable of rendering (Also note that this is an old screenshot. It'll be even better than this on release). It can also do this.

Now, compare this 'in-game' render with another one. The second doesn't even look mildly as good.

And don't give me this 'LOD' crap. Are you saying that if you were inside a building, the characters and building will be rendered using super high-poly models. Then, if you went outside, the scenery outside would be rubbish, using obvious sprites for bushes. Also, if the characters were to follow you outside, they would now look awful because they have been re-rendered using lower poly models. It doesn't work that way. Ever heard of a little thing called vis?

The entire 360 degree scene around you is rendered in one go. If you quickly turn around, the engine is not constantly rendering new models in a futile effort to keep up with you. The stuff behind you, including all the player models, have been rendered already. If you turn around you are simply rotating a virtual camera. The engine doesn't have to keep rendering everything new that the camera can see. If it had to do this, there is no way any game would render anything in time for you to see it when you turned aroud. Complex models are not just rendered instantly, you know?

As well as the entire scene around you, the scene and players around the corners from your position are also rendered. This way, if you quickly turn a corner, you are not going to witness the new scene rendering infront of you. However, the engine will now be rendering the next scenes that you might stumble upon. This means that by the time you get to the next corner, the scene around there will be fully renendered and you can step around it without seeing a void where the engine is quickly trying to render the scene. This is basically how the vis system works for pretty much all 3D rendered games.

For example, this might be what the player can see, but this is what the engine has rendered.

Now, by your 'LOD' system, if you were to look at a character from a distance, he would be rendered using a low-poly model. Are you saying that if you were to walk closer to him, he would be instantly re-rendered using a higer-poly model? I don't think so.

Conclusion: It's a pre-render for the purpose of fooling people into thinking that the engine is much better than it actually is. They won't tell anyone that it's a pre-render, but the wont tell anyone that it's an in-game shot either. Nice and legal.

EDIT: Damn colours. :)

That's nice and all, but you sir are a cheater!
You know what? I'm an idiot, so ignore me please. The other guy is right :)

However, I still doubt that that screenshot is an in-game render.
Having actually done some low-level rendering programming (for school of course):

1) You can't pre-render models and really get anything out of it. You don't know what angle they'll be displayed at nor what scale they'll be at. You could concievably pre-load the models into memory, but that wouldn't involve any sort of rendering - just loading the model.

2) In your screenshot, some of those surfaces could be elimated by more complex culling. Of course the problem is that if you spend too much time figuring out what NOT to render, you slow the whole thing down. You have to find an optimized solution that culls as much as possible in as little time as possible. You still have to track things off-screen of course.

If you use a pre-culling algorithm (what to hide from what viewpoint) then you have to decide how much memory you are willing to give for that purpose. More memory = higher resolution = fewer mistakes. However, it does cost more memory. If you lower the resolution of the culling matrix/grid then you'll end up rendering more, more often.

From your comments on VIS in HL maps, I assume that HL does in fact use a pre-runtime culling matrix/grid. Since the character COULD see those spots without moving too far, we can guess at the resolution of the culling matrix.

3) Models have to be re-rendered every time they move. You could theoretically store a 2D view of a piece and translate/rotate/scale it but the results would not be very good. You'd lose things like perspective and get ugly texture stretching.