Better then the HL2 characters?

I don't see why all of you are bitching about the graphics.. MOH:AA was a great game.. (with the exception of that sniper level) The multiplayer could have been better though.. Either way I'll probably end up getting this latest installment since I've been hooked on MOH since PSX..
Originally posted by FAK3R
I don't see why all of you are bitching about the graphics.. MOH:AA was a great game.. (with the exception of that sniper level) The multiplayer could have been better though.. Either way I'll probably end up getting this latest installment since I've been hooked on MOH since PSX..
Yeh same here. What im excited about is the water :), its a drastic change from whats worked with in the Unreal Warfare engine.
Originally posted by DelaZ

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

I think it looks awesome... far better then HL2!

The eyes could use some more detail tough..
Wow. That really sucks. Valve has nothing to worry about.
mountain man i am soz but no it doesn't sux. the face is FANTASTIC.

put the hl2 face next to the soldier face. IT IS GR8!!!

hl2 will still be SOOOO MUCH MORE better don't get me wrong. but still that soldier face is so realistic.

but i know it will still not have the realism in animations, and emotions and all that
Originally posted by Ahnteis
Having actually done some low-level rendering programming (for school of course):

1) You can't pre-render models and really get anything out of it. You don't know what angle they'll be displayed at nor what scale they'll be at. You could concievably pre-load the models into memory, but that wouldn't involve any sort of rendering - just loading the model.

2) In your screenshot, some of those surfaces could be elimated by more complex culling. Of course the problem is that if you spend too much time figuring out what NOT to render, you slow the whole thing down. You have to find an optimized solution that culls as much as possible in as little time as possible. You still have to track things off-screen of course.

If you use a pre-culling algorithm (what to hide from what viewpoint) then you have to decide how much memory you are willing to give for that purpose. More memory = higher resolution = fewer mistakes. However, it does cost more memory. If you lower the resolution of the culling matrix/grid then you'll end up rendering more, more often.

From your comments on VIS in HL maps, I assume that HL does in fact use a pre-runtime culling matrix/grid. Since the character COULD see those spots without moving too far, we can guess at the resolution of the culling matrix.

3) Models have to be re-rendered every time they move. You could theoretically store a 2D view of a piece and translate/rotate/scale it but the results would not be very good. You'd lose things like perspective and get ugly texture stretching.
Ah I see. I've been completly wrong in how I percieve what is happening with 3D moddeling. I see now that rendering a model is not what I thought it was. I thought that rendering meant that it calculated and drew the entire model, even the things on the back of the model which could not be seen. Then, if the camera was to rotate around the model, you were now simply in the position to see the things that could not be seen before.

I see now that rendering means to draw each frame, and it only draws what the camera can see. Determining what the camera can see, however, is the problem. The entire model which is forward from the camera's position must be taken into account to determine which bit of it to render. This is alot of information when there is no vis, and so takes longer to render each frame, which causes an fps drop. If there is vis, which is the 'pre-runtime culling matrix/grid' that you talk of, then the game can cut out alot of the geometry information and it can render the visible scene much faster. This, of course, would mean that the map would take longer to load and also take more space in memory as the filesize of the bsp file would be larger.

I also see that if there is too much pre-culling, although the frames would render alot quicker, the filesizes would get too big and take up way too much memory when loaded. This is why those wireframes can be seen around corners. If they were to cut it down immensly and take only the information that the camera can see, the file sizes would be enormous.

Am I right now?
people need to learn how to use 'then' and 'than' ... it's driving me crazy!!!!

then = chronological. eg: first I'll kill you and THEN your brother.
than = for comparisons. eg: MOH better THAN half-life 2?

baby steps..
Yes. However, something like a player model probably only has minimal culling done. (Anything that has the normal pointed the same direction as the viewer is looking is probably skipped.) There are still a lot of surfaces that are rendered but not actually seen.
Did anyone mention that the face looks alot like the prerendered movies in MOH:AA. PS. Me likey Medal of Honor. The sound especially, I remember I was in bestbuy and they had an Alienware display with it playing and some amazing speakers. So I bought MOH and those speakers that day despite having no source of income at the time.
MoH was a good game with nice production values, but it's level design in some instances was appalling. I'm thinking of the sniper level in particular. Nothing says fun like walking a few steps, dying, reloading, killing the sniper that you now know to look for, walking a few more steps, dying, reload, wash, rinse, and repeat. That and the level where you have use a sniper rifle to protect the tank while enemies poured up the stairs behind you. That's the point I uninstalled it.
I'm not totally sure if the face is rendered or not, so I will keep my troughts to me. I will point out one thing anyway. If you look closely, the face self-shadow itself, and actually looking better than the Doom 3 self shadows.
dude mohaa is easy completed it in 2days, aint been beating online, and i now make levels for it (((they think that my singleplayer campaign level i made is goin to well be the BEST custom made SP level out for MOHAA!!! :) :) :)

it is called test_honour.
i also made test_town. both got 10/10 he he
Allow me to sum these 12 pages of posting up into one phrase!
- MOH looks like crap and HL2 owns every little thing about MOH period.
How did this get to 12 pages long?

That is a very good player model there, almost on par with HL2's - whether it's a render or in game or whatever is irrelevant it's a good model - but I bet it won't have any sort of mentionable facial animation system or anything to make it stand out from HL2.

And yes, I haven't read a single page of this thread so I've probably just repeated what someone else said.
/looks at alb1221 foliage screenshot

Yep, that's the Quake 3 engine alright.
the trees, textures, hand/gun fps view models, and water all look like ass compared to hl2.
other than the fake looking jungle, the models are excellent. Do these pics have aa on?
They've had some sort of effect applied to make the picture look smoother. Can't tell whether it was done in the game engine or applied after the screenshot was taken. It does look slightly blurry and soft in places.
once with photoshop I made a cs pic look like r6 ravenshield it made me happy
Omg 13 pages i gave up after 8.

MoH: PA looks ok but think of the PC it needs to run :)
EA love useing 1.7Ghz PCs and uber Graphics cards, so looking at this game if it aint "pre-renderd" you'll probable need a 2.4Ghz :p so not many people will beable to play it with those details.
Originally posted by alb1221
once with photoshop I made a cs pic look like r6 ravenshield it made me happy

OMG it's Ralph Wiggum from the Simpsons!! :eek:

Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and then the baby looked at me.
All right, lets be fair the face does look damn good .. at least is good as HL2 characters. (the teeth are even better)

But all the other screenshots look terrible. I've seen better modelled weapons in CS.

I doubt it's in-game though. It would look really weird if the models had such detailed faces in a game with so little detail. I think it's more likely from a cutscene or something.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
All right, lets be fair the face does look damn good .. at least is good as HL2 characters. (the teeth are even better)

But all the other screenshots look terrible. I've seen better modelled weapons in CS.

I doubt it's in-game though. It would look really weird if the models had such detailed faces in a game with so little detail. I think it's more likely from a cutscene or something.

thats not a real in game pic, its a render...the models wont look like that at all.
looks at alb1221 foliage screenshot

Yep, that's the Quake 3 engine alright.

No it's not. It is in no way even connected to the quake 3 engine. They have made an all new engine called MOH Tech that has been development for 5 months now.

Also the face is a render. As someone has already stated look at the self shadowing!? there is no game now that makes soft blended shadows on charecters faces. Why is it so hard to realize that this is just a render? sheeesh....
what do you think the moh tech "engine" is based off of? moh AA was made using a modified quake 3 engine. just like this game will be.
No in the interview it actually says unlike the first MOH, MOHPA will not be based off a modified Q3 engine it is an all NEW engine. So don't make ill-informed statements if you have no idea what you are talking about ok!?
Your not very informed either so the same could be said either way.

and im with crabcakes it does look like ass...not to mention if it gets the same treatment as MOH did from the devs then its destined to be crap...they just let that games cheating run rampant instead of doing anything about it. and i bet you they will do it again
Well I've never been a fan of MOH anyway, played it before a couple times but never at my house, heh.
show me a game that DOESN"T look like a cartoon... thxkgoodbye
If you go to IGN they actually have screenshots of face models from the game. That image is there to but its not in-game.