Bioshock reviewed!!

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That's so retarded it isn't even funny.
No, no, I feel his pain. Without piracy, I never would have fallen in love with this guy!!


so developers/publishers/retailers should lose money just so that your garage is clean?

... /me shakes head over state of today's youth

look if you're going to pirate games at least dont attempt to justify it with some lame half assed excuse, own up to the fact that you're stealing somone else's work; take responsibility for your actions ffs
I know I am, and if that work is complete bollocks, I`m glad I didn`t buy it.
The reason I said before wasn`t a justification, it was the reason I download games before I buy em, if I buy em.

Last time I trusted a gamingsite review and some "experts" on gaming, I bought Oblivion. That was a total waste of money. The thing is collecting dust in some corner now.

Read it when on lunch from work, sounds good :D
Last time I trusted a gamingsite review and some "experts" on gaming, I bought Oblivion. That was a total waste of money. The thing is collecting dust in some corner now.

Enemies levelling with you FTL :flame: That put me off that game for life
I know I am, and if that work is complete bollocks, I`m glad I didn`t buy it.
The reason I said before wasn`t a justification, it was the reason I download games before I buy em, if I buy em.

Last time I trusted a gamingsite review and some "experts" on gaming, I bought Oblivion. That was a total waste of money. The thing is collecting dust in some corner now.

you're still deferring blame .."game reviews make me pirate" and "I need to prevent gameboxes from collecting dust in some corner of my house"

you're still not taking responsibility for stealing someone elses work
I stole Quake 4 and take full responsibility.

Purge me!

(if it makes anyone feel better, it was so poo I broke back into their offices and put it back)
I am a pirate and own Gamestop stock.

I am a hypocrite, SMITE ME Stern!
I stole Quake 4 and take full responsibility.

Purge me!

(if it makes anyone feel better, it was so poo I broke back into their offices and put it back)

but now you have to make amends for the bigger crime of Breaking and Entering

/me dials the poe-leese
you're still deferring blame .."game reviews make me pirate" and "I need to prevent gameboxes from collecting dust in some corner of my house"

you're still not taking responsibility for stealing someone elses work
How do gamereviews make me pirate? I don`t care about the gameboxes and dust, it`s the freaking money I would spend on half-assed games with a 40 dolla price-tag.
All the games I`ve bought, thanks to downloading them first are bloody awesome. That method has proven to be good for me. Not reviews, not other people, not even demos.
BF2 demo was great. Full game= medicore.
If a developer makes a game good enough, they`ll get the profit.
I know, how am I such a hypocrite that I`m afraid to lose my money but still steal others work. Well, because I just don`t want to lose my money on a pile of crap I won`t use. If downloading games is the way to do so, then shieeeeet.

Good thing I live in a country where the piracy laws are a bit ****ed, and I always get rid of em, just in case someone not invited could give me a visit.

I`m prolly one of the few who actually buy games after downloading them, so I won`t make a difference. Same as me not downloading.
That takes some shit off my chest, for me. Prolly not for you, but I would have to care what others think of me on the internet.

I wonder how many of us have never pirated a game. It's not something I do often (a handful at most over the years) or condone, but I get the impression that even the most respectful of internet users have pinched something at some point. Music, apps??
I have in the past pirated a few games and all kinds of music however I wont fumble with excuses like "they should have made a demo" or "game boxes are too big, therefore they justify being pirated because my closet isnt large enough" etc
I have in the past pirated a few games and all kinds of music however I wont fumble with excuses like "they should have made a demo" or "game boxes are too big, therefore they justify being pirated because my closet isnt large enough" etc
What was your justification for pirating then
I wouldn't have alot of things if I hadn't pirated them before.
most of my anime DVD's I would have never bought,music wise I would have nver boughten A Perfect Circle or a Tool CD if i hadn't downnloaded some songs first.
I have in the past pirated a few games and all kinds of music however I wont fumble with excuses like "they should have made a demo" or "game boxes are too big, therefore they justify being pirated because my closet isnt large enough" etc
Wow, now that is a prime example of totally losing the point.
You really think I don`t buy games cause I don`t want the boxes? seriously?
Dig in some more, maybe you`ll see the point in my post back there.
Wow, now that is a prime example of totally losing the point.
You really think I don`t buy games cause I don`t want the boxes? seriously?
Dig in some more, maybe you`ll see the point in my post back there.

man I cant talk to you dont understand basic points unless I'm completely without subtlty, implication or analogies ...why do I waste my time when people dont understand SIMPLE english? what's worse is that you dont even understand what you're saying ... I'm not going to further explain anything as it's all there for you to decipher and misconstrue, have at it
I pirate old games sometimes because A. Im not paying for Star Wars games B. Saves a trip to the store C. I feel like the guys from the movie heat when they are in the street in the shootout. D. Makes me happy to stick it to the man sometimes (or broke game companies) I have spent so much money on video games I think im entitled to a coupon :)

As for music, I dont have TOO much illegal music....
man I cant talk to you dont understand basic points unless I'm completely without subtlty, implication or analogies ...why do I waste my time when people dont understand SIMPLE english? what's worse is that you dont even understand what you're saying ... I'm not going to further explain anything as it's all there for you to decipher and misconstrue, have at it
You missed the point there, don`t try to pull the quit card.
oh for the love of god, I didnt miss anything it was you who missed it from the very beginning ..AND YOU STILL CONTINUE TO DO SO
man I cant talk to you dont understand basic points unless I'm completely without subtlty, implication or analogies ...why do I waste my time when people dont understand SIMPLE english? what's worse is that you dont even understand what you're saying ... I'm not going to further explain anything as it's all there for you to decipher and misconstrue, have at it

Where have I seen this conclusion before?

It's not like pirating games and music is a social stigma on the internet. Half of the people in this thread have come right out and said they have. They can justify it any way they want to, but at the heart of it all it's about accessibility. Go to the store and pay $50 for a game, or wait overnight for it to download? As I said before, more companies need to switch over to a system like Steam... or have Steam be the end all of online game purchases. It seems like it's heading in that direction as it is.
Well if this is happening a lot (from what I've been seeing lately, it has), maybe you should explain a little more. Remember, you talking to the "youth" of today, as you put it. We don't have the mental capacity to understand subtle hints.
oh for the love of god, I didnt miss anything it was you who missed it from the very beginning ..AND YOU STILL CONTINUE TO DO SO
Ok, enlighten me, what did I miss?
funny as I didn`t arque against anything or disagreed with anyone in the beginning, so I wanna see the point I missed.
Well if this is happening a lot (from what I've been seeing lately, it has), maybe you should explain a little more. Remember, you talking to the "youth" of today, as you put it. We don't have the mental capacity to understand subtle hints.

why should I dumb myself down? dont understand? dont respond simple as that ..and your snide comment about the youth of today is unjstified ..i have said on more than a few occasions that there's quite a few young people here who are very smart and sharp as a razor dont pigeon hole me as some crusty old guy waving his cane at teens for no apparent reason.
I seriously didn't understand a word you just typed.

****, I just responded, too.
Get back in your comfy chair and drink your soup, Sterny :)
Ok, enlighten me, what did I miss?
funny as I didn`t arque against anything or disagreed with anyone in the beginning, so I wanna see the point I missed.

forget it, I've already attempted 3 times. I've posted the exact same reasoning more than once yet you still dont seem to understand the point. Will a 4th or 5th explanation lead to understanding? doubtful, so why bother? look if you really want to know what I wrote till some imaginary lightbulb goes off in your head

hint: it has nothing to do with dusty boxes
forget it, I've already attempted 3 times. I've posted the exact same reasoning more than once yet you still dont seem to understand the point. Will a 4th or 5th explanation lead to understanding? doubtful, so why bother? look if you really want to know what I wrote till some imaginary lightbulb goes off in your head

hint: it has nothing to do with dusty boxes
What the only "point" i could find was there is still no justification to piracy?, but that fails as I`ve never tried to justified it.
Nice try, maybe it`ll work with someone else who thinks that a "confident" quiting means being right.
What the only "point" i could find was there is still no justification to piracy?, but that fails as I`ve never tried to justified it.
Nice try, maybe it`ll work with someone else who thinks that a "confident" quiting means being right.

please, you couldnt debate your way out of a paper bag ..the very fact that you take everything at face value proves you're less than sharp ..I've already wasted far too much time on you ...and for the love of all that's ****ing holy YOU DID TRY TO JUSTIFY IT ..jebus h christ on a pogo stick you dont even understand what you write much less what i write ...and you expect me to reason with you? :LOL:

but by all means why doesnt everyone jump into this debate? ..Qonfused? pulse? this is your personal business right?
Not really. We're kind of waiting back to see if this thread still has a chance after you've ravaged it. It isn't looking good.
So! Bioshock, eh? How 'bout that. Lookin' good. Yeah.
please, you couldnt debate your way out of a paper bag ..the very fact that you take everything at face value proves you're less than sharp ..I've already wasted far too much time on you

but by all means why doesnt everyone jump into this debate? ..Qonfused? pulse? this is your personal business right?
Again, the same shit you tried to do before.
I still want to see the point I "missed". You said you ain`t gonna waste no time on me before, yet, instead of posting this, you could have given me that "point".

Nice try, too bad it failed.
Face value? don`t try to save yourself by trying to make your posts look different or deeper.

I bring the reason I download games, and some has to come and say THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION, even when I didn`t claim to have one.
Show me where I tried to justify it?
please, you couldnt debate your way out of a paper bag ..the very fact that you take everything at face value proves you're less than sharp ..I've already wasted far too much time on you ...and for the love of all that's ****ing holy YOU DID TRY TO JUSTIFY IT ..jebus h christ on a pogo stick you dont even understand what you write much less what i write ...and you expect me to reason with you? :LOL:

but by all means why doesnt everyone jump into this debate? ..Qonfused? pulse? this is your personal business right?
Internet is my business.
I have a question for you L3adCannon, since you seem so sure of yourself, what is your age? Just wondering.
This is a forum, arguments happen kids. Lets cease with the Stern did this, Stern raped that, Stern touched that bullshit. If the argument gets out of hand it'll be stopped, but so far it's hardly the epic battle of two titans, so we'll let it play out. People are allowed to argue, you know.


In the likely event you do not like the thread you find yourself in, whether it be a religious argument or argument of any kind, your escape routes are as follows (in red):

I have a question for you L3adCannon, since you seem so sure of yourself, what is your age? Just wondering.
Let me quess. If I`d be between 10-15, I would be too young to even debate. If I`d be above that, I would be <random bs about maturity, life, business and making money>? amirite or what?
I`m so sure of myself cause I know Stern took this "you missed the point from the beginning" to save his ass.

Samon we use the same firefox skin, I'M AMAZED!
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