
I love the music they use in their trailers.
I'm liking this art style, its something slightly different than what we're so used to.
Argh - I want it now!

Anyone know how demanding the Unreal 3 engine is? Not sure whether to upgrade for this or not.
Not very demanding at all.
I can run most UE3 games on medium/high without any slow down: Mass Effect, UT3, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, America's Army 3, Gears of War, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Bioshock, MoH: Airborne, Frontlines: Fuels of War, Mirror's Edge... you get the idea.

My rig is a mix of 3 year old(video card and ram) and 7 year old technology.(everything else D: )

Although, since this is going to be an open world game I think we can definitely say it's going to be more demanding than most UE3 games.
Well, I was determined to not get too interested in new games because I have a list that's already way too long, but of course I open this thread and read through it and frankly, I ****ing love what I see.

However, there is hope that this game could be completely underwhelming! I find the cinematic-ish trailers more exciting because they feature awesome four player co-op against giant and awesome monsters, but in the actual gameplay trailers it seems like they just shuoot over and over at generic looking enemies. And the weapons system sounds interesting, but it looks like the guns are all the damn same from the videos. So I'll try to be hopeful (that this sucks).
I already like the personality of the game, hoping the gameplay matches my hopes
New gameplay videos

I can't say that i am impressed. :(
I was really looking forward to this but these combat videos have turned me off now.
The floating numbers and crits are beyond ****ing distracting. I'd be less annoyed if it contained some blood and gore but it's nowhere to be seen. The combat looks way to grindy for me. This seems more like a redundant hack and slash rpg than a shooter.
other than the art direction and rendering technique and the fact that it's 4 player coop...I have yet to be impressed by any of the game-play I've seen.
New gameplay videos

I can't say that i am impressed. :(
I was really looking forward to this but these combat videos have turned me off now.
The floating numbers and crits are beyond ****ing distracting. I'd be less annoyed if it contained some blood and gore but it's nowhere to be seen. The combat looks way to grindy for me. This seems more like a redundant hack and slash rpg than a shooter.
They've definitely got the gore in there, but they seem to have it turned off in some videos for whatever reason.
I don't get these misgivings - the gameplay looks like standard fps fare. You run about and shoot things. It may be a little uninspired, but look at CoD - utterly generic and one dimensional, yet lapped up by 1000s. It'll be the loot, skill trees, vehicles, and cooperation with friends that makes this fun.
I don't get these misgivings - the gameplay looks like standard fps fare. You run about and shoot things. It may be a little uninspired, but look at CoD - utterly generic and one dimensional, yet lapped up by 1000s. It'll be the loot, skill trees, vehicles, and cooperation with friends that makes this fun.

Even COD has more depth to its gunplay than this. You and the enemies in cod hide in cover every once in awhile. In this one, everyone just stands out in open areas and shoots each other, with maybe some strafing action every now and then.
We won't know how involved the game is untill we get our hands on it. I don't expect amazing, genre defining things, but do expect challenging moments that require cooperation and utilising your skills effectively. I'm also wondering how far down the diablo/wow route they're going to take this - will we be tanking bosses, dealing with adds, and filling support rolls? This alone would make for an interesting take on fps and would be a damn site more involved than CoD.
Even COD has more depth to its gunplay than this. You and the enemies in cod hide in cover every once in awhile. In this one, everyone just stands out in open areas and shoots each other, with maybe some strafing action every now and then.

I doubt that's the case.

Gamespot said:
In any case, the early mission structure seems to do a good job of leading you around as you gradually restore the ruined town of Fyrestone and blast randomly generated hordes of enemies to kingdom come. These low-pressure encounters are a good way to get used to the shooting mechanics, which, at least in solo play, will absolutely require you to make smart use of cover.

Hi guiz, just got back from holidays so I am trying to catch up a bit. Just read a Dutch preview that sorta said the same as the Shacknews preview: this game is probably more fun in co-op than singleplayer. Which is quite alright with me, since I like multiplayer better. The Dutch preview also made quite clear that Borderlands won't be a real open world game like FO3 or Oblivion. It has loading screens between maps.
I like how the first thing you see on that page when it loads is ass.

e too.

Also, from the Wikipedia page: "We saw a ridiculous amount of guns, but perhaps the strangest was a revolver that fired shotgun shells. Gearbox is constantly surprised with what the system comes up with. They've seen rifles shoot everything from homing darts to rockets. "One of the guns tracks onto something and locks, and after three seconds, [the target] suddenly explodes, director Matthew Armstrong says."[citation needed]

I'm pretty sure this game is going to be amazing.
Some new gameplay movies from the demo the gaming press seems to be playing:

Hunting bandits | HD

Ninetoes gets it | HD

The first video shows a couple of level 1 thugs getting killed and the second one seems to be the first boss fight of the game, Ninetoes being a lvl 5.

Watching videos of this game gives me a fuzzy feeling.
This game keeps looking more dull and disappointing with each video.

Also, another annoying attempt at humor.
sure hope you can crank up difficulty and that will affect AI behaviour to be more aggressive...looks like there's no challenge at all.